Commits on Source (24)
Liam M. Healy authored
The definition of defmfun has been expanded to permit NIL as the name of the function, in which case it is created as a lambda.
Liam M. Healy authored
Definitions for 2D histograms: methods for grid:aref, set-zero, and conversion of max-range to generic function and methods. The max-range definitions require modifications to defmfun for including two GSL function calls in the method. These are untested.
Liam M. Healy authored
Add methods/functions for increment, range, max-range, min-range, grid:dimensions. This should complete the needed functions for 2D. It compiles, but nothing is tested.
Liam M. Healy authored
Liam M. Healy authored
Liam M. Healy authored
Liam M. Healy authored
Eliminate dependence on Osicat (which doesn't run on Windows) and use UIOP instead, which is already installed by virtue of using ASDF. Use trivial-features and add conditionals for :windows. Based on a patch posted by Mirko Vukovic.
Liam M. Healy authored
Merge in definitions of 2D histograms.
Liam M. Healy authored
Fixes #1
Liam M. Healy authored
Liam M. Healy authored
With GSL 1.13, the GSL API defines a way to set the parameters for the MISER and VEGAS Monte Carlo methods. This commit defines two generic functions, #'parameter and #'(setf parameter), to get and set the parameters, respectively. It loads but has not been tested. The previous way of setting the parameters, with macros > #'miser-parameter and #'vegas-parameter, are conditional to > #+obsolete-gsl and so do not normally load.
Liam M. Healy authored
Functions defined and used to support in GSL 1.13 the getting and setting of Monte Carlo parameters had mismatched arguments. These are fixed so now compiles without warnings. Still not tested.
Liam M. Healy authored
Minor fixes to reduce number of warnings during compilation, mostly by updating the foreign structure refrences for CFFI.
Liam M. Healy authored
Added definitions to GSLL for new definitions in GSL 1.13: #'greville-abscissa #'evaluate-with-derivatives +simplex-nelder-mead-random+ +quad-golden-fminimizer+ These additions compile cleanly, only evaluate-with-derivatives has been tested. This completes the port to GSLL of new definitions in GSL 1.13 as given in the GSL changelog.
Liam M. Healy authored
Release 2.0 of the GSL library changed the API for many functions, and this means that the previous versions of GSLL will not load for this release of the library. This is a start at handling these changes, with an initial focus on permitting GSLL to load and not yet insuring that the changed defintions function correctly. There are two such updates made here: 1) The elimination of multiple arguments in gsl_multifit_linear_svd, and consequently an internal change to #'linear-mfit-svd. 2) The elimination of the argument n in gsl_sf_ellint_D_e and consequently in #'elliptic-integral-D. This report is helpful in identifying the GSL API changes:
Liam M. Healy authored
Abort loading with explanation that GSLL does not yet work with GSL 2. Replace incorrect combination of read-time evaluation and read-time feature with a regular read-time feature on the symbol :gsl2 for when support is completed.
Liam M. Healy authored
This completes the first pass of changes so that GSLL will load with GSL 2.0 and above. It is not tested. It will still give an error when trying to load with GSL 2.
Liam M. Healy authored
Load GSL library version 19 ( in preference to version 0, if it is available. This version, corresponding to GSL 2.0+, loads but functions whose API changed have not been tested. This required a fix to have-at-least-gsl-version which was incorrectly comparing version numbers.
Liam M. Healy authored
Permutation object is now defined by defmobject. This should be more portable to various word sizes.
Liam M. Healy authored
Add key argument :initialize-when-making to defmobject, which controls whether initialization (by calling reinitialize-instance or some other function) happens when the make-* function defined by this macro is called. Choices are T=yes always NIL=no :default-T=optional (default T) :default-NIL=optional (default NIL) and the default is T to be consistent with previous behavior. This is used in the newly defined defmobject 'permutation.
Liam M. Healy authored
Function #'jacobian calls GSL2 function gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_jac with a second optional argument, this argument is the matrix into which the jacobian is written. If it is NIL, than the matrix is created with the new function #'make-jacobian-matrix. Covariance calculation #'ls-covariance calls #'jacoabian as in GSL1, but needs to pass result to #'mpointer to get a C pointer. To avoid reallocating covariance matrix repeatedly, call #'make-jacobian-matrix outside the iteration loop and pass as argument to ls-covariance, as shown in example #'nonlinear-least-squares-example.
Liam M. Healy authored
Workaround broken lisp-unit::assert-true and conditionalize away tests for Legendre functions that are no longer present in GSL 2. This reduces the number of errors when running (asdf:test-system :gsll).
Liam M. Healy authored
Apparently, the linear least squares functions gsl_multifit_linear_svd and gsl_multifit_wlinear_svd were replaced by gsl_multifit_linear_tsvd and gsl_multifit_wlinear_tsvd respectively, even though the original function names still exist. This fixes a compilation problem.
Liam M. Healy authored
- LICENSE 674 additions, 0 deletionsLICENSE
- basis-splines.lisp 9 additions, 2 deletionsbasis-splines.lisp
- calculus/monte-carlo-structs.lisp 26 additions, 2 deletionscalculus/monte-carlo-structs.lisp
- calculus/monte-carlo.lisp 65 additions, 3 deletionscalculus/monte-carlo.lisp
- data/combination.lisp 6 additions, 6 deletionsdata/combination.lisp
- data/foreign-array.lisp 5 additions, 5 deletionsdata/foreign-array.lisp
- data/permutation.lisp 26 additions, 57 deletionsdata/permutation.lisp
- documentation/index.html 10 additions, 18 deletionsdocumentation/index.html
- eigensystems/nonsymmetric.lisp 3 additions, 3 deletionseigensystems/nonsymmetric.lisp
- gsll.asd 408 additions, 411 deletionsgsll.asd
- histogram/ntuple.lisp 3 additions, 3 deletionshistogram/ntuple.lisp
- histogram/updating-accessing.lisp 125 additions, 21 deletionshistogram/updating-accessing.lisp
- init/defmfun.lisp 40 additions, 30 deletionsinit/defmfun.lisp
- init/generic.lisp 29 additions, 0 deletionsinit/generic.lisp
- init/gsl-version.lisp 42 additions, 0 deletionsinit/gsl-version.lisp
- init/init.lisp 8 additions, 7 deletionsinit/init.lisp
- init/interface.lisp 3 additions, 21 deletionsinit/interface.lisp
- init/mobject.lisp 47 additions, 35 deletionsinit/mobject.lisp
- linear-algebra/blas3.lisp 2 additions, 6 deletionslinear-algebra/blas3.lisp
- list 1 addition, 1 deletionlist
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