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  • Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
    package-system: support for quick-build style defpackage-based dependencies. · c609093c
    Francois-Rene Rideau authored
    This is quick-build compatible and fixes lp#1230368.
    To use package-system, just have foo.asd containing
    	(defsystem foo :class package-system)
    at the top of your quick-build hierarchy $FOODIR
    for packages whose name start with "FOO/"
    and ASDF will thereafter look for system "foo/bar/baz" in $FOODIR/bar/baz.lisp.
    Such a file will implicitly have its own system defined;
    its dependencies are computed by scanning the file,
    extracting its first defpackage form,
    and using the packages it uses or imports from
    as a as a specification of what systems it depends on.
    You can register packages as belonging to a system with
    	(asdf:register-system-packages my-system '(package1 package2))
    Using or importing from a package registered to a given system
    will generate a dependency to the registered system.
    Using or importing from a packages registered to the constant symbol T
    will not generate any dependency.
    Using or importing from a packages ...