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  • Daniel Kochmański's avatar
    cffi-toolchain: don't reintroduce bugs to ECL's ASDF · 86836561
    Daniel Kochmański authored
    ECL has a ASDF forked from version 3.1.7 version and tags it as
    3.1.8 (to avoid confusion, official release following 3.1.7 is
    3.2.0). This version has some bugs fixed (especially regarding
    bundles) for ECL, so loading this file reintroduces said issues. Since
    there is no "official" ASDF 3.1.8 release this change doesn't impact
    anything except ECL.
    Issue in question is regression with init names, monolithic bundles
    and file causes all systems depending on it to loaded twice before
    they really are compiled.