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  • Anton Vodonosov's avatar
    re #19 some polishment of the provider API. CANCEL-RESPONSE and... · 25a4fd7f
    Anton Vodonosov authored
    re #19 some polishment of the provider API. CANCEL-RESPONSE and SUCCESSFUL-RESPONSE are renamed to CANCEL-RESPONSE-URI and SUCCESSFUL-RESPONSE-URI. Both functions return only single value - the URI (no sense to return the HTTP status code as the second value, as this is always recirect). The URI is returned as a string instead of PURI:URI instance. The examples/provider.lisp code is adjusted, but not tested (because we first need to make it hunchentoot 1.1. compatible). But the library was tested with my non-commited tutorial.lisp.
    Ignore-this: fc153ed82377232a4a66c7f8f4cbc43b