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  • Aleksandar Bakic's avatar
    Added cl-automaton module and support for regexp searches. Below are · 513afa2a
    Aleksandar Bakic authored
    some notes. Also modified one constituentp-related test.
    Instead of having module "cl-automaton" within the :climacs defsystem,
    the module could be turned into a dependence on :automaton, defined in
    cl-automaton/automaton.asd. Similarly for cl-automaton/automaton-test.asd.
    For slower buffer implementations, a buffer iterator is needed for
    higher performance of regexp searches. Greedy matching should be
    improved (see automaton::run-to-first-unmatch).
    Perhaps, fast (tabular) automaton representation should be implemented,
    unless it would be taking way too much space.
    Incremental regexp search needs to be done.