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  • emarsden's avatar
    * Change the way that the compiler searches for function names in the · e790920a
    emarsden authored
       lexical environment to take into account generalized function names, and
       in particular inline declarations for FLET or LABELS functions. New
       function called FUNCTION-NAME-EQV-P that knows that a name like (FLET
       INNER OUTER) is equivalent to a name like INNER.
     * Include any context information in undefined-function warnings. Forms like
            (defun bogus (x)
              (declare (ftype (function (t) *) no-ftype))
                (flet ((foo (x) (random (1+ x))))
                    (declare (inline almost-foo))
            	    (foo (+ x 1))))
       will now generate warnings of the form
          Warning: Undefined function almost-foo in an inline or notinline
          Warning: Undefined function no-ftype in a function type declaration