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;;;    Return the COMBINATION node that is the call to the let Fun.
(defun let-combination (fun)
  (declare (type clambda fun))
  (assert (eq (functional-kind fun) :let))
  (continuation-dest (node-cont (first (leaf-refs fun)))))

;;; LET-VAR-INITIAL-VALUE  --  Interface
;;;    Return the initial value continuation for a let variable or NIL if none.
(defun let-var-initial-value (var)
  (declare (type lambda-var var))
  (let ((fun (lambda-var-home var)))
    (elt (combination-args (let-combination fun))
	 (position var (lambda-vars fun)))))

;;; COMBINATION-LAMBDA  --  Interface
;;;    Return the LAMBDA that is called by the local Call.
(defun combination-lambda (call)
  (declare (type basic-combination call))
  (assert (eq (basic-combination-kind call) :local))
  (ref-leaf (continuation-use (basic-combination-fun call))))

;;;; Compiler error context determination:

(proclaim '(special *current-path* *current-form*))

;;; We separate the determination of compiler error contexts from the actual
;;; signalling of those errors by objectifying the error context.  This allows
;;; postponement of the determination of how (and if) to signal the error.
;;; We take care not to reference any of the IR1 so that pending potential
;;; error messages won't prevent the IR1 from being GC'd.
(defstruct (compiler-error-context
	     (lambda (s stream d)
	       (declare (ignore s d))
	       (format stream "#<Compiler-Error-Context>"))))
  ;; The form immediately responsible for this error (may be the result of
  ;; mecroexpansion, etc.)
  ;; The form in the original source that expanded into Source.
  ;; A list of prefixes of "interesting" forms that enclose original-source.
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  ;; Source for a form enclosing this one, or NIL if unknown.
  ;; Description of how the value of SOURCE is used by ENCLOSING-SOURCE such as
  ;; "third argument", "set value", etc.  Null when there is no
  (enclosed-how nil :type (or simple-string null)))
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;;; If true, this is the node which is used as context in compiler warning
;;; messages.
(proclaim '(type (or null compiler-error-context node)
(defvar *compiler-error-context* nil)

;;; A list of "DEFxxx" forms for which we should we should compute the source
;;; context by taking the CAR of the first arg when it is a list.
(defparameter defmumble-take-car-forms '(defstruct))

;;; Find-Original-Source  --  Internal
;;;    Given a source path, return the original source form and a description
;;; of the interesting aspects of the context in which it appeared.  The
;;; context is a list of lists, one sublist per context form.  The sublist is a
;;; list of some of the initial subforms of the context form.
;;; For now, we use the first two subforms of each interesting form.  A form is
;;; interesting if the first element is a symbol beginning with "DEF" and it is
;;; not the source form.  If there is no DEF-mumble, then we use the outermost
;;; containing form.  If the second subform is a list, then in some cases we
;;; return the car of that form rather than the whole form (i.e. don't show
;;; defstruct options, etc.)
(defun find-original-source (path)
  (declare (list path))
  (assert path)
  (let* ((rpath (reverse (rest path)))
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	 (root (find-source-root (first rpath) *source-info*)))
    (collect ((context))
      (let ((form root)
	    (current (rest rpath)))
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	  (let ((head (first form)))
	    (when (symbolp head)
	      (let ((name (symbol-name head)))
		(when (and (>= (length name) 3) (string= name "DEF" :end1 3))
		  (if (>= (length form) 2)
		      (let ((next (second form)))
			 (list head
			       (if (and (listp next)
					(member head
				   (car next)
		      (context (list head)))))))
	  (setq form (nth (pop current) form)))
	(cond ((context)
	       (values form (context)))
	      ((and path root)
	       (if (listp root)
		   (values form (list (subseq root 0 (min 2 (length root)))))
		   (values form ())))
	       (values '(unable to locate source)
		       '((some strange place)))))))))

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;;;    Look at the DEST of node, and return the source for it, along with a
;;; description of how the value is used by the DEST.
(defun find-enclosing-source (node)
  (declare (type node node))
  (let* ((cont (node-cont node))
	 (dest (continuation-dest cont)))
    (when dest
	(node-source dest)
	(etypecase dest
	  (cif "conditional test value")
	  (cset "assigned value")
	  (creturn "function return value")
	  (exit "RETURN'ed value")
	   (if (eq cont (basic-combination-fun dest))
	       "called function"
	       (format nil "~:R argument"
		       (1+ (position cont
				     (basic-combination-args dest)))))))))))

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;;; FIND-ERROR-CONTEXT  --  Interface
;;;    Return a COMPILER-ERROR-CONTEXT structure describing the current error
;;; context, or NIL if we can't figure anything out.
(defun find-error-context ()
  (let ((context *compiler-error-context*))
    (if (compiler-error-context-p context)
	(let ((source (cond (*current-form*)
			    (context (node-source context))
			    (t nil)))
	      (path (if context (node-source-path context) *current-path*)))
	  (when (and *source-info* path)
	    (multiple-value-bind (form src-context)
				 (find-original-source path)
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	      (multiple-value-bind (enclosing how)
				   (when (and context (not *current-form*))
				     (find-enclosing-source context))
		 :source source
		 :original-source form
		 :context src-context
		 :enclosing-source enclosing
		 :enclosed-how how))))))))
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;;;; Printing error messages:

;;; A function that is called to unwind out of Compiler-Error.
(proclaim '(type (function () nil) *compiler-error-bailout*))
(defvar *compiler-error-bailout*
  #'(lambda () (error "Compiler-Error with no bailout.")))

;;; We bind print level and length when printing out messages so that we don't
;;; dump huge amounts of garbage.
(proclaim '(type (or unsigned-byte null) *error-print-level* *error-print-length*))
(defvar *error-print-level* 3
  "The value for *Print-Level* when printing compiler error messages.")
(defvar *error-print-length* 5
  "The value for *Print-Length* when printing compiler error messages.")

;;; We save the context information that we printed out most recently so that
;;; we don't print it out redundantly.
(proclaim '(list *last-source-context*))
(defvar *last-source-context* nil)
(defvar *last-original-source* nil)
(defvar *last-source-form* nil)
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(defvar *last-enclosing-source* nil)
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(defvar *last-format-string* nil)
(defvar *last-format-args* nil)
(defvar *last-message-count* 0)

;;; The stream that compiler error output is directed to, or NIL if error
;;; output is inhibited.
(defvar *compiler-error-output* (make-synonym-stream '*error-output*))
(proclaim '(type (or stream null) *compiler-error-output*))

;;; Note-Message-Repeats  --  Internal
;;;    If the last message was given more than once, then print out an
;;; indication of how many times it was repeated.  We reset the message count
;;; when we are done.
(defun note-message-repeats ()
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  (cond ((= *last-message-count* 1) (terpri *compiler-error-output*))
	((> *last-message-count* 1)
	 (format *compiler-error-output* "[Last message occurs ~D times]~2%"
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  (setq *last-message-count* 0))

;;; Print-Error-Message  --  Internal
;;;    Print out the message, with appropriate context if we can find it.  If
;;; If the context is different from the context of the last message we
;;; printed, then we print the context.  If the original source is different
;;; from the source we are working on, then we print the current source in
;;; addition to the original source.
;;;    We suppress printing of messages identical to the previous, but record
;;; the number of times that the message is repeated.
(defun print-error-message (what format-string format-args)
  (declare (string what format-string) (list format-args))
  (let* ((*print-level* *error-print-level*)
	 (*print-length* *error-print-length*)
	 (stream *compiler-error-output*)
	 (context (find-error-context)))
    (unless stream (return-from print-error-message (undefined-value)))
      (let ((context (compiler-error-context-context context))
	    (form (compiler-error-context-original-source context))
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	    (source (compiler-error-context-source context))
	    (enclosing (compiler-error-context-enclosing-source context))
	    (how (compiler-error-context-enclosed-how context)))
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	(unless (tree-equal context *last-source-context*)
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	  (setq *last-source-context* context)
	  (setq *last-original-source* nil)
	  (format stream "~2&In:~{~<~%   ~4:;~{ ~S~}~>~^ =>~}~%" context))
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	(unless (tree-equal form *last-original-source*)
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	  (setq *last-original-source* form)
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	  (setq *last-enclosing-source* nil)
	  (setq *last-format-string* nil) 
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	  (format stream "  ~S~%" form))
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	(unless (or (tree-equal source form)
		    (member source form))
	  (unless (tree-equal enclosing *last-enclosing-source*)
	    (setq *last-source-form* '#(invalid))
	    (setq *last-enclosing-source* enclosing)
	    (format stream "==>~%  ~S~%" enclosing))
	  (unless (tree-equal source *last-source-form*)
	    (setq *last-source-form* source)
	    (setq *last-format-string* nil)
	    (unless (member source format-args)
	      (if *last-enclosing-source*
		  (format stream "The ~A:~%  ~S~%" how source)
		  (format stream "==>~%  ~S~%" source)))))))
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      (format stream "~2&")))
    (unless (and (equal format-string *last-format-string*)
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		 (tree-equal format-args *last-format-args*))
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      (setq *last-format-string* format-string)
      (setq *last-format-args* format-args)
      (format stream "~&~A: ~?~&" what format-string format-args)))
  (incf *last-message-count*)

;;; Keep track of how many times each kind of warning happens.
(proclaim '(type unsigned-byte *compiler-error-count* *compiler-warning-count*
(defvar *compiler-error-count* 0)
(defvar *compiler-warning-count* 0)
(defvar *compiler-note-count* 0)

;;; Compiler-Error, ...  --  Interface
;;;    Increment the count and print the message.  Compiler-Note never prints
;;; anything when Brevity is 3.  Compiler-Error calls the bailout function
;;; so that it never returns.  Compiler-Error-Message returns like
;;; Compiler-Warning, but prints a message like Compiler-Error.
(proclaim '(ftype (function (string &rest t) void)
		  compiler-error compiler-warning compiler-note))
(defun compiler-error (format-string &rest format-args)
  (incf *compiler-error-count*)
  (print-error-message "Error" format-string format-args)
  (funcall *compiler-error-bailout*)
  (error "*Compiler-Error-Bailout* returned?"))
(defun compiler-error-message (format-string &rest format-args)
  (incf *compiler-error-count*)
  (print-error-message "Error" format-string format-args))
(defun compiler-warning (format-string &rest format-args)
  (incf *compiler-warning-count*)
  (print-error-message "Warning" format-string format-args))
(defun compiler-note (format-string &rest format-args)
  (incf *compiler-note-count*)
  (unless (if *compiler-error-context*
	      (policy *compiler-error-context* (= brevity 3))
	      (policy nil (= brevity 3)))
    (print-error-message "Note" format-string format-args)))

;;; Compiler-Mumble  --  Interface
;;;    The politically correct way to print out random progress messages and
;;; such like.  We clear the current error context so that we know that it
;;; needs to be reprinted, and we also Force-Output so that the message gets
;;; seen right away.
(proclaim '(function compiler-mumble (string &rest t) void))
(defun compiler-mumble (format-string &rest format-args)
  (when *last-format-string*
    (terpri *compiler-error-output*)
    (setq *last-source-context* nil)
    (setq *last-format-string* nil))
  (apply #'format *compiler-error-output* format-string format-args)
  (force-output *compiler-error-output*))
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;;; Find-Component-Name  --  Interface
;;;    Return a string that somehow names the code in Component.  We use the
;;; source path for the bind node for an arbitrary entry point to find the
;;; source context, then return that as a string.
(proclaim  '(function find-component-name (component) simple-string))
(defun find-component-name (component)
  (let ((ep (first (block-succ (component-head component)))))
    (assert ep () "No entry points?")
	(form context)
	 (node-source-path (continuation-next (block-start ep))))
      (declare (ignore form))
      (let ((*print-level* 2)
	    (*print-pretty* nil))
	(format nil "~{~{~S~^ ~}~^ => ~}" context)))))

;;;; Undefined warnings:

;;; A list of UNDEFINED-WARNING structures representing the calls to unknown
;;; functions.  This is bound by WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT.
(defvar *undefined-warnings*)
(proclaim '(list *undefined-warnings*))

(defvar *undefined-warning-limit* 3
  "If non-null, then an upper limit on the number of unknown function or type
  warnings that the compiler will print for any given name in a single
  compilation.  This prevents excessive amounts of output when there really is
  a missing definition (as opposed to a typo in the use.)")

;;;    Make an entry in the *UNDEFINED-WARNINGS* describing a reference to Name
;;; of the specified Kind.  If we have exceeded the warning limit, then just
;;; increment the count, otherwise note the current error context.
(defun note-undefined-reference (name kind)
  (let* ((found (dolist (warn *undefined-warnings* nil)
		  (when (and (equal (undefined-warning-name warn) name)
			     (eq (undefined-warning-kind warn) kind))
		    (return warn))))
	 (res (or found
		  (make-undefined-warning :name name :kind kind))))
    (unless found (push res *undefined-warnings*))
    (when (or (not *undefined-warning-limit*)
	      (< (undefined-warning-count res) *undefined-warning-limit*))
	(push (find-error-context)
	      (undefined-warning-warnings res)))
    (incf (undefined-warning-count res)))

;;; NOTE-NAME-DEFINED  --  Interface
;;;    Delete any undefined warnings for Name and Kind.
(defun note-name-defined (name kind)
  (setq *undefined-warnings*
	(delete-if #'(lambda (x)
		       (and (equal (undefined-warning-name x) name)
			    (eq (undefined-warning-kind x) kind)))


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;;;; Careful call:

;;; Careful-Call  --  Interface
;;;    Apply a function to some arguments, returning a list of the values
;;; resulting of the evaulation.  If an error is signalled during the
;;; application, then we print a warning message and return NIL as our second
;;; value to indicate this.  Node is used as the error context for any error
;;; message, and Context is a string that is spliced into the warning.
(proclaim '(function careful-call (function list node string) (values list boolean)))
(defun careful-call (function args node context)
    (handler-case (apply function args)
      (error (condition)
	(let ((*compiler-error-context* node))
	  (compiler-warning "Lisp error during ~A:~%~A" context condition)
	  (return-from careful-call (values nil nil))))))

;;;; Generic list (?) functions:

;;; Find-In  --  Interface
(defun find-in (next element list &key (key #'identity)
		     (test #'eql test-p) (test-not nil not-p))
  "Find Element in a null-terminated List linked by the accessor function
  Next.  Key, Test and Test-Not are the same as for generic sequence
  (when (and test-p not-p)
    (error "Silly to supply both :Test and :Test-Not."))
  (if not-p
      (do ((current list (funcall next current)))
	  ((null current) nil)
	(unless (funcall test-not (funcall key current) element)
	  (return current)))
      (do ((current list (funcall next current)))
	  ((null current) nil)
	(when (funcall test (funcall key current) element)
	  (return current)))))

;;; Position-In  --  Interface
(defun position-in (next element list &key (key #'identity)
		     (test #'eql test-p) (test-not nil not-p))
  "Return the position of Element (or NIL if absent) in a null-terminated List
  linked by the accessor function Next.  Key, Test and Test-Not are the same as
  for generic sequence functions."
  (when (and test-p not-p)
    (error "Silly to supply both :Test and :Test-Not."))
  (if not-p
      (do ((current list (funcall next current))
	   (i 0 (1+ i)))
	  ((null current) nil)
	(unless (funcall test-not (funcall key current) element)
	  (return i)))
      (do ((current list (funcall next current))
	   (i 0 (1+ i)))
	  ((null current) nil)
	(when (funcall test (funcall key current) element)
	  (return i)))))

;;; Map-In  --  Interface
(defun map-in (next function list)
  "Map Function over the elements in a null-terminated List linked by the
  accessor function Next, returning a list of the results."
  (collect ((res))
    (do ((current list (funcall next current)))
	((null current))
      (res (funcall function current)))

;;; Deletef-In  --  Interface
(defmacro deletef-in (next place item &environment env)
  "Deletef-In Next Place Item
  Delete Item from a null-terminated list linked by the accessor function Next
  that is stored in Place.  Item must appear exactly once in the list."
      (temps vals stores store access)
      (if clc::*in-the-compiler*
	  (get-setf-method place env)
	  (lisp::foo-get-setf-method place env))
      (lisp::foo-get-setf-method place env)
    (let ((n-item (gensym))
	  (n-place (gensym))
	  (n-current (gensym))
	  (n-prev (gensym)))
      `(let* (,@(mapcar #'list temps vals)
	      (,n-place ,access)
	      (,n-item ,item))
	 (if (eq ,n-place ,n-item)
	     (let ((,(first stores) (,next ,n-place)))
	     (do ((,n-prev ,n-place ,n-current)
		  (,n-current (,next ,n-place)
			      (,next ,n-current)))
		 ((eq ,n-current ,n-item)
		  (setf (,next ,n-prev)
			(,next ,n-current)))))

;;; Push-In  --  Interface
(defmacro push-in (next item place &environment env)
  "Push Item onto a list linked by the accessor function Next that is stored in
      (temps vals stores store access)
      (if clc::*in-the-compiler*
	  (get-setf-method place env)
	  (lisp::foo-get-setf-method place env))
      (lisp::foo-get-setf-method place env)
    `(let (,@(mapcar #'list temps vals)
	   (,(first stores) ,item))
       (setf (,next ,(first stores)) ,access)

;;; Compiler-Constantp  --  Interface
;;;    We don't want to assume that a variable is a constant just because it is
;;; in the current lisp environment.
;;; ### For now, just use CONSTANTP to avoid bootstrapping problems with having
;;; to have the INFO database available at meta-compile time.
(proclaim '(function compiler-constantp (t) boolean))
(defun compiler-constantp (exp)
  "Like constantp, only uses the compilation environment rather than the
  current Lisp environment."
  (if (symbolp exp)
      (eq (info variable kind exp) :constant)
      (constantp exp))
  (constantp exp))