(define-info-type variable documentation (or string null) nil)
(define-info-class type)
;;; The kind of type described. We return :Structure for standard types that
;;; are implemented as structures.
(define-info-type type kind (member :primitive :defined :structure nil)
(if (member name type-specifier-symbols)
;;; Expander function for a defined type.
(define-info-type type expander function nil)
;;; Defstruct description information for a structure type.
(define-info-type type structure-info (or defstruct-description null) nil)
(define-info-type type documentation (or string null))
(define-info-class declaration)
(define-info-type declaration recognized boolean)
(define-info-class alien-stack)
(define-info-type alien-stack info (or lisp::stack-info null) nil)
(define-info-class enumeration)
(define-info-type enumeration info (or lisp::enumeration-info null) nil)
(define-info-class setf)
(define-info-type setf inverse (or symbol null) nil)
(define-info-type setf documentation (or string null) nil)
;;; ### bootstrap hack...
;;; Allow List for function for now.
(define-info-type setf expander (or function null list) nil)
;;; Used for storing random documentation types. The stuff is an alist
;;; translating documentation kinds to values.
(define-info-class random-documentation)
(define-info-type random-documentation stuff list ())