;;; -*- Package: SYSTEM -*-
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project and
;;; has been placed in the public domain.
"$Header: src/code/os.lisp $")
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; OS interface functions for CMUCL.
;;; The code here is for OS functions that don't depend on the OS.
(in-package "SYSTEM")
(use-package "EXTENSIONS")
(intl:textdomain "cmucl-os")
(export '(get-page-size))
;;; GET-PAGE-SIZE -- Interface
;;; Return the system page size.
(defun get-page-size ()
_N"Return the system page size"
(let ((maybe-page-size (alien:alien-funcall
(alien:extern-alien "os_get_page_size"
(function c-call:long)))))
(when (minusp maybe-page-size)
(error (intl:gettext "get-page-size failed: ~A") (get-unix-error-msg err)))
;;; GET-SYSTEM-INFO -- Interface
;;; Return system time, user time (in usec) and number of page
;;; faults.
(defun get-system-info ()
_N"Get system information consisting of the user time (in usec), the
system time (in usec) and the number of major page faults."
(alien:with-alien ((utime unix:int64-t 0)
(stime unix:int64-t 0)
(major-fault c-call:long 0))
(let ((rc (alien:alien-funcall
(alien:extern-alien "os_get_system_info"
(function c-call:int
(* unix:int64-t)
(* unix:int64-t)
(* c-call:long)))
(alien:addr utime)
(alien:addr stime)
(alien:addr major-fault))))
(when (minusp rc)
(error (intl:gettext "Unix system call getrusage failed: ~A.")
(unix:get-unix-error-msg utime)))
(values utime stime major-fault))))