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;;; -*- Package: HEMLOCK; Mode: Lisp -*-
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;;; $Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/hemlock/rcs.lisp,v 1.29 1995/03/24 13:06:58 ram Rel $
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;;; Various commands for dealing with RCS under Hemlock.
;;; Written by William Lott and Christopher Hoover.
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(in-package "HEMLOCK")

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(defun current-buffer-pathname ()
  (let ((pathname (buffer-pathname (current-buffer))))
    (unless pathname
      (editor-error "The buffer has no pathname."))

(defmacro in-directory (directory &body forms)
  (let ((cwd (gensym)))
    `(let ((,cwd (ext:default-directory)))
	     (setf (ext:default-directory) (directory-namestring ,directory))
	 (setf (ext:default-directory) ,cwd)))))

(defvar *last-rcs-command-name* nil)
(defvar *last-rcs-command-output-string* nil)
(defvar *rcs-output-stream* (make-string-output-stream))

(defmacro do-command (command &rest args)
     (setf *last-rcs-command-name* ',command)
     (get-output-stream-string *rcs-output-stream*)
     (let ((process (ext:run-program ',command ,@args
				     :error *rcs-output-stream*)))
       (setf *last-rcs-command-output-string*
	     (get-output-stream-string *rcs-output-stream*))
       (case (ext:process-status process)
	  (unless (zerop (ext:process-exit-code process))
	    (editor-error "~A aborted with an error; ~
			   use the ``RCS Last Command Output'' command for ~
			   more information" ',command)))
	  (editor-error "~A killed with signal ~A~@[ (core dumped)]."
			(ext:process-exit-code process)
			(ext:process-core-dumped process)))
	  (editor-error "~S still alive?" process))))))
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(defun buffer-different-from-file (buffer filename)
  (with-open-file (file filename)
    (do ((buffer-line (mark-line (buffer-start-mark buffer))
		      (line-next buffer-line))
	 (file-line (read-line file nil nil)
		    (read-line file nil nil)))
	((and (or (null buffer-line)
		  (zerop (line-length buffer-line)))
	      (null file-line))
      (when (or (null buffer-line)
		(null file-line)
		(string/= (line-string buffer-line) file-line))
	(return t)))))

(defun turn-auto-save-off (buffer)
  (setf (buffer-minor-mode buffer "Save") nil)
  ;; William's personal hack
  (when (getstring "Ckp" *mode-names*)
    (setf (buffer-minor-mode buffer "Ckp") nil)))

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(defhvar "RCS Lock File Hook"
  "RCS Lock File Hook"
  :value nil)

(defun rcs-lock-file (buffer pathname)
  (message "Locking ~A ..." (namestring pathname))
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  (in-directory pathname
    (let ((file (file-namestring pathname)))
      (do-command "rcs" `("-l" ,file))
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      (multiple-value-bind (won dev ino mode) (unix:unix-stat file)
	(declare (ignore ino))
	(cond (won
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	       (unix:unix-chmod file (logior mode unix:writeown)))
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	       (editor-error "UNIX:UNIX-STAT lost in RCS-LOCK-FILE: ~A"
			     (unix:get-unix-error-msg dev)))))))
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  (invoke-hook rcs-lock-file-hook buffer pathname))
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(defhvar "RCS Unlock File Hook"
  "RCS Unlock File Hook"
  :value nil)

(defun rcs-unlock-file (buffer pathname)
  (message "Unlocking ~A ..." (namestring pathname))
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  (in-directory pathname
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    (do-command "rcs" `("-u" ,(file-namestring pathname))))
  (invoke-hook rcs-unlock-file-hook buffer pathname))
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(defhvar "RCS Check In File Hook"
  "RCS Check In File Hook"
  :value nil)

(defhvar "RCS Keep Around After Unlocking"
  "If non-NIL (the default) keep the working file around after unlocking it.
   When NIL, the working file and buffer are deleted."
  :value t)

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(defun rcs-check-in-file (buffer pathname keep-lock)
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  (let ((old-buffer (current-buffer))
	(allow-delete nil)
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	(log-buffer nil))
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	(when (block in-recursive-edit
		(do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
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		    ((not (null log-buffer)))
		  (setf log-buffer
			 (format nil "RCS Log Entry ~D for ~S" i
				 (file-namestring pathname))
			 :modes '("Text")
			 (list #'(lambda (buffer)
				   (declare (ignore buffer))
				   (unless allow-delete
				     (return-from in-recursive-edit t)))))))
		(turn-auto-save-off log-buffer)
		(change-to-buffer log-buffer)
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		(message "Checking in ~A~:[~; keeping the lock~] ..."
			 (namestring pathname) keep-lock)
		(let ((log-stream (make-hemlock-region-stream
				   (buffer-region log-buffer))))
		  (sub-check-in-file pathname buffer keep-lock log-stream))
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		(invoke-hook rcs-check-in-file-hook buffer pathname)
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	  (editor-error "Someone deleted the RCS Log Entry buffer."))
      (when (member old-buffer *buffer-list*)
	(change-to-buffer old-buffer))
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      (setf allow-delete t)
      (delete-buffer-if-possible log-buffer))))
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(defun sub-check-in-file (pathname buffer keep-lock log-stream)
  (let* ((filename (file-namestring pathname))
	 (rcs-filename (concatenate 'simple-string
				    "./RCS/" filename ",v"))
	 (keep-working-copy (or keep-lock
				(not (hemlock-bound-p
				      :buffer buffer))
				 :buffer buffer))))
    (in-directory pathname
      (do-command "ci" `(,@(if keep-lock '("-l"))
			    ,@(if keep-working-copy '("-u"))
		  :input log-stream)
      (if keep-working-copy
	  ;; Set the times on the user's file to be equivalent to that of
	  ;; the rcs file.
	  #-(or hpux svr4)
	      (dev ino mode nlink uid gid rdev size atime mtime)
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	      (unix:unix-stat rcs-filename)
	    (declare (ignore mode nlink uid gid rdev size))
	    (cond (dev
		       (wonp errno)
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		       (unix:unix-utimes filename atime 0 mtime 0)
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		       (editor-error "UNIX:UNIX-UTIMES failed: ~A"
				     (unix:get-unix-error-msg errno)))))
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		   (editor-error "UNIX:UNIX-STAT failed: ~A"
				 (unix:get-unix-error-msg ino)))))
	  (delete-buffer-if-possible buffer)))))

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(defhvar "RCS Check Out File Hook"
  "RCS Check Out File Hook"
  :value nil)

(defvar *translate-file-names-before-locking* nil)

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(defun maybe-rcs-check-out-file (buffer pathname lock always-overwrite-p)
  (when (and lock *translate-file-names-before-locking*)
    (multiple-value-bind (unmatched-dir new-dirs file-name)
			 (maybe-translate-definition-file pathname)
	(let ((new-name (translate-definition-file unmatched-dir
						   (car new-dirs)
	  (when (probe-file (directory-namestring new-name))
	    (setf pathname new-name))))))
   ((and (not always-overwrite-p)
	 (let ((pn (probe-file pathname)))
	   (and pn (ext:file-writable pn))))
    ;; File exists and is writable so check and see if the user really
    ;; wants to check it out.
    (command-case (:prompt
		   (format nil "The file ~A is writable.  Overwrite? "
			   (file-namestring pathname))
		   "Type one of the following single-character commands:")
      ((:yes :confirm)
       "Overwrite the file."
       (rcs-check-out-file buffer pathname lock))
       "Don't check it out after all.")
      ((#\r #\R)
       "Rename the file before checking it out."
       (let ((new-pathname (prompt-for-file
			    :prompt "New Filename: "
			    :default (buffer-default-pathname
			    :must-exist nil)))
	 (rename-file pathname new-pathname)
	 (rcs-check-out-file buffer pathname lock)))))
    (rcs-check-out-file buffer pathname lock)))
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(defun rcs-check-out-file (buffer pathname lock)
  (message "Checking out ~A~:[~; with a lock~] ..." (namestring pathname) lock)
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  (in-directory pathname
    (let* ((file (file-namestring pathname))
	   (backup (if (probe-file file)
		       (lisp::pick-backup-name file))))
      (when backup (rename-file file backup))
      (do-command "co" `(,@(if lock '("-l")) ,file))
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      (invoke-hook rcs-check-out-file-hook buffer pathname)
      (when backup (delete-file backup)))))
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;;;; Last Command Output

(defcommand "RCS Last Command Output" (p)
  "Print the full output of the last RCS command."
  "Print the full output of the last RCS command."
  (declare (ignore p))
  (unless (and *last-rcs-command-name* *last-rcs-command-output-string*)
    (editor-error "No RCS commands have executed!"))
  (with-pop-up-display (s :buffer-name "*RCS Command Output*")
    (format s "Output from ``~A'':~%~%" *last-rcs-command-name*)
    (write-line *last-rcs-command-output-string* s)))

;;;; Commands for Checking In / Checking Out and Locking / Unlocking 

(defun pick-temp-file (defaults)
  (let ((index 0))
      (let ((name (merge-pathnames (format nil ",rcstmp-~D" index) defaults)))
	(cond ((probe-file name)
	       (incf index))
	       (return name)))))))
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(defcommand "RCS Lock Buffer File" (p)
  "Attempt to lock the file in the current buffer."
  "Attempt to lock the file in the current buffer."
  (declare (ignore p))
  (let ((file (current-buffer-pathname))
	(buffer (current-buffer))
	(name (pick-temp-file "/tmp/")))
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    (rcs-lock-file buffer file)
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	  (in-directory file
  	    (do-command "co" `("-p" ,(file-namestring file))
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			:output (namestring name)))
	  (when (buffer-different-from-file buffer name)
	     "RCS file is different; be sure to merge in your changes."))
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	  (setf (buffer-writable buffer) t)
	  (message "Buffer is now writable."))
      (when (probe-file name)
	(delete-file name)))))

(defcommand "RCS Lock File" (p)
  "Prompt for a file, and attempt to lock it."
  "Prompt for a file, and attempt to lock it."
  (declare (ignore p))
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  (rcs-lock-file nil (prompt-for-file :prompt "File to lock: "
				      :default (buffer-default-pathname
				      :must-exist nil)))
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(defcommand "RCS Unlock Buffer File" (p)
  "Unlock the file in the current buffer."
  "Unlock the file in the current buffer."
  (declare (ignore p))
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  (rcs-unlock-file (current-buffer) (current-buffer-pathname))
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  (setf (buffer-writable (current-buffer)) nil)
  (message "Buffer is no longer writable."))

(defcommand "RCS Unlock File" (p)
  "Prompt for a file, and attempt to unlock it."
  "Prompt for a file, and attempt to unlock it."
  (declare (ignore p))
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  (rcs-unlock-file nil (prompt-for-file :prompt "File to unlock: "
					:default (buffer-default-pathname
					:must-exist nil)))
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(defcommand "RCS Check In Buffer File" (p)
  "Checkin the file in the current buffer.  With an argument, do not
  release the lock."
  "Checkin the file in the current buffer.  With an argument, do not
  release the lock."
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  (let ((buffer (current-buffer))
	(pathname (current-buffer-pathname)))
    (when (buffer-modified buffer)
      (save-file-command nil))
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    (rcs-check-in-file buffer pathname p)
    (when (member buffer *buffer-list*)
      ;; If the buffer has not been deleted, make sure it is up to date
      ;; with respect to the file.
      (visit-file-command nil pathname buffer))))
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(defcommand "RCS Check In File" (p)
  "Prompt for a file, and attempt to check it in.  With an argument, do
  not release the lock."
  "Prompt for a file, and attempt to check it in.  With an argument, do
  not release the lock."
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  (rcs-check-in-file nil (prompt-for-file :prompt "File to lock: "
					  :must-exist nil)
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(defcommand "RCS Check Out Buffer File" (p)
  "Checkout the file in the current buffer.  With an argument, lock the
  "Checkout the file in the current buffer.  With an argument, lock the
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  (let* ((buffer (current-buffer))
	 (pathname (current-buffer-pathname))
	 (point (current-point))
	 (lines (1- (count-lines (region (buffer-start-mark buffer) point)))))
    (when (buffer-modified buffer)
      (when (not (prompt-for-y-or-n :prompt "Buffer is modified, overwrite? "))
	(editor-error "Aborted.")))
    (setf (buffer-modified buffer) nil)
    (setf pathname (maybe-rcs-check-out-file buffer pathname p nil))
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    (when p
      (setf (buffer-writable buffer) t)
      (message "Buffer is now writable."))
    (visit-file-command nil pathname)
    (unless (line-offset point lines)
      (buffer-end point))))

(defcommand "RCS Check Out File" (p)
  "Prompt for a file and attempt to check it out.  With an argument,
  lock the file."
  "Prompt for a file and attempt to check it out.  With an argument,
  lock the file."
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  (let ((pathname (prompt-for-file :prompt "File to check out: "
				   :default (buffer-default-pathname
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				   :must-exist nil)))
    (setf pathname (maybe-rcs-check-out-file nil pathname p nil))
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    (find-file-command nil pathname)))

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(defhvar "RCS Log Entry Buffer"
  "Name of the buffer to put RCS log entries into."
  :value "RCS Log")

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(defhvar "RCS Log Buffer Hook"
  "RCS Log Buffer Hook"
  :value nil)

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(defun get-log-buffer ()
  (let ((buffer (getstring (value rcs-log-entry-buffer) *buffer-names*)))
    (unless buffer
      (setf buffer (make-buffer (value rcs-log-entry-buffer)))
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      (turn-auto-save-off buffer)
      (invoke-hook rcs-log-buffer-hook buffer))
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(defcommand "RCS Buffer File Log Entry" (p)
  "Get the RCS Log for the file in the current buffer in a buffer."
  "Get the RCS Log for the file in the current buffer in a buffer."
  (declare (ignore p))
  (let ((buffer (get-log-buffer))
	(pathname (current-buffer-pathname)))
    (delete-region (buffer-region buffer))
    (message "Extracting log info ...")
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    (with-mark ((mark (buffer-start-mark buffer) :left-inserting))
      (in-directory pathname
	(do-command "rlog" (list (file-namestring pathname))
		    :output (make-hemlock-output-stream mark))))
    (change-to-buffer buffer)
    (buffer-start (current-point))
    (setf (buffer-modified buffer) nil)))

(defcommand "RCS File Log Entry" (p)
  "Prompt for a file and get its RCS log entry in a buffer."
  "Prompt for a file and get its RCS log entry in a buffer."
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  (declare (ignore p))
  (let ((file (prompt-for-file :prompt "File to get log of: "
			       :default (buffer-default-pathname
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			       :must-exist nil))
	(buffer (get-log-buffer)))
    (delete-region (buffer-region buffer))
    (message "Extracing log info ...")
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    (with-mark ((mark (buffer-start-mark buffer) :left-inserting))
      (in-directory file
	(do-command "rlog" (list (file-namestring file))
		    :output (make-hemlock-output-stream mark))))
    (change-to-buffer buffer)
    (buffer-start (current-point))
    (setf (buffer-modified buffer) nil)))
;;;; Status and Modeline Frobs.

(defhvar "RCS Status"
  "RCS status of this buffer.  Either nil, :locked, :out-of-date, or
  :value nil)

;;; Note: This doesn't behave correctly w/r/t to branched files.
(defun rcs-file-status (pathname)
  (let* ((directory (directory-namestring pathname))
	 (filename (file-namestring pathname))
	 (rcs-file (concatenate 'simple-string directory
				"RCS/" filename ",v")))
    (if (probe-file rcs-file)
	;; This is an RCS file
	(let ((probe-file (probe-file pathname)))
	  (cond ((and probe-file (file-writable probe-file))
		((or (not probe-file)
		     (< (file-write-date pathname)
			(file-write-date rcs-file)))

(defun rcs-update-buffer-status (buffer &optional tn)
  (unless (hemlock-bound-p 'rcs-status :buffer buffer)
    (defhvar "RCS Status"
      "RCS Status of this buffer."
      :buffer buffer
      :value nil))
  (let ((tn (or tn (buffer-pathname buffer))))
    (setf (variable-value 'rcs-status :buffer buffer)
	  (if tn (rcs-file-status tn))))
  (hi::update-modelines-for-buffer buffer))
(add-hook read-file-hook 'rcs-update-buffer-status)
(add-hook write-file-hook 'rcs-update-buffer-status)

(defcommand "RCS Update All RCS Status Variables" (p)
  "Update the ``RCS Status'' variable for all buffers."
  "Update the ``RCS Status'' variable for all buffers."
  (declare (ignore p))
  (dolist (buffer *buffer-list*)
    (rcs-update-buffer-status buffer))
  (dolist (window *window-list*)
    (update-modeline-fields (window-buffer window) window)))

;;; Action Hooks
(defun rcs-action-hook (buffer pathname)
  (cond (buffer
	 (rcs-update-buffer-status buffer))
	 (let ((pathname (probe-file pathname)))
	   (when pathname
	     (dolist (buffer *buffer-list*)
	       (let ((buffer-pathname (buffer-pathname buffer)))
		 (when (equal pathname buffer-pathname)
		   (rcs-update-buffer-status buffer)))))))))
(add-hook rcs-check-in-file-hook 'rcs-action-hook)
(add-hook rcs-check-out-file-hook 'rcs-action-hook)
(add-hook rcs-lock-file-hook 'rcs-action-hook)
(add-hook rcs-unlock-file-hook 'rcs-action-hook)

;;; RCS Modeline Field
 :name :rcs-status
 :function #'(lambda (buffer window)
	       (declare (ignore buffer window))
	       (ecase (value rcs-status)
		 (:out-of-date "[OLD]  ")
		 (:locked "[LOCKED]  ")
		 (:unlocked "[RCS]  ")
		 ((nil) ""))))