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;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Lisp; Log: code.log -*-
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************
;;;    This file contains the definitions for the Spice Lisp time functions.
;;; They are mostly fairly straightforwardly implemented as calls to the 
;;; time server.
;;;    Written by Rob MacLachlan.
(in-package 'lisp)
(export '(internal-time-units-per-second get-internal-real-time
	  get-internal-run-time get-universal-time
	  get-decoded-time encode-universal-time decode-universal-time))

(defconstant internal-time-units-per-second 100
  "The number of internal time units that fit into a second.  See
  Get-Internal-Real-Time and Get-Internal-Run-Time.")

(defmacro not-leap-year (year)
  (let ((sym (gensym)))
    `(let ((,sym ,year))
       (cond ((eq (mod ,sym 4) 0)
	      (and (eq (mod ,sym 100) 0)
		   (not (eq (mod ,sym 400) 0))))
	     (T T)))))
;;; Get-Internal-Real-Time  --  Public
(defun get-internal-real-time ()
  "Return the real time in the internal time format.  This is useful for
  finding elapsed time.  See Internal-Time-Units-Per-Second."
  (let ((val (system:%primitive get-real-time)))
    (when (eq val -1)
      (error "Failed to get real time."))

(defun get-internal-real-time ()
  "Return the real time in the internal time format.  This is useful for
  finding elapsed time.  See Internal-Time-Units-Per-Second."
  (multiple-value-bind (result seconds useconds) (mach:unix-gettimeofday)
    (if result (+ (* seconds internal-time-units-per-second) useconds)
	(error "Unix system call gettimeofday failed: ~A"
	       (mach:get-unix-error-msg seconds)))))

;;; Get-Internal-Run-Time  --  Public
;;; PmGetTimes returns run time in microseconds.  Convert to jiffies.
(defun get-internal-run-time ()
  "Return the run time in the internal time format.  This is useful for
  finding CPU usage."
  (let ((val (system:%primitive get-run-time)))
    (when (eq val -1)
      (error "Failed to obtain run time."))

(defun get-internal-run-time ()
  "Return the run time in the internal time format.  This is useful for
  finding CPU usage."
  (multiple-value-bind (result utime stime)
		       (mach:unix-getrusage mach:rusage_self)
    (if result (+ utime stime)
	(error "Unix system call getrusage failed: ~A"
	       (mach:get-unix-error-msg utime)))))
;;; Subtract from the returned Internal_Time to get the universal time.
;;; The offset between our time base and the Perq one is 2145 weeks and
;;; five days.
(defconstant seconds-in-week (* 60 60 24 7))
(defconstant weeks-offset 2145)
(defconstant seconds-offset 432000)
(defconstant minutes-per-day (* 24 60))
(defconstant quarter-days-per-year (1+ (* 365 4)))
(defconstant quarter-days-per-century 146097)
(defconstant november-17-1858 678882)
(defconstant weekday-november-17-1858 2)
(defconstant unix-to-universal-time 2208988800)

;;; Make-Universal-Time  --  Internal
;;;    Convert a Unix Internal_Time into a universal time.
(defun make-universal-time (weeks msec)
  (+ (* (- weeks weeks-offset) seconds-in-week)
     (- (truncate msec 1000) seconds-offset)))

;;; Get-Universal-Time  --  Public
(defun get-universal-time ()
  "Returns a single integer for the current time of
   day in universal time format."
  (multiple-value-bind (res secs) (mach:unix-gettimeofday)
    (declare (ignore res))
    (+ secs unix-to-universal-time)))

;;; Get-Decoded-Time  --  Public

(defun get-decoded-time ()
  "Returns nine values specifying the current time as follows:
  second, minute, hour, date, month, year, day of week (0 = Monday),
  T (daylight savings times) or NIL (standard time), and timezone."
  (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time)))

;;; Decode-Universal-Time  --  Public

(defun decode-universal-time (universal-time &optional time-zone)
  "Converts a universal-time to decoded time format returning
  the following nine values: second, minute, hour, date, month,
  year, day of week (0 = Monday), T (daylight savings time) or
  NIL (standard time), and timezone."
  (declare (type (or fixnum null) time-zone))
  (multiple-value-bind (weeks secs)
		       (truncate (+ universal-time seconds-offset)
    (let ((weeks (+ weeks weeks-offset))
	  (second NIL)
	  (minute NIL)
	  (hour NIL)
	  (date NIL)
	  (month NIL)
	  (year NIL)
	  (day NIL)
	  (daylight NIL)
	  (timezone (if (null time-zone)
			(multiple-value-bind (res s us tz)
			  (declare (ignore s us))
			  (if res tz 0))
			(* time-zone 60))))
      (declare (fixnum timezone))
      (multiple-value-bind (t1 seconds) (truncate secs 60)
	(setq second seconds)
	(setq t1 (- t1 timezone))
	(let* ((tday (if (< t1 0)
			 (1- (truncate (1+ t1) minutes-per-day))
			 (truncate t1 minutes-per-day))))
	  (multiple-value-setq (hour minute)
	    (truncate (- t1 (* tday minutes-per-day)) 60))
	  (let* ((t2 (1- (* (+ (* weeks 7) tday november-17-1858) 4)))
		 (tcent (truncate t2 quarter-days-per-century)))
	    (setq t2 (mod t2 quarter-days-per-century))
	    (setq t2 (+ (- t2 (mod t2 4)) 3))
	    (setq year (+ (* tcent 100) (truncate t2 quarter-days-per-year)))
	    (let ((days-since-mar0 (1+ (truncate (mod t2 quarter-days-per-year)
	      (setq day (mod (+ tday weekday-november-17-1858) 7))
	      (if (setq daylight (dst-check days-since-mar0 hour day))
		  (cond ((eq hour 23)
			 (setq hour 0)
			 (setq day (mod (1+ day) 7))
			 (setq days-since-mar0 (1+ days-since-mar0))
			 (if (>= days-since-mar0 366)
			     (if (or (> days-since-mar0 366)
				     (not-leap-year (1+ year)))
				 (setq days-since-mar0 368))))
			(T (setq hour (1+ hour)))))
	      (let ((t3 (+ (* days-since-mar0 5) 456)))
		(cond ((>= t3 1989)
		       (setq t3 (- t3 1836))
		       (setq year (1+ year))))
		(multiple-value-setq (month t3) (truncate t3 153))
		(setq date (1+ (truncate t3 5))))))))
      (values second minute hour date month year day
	      daylight (truncate timezone 60)))))

;;; Encode-Universal-Time  --  Public
;;;    Just do a TimeUser:T_UserToInt.  If the year is between 0 and 99 we 
;;; have to figure out which the "obvious" year is.

(defun encode-universal-time (second minute hour date month year
				     &optional time-zone)
  "The time values specified in decoded format are converted to 
   universal time, which is returned."
  (let* ((year (if (< year 100)
		   (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour day month now-year)
		     (declare (ignore sec min hour day month))
		     (do ((y (+ year (* 100 (1- (truncate now-year 100))))
			     (+ y 100)))
			 ((<= (abs (- y now-year)) 50) y)))
	 (zone (if time-zone (* time-zone 60)
		   (multiple-value-bind (res s us tz) (mach:unix-gettimeofday)
		     (declare (ignore s us))
		     (if res tz))))
	 (tmonth (- month 3)))
    (cond ((< tmonth 0)
	   (setq tmonth (+ tmonth 12))
	   (setq year (1- year))))
    (let ((days-since-mar0 (+ (truncate (+ (* tmonth 153) 2) 5) date)))
      (multiple-value-bind (tcent tyear) (truncate year 100)
	(let* ((tday (- (+ (truncate (* tcent quarter-days-per-century) 4)
			   (truncate (* tyear quarter-days-per-year) 4)
	       (daylight (dst-check days-since-mar0 (1- hour)
				    (mod (+ tday weekday-november-17-1858) 7)))
	       (tminutes (+ (* hour 60) minute zone)))
	  (if daylight (setq tminutes (- tminutes 60)))
	  (do ((i tminutes (+ i minutes-per-day)))
	      ((>= i 0) (setq tminutes i))
	    (declare (fixnum i))
	    (decf tday 1))
	  (do ((i tminutes (- i minutes-per-day)))
	      ((< i minutes-per-day) (setq tminutes i))
	    (declare (fixnum i))
	    (incf tday 1))
	  (multiple-value-bind (weeks dpart) (truncate tday 7)
	    (make-universal-time weeks (* (+ (* (+ (* dpart minutes-per-day)
						   tminutes) 60)
					     second) 1000))))))))

;;; Dst-check -- Internal
(defconstant april-1 (+ (truncate (+ (* (- 4 3) 153) 2) 5) 1))
(defconstant october-31 (+ (truncate (+ (* (- 10 3) 153) 2) 5) 31))

(eval-when (compile eval)
  (defmacro dst-check-start-of-month-ge (day hour weekday daybound)
    (let ((d (gensym))
	  (h (gensym))
	  (w (gensym))
	  (db (gensym)))
      `(let ((,d ,day)
	     (,h ,hour)
	     (,w ,weekday)
	     (,db ,daybound))
	 (declare (fixnum ,d ,h ,w ,db))
	 (cond ((< ,d ,db) NIL)
	       ((> (the fixnum (- ,d ,w)) ,db) T)
	       ((and (eq ,w 6) (> ,h 0)) T)
	       (T NIL)))))
  (defmacro dst-check-end-of-month-ge (day hour weekday daybound)
    (let ((d (gensym))
	  (h (gensym))
	  (w (gensym))
	  (db (gensym)))
      `(let ((,d ,day)
	     (,h ,hour)
	     (,w ,weekday)
	     (,db ,daybound))
	 (declare (fixnum ,d ,h ,w ,db))
	 (cond ((< (the fixnum (+ ,d 6)) ,db) NIL)
	       ((> (the fixnum  (- (the fixnum (+ ,d 6)) ,w)) ,db) T)
	       ((and (eq ,w 6) (> ,h 0)) T)
	       (T NIL)))))

(defun dst-check (day hour weekday)
  (and (dst-check-start-of-month-ge day hour weekday april-1)
       (not (dst-check-end-of-month-ge day hour weekday october-31))))
(defmacro time (form)
  "Evaluates the Form and prints timing information on *Trace-Output*."
  (let ((old-run-utime (gensym))
	(new-run-utime (gensym))
	(old-run-stime (gensym))
	(new-run-stime (gensym))
	(old-real-time (gensym))
	(new-real-time (gensym))
	(old-page-faults (gensym))
	(new-page-faults (gensym))
	(real-time-overhead (gensym))
	(run-utime-overhead (gensym))
	(run-stime-overhead (gensym))
	(page-faults-overhead (gensym))
	(old-bytes-consed (gensym))
	(new-bytes-consed (gensym))
	(cons-overhead (gensym))
	(err? (gensym))
	(utime (gensym))
	(stime (gensym)))
    `(let (,old-run-utime
       ;; Calculate the overhead...
       (multiple-value-bind (,err? ,utime ,stime)
			    (mach:unix-getrusage mach:rusage_self)
	 (cond ((null ,err?)
		(error "Unix system call getrusage failed: ~A."
		       (mach:get-unix-error-msg ,utime)))
	       (T (setq ,old-run-utime ,utime)
		  (setq ,old-run-stime ,stime))))
       (multiple-value-bind (gr ps fc ac ic wc zf ra in ot pf)
			    (mach:vm_statistics *task-self*)
	 (declare (ignore ps fc ac ic wc zf ra in ot))
	 (gr-error 'mach:vm_allocate gr)
	 (setq ,old-page-faults pf))
       (setq ,old-bytes-consed (get-bytes-consed))
       ;; Do it a second time, to make sure everything is faulted in.
       (multiple-value-bind (,err? ,utime ,stime)
			    (mach:unix-getrusage mach:rusage_self)
	 (cond ((null ,err?)
		(error "Unix system call getrusage failed: ~A."
		       (mach:get-unix-error-msg ,utime)))
	       (T (setq ,old-run-utime ,utime)
		  (setq ,old-run-stime ,stime))))
       (multiple-value-bind (gr ps fc ac ic wc zf ra in ot pf)
			    (mach:vm_statistics *task-self*)
	 (declare (ignore ps fc ac ic wc zf ra in ot))
	 (gr-error 'mach:vm_statistics gr)
	 (setq ,old-page-faults pf))
       (setq ,old-bytes-consed (get-bytes-consed))

       (multiple-value-bind (,err? ,utime ,stime)
			    (mach:unix-getrusage mach:rusage_self)
	 (cond ((null ,err?)
		(error "Unix system call getrusage failed: ~A."
		       (mach:get-unix-error-msg ,utime)))
	       (T (setq ,new-run-utime ,utime)
		  (setq ,new-run-stime ,stime))))
       (multiple-value-bind (gr ps fc ac ic wc zf ra in ot pf)
			    (mach:vm_statistics *task-self*)
	 (declare (ignore ps fc ac ic wc zf ra in ot))
	 (gr-error 'mach:vm_statistics gr)
	 (setq ,new-page-faults pf))
       (setq ,new-bytes-consed (get-bytes-consed))

       (setq ,run-utime-overhead (- ,new-run-utime ,old-run-utime))
       (setq ,run-stime-overhead (- ,new-run-stime ,old-run-stime))
       (setq ,page-faults-overhead (- ,new-page-faults ,old-page-faults))
       (setq ,old-real-time (get-internal-real-time))
       (setq ,old-real-time (get-internal-real-time))
       (setq ,new-real-time (get-internal-real-time))
       (setq ,real-time-overhead (- ,new-real-time ,old-real-time))
       (setq ,cons-overhead (- ,new-bytes-consed ,old-bytes-consed))
       ;; Now get the initial times.
       (multiple-value-bind (,err? ,utime ,stime)
			    (mach:unix-getrusage mach:rusage_self)
	 (cond ((null ,err?)
		(error "Unix system call getrusage failed: ~A."
		       (mach:get-unix-error-msg ,utime)))
	       (T (setq ,old-run-utime ,utime)
		  (setq ,old-run-stime ,stime))))
       (multiple-value-bind (gr ps fc ac ic wc zf ra in ot pf)
			    (mach:vm_statistics *task-self*)
	 (declare (ignore ps fc ac ic wc zf ra in ot))
	 (gr-error 'mach:vm_statistics gr)
	 (setq ,old-page-faults pf))
       (setq ,old-real-time (get-internal-real-time))
       (setq ,old-bytes-consed (get-bytes-consed))
	;; Execute the form, and return its values.
	 (multiple-value-bind (,err? ,utime ,stime)
			      (mach:unix-getrusage mach:rusage_self)
	   (cond ((null ,err?)
		  (error "Unix system call getrusage failed: ~A."
			 (mach:get-unix-error-msg ,utime)))
		 (T (setq ,new-run-utime (- ,utime ,run-utime-overhead))
		    (setq ,new-run-stime (- ,stime ,run-stime-overhead)))))
	 (multiple-value-bind (gr ps fc ac ic wc zf ra in ot pf)
			      (mach:vm_statistics *task-self*)
	   (declare (ignore ps fc ac ic wc zf ra in ot))
	   (gr-error 'mach:vm_statistics gr)
	   (setq ,new-page-faults (- pf ,page-faults-overhead)))
	 (setq ,new-real-time (- (get-internal-real-time) ,real-time-overhead))
	 (setq ,new-bytes-consed (- (get-bytes-consed) ,cons-overhead))
	 (format *trace-output*
		 "~&Evaluation took:~%  ~
		 ~S second~:P of real time,~%  ~
		 ~S second~:P of user run time,~%  ~
		 ~S second~:P of system run time,~%  ~
		 ~S page fault~:P, and~%  ~
		 ~S bytes consed.~%"
		 (max (/ (- ,new-real-time ,old-real-time)
			 (float internal-time-units-per-second))
		 (max (/ (- ,new-run-utime ,old-run-utime) 1000000.0) 0.0)
		 (max (/ (- ,new-run-stime ,old-run-stime) 1000000.0) 0.0)
		 (max (- ,new-page-faults ,old-page-faults) 0)
		 (max (- ,new-bytes-consed ,old-bytes-consed) 0))))))