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;;; -*- Log: code.log; Package: Lisp -*-
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; Functions to implement FORMAT for Spice Lisp.
;;; Original by David Adam.
;;; Re-write by Bill Maddox.
;;; Currently not maintained.
;;; FORMAT is part of the standard Spice Lisp environment.
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;;; Special variables local to FORMAT

(defvar *format-control-string* ""
  "The current FORMAT control string")

(defvar *format-index* 0
  "The current index into *format-control-string*")

(defvar *format-length* 0
  "The length of the current FORMAT control string")

(defvar *format-arguments* ()
  "Arguments to the current call of FORMAT")

(defvar *format-original-arguments* ()
 "Saved arglist from top-level FORMAT call for ~* and ~@*")

(defvar *format-stream-stack* ()
  "A stack of string streams for collecting FORMAT output")

(defvar *format-dispatch-table* ()
  "Dispatch table for FORMAT commands")

;;; Specials imported from PRINT and STREAM

(proclaim '(special *print-base* *standard-output* *terminal-io*))

;;; Specials imported from ERRORFUNS

(proclaim '(special *error-output*))

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;;; Since errors may occur while an indirect control string is being
;;; processed, i.e. by ~? or ~{~:}, some sort of backtrace is necessary
;;; in order to indicate the location in the control string where the
;;; error was detected.  To this end, errors detected by format are
;;; signalled by throwing a list of the form ((control-string args))
;;; to the tag FORMAT-ERROR.  This throw will be caught at each level
;;; of indirection, and the list of error messages re-thrown with an
;;; additional message indicating that indirection was present CONSed
;;; onto it.  Ultimately, the last throw will be caught by the top level
;;; FORMAT function, which will then signal an error to the Lisp error
;;; system in such a way that all the errror messages will be displayed
;;; in reverse order.

(defun format-error (complaint &rest args)
  (throw 'format-error
	 (list (list "~1{~:}~%~S~%~V@T^" complaint args
		     *format-control-string* (1+ *format-index*)))))


;;; This macro establishes the correct environment for processing
;;; an indirect control string.  CONTROL-STRING is the string to
;;; process, and FORMS are the forms to do the processing.  They 
;;; invariably will involve a call to SUB-FORMAT.  CONTROL-STRING
;;; is guaranteed to be evaluated exactly once.

(defmacro format-with-control-string (control-string &body forms)
  `(let ((string (if (simple-string-p ,control-string)
		     (coerce ,control-string 'simple-string))))
     (declare (simple-string string))
     (let ((error (catch 'format-error
			 (let ((*format-control-string* string)
			       (*format-length* (length string))
			       (*format-index* 0))
			   (declare (simple-string *format-control-string*)
				    (fixnum *format-length* *format-index*))
       (when error
	 (throw 'format-error
	   (cons (list "While processing indirect control string~%~S~%~V@T^"
		       (1+ *format-index*))

;;;; WITH-FORMAT-PARAMETERS, and other useful macros.
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;;; This macro rebinds collects output to the standard output stream
;;; in a string.  For efficiency, we avoid consing a new stream on
;;; every call.  A stack of string streams is maintained in order to
;;; guarantee re-entrancy.

(defmacro format-stringify-output (&body forms)
  `(let ((*standard-output*
	  (if *format-stream-stack*
	      (pop *format-stream-stack*)
	 (progn ,@forms
	       (get-output-stream-string *standard-output*)
	     (push *standard-output* *format-stream-stack*)))
       (get-output-stream-string *standard-output*))))
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;;; Pops an argument from the current argument list.  This is either the
;;; list of arguments given to the top-level call to FORMAT, or the argument
;;; list for the current iteration in a ~{~} construct.  An error is signalled
;;; if the argument list is empty.

(defmacro pop-format-arg ()
  '(if *format-arguments*
       (pop *format-arguments*)
       (format-error "Missing argument")))

;;; This macro decomposes the argument list returned by PARSE-FORMAT-OPERATION.
;;; PARMVAR is the list of parameters.  PARMDEFS is a list of lists of the form
;;; (<var> <default>).  The FORMS are evaluated in an environment where each 
;;; <var> is bound to either the value of the parameter supplied in the 
;;; parameter list, or to its <default> value if the parameter was omitted or
;;; explicitly defaulted.

(defmacro with-format-parameters (parmvar parmdefs &body forms)
  (do ((parmdefs parmdefs (cdr parmdefs))
       (bindings () (cons `(,(caar parmdefs) (or (if ,parmvar (pop ,parmvar))
						 ,(cadar parmdefs)))
      ((null parmdefs)
       `(let ,(nreverse bindings)
	  (when ,parmvar
	    (format-error "Too many parameters"))

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;;; The current control string is kept in *format-control-string*. 
;;; The variable *format-index* is the position of the last character
;;; processed, indexing from zero.  The variable *format-length* is the
;;; length of the control string, which is one greater than the maximum
;;; value of *format-index*.  

;;; Gets the next character from the current control string.  It is an
;;; error if there is none.  Leave *format-index* pointing to the
;;; character returned.

(defmacro nextchar ()
  '(if (< (the fixnum (incf (the fixnum *format-index*)))
	  (the fixnum *format-length*))
       (schar *format-control-string* *format-index*)
       (format-error "Syntax error")))

;;; Returns the current character, i.e. the one pointed to by *format-index*.

(defmacro format-peek ()
  '(schar *format-control-string* *format-index*))

;;; Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified character
;;; between indices START (inclusive) and END (exclusive) in the control
;;; string.

(defmacro format-find-char (char start end)
  `(position ,char (the simple-string *format-control-string*)
	     :start ,start :end ,end :test #'char=))

;;; Attempts to parse a parameter, starting at the current index.
;;; Returns the value of the parameter, or NIL if none is found. 
;;; On exit, *format-index* points to the first character which is
;;; not a part of the recognized parameter.

(defun format-get-parameter ()
  (case (format-peek)
    (#\# (nextchar) (length (the list *format-arguments*)))
    ((#\V #\v) (prog1 (pop-format-arg) (nextchar)))
    (#\' (prog1 (nextchar) (nextchar)))
    ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
     (do* ((number (digit-char-p (format-peek))
		   (+ (* 10 number) (digit-char-p (format-peek)))))
	  ((not (digit-char-p (nextchar))) number)))
     (case (format-peek)
       ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
	(do* ((number (digit-char-p (format-peek))
		      (+ (* 10 number) (digit-char-p (format-peek)))))
	     ((not (digit-char-p (nextchar))) (- number))))
       (t (decf (the fixnum *format-index*))  ; put back to out of place "-"
     (case (format-peek)
       ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
	(do* ((number (digit-char-p (format-peek))
		      (+ (* 10 number) (digit-char-p (format-peek)))))
	     ((not (digit-char-p (nextchar))) number)))
       (t (decf (the fixnum *format-index*))  ; put back to out of place "-"
    (t nil)))

;;;; Parsing the directives to FORMAT.

;;; PARSE-FORMAT-OPERATION parses a format directive, including flags and
;;; parameters.  On entry, *format-index* should point to the "~" preceding the
;;; command.  On exit, *format-index* points to the command character itself.
;;; Returns the list of parameters, the ":" flag, the "@" flag, and the command
;;; character as multiple values.  Explicitly defaulted parameters appear in
;;; the list of parameters as NIL.  Omitted parameters are simply not included
;;; in the list at all.
(defmacro parse-format-operation-modifier ()
  `(let ((temp (format-peek)))
     (cond ((char= temp #\:)
	    (setf colon-p t))
	   ((char= temp #\@)
	    (setf atsign-p t)))))
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(defun parse-format-operation ()
  (let* ((ch (nextchar))
	 (parms (if (or (digit-char-p ch)
			(member ch '(#\, #\# #\V #\v #\' #\+ #\-) :test #'char=))
		    (do ((parms (list (format-get-parameter))
				(cons (format-get-parameter) parms)))
			((char/= (format-peek) #\,) (nreverse parms))
		      (declare (list parms))
	 colon-p atsign-p)
    (values parms colon-p atsign-p (format-peek))))
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;;; Starting at the current value of *format-index*, finds the first
;;; occurrence of one of the specified directives. Embedded constructs,
;;; i.e. those inside ~(~), ~[~], ~{~}, or ~<~>, are ignored.  And error is
;;; signalled if no satisfactory command is found.  Otherwise, the
;;; following are returned as multiple values:
;;;     The value of *format-index* at the start of the search
;;;     The index of the "~" character preceding the command
;;;     The parameter list of the command
;;;     The ":" flag
;;;     The "@" flag
;;;     The command character
;;; Implementation note:  The present implementation is not particulary
;;; careful with storage allocation.  It would be a good idea to have
;;; a separate function for skipping embedded constructs which did not
;;; bother to cons parameter lists and then throw them away.
;;; We go to some trouble here to use POSITION for most of the searching.
;;; Another note: *FORMAT-ARGUMENTS* is let bound here so that we can
;;; guarantee that that list is not changed by FORMAT-FIND-COMMAND.
;;; This is necessary since PARSE-FORMAT-OPERATION (called below) calls
;;; FORMAT-GET-PARAMETER.  If the parameter is #\V or #\v then
;;; FORMAT-GET-PARAMETER will pop *FORMAT-ARGUMENTS*.  This causes the
;;; argument to be lost when we actually go to do the real formatting.
(defun format-find-command (command-list)
  (let ((start *format-index*)
	(*format-arguments* *format-arguments*))
    (do ((place start *format-index*)
	 (tilde (format-find-char #\~ start *format-length*)
		(format-find-char #\~ place *format-length*)))
	((not tilde)
	 (format-error "Expecting one of ~S" command-list))
      (setq *format-index* tilde)
      (multiple-value-bind (parms colon atsign command)
	(when (member command command-list :test #'char=)
	  (return (values start tilde parms colon atsign command)))
	(case command
	  (#\{ (nextchar)(format-find-command '(#\})))
	  (#\< (nextchar)(format-find-command '(#\>)))
	  (#\( (nextchar)(format-find-command '(#\))))
	  (#\[ (nextchar)(format-find-command '(#\])))
	  ((#\} #\> #\) #\])
	   (format-error "No matching bracket")))))))

;;;; This is the FORMAT top-level function.
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(defun format (destination control-string &rest format-arguments)
  "Provides various facilities for formatting output.
  CONTROL-STRING contains a string to be output, possibly with embedded
  directives, which are flagged with the escape character \"~\".  Directives
  generally expand into additional text to be output, usually consuming one
  or more of the FORMAT-ARGUMENTS in the process.  A few useful directives
        ~A or ~nA     Prints one argument as if by PRINC
        ~S or ~nS     Prints one argument as if by PRIN1
        ~D or ~nD     Prints one argument as a decimal integer
        ~%            Does a TERPRI
        ~&            Does a FRESH-LINE

         where n is the width of the field in which the object is printed.
  DESTINATION controls where the result will go.  If DESTINATION is T, then
  the output is sent to the standard output stream.  If it is NIL, then the
  output is returned in a string as the value of the call.  Otherwise,
  DESTINATION must be a stream to which the output will be sent.

  Example:   (FORMAT NIL \"The answer is ~D.\" 10) => \"The answer is 10.\"

  FORMAT has many additional capabilities not described here.  Consult the
  manual for details."

  (let ((*format-original-arguments* format-arguments)	;for abs. and rel. goto
	(*format-arguments* format-arguments)
	(*print-radix* nil)
	 (if (simple-string-p control-string)
	     (coerce control-string 'simple-string))))
    (declare (simple-string *format-control-string*))
     ((not destination)
       (let ((errorp (catch 'format-error
		       (catch 'format-escape
			 (catch 'format-colon-escape
			   (sub-format 0 (length *format-control-string*))))
	 (when errorp
	   (error "~%~:{~@?~%~}" (nreverse errorp))))))
     ((and (stringp destination) (array-has-fill-pointer-p destination))
      (with-output-to-string (*standard-output* destination)
	(let ((errorp (catch 'format-error
			(catch 'format-escape
			  (catch 'format-colon-escape
			    (sub-format 0 (length *format-control-string*))))
	  (when errorp
	    (error "~%~:{~@?~%~}" (nreverse errorp)))
      (let ((*standard-output*
	     (if (or (eq destination 't)
		     (and (synonym-stream-p destination)
			  (eq (synonym-stream-symbol destination)
	(let ((errorp (catch 'format-error
			(catch 'format-escape
			  (catch 'format-colon-escape
			    (sub-format 0 (length *format-control-string*))))
	  (when errorp
	    (error "~%~:{~@?~%~}" (nreverse errorp))))
;;;; SUB-FORMAT, the real work of FORMAT.

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;;; This function does the real work of format.  The segment of the control
;;; string between indiced START (inclusive) and END (exclusive) is processed
;;; as follows: Text not part of a directive is output without further
;;; processing.  Directives are parsed along with their parameters and flags,
;;; and the appropriate handlers invoked with the arguments COLON, ATSIGN, and
;;; PARMS. 
;;; Implementation Note: FORMAT-FIND-CHAR uses the POSITION stream operation
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;;; for speed.  This is potentially faster than character-at-a-time searching.

(defun sub-format (start end)
  (declare (fixnum start end))
  (let ((*format-index* start)
	(*format-length* end))
    (declare (fixnum *format-index* *format-length*))
    (do* ((place start *format-index*)
	  (tilde (format-find-char #\~ start end)
		 (format-find-char #\~ place end)))
	 ((not tilde)
	  (write-string *format-control-string*	*standard-output*
			:start place :end end))
      (declare (fixnum place) (type (or fixnum null) tilde))
      (when (> tilde place)
	(write-string *format-control-string* *standard-output*
		      :start place :end tilde))
      (setq *format-index* tilde)
       (parms colon atsign command)
       (let ((cmdfun (svref *format-dispatch-table* (char-code command))))
	 (if cmdfun
	     (funcall cmdfun colon atsign parms)
	     (format-error "Illegal FORMAT command ~~~S" command))))
      (unless (< (the fixnum (incf (the fixnum *format-index*))) end)

;;;; Conditional case conversion  ~( ... ~)
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(defun format-capitalization (colon atsign parms)
  (when parms
    (format-error "No parameters allowed to ~~("))
   (prev tilde end-parms end-colon end-atsign)
   (format-find-command '(#\)))
   (when (or end-parms end-colon end-atsign)
     (format-error "Flags or parameters not allowed"))
   (let ((string (format-stringify-output (sub-format prev tilde))))
     (declare (string string))
      (cond ((and atsign colon)
	     (nstring-upcase string))
	     (nstring-capitalize string))
	     (let ((strlen (length string)))
	       (declare (fixnum strlen))
	       ;; Capitalize the first word only
	       (nstring-downcase string)
	       (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
		   ((or (<= strlen i) (alpha-char-p (char string i)))
		    (setf (char string i) (char-upcase (char string i)))
		 (declare (fixnum i)))))
	    (t (nstring-downcase string)))))))

;;; Up and Out (Escape)  ~^

(defun format-escape (colon atsign parms)
  (when atsign
    (format-error "FORMAT command ~~~:[~;:~]@^ is undefined" colon))
  (when (if (first parms)
	    (if (second parms)
		(if (third parms)
		    (typecase (second parms)
		       (<= (first parms) (second parms) (third parms)))
		       (char< (first parms) (second parms) (third parms)))
		      (t nil))
		    (equal (first parms) (second parms)))
		(zerop (first parms)))
	    (not *format-arguments*))
    (throw (if colon 'format-colon-escape 'format-escape) nil)))

;;;; Conditional expression  ~[ ... ]
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;;; ~[ 

(defun format-untagged-condition ()
  (let ((test (pop-format-arg)))
    (unless (integerp test)
      (format-error "Argument to ~~[ must be integer - ~S" test))
    (do ((count 0 (1+ count)))
	((= count test)
	  (prev tilde parms colon atsign cmd)
	  (format-find-command '(#\; #\]))
	  (declare (ignore colon))
	  (when atsign
	    (format-error "Atsign flag not allowed"))
	  (when parms
	    (format-error "No parameters allowed"))
	  (sub-format prev tilde)
	  (unless (char= cmd #\])
	    (format-find-command '(#\])))))
       (prev tilde parms colon atsign cmd)
       (format-find-command '(#\; #\]))
       (declare (ignore prev tilde))
       (when atsign
	 (format-error "Atsign flag not allowed"))
       (when parms
	 (format-error "Parameters not allowed"))
       (when (char= cmd #\]) (return))
       (when colon
	 (multiple-value-bind (prev tilde parms colon atsign cmd)
			      (format-find-command '(#\; #\]))
	   (declare (ignore parms colon atsign))
	   (sub-format prev tilde)
	   (unless (char= cmd #\])
	     (format-find-command '(#\]))))

;;; ~@[

(defun format-funny-condition ()
   (prev tilde parms colon atsign)
   (format-find-command '(#\]))
   (when (or colon atsign parms)
     (format-error "Flags or arguments not allowed"))
   (if *format-arguments*
       (if (car *format-arguments*)
	   (sub-format prev tilde)
	   (pop *format-arguments*))
       (format-error "Missing argument"))))

;;; ~:[ 

(defun format-boolean-condition ()
   (prev tilde parms colon atsign)
   (format-find-command '(#\;))
   (when (or parms colon atsign)
     (format-error "Flags or parameters not allowed"))
   (if (pop-format-arg)
	(prev tilde parms colon atsign)
	(format-find-command '(#\]))
	(when (or colon atsign parms)
	  (format-error "Flags or parameters not allowed"))
	(sub-format prev tilde))
	(sub-format prev tilde)
	(format-find-command '(#\]))))))

(defun format-condition (colon atsign parms)
  (when parms
    (push (pop parms) *format-arguments*)
    (unless (null parms)
      (format-error "Too many parameters to ~[")))
  (cond (colon
	 (when atsign
	   (format-error  "~~:@[ undefined"))
	(t (format-untagged-condition))))

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(defun format-iteration (colon atsign parms)
  (with-format-parameters parms ((max-iter -1))
     (prev tilde end-parms end-colon end-atsign)
     (format-find-command '(#\}))
     (when (or end-atsign end-parms)
       (format-error "Illegal terminator for ~~{"))
     (if (= prev tilde)
	 ;; Use an argument as the control string if ~{~} is empty
	 (let ((string (pop-format-arg)))
	   (unless (stringp string)
	     (format-error "Control string is not a string"))
	   (format-with-control-string string
	     (format-do-iteration 0 *format-length*
				  max-iter colon atsign end-colon)))
	 (format-do-iteration prev tilde max-iter colon atsign end-colon)))))

;;; The two catch tags FORMAT-ESCAPE and FORMAT-COLON-ESCAPE are needed here
;;; to correctly implement ~^ and ~:^.  The former aborts only the current
;;; iteration, but the latter aborts the entire iteration process.

(defun format-do-iteration (start end max-iter colon atsign at-least-once-p)
  (catch 'format-colon-escape
    (catch 'format-escape
      (if atsign
	  (do* ((count 0 (1+ count)))
	       ((or (= count max-iter)
		    (and (null *format-arguments*)
			 (if (= count 0) (not at-least-once-p) t))))
	    (catch 'format-escape
	      (if colon
		  (let* ((*format-original-arguments* (pop-format-arg))
			 (*format-arguments* *format-original-arguments*))
		    (unless (listp *format-arguments*)
		      (format-error "Argument must be a list"))
		    (sub-format start end))
		  (sub-format start end))))
	  (let* ((*format-original-arguments* (pop-format-arg))
		 (*format-arguments* *format-original-arguments*))
	    (unless (listp *format-arguments*)
	      (format-error "Argument must be a list"))
	    (do* ((count 0 (1+ count)))
		 ((or (= count max-iter)
		      (and (null *format-arguments*)
			   (if (= count 0) (not at-least-once-p) t))))
	      (catch 'format-escape
		(if colon
		    (let* ((*format-original-arguments* (pop-format-arg))
			   (*format-arguments* *format-original-arguments*))
		      (unless (listp *format-arguments*)
			(format-error "Argument must be a list of lists"))
		      (sub-format start end))
		    (sub-format start end)))))))))

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;;; Parses a list of clauses delimited by ~; and terminated by ~>.
;;; Recursively invoke SUB-FORMAT to process them, and return a list
;;; of the results, the length of this list, and the total number of
;;; characters in the strings composing the list.

(defun format-get-trailing-segments ()
   (prev tilde colon atsign parms cmd)
   (format-find-command '(#\; #\>))
   (when colon
     (format-error "~~:; allowed only after first segment in ~~<"))
   (when (or atsign parms)
     (format-error "Flags and parameters not allowed"))
   (let ((str (catch 'format-escape
		(format-stringify-output (sub-format prev tilde)))))
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     (declare (type (or string null) str))
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     (if str
	 (if (char= cmd #\;)
	      (segments numsegs numchars)
	      (values (cons str segments)
		      (1+ numsegs) (+ numchars (length str))))
	     (values (list str) 1 (length str)))
	 (values () 0 0)))))

;;; Gets the first segment, which is treated specially.  Call 

(defun format-get-segments ()
   (prev tilde parms colon atsign cmd)
   (format-find-command '(#\; #\>))
   (when atsign
     (format-error "Atsign flag not allowed"))
   (let ((first-seg (format-stringify-output (sub-format prev tilde))))
     (if (char= cmd #\;)
	  (segments numsegs numchars)
	  (if colon
	      (values first-seg parms segments numsegs numchars)
	      (values nil nil (cons first-seg segments) (1+ numsegs)
		      (+ (length first-seg) numchars))))
	 (values nil nil (list first-seg) 1 (length first-seg))))))

;;;; Padding functions for Justification.

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;;; Given the total number of SPACES needed for padding, and the number
;;; of padding segments needed (PADDINGS), returns a list of such segments.
;;; We try to allocate the spaces equally to each segment.  When this is
;;; not possible, allocate any left over spaces to the first segment.
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(defun make-pad-segs (spaces padding-segs)
  (do* ((extra-space () (and (plusp extra-spaces)
			     (zerop (rem segs extra-inc))))
	(result () (cons (cond ((= segs 1) (+ min-space extra-spaces))
			       (extra-space (1+ min-space))
			       (t min-space))
	(min-space (truncate spaces padding-segs))
	(extra-spaces (- spaces (* padding-segs min-space))
		      (if extra-space
			  (1- extra-spaces) extra-spaces))
	(extra-inc (if (plusp extra-spaces)
		       (truncate spaces extra-spaces)))
	(segs padding-segs (1- segs)))
       ((zerop segs) result)))

;;; Determine the actual width to be used for a field requiring WIDTH
;;; characters according to the following rule:  If WIDTH is less than or
;;; equal to MINCOL, use WIDTH as the actual width.  Otherwise, round up 
;;; to MINCOL + k * COLINC for the smallest possible positive integer k.
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(defun format-round-columns (width mincol colinc)
  (if (> width mincol)
       (quotient remainder)
       (floor (- width mincol) colinc)
       (+ mincol (* quotient colinc) (if (zerop remainder) 0 colinc)))

(defun format-justification (colon atsign parms)
  (with-format-parameters parms
    ((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0) (padchar #\space))
    (unless (and (integerp mincol) (not (minusp mincol)))
      (format-error "Mincol must be a non-negative integer - ~S" mincol))
    (unless (and (integerp colinc) (plusp colinc))
      (format-error "Colinc must be a positive integer - ~S" colinc))
    (unless (and (integerp minpad) (not (minusp minpad)))
      (format-error "Minpad must be a non-negative integer - ~S" minpad))
    (unless (characterp padchar)
      (format-error "Padchar must be a character - ~S" padchar))
	(special-arg special-parms segments numsegs numchars)
      (let* ((padsegs (+ (if (or colon (= numsegs 1)) 1 0)
			 (1- numsegs)
			 (if (and atsign (or (/= numsegs 1) colon))
			     1 0)))
	     (width (format-round-columns (+ numchars (* minpad padsegs))
					  mincol colinc))
	     (spaces (append (if (or colon (= numsegs 1)) () '(0))
			     (make-pad-segs (- width numchars) padsegs)
			     (if (and atsign (or (/= numsegs 1) colon))
				 () '(0)))))
	(when special-arg
	  (with-format-parameters special-parms ((spare 0)
						 (linel (or (line-length) 72)))
	    (let ((pos (or (charpos *standard-output*) 0)))
	      (when (> (+ pos width spare) linel)
		(write-string special-arg)))))
	(cond ((and atsign (= numsegs 1) (not colon))
	       (write-string (car segments))
	       (dotimes (i (car spaces)) (write-char padchar)))
	       (do ((segs segments (cdr segs))
		    (spcs spaces (cdr spcs)))
		   ((null segs) (dotimes (i (car spcs)) (write-char padchar)))
		 (dotimes (i (car spcs)) (write-char padchar))
		 (write-string (car segs)))))))))
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(defun format-terpri (colon atsign parms)
  (when (or colon atsign)
    (format-error "Flags not allowed"))
  (with-format-parameters parms ((repeat-count 1))
    (dotimes (i repeat-count) (terpri))))

;;; Fresh-line  ~%

(defun format-freshline (colon atsign parms)
  (when (or colon atsign)
    (format-error "Flags not allowed"))
  (with-format-parameters parms ((repeat-count 1))
    (dotimes (i (1- repeat-count)) (terpri))))

;;; Page  ~|

(defun format-page (colon atsign parms)
  (when (or colon atsign)
    (format-error "Flags not allowed"))
  (with-format-parameters parms ((repeat-count 1))
    (dotimes (i repeat-count) (write-char #\form))))

;;; Print a tilde  ~~

(defun format-tilde (colon atsign parms)
  (when (or colon atsign)
    (format-error "Flags not allowed"))
  (with-format-parameters parms ((repeat-count 1))
    (dotimes (i repeat-count) (write-char #\~))))

;;; Continue control string on next line  ~<newline>

(defun format-eat-whitespace ()
  (setq *format-index*
	(1- (the fixnum
		 (position-if-not #'(lambda (ch) (or (whitespace-char-p ch)
						     (char= ch #\linefeed)))
				  (the simple-string *format-control-string*)
				  :start *format-index*)))))

(defun format-newline (colon atsign parms)
  (when parms
    (format-error "Parameters not allowed"))
  (cond (colon
	 (when atsign (format-error "~:@<newline> is undefined")))
	(atsign (terpri)(format-eat-whitespace))
	(t (format-eat-whitespace))))

;;;; Pluralize word (~P) and Skip Arguments (~*)
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(defun format-plural (colon atsign parms)
  (when parms
    (format-error "Parameters not allowed"))
  (when colon
    ;; Back up one argument first
    (let ((cdrs (- (length (the list *format-original-arguments*))
		   (length (the list *format-arguments*))
      (if (minusp cdrs)
	  (format-error  "No previous argument")
	  (setq *format-arguments*
		(nthcdr cdrs *format-original-arguments*)))))
  (if (eql (pop-format-arg) 1)
      (write-string (if atsign "y" ""))
      (write-string (if atsign "ies" "s"))))

;;; Skip arguments  (relative goto)  ~*

(defun format-skip-arguments (colon atsign parms)
  (with-format-parameters parms ((count 1))
    (cond (atsign
	   (when (or (minusp count)
		     (> count (length *format-original-arguments*)))
	     (format-error "Illegal to go to non-existant argument"))
	   (setq *format-arguments*
		 (nthcdr count *format-original-arguments*)))
	   (let ((cdrs (- (length (the list *format-original-arguments*))
			  (length (the list *format-arguments*))
	     (if (minusp cdrs)
		 (format-error  "Skip to nonexistant argument")
		 (setq *format-arguments*
		       (nthcdr cdrs *format-original-arguments*)))))
	   (if (> count (length *format-arguments*))
	       (format-error "Skip to nonexistant argument")
	       (setq *format-arguments* (nthcdr count *format-arguments*)))))))

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(defun format-indirection (colon atsign parms)
  (if (or colon parms) (format-error "Colon flag or parameters not allowed"))
  (let ((string (pop-format-arg)))
    (unless (stringp string)
      (format-error "Indirected control string is not a string"))
    (format-with-control-string string
      (if atsign
	  (sub-format 0 *format-length*)
	  (let* ((*format-original-arguments* (pop-format-arg))
		 (*format-arguments* *format-original-arguments*))
	    (unless (listp *format-arguments*)
	      (format-error "Argument must be a list"))
	    (sub-format 0 *format-length*))))))

;;; Tabulation  ~T

(defun format-tab (colon atsign parms)
  (with-format-parameters parms ((colnum 1) (colinc 1))
    (when colon
      (format-error "Tab-to in pixel units not supported"))
    (let* ((pos (charpos *standard-output*))
	   (len (cond (pos (let ((col (if atsign (+ pos colnum) colnum)))
			     (if (> pos col)
				 (- colinc (rem (- pos col) colinc))
				 (- col pos))))
		      (atsign colnum)
		      (t 2))))
      (declare (fixnum len))
      (do ((i len (- i 40)))
	  ((<= i 40) (write-string "                                        "
				   *standard-output* :start 0 :end i))
	(declare (fixnum i))
	(write-string "                                        "
		      :start 0
		      :end 40)))))
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(defun format-princ (colon atsign parms)
  (let ((arg (pop-format-arg)))
    (if (null parms)
	(if (or arg (not colon)) (princ arg) (write-string "()"))
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	(with-format-parameters parms
	   ((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0) (padchar #\space))
	   (format-write-field (if (or arg (not colon))
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				   (princ-to-string arg)
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			       mincol colinc minpad padchar atsign)))))

;;; S-expression  ~S
(defun format-prin1 (colon atsign parms)
  (let ((arg (pop-format-arg)))
    (if (null parms)
	(if (or arg (not colon)) (prin1 arg) (write-string "()"))
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	(with-format-parameters parms
	   ((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0) (padchar #\space))
	   (format-write-field (if (or arg (not colon))
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				   (prin1-to-string arg)
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			       mincol colinc minpad padchar atsign)))))

;;; Character  ~C

(defun format-print-character (colon atsign parms)
  (with-format-parameters parms ()
    (let ((char (pop-format-arg)))
      (unless (characterp char)
	(format-error "Argument must be a character"))
      (cond (colon
	     (format-print-named-character char))
	     (prin1 char))
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(defun format-print-named-character (char)
  (let* ((name (char-name char)))
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    (cond (name (write-string (string-capitalize name)))
	  ;; Print control characters as "^"<char>
	  ((<= 0 (the fixnum (char-code char)) 31)
	   (write-char #\^)
	   (write-char (code-char (+ 64 (the fixnum (char-code char))))))
	  (t (write-char char)))))
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ram's avatar
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;;; Insert commas after every third digit, scanning from right to left.

(defun format-add-commas (string commachar)
  (do* ((length (length (the string string)))
	(new-length (+ length
		       (the fixnum (floor (the fixnum (1- length)) 3))))
	(new-string (make-string new-length :initial-element commachar) 
		    (replace (the string new-string)
			     (the string string)
			     :start1 (max 0 (- new-pos 3))
			     :end1 new-pos
			     :start2 (max 0 (- pos 3))
			     :end2 pos))
	(pos length  (- pos 3))
	(new-pos new-length (- new-pos 4)))
       ((not (plusp pos)) new-string)
    (declare (fixnum length new-length pos new-pos))))

;;; Output a string in a field at MINCOL wide, padding with PADCHAR.
;;; Pads on the left if PADLEFT is true, else on the right.  If the
;;; length of the string plus the minimum permissible padding, MINPAD,
;;; is greater than MINCOL, the actual field size is rounded up to
;;; MINCOL + k * COLINC for the smallest possible positive integer k.

(defun format-write-field (string mincol colinc minpad padchar padleft)
  (unless (and (integerp mincol) (not (minusp mincol)))
    (format-error "Mincol must be a non-negative integer - ~S" mincol))
  (unless (and (integerp colinc) (plusp colinc))
    (format-error "Colinc must be a positive integer - ~S" colinc))
  (unless (and (integerp minpad) (not (minusp minpad)))
    (format-error "Minpad must be a non-negative integer - ~S" minpad))
  (unless (characterp padchar)
    (format-error "Padchar must be a character - ~S" padchar))
  (let* ((strlen (length (the string string)))