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stream.lisp 50.8 KiB
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ram committed
	      (setf workspace new-workspace)
	      (setf offset-current current)
	      (set-array-header buffer workspace new-length
				current+1 0 new-length nil))
	    (setf (fill-pointer buffer) current+1))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	(setf (schar workspace offset-current) character)))

(defun fill-pointer-sout (stream string start end)
  (declare (simple-string string) (fixnum start end))
  (let* ((buffer (fill-pointer-output-stream-string stream))
	 (current (fill-pointer buffer))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	 (string-len (- end start))
	 (dst-end (+ string-len current)))
    (declare (fixnum current dst-end string-len))
    (with-array-data ((workspace buffer) (dst-start) (dst-length))
      (declare (simple-string workspace))
      (let ((offset-dst-end (+ dst-start dst-end))
	    (offset-current (+ dst-start current)))
	(declare (fixnum offset-dst-end offset-current))
	(if (> offset-dst-end dst-length)
	    (let* ((new-length (+ (the fixnum (* current 2)) string-len))
		   (new-workspace (make-string new-length)))
	      (declare (simple-string new-workspace))
	      (%primitive byte-blt workspace dst-start new-workspace 0 current)
	      (setf workspace new-workspace)
	      (setf offset-current current)
	      (setf offset-dst-end dst-end)
	      (set-array-header buffer workspace new-length
				dst-end 0 new-length nil))
	    (setf (fill-pointer buffer) dst-end))
ram's avatar
ram committed
	(%primitive byte-blt string start
		    workspace offset-current offset-dst-end)))

(defun fill-pointer-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2)
  (declare (ignore arg1 arg2))
  (case operation
     (let* ((buffer (fill-pointer-output-stream-string stream))
	    (current (fill-pointer buffer)))
ram's avatar
ram committed
       (with-array-data ((string buffer) (start) (end current))
	 (declare (simple-string string) (ignore start))
	 (let ((found (position #\newline string :test #'char=
				:end end :from-end t)))
	   (if found
	       (- end (the fixnum found))
     (:element-type 'string-char)))
;;;; Indenting streams:

(defstruct (indenting-stream (:include stream
				       (out #'indenting-out)
				       (sout #'indenting-sout)
				       (misc #'indenting-misc))
			     (:print-function %print-indenting-stream)
			     (:constructor make-indenting-stream (stream)))
  ;; The stream we're based on:
  ;; How much we indent on each line:
  (indentation 0))

(setf (documentation 'make-indenting-stream 'function)
 "Returns an ouput stream which indents its output by some amount.")

(defun %print-indenting-stream (s stream d)
  (declare (ignore s d))
  (write-string "#<Indenting Stream>" stream))

;;; Indenting-Indent writes the right number of spaces needed to indent output on
;;; the given Stream based on the specified Sub-Stream.

(defmacro indenting-indent (stream sub-stream)
  `(do ((i 0 (+ i 60))
	(indentation (indenting-stream-indentation ,stream)))
       ((>= i indentation))
     (funcall (stream-sout ,sub-stream) ,sub-stream
	      "                                                            "
	      0 (min 60 (- indentation i)))))

;;; Indenting-Out writes a character to an indenting stream.

(defun indenting-out (stream char)
  (let ((sub-stream (indenting-stream-stream stream)))
    (funcall (stream-out sub-stream) sub-stream char)
    (if (char= char #\newline)
	(indenting-indent stream sub-stream))))

;;; Indenting-Sout writes a string to an indenting stream.

(defun indenting-sout (stream string start end)
  (declare (simple-string string) (fixnum start end))
  (do ((i start)
       (sub-stream (indenting-stream-stream stream)))
      ((= i end))
    (let ((newline (position #\newline string :start i :end end)))
      (cond (newline
	     (funcall (stream-sout sub-stream) sub-stream string i (1+ newline))
	     (indenting-indent stream sub-stream)
	     (setq i (+ newline 1)))
	     (funcall (stream-sout sub-stream) sub-stream string i end)
	     (setq i end))))))

;;; Indenting-Misc just treats just the :Line-Length message differently.
;;; Indenting-Charpos says the charpos is the charpos of the base stream minus
;;; the stream's indentation.

(defun indenting-misc (stream operation &optional arg1 arg2)
  (let* ((sub-stream (indenting-stream-stream stream))
	 (method (stream-misc sub-stream)))
    (case operation
       (let ((line-length (funcall method sub-stream operation)))
	 (if line-length
	     (- line-length (indenting-stream-indentation stream)))))
       (let* ((sub-stream (indenting-stream-stream stream))
	      (charpos (funcall method sub-stream operation)))
	 (if charpos
	     (- charpos (indenting-stream-indentation stream)))))       
       (funcall method sub-stream operation arg1 arg2)))))

(proclaim '(maybe-inline read-char unread-char read-byte listen))

;;;; Case frobbing streams, used by format ~(...~).

(in-package "EXT")
(export '(make-case-frob-stream))
(in-package "LISP")

(defstruct (case-frob-stream
	    (:include stream
		      (:misc #'case-frob-misc))
	    (:constructor %make-case-frob-stream (target out sout)))
  (target (required-argument) :type stream))

(defun make-case-frob-stream (target kind)
  "Returns a stream that sends all output to the stream TARGET, but modifies
   the case of letters, depending on KIND, which should be one of:
     :upcase - convert to upper case.
     :downcase - convert to lower case.
     :capitalize - convert the first letter of words to upper case and the
        rest of the word to lower case.
     :capitalize-first - convert the first letter of the first word to upper
        case and everything else to lower case."
  (declare (type stream target)
	   (type (member :upcase :downcase :capitalize :capitalize-first)
	   (values stream))
  (if (case-frob-stream-p target)
      ;; If we are going to be writing to a stream that already does case
      ;; frobbing, why bother frobbing the case just so it can frob it
      ;; again?
	  (out sout)
	  (ecase kind
	     (values #'case-frob-upcase-out
	     (values #'case-frob-downcase-out
	     (values #'case-frob-capitalize-out
	     (values #'case-frob-capitalize-first-out
	(%make-case-frob-stream target out sout))))

(defun case-frob-misc (stream op &optional arg1 arg2)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream))
  (case op
     (let ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream)))
       (funcall (stream-misc target) target op arg1 arg2)))))

(defun case-frob-upcase-out (stream char)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
	   (type base-character char))
  (let ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream)))
    (funcall (stream-out target) target (char-upcase char))))

(defun case-frob-upcase-sout (stream str start end)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
	   (type simple-base-string str)
	   (type index start)
	   (type (or index null) end))
  (let* ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream))
	 (len (length str))
	 (end (or end len)))
    (funcall (stream-sout target) target
	     (if (and (zerop start) (= len end))
		 (string-upcase str)
		 (nstring-upcase (subseq str start end)))
	     (- end start))))

(defun case-frob-downcase-out (stream char)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
	   (type base-character char))
  (let ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream)))
    (funcall (stream-out target) target (char-downcase char))))

(defun case-frob-downcase-sout (stream str start end)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
	   (type simple-base-string str)
	   (type index start)
	   (type (or index null) end))
  (let* ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream))
	 (len (length str))
	 (end (or end len)))
    (funcall (stream-sout target) target
	     (if (and (zerop start) (= len end))
		 (string-downcase str)
		 (nstring-downcase (subseq str start end)))
	     (- end start))))

(defun case-frob-capitalize-out (stream char)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
	   (type base-character char))
  (let ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream)))
    (cond ((alphanumericp char)
	   (funcall (stream-out target) target (char-upcase char))
	   (setf (case-frob-stream-out stream)
	   (setf (case-frob-stream-sout stream)
	   (funcall (stream-out target) target char)))))

(defun case-frob-capitalize-sout (stream str start end)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
	   (type simple-base-string str)
	   (type index start)
	   (type (or index null) end))
  (let* ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream))
	 (str (subseq str start end))
	 (len (length str))
	 (inside-word nil))
    (dotimes (i len)
      (let ((char (schar str i)))
	(cond ((not (alphanumericp char))
	       (setf inside-word nil))
	       (setf (schar str i) (char-downcase char)))
	       (setf inside-word t)
	       (setf (schar str i) (char-upcase char))))))
    (when inside-word
      (setf (case-frob-stream-out stream)
      (setf (case-frob-stream-sout stream)
    (funcall (stream-sout target) target str 0 len)))

(defun case-frob-capitalize-aux-out (stream char)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
	   (type base-character char))
  (let ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream)))
    (cond ((alphanumericp char)
	   (funcall (stream-out target) target (char-downcase char)))
	   (funcall (stream-out target) target char)
	   (setf (case-frob-stream-out stream)
	   (setf (case-frob-stream-sout stream)

(defun case-frob-capitalize-aux-sout (stream str start end)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
	   (type simple-base-string str)
	   (type index start)
	   (type (or index null) end))
  (let* ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream))
	 (str (subseq str start end))
	 (len (length str))
	 (inside-word t))
    (dotimes (i len)
      (let ((char (schar str i)))
	(cond ((not (alphanumericp char))
	       (setf inside-word nil))
	       (setf (schar str i) (char-downcase char)))
	       (setf inside-word t)
	       (setf (schar str i) (char-upcase char))))))
    (unless inside-word
      (setf (case-frob-stream-out stream)
      (setf (case-frob-stream-sout stream)
    (funcall (stream-sout target) target str 0 len)))

(defun case-frob-capitalize-first-out (stream char)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
	   (type base-character char))
  (let ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream)))
    (cond ((alphanumericp char)
	   (funcall (stream-out target) target (char-upcase char))
	   (setf (case-frob-stream-out stream)
	   (setf (case-frob-stream-sout stream)
	   (funcall (stream-out target) target char)))))

(defun case-frob-capitalize-first-sout (stream str start end)
  (declare (type case-frob-stream stream)
	   (type simple-base-string str)
	   (type index start)
	   (type (or index null) end))
  (let* ((target (case-frob-stream-target stream))
	 (str (subseq str start end))
	 (len (length str)))
    (dotimes (i len)
      (let ((char (schar str i)))
	(when (alphanumericp char)
	  (setf (schar str i) (char-upcase char))
	  (do ((i (1+ i) (1+ i)))
	      ((= i len))
	    (setf (schar str i) (char-downcase (schar str i))))
	  (setf (case-frob-stream-out stream)
	  (setf (case-frob-stream-sout stream)
    (funcall (stream-sout target) target str 0 len)))
chiles's avatar
chiles committed

;;;; Public interface from "EXTENSIONS" package.

(in-package "EXT")

(export '(get-stream-command stream-command stream-command-p stream-command-name
	  stream-command-args make-stream-command))

(defstruct (stream-command (:print-function print-stream-command)
			   (:constructor make-stream-command
					 (name &optional args)))
  (name nil :type symbol)
  (args nil :type list))

(defun print-stream-command (obj str n)
  (declare (ignore n))
  (format str "#<Stream-Cmd ~S>" (stream-command-name obj)))

;;; We can't simply call the stream's misc method because because nil is an
;;; ambiguous return value: does it mean text arrived, or does it mean the
;;; stream's misc method had no :get-command implementation.  We can't return
;;; nil until there is text input.  We don't need to loop because any stream
;;; implementing :get-command would wait until it had some input.  If the
;;; LISTEN fails, then we have some random stream we must wait on.
(defun get-stream-command (stream)
  "This takes a stream and waits for text or a command to appear on it.  If
   text appears before a command, this returns nil, and otherwise it returns
   a command."
  (let ((cmdp (funcall (lisp::stream-misc stream) stream :get-command)))
    (cond (cmdp)
	  ((listen stream)
	   ;; This waits for input and returns nil when it arrives.
	   (unread-char (read-char stream) stream)))))