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  "convert to inline logical ops"
  `(let ((mask (ldb (byte size 0) -1)))
     (logior (ash (logand new mask) posn)
	     (logand int (lognot (ash mask posn))))))

(deftransform %dpb ((new size posn int)
		    (signed-byte #.vm:word-bits))
  "convert to inline logical ops"
  `(let ((mask (ldb (byte size 0) -1)))
     (logior (ash (logand new mask) posn)
	     (logand int (lognot (ash mask posn))))))

(deftransform %deposit-field ((new size posn int)
			      (unsigned-byte #.vm:word-bits))
  "convert to inline logical ops"
  `(let ((mask (ash (ldb (byte size 0) -1) posn)))
     (logior (logand new mask)
	     (logand int (lognot mask)))))

(deftransform %deposit-field ((new size posn int)
			      (signed-byte #.vm:word-bits))
  "convert to inline logical ops"
  `(let ((mask (ash (ldb (byte size 0) -1) posn)))
     (logior (logand new mask)
	     (logand int (lognot mask)))))
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;;; Miscellanous numeric transforms:

;;; COMMUTATIVE-ARG-SWAP  --  Internal
;;;    If a constant appears as the first arg, swap the args.
(deftransform commutative-arg-swap ((x y) * * :defun-only t :node node)
  (if (and (constant-continuation-p x)
	   (not (constant-continuation-p y)))
      `(,(continuation-function-name (basic-combination-fun node))
	,(continuation-value x))

(dolist (x '(= char= + * logior logand logxor))
  (%deftransform x '(function * *) #'commutative-arg-swap
		 "place constant arg last."))
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;;; Handle the case of a constant boole-code.
(deftransform boole ((op x y) * * :when :both)
  "convert to inline logical ops"
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  (unless (constant-continuation-p op)
    (give-up "BOOLE code is not a constant."))
  (let ((control (continuation-value op)))
    (case control
      (#.boole-clr 0)
      (#.boole-set -1)
      (#.boole-1 'x)
      (#.boole-2 'y)
      (#.boole-c1 '(lognot x))
      (#.boole-c2 '(lognot y))
      (#.boole-and '(logand x y))
      (#.boole-ior '(logior x y))
      (#.boole-xor '(logxor x y))
      (#.boole-eqv '(logeqv x y))
      (#.boole-nand '(lognand x y))
      (#.boole-nor '(lognor x y))
      (#.boole-andc1 '(logandc1 x y))
      (#.boole-andc2 '(logandc2 x y))
      (#.boole-orc1 '(logorc1 x y))
      (#.boole-orc2 '(logorc2 x y))
       (abort-transform "~S illegal control arg to BOOLE." control)))))

;;;; Convert multiply/divide to shifts.
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;;; If arg is a constant power of two, turn * into a shift.
(deftransform * ((x y) (integer integer) * :when :both)
  "convert x*2^k to shift"
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  (unless (constant-continuation-p y) (give-up))
  (let* ((y (continuation-value y))
	 (y-abs (abs y))
	 (len (1- (integer-length y-abs))))
    (unless (= y-abs (ash 1 len)) (give-up))
    (if (minusp y)
	`(- (ash x ,len))
	`(ash x ,len))))

;;; If both arguments and the result are (unsigned-byte 32), try to come up
;;; with a ``better'' multiplication using multiplier recoding.  There are two
;;; different ways the multiplier can be recoded.  The more obvious is to shift
;;; X by the correct amount for each bit set in Y and to sum the results.  But
;;; if there is a string of bits that are all set, you can add X shifted by
;;; one more then the bit position of the first set bit and subtract X shifted
;;; by the bit position of the last set bit.  We can't use this second method
;;; when the high order bit is bit 31 because shifting by 32 doesn't work
;;; too well.
(deftransform * ((x y)
		 ((unsigned-byte 32) (unsigned-byte 32))
		 (unsigned-byte 32))
  (unless (constant-continuation-p y)
  (let ((y (continuation-value y))
	(result nil)
	(first-one nil))
    (labels ((tub32 (x) `(truly-the (unsigned-byte 32) ,x))
	     (add (next-factor)
	       (setf result
		      (if result
			  `(+ ,result ,(tub32 next-factor))
      (declare (inline add))
      (dotimes (bitpos 32)
	(if first-one
	    (when (not (logbitp bitpos y))
	      (add (if (= (1+ first-one) bitpos)
		       ;; There is only a single bit in the string.
		       `(ash x ,first-one)
		       ;; There are at least two.
		       `(- ,(tub32 `(ash x ,bitpos))
			   ,(tub32 `(ash x ,first-one)))))
	      (setf first-one nil))
	    (when (logbitp bitpos y)
	      (setf first-one bitpos))))
      (when first-one
	(cond ((= first-one 31))
	      ((= first-one 30)
	       (add '(ash x 30)))
	       (add `(- ,(tub32 '(ash x 31)) ,(tub32 `(ash x ,first-one))))))
	(add '(ash x 31))))
    (or result 0)))

;;; If arg is a constant power of two, turn floor into a shift and mask.
;;; If ceiling, add in (1- (abs y)) and then do floor.
(flet ((frob (y ceil-p)
	 (unless (constant-continuation-p y) (give-up))
	 (let* ((y (continuation-value y))
		(y-abs (abs y))
		(len (1- (integer-length y-abs))))
	   (unless (= y-abs (ash 1 len)) (give-up))
	   (let ((shift (- len))
		 (mask (1- y-abs)))
	     `(let ,(when ceil-p `((x (+ x ,(1- y-abs)))))
		,(if (minusp y)
		     `(values (ash (- x) ,shift)
			      (- (logand (- x) ,mask)))
		     `(values (ash x ,shift)
			      (logand x ,mask))))))))
  (deftransform floor ((x y) (integer integer) *)
    "convert division by 2^k to shift"
  (deftransform ceiling ((x y) (integer integer) *)
    "convert division by 2^k to shift"
(deftransform mod ((x y) (integer integer) * :when :both)
  "convert remainder mod 2^k to LOGAND"
  (unless (constant-continuation-p y) (give-up))
  (let* ((y (continuation-value y))
	 (y-abs (abs y))
	 (len (1- (integer-length y-abs))))
    (unless (= y-abs (ash 1 len)) (give-up))
    (let ((mask (1- y-abs)))
      (if (minusp y)
	  `(- (logand (- x) ,mask))
	  `(logand x ,mask)))))

;;; If arg is a constant power of two, turn truncate into a shift and mask.
(deftransform truncate ((x y) (integer integer))
  "convert division by 2^k to shift"
  (unless (constant-continuation-p y) (give-up))
  (let* ((y (continuation-value y))
	 (y-abs (abs y))
	 (len (1- (integer-length y-abs))))
    (unless (= y-abs (ash 1 len)) (give-up))
    (let* ((shift (- len))
	   (mask (1- y-abs)))
      `(if (minusp x)
	   (values ,(if (minusp y)
			`(ash (- x) ,shift)
			`(- (ash (- x) ,shift)))
		   (- (logand (- x) ,mask)))
	   (values ,(if (minusp y)
			`(- (ash (- x) ,shift))
			`(ash x ,shift))
		   (logand x ,mask))))))

;;; And the same for rem.
(deftransform rem ((x y) (integer integer) * :when :both)
  "convert remainder mod 2^k to LOGAND"
  (unless (constant-continuation-p y) (give-up))
  (let* ((y (continuation-value y))
	 (y-abs (abs y))
	 (len (1- (integer-length y-abs))))
    (unless (= y-abs (ash 1 len)) (give-up))
    (let ((mask (1- y-abs)))
      `(if (minusp x)
	   (- (logand (- x) ,mask))
	   (logand x ,mask)))))

;;;; Arithmetic and logical identity operation elimination:
;;; Flush calls to random arith functions that convert to the identity
(dolist (stuff '((ash 0 x)
		 (logand -1 x)
		 (logand 0 0)
		 (logior 0 x)
		 (logior -1 -1)
		 (logxor -1 (lognot x))
		 (logxor 0 x)))
  (destructuring-bind (name identity result) stuff
    (deftransform name ((x y) `(* (constant-argument (member ,identity))) '*
			:eval-name t :when :both)
;;; These are restricted to rationals, because (- 0 0.0) is 0.0, not -0.0, and
;;; (* 0 -4.0) is -0.0.
(deftransform - ((x y) ((constant-argument (member 0)) rational) *
		 :when :both)
  "convert (- 0 x) to negate"
  '(%negate y))
(deftransform * ((x y) (rational (constant-argument (member 0))) *
		 :when :both)
;;; NOT-MORE-CONTAGIOUS  --  Interface
;;;    Return T if in an arithmetic op including continuations X and Y, the
;;; result type is not affected by the type of X.  That is, Y is at least as
;;; contagious as X.
(defun not-more-contagious (x y)
  (declare (type continuation x y))
  (let ((x (continuation-type x))
	(y (continuation-type y)))
    (values (type= (numeric-contagion x y)
		   (numeric-contagion y y)))))

;;; Fold (OP x 0).
;;;    If y is not constant, not zerop, or is contagious, then give up.
(dolist (stuff '((+ x)
		 (- x)
		 (expt 1)))
  (destructuring-bind (name result) stuff
    (deftransform name ((x y) '(t (constant-argument t)) '* :eval-name t
			:when :both)
      "fold zero arg"
      (let ((val (continuation-value y)))
	(unless (and (zerop val)
		     (not (and (floatp val) (minusp (float-sign val))))
		     (not-more-contagious y x))
(dolist (stuff '((* x (%negate x))
		 (/ x (%negate x))
		 (expt x (/ 1 x))))
  (destructuring-bind (name result minus-result) stuff
    (deftransform name ((x y) '(t (constant-argument real)) '* :eval-name t
			:when :both)
      "fold identity operations"
      (let ((val (continuation-value y)))
	(unless (and (= (abs val) 1)
		     (not-more-contagious y x))
	(if (minusp val) minus-result result)))))
;;; Fold (expt x n) into multiplications for small integral values of N.
(deftransform expt ((x y) (t (constant-argument real)) *)
  "recode as multiplication"
  (let ((val (continuation-value y)))
    ;; If Y would cause the result to be promoted to the same type as
    ;; Y, we give up.  If not, then the result will be the same type
    ;; as X, so we can replace the exponentiation with simple
    ;; multiplication and division for small integral powers.
    (unless (not-more-contagious y x)
    (cond ((= val 2) '(* x x))
	  ((= val -2) '(/ (* x x)))
	  ((= val 3) '(* x x x))
	  ((= val -3) '(/ (* x x x)))
	  (t (give-up)))))

(dolist (name '(ash /))
  (deftransform name ((x y) '((constant-argument (integer 0 0)) integer) '*
		      :eval-name t :when :both)
    "fold zero arg"

(dolist (name '(truncate round floor ceiling))
  (deftransform name ((x y) '((constant-argument (integer 0 0)) integer) '*
		      :eval-name t :when :both)
    "fold zero arg"
    '(values 0 0)))

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;;;; Character operations:

(deftransform char-equal ((a b) (base-char base-char))
  "open code"
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  '(let* ((ac (char-code a))
	  (bc (char-code b))
	  (sum (logxor ac bc)))
     (or (zerop sum)
	 (when (eql sum #x20)
	   (let ((sum (+ ac bc)))
	     (and (> sum 161) (< sum 213)))))))

(deftransform char-upcase ((x) (base-char))
  "open code"
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  '(let ((n-code (char-code x)))
     (if (and (> n-code #o140)	; Octal 141 is #\a.
	      (< n-code #o173))	; Octal 172 is #\z.
	 (code-char (logxor #x20 n-code))

(deftransform char-downcase ((x) (base-char))
  "open code"
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  '(let ((n-code (char-code x)))
     (if (and (> n-code 64)	; 65 is #\A.
	      (< n-code 91))	; 90 is #\Z.
	 (code-char (logxor #x20 n-code))

;;;; Equality predicate transforms:

;;; SAME-LEAF-REF-P  --  Internal
;;;    Return true if X and Y are continuations whose only use is a reference
;;; to the same leaf, and the value of the leaf cannot change.
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(defun same-leaf-ref-p (x y)
  (declare (type continuation x y))
  (let ((x-use (continuation-use x))
	(y-use (continuation-use y)))
    (and (ref-p x-use)
	 (ref-p y-use)
	 (eq (ref-leaf x-use) (ref-leaf y-use))
	 (constant-reference-p x-use))))
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;;;    If X and Y are the same leaf, then the result is true.  Otherwise, if
;;; there is no intersection between the types of the arguments, then the
;;; result is definitely false.
(deftransform simple-equality-transform ((x y) * * :defun-only t
					 :when :both)
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  (cond ((same-leaf-ref-p x y)
	((not (types-intersect (continuation-type x) (continuation-type y)))
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(dolist (x '(eq char= equal))
  (%deftransform x '(function * *) #'simple-equality-transform))
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;;; EQL IR1 Transform  --  Internal
;;;    Similar to SIMPLE-EQUALITY-PREDICATE, except that we also try to convert
;;; to a type-specific predicate or EQ:
;;; -- If both args are characters, convert to CHAR=.  This is better than just
;;;    converting to EQ, since CHAR= may have special compilation strategies
;;;    for non-standard representations, etc.
;;; -- If either arg is definitely not a number, then we can compare with EQ.
;;; -- Otherwise, we try to put the arg we know more about second.  If X is
;;;    constant then we put it second.  If X is a subtype of Y, we put it
;;;    second.  These rules make it easier for the back end to match these
;;;    interesting cases.
;;; -- If Y is a fixnum, then we quietly pass because the back end can handle
;;;    that case, otherwise give an efficency note.
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(deftransform eql ((x y) * * :when :both)
  "convert to simpler equality predicate"
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  (let ((x-type (continuation-type x))
	(y-type (continuation-type y))
	(char-type (specifier-type 'character))
	(number-type (specifier-type 'number)))
    (cond ((same-leaf-ref-p x y)
	  ((not (types-intersect x-type y-type))
	  ((and (csubtypep x-type char-type)
		(csubtypep y-type char-type))
	   '(char= x y))
	  ((or (not (types-intersect x-type number-type))
	       (not (types-intersect y-type number-type)))
	   '(eq x y))
	  ((and (not (constant-continuation-p y))
		(or (constant-continuation-p x)
		    (and (csubtypep x-type y-type)
			 (not (csubtypep y-type x-type)))))
	   '(eql y x))
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;;; = IR1 Transform  --  Internal
;;;    Convert to EQL if both args are rational and complexp is specified
;;; and the same for both.
(deftransform = ((x y) * * :when :both)
  "open code"
  (let ((x-type (continuation-type x))
	(y-type (continuation-type y)))
    (if (and (numeric-type-p x-type) (numeric-type-p y-type))
	(let ((x-class (numeric-type-class x-type))
	      (y-class (numeric-type-class y-type)))
	  (cond ((and (eq x-class 'float) (eq y-class 'float))
		 ;; They are both floats.  Leave as = so that -0.0 is
		 ;; handled correctly.
		((and (member x-class '(rational integer))
		      (member y-class '(rational integer))
		      (let ((x-complexp (numeric-type-complexp x-type)))
			(and x-complexp
			     (eq x-complexp (numeric-type-complexp y-type)))))
		 ;; They are both rationals and complexp is the same.  Convert
		 ;; to EQL.
		 '(eql x y))
		 (give-up "Operands might not be the same type."))))
	(give-up "Operands might not be the same type."))))
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;;; Numeric-Type-Or-Lose  --  Interface
;;;    If Cont's type is a numeric type, then return the type, otherwise
;;; GIVE-UP.
(defun numeric-type-or-lose (cont)
  (declare (type continuation cont))
  (let ((res (continuation-type cont)))
    (unless (numeric-type-p res) (give-up))

;;; IR1-TRANSFORM-<  --  Internal
;;;    See if we can statically determine (< X Y) using type information.  If
;;; X's high bound is < Y's low, then X < Y.  Similarly, if X's low is >= to
;;; Y's high, the X >= Y (so return NIL).  If not, at least make sure any
;;; constant arg is second.
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(defun ir1-transform-< (x y first second inverse)
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  (if (same-leaf-ref-p x y)
      (let* ((x-type (numeric-type-or-lose x))
	     (x-lo (numeric-type-low x-type))
	     (x-hi (numeric-type-high x-type))
	     (y-type (numeric-type-or-lose y))
	     (y-lo (numeric-type-low y-type))
	     (y-hi (numeric-type-high y-type)))
	(cond ((and x-hi y-lo (< x-hi y-lo))
	      ((and y-hi x-lo (>= x-lo y-hi))
	      ((and (constant-continuation-p first)
		    (not (constant-continuation-p second)))
	       `(,inverse y x))
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(defun ir1-transform-< (x y first second inverse)
  (if (same-leaf-ref-p x y)
      (let ((xi (numeric-type->interval (numeric-type-or-lose x)))
	    (yi (numeric-type->interval (numeric-type-or-lose y))))
	(cond ((interval-< xi yi)
	      ((interval-< yi xi)
	      ((and (constant-continuation-p first)
		    (not (constant-continuation-p second)))
	       `(,inverse y x))
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(deftransform < ((x y) (integer integer) * :when :both)
  (ir1-transform-< x y x y '>))
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(deftransform > ((x y) (integer integer) * :when :both)
  (ir1-transform-< y x x y '<))
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(deftransform < ((x y) (float float) * :when :both)
  (ir1-transform-< x y x y '>))

(deftransform > ((x y) (float float) * :when :both)
  (ir1-transform-< y x x y '<))

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;;;; Converting N-arg comparisons:
;;;    We convert calls to N-arg comparison functions such as < into two-arg
;;; calls.  This transformation is enabled for all such comparisons in this
;;; file.  If any of these predicates are not open-coded, then the
;;; transformation should be removed at some point to avoid pessimization.

;;; Multi-Compare  --  Internal
;;;    This function is used for source transformation of N-arg comparison
;;; functions other than inequality.  We deal both with converting to two-arg
;;; calls and inverting the sense of the test, if necessary.  If the call has
;;; two args, then we pass or return a negated test as appropriate.  If it is a
;;; degenerate one-arg call, then we transform to code that returns true.
;;; Otherwise, we bind all the arguments and expand into a bunch of IFs.
(proclaim '(function multi-compare (symbol list boolean)))
(defun multi-compare (predicate args not-p)
  (let ((nargs (length args)))
    (cond ((< nargs 1) (values nil t))
	  ((= nargs 1) `(progn ,@args t))
	  ((= nargs 2)
	   (if not-p
	       `(if (,predicate ,(first args) ,(second args)) nil t)
	       (values nil t)))
	   (do* ((i (1- nargs) (1- i))
		 (last nil current)
		 (current (gensym) (gensym))
		 (vars (list current) (cons current vars))
		 (result 't (if not-p
				`(if (,predicate ,current ,last)
				     nil ,result)
				`(if (,predicate ,current ,last)
				     ,result nil))))
	       ((zerop i)
		`((lambda ,vars ,result) . ,args)))))))

(def-source-transform = (&rest args) (multi-compare '= args nil))
(def-source-transform < (&rest args) (multi-compare '< args nil))
(def-source-transform > (&rest args) (multi-compare '> args nil))
(def-source-transform <= (&rest args) (multi-compare '> args t))
(def-source-transform >= (&rest args) (multi-compare '< args t))

(def-source-transform char= (&rest args) (multi-compare 'char= args nil))
(def-source-transform char< (&rest args) (multi-compare 'char< args nil))
(def-source-transform char> (&rest args) (multi-compare 'char> args nil))
(def-source-transform char<= (&rest args) (multi-compare 'char> args t))
(def-source-transform char>= (&rest args) (multi-compare 'char< args t))

(def-source-transform char-equal (&rest args) (multi-compare 'char-equal args nil))
(def-source-transform char-lessp (&rest args) (multi-compare 'char-lessp args nil))
(def-source-transform char-greaterp (&rest args) (multi-compare 'char-greaterp args nil))
(def-source-transform char-not-greaterp (&rest args) (multi-compare 'char-greaterp args t))
(def-source-transform char-not-lessp (&rest args) (multi-compare 'char-lessp args t))

;;; Multi-Not-Equal  --  Internal
;;;    This function does source transformation of N-arg inequality functions
;;; such as /=.  This is similar to Multi-Compare in the <3 arg cases.  If
;;; there are more than two args, then we expand into the appropriate n^2
;;; comparisons only when speed is important.
(proclaim '(function multi-not-equal (symbol list)))
(defun multi-not-equal (predicate args)
  (let ((nargs (length args)))
    (cond ((< nargs 1) (values nil t))
	  ((= nargs 1) `(progn ,@args t))
	  ((= nargs 2)
	   `(if (,predicate ,(first args) ,(second args)) nil t))
	  ((not (policy nil (>= speed space) (>= speed cspeed)))
	   (values nil t))
	   (collect ((vars))
	     (dotimes (i nargs) (vars (gensym)))
	     (do ((var (vars) next)
		  (next (cdr (vars)) (cdr next))
		  (result 't))
		 ((null next)
		  `((lambda ,(vars) ,result) . ,args))
	       (let ((v1 (first var)))
		 (dolist (v2 next)
		   (setq result `(if (,predicate ,v1 ,v2) nil ,result))))))))))

(def-source-transform /= (&rest args) (multi-not-equal '= args))
(def-source-transform char/= (&rest args) (multi-not-equal 'char= args))
(def-source-transform char-not-equal (&rest args) (multi-not-equal 'char-equal args))

;;; Expand Max and Min into the obvious comparisons.
(def-source-transform max (arg &rest more-args)
  (if (null more-args)
      `(values ,arg)
      (once-only ((arg1 arg)
		  (arg2 `(max ,@more-args)))
	`(if (> ,arg1 ,arg2)
	     ,arg1 ,arg2))))
(def-source-transform min (arg &rest more-args)
  (if (null more-args)
      `(values ,arg)
      (once-only ((arg1 arg)
		  (arg2 `(min ,@more-args)))
	`(if (< ,arg1 ,arg2)
	     ,arg1 ,arg2))))

;;;; Converting N-arg arithmetic functions:
;;;    N-arg arithmetic and logic functions are associated into two-arg
;;; versions, and degenerate cases are flushed.

;;; Associate-Arguments  --  Internal
;;;    Left-associate First-Arg and More-Args using Function.
(proclaim '(function associate-arguments (symbol t list) list))
(defun associate-arguments (function first-arg more-args)
  (let ((next (rest more-args))
	(arg (first more-args)))
    (if (null next)
	`(,function ,first-arg ,arg)
	(associate-arguments function `(,function ,first-arg ,arg) next))))

;;; Source-Transform-Transitive  --  Internal
;;;    Do source transformations for transitive functions such as +.  One-arg
;;; cases are replaced with the arg and zero arg cases with the identity.  If
;;; Leaf-Fun is true, then replace two-arg calls with a call to that function. 
(defun source-transform-transitive (fun args identity &optional leaf-fun)
  (declare (symbol fun leaf-fun) (list args))
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  (case (length args)
    (0 identity)
    (1 `(values ,(first args)))
    (2 (if leaf-fun
	   `(,leaf-fun ,(first args) ,(second args))
	   (values nil t)))
     (associate-arguments fun (first args) (rest args)))))

(def-source-transform + (&rest args) (source-transform-transitive '+ args 0))
(def-source-transform * (&rest args) (source-transform-transitive '* args 1))
(def-source-transform logior (&rest args) (source-transform-transitive 'logior args 0))
(def-source-transform logxor (&rest args) (source-transform-transitive 'logxor args 0))
(def-source-transform logand (&rest args) (source-transform-transitive 'logand args -1))
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(def-source-transform logeqv (&rest args)
  (if (evenp (length args))
      `(lognot (logxor ,@args))
      `(logxor ,@args)))
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;;; Note: we can't use source-transform-transitive for GCD and LCM because when
;;; they are given one argument, they return it's absolute value.

(def-source-transform gcd (&rest args)
  (case (length args)
    (0 0)
    (1 `(abs (the integer ,(first args))))
    (2 (values nil t))
    (t (associate-arguments 'gcd (first args) (rest args)))))

(def-source-transform lcm (&rest args)
  (case (length args)
    (0 1)
    (1 `(abs (the integer ,(first args))))
    (2 (values nil t))
    (t (associate-arguments 'lcm (first args) (rest args)))))

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;;; Source-Transform-Intransitive  --  Internal
;;;    Do source transformations for intransitive n-arg functions such as /.
;;; With one arg, we form the inverse.  With two args we pass.  Otherwise we
;;; associate into two-arg calls.
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(proclaim '(function source-transform-intransitive (symbol list t) list))
(defun source-transform-intransitive (function args inverse)
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  (case (length args)
    ((0 2) (values nil t))
    (1 `(,@inverse ,(first args)))
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     (associate-arguments function (first args) (rest args)))))

(def-source-transform - (&rest args)
  (source-transform-intransitive '- args '(%negate)))
(def-source-transform / (&rest args)
  (source-transform-intransitive '/ args '(/ 1)))
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;;;; Apply:
;;;    We convert Apply into Multiple-Value-Call so that the compiler only
;;; needs to understand one kind of variable-argument call.  It is more
;;; efficient to convert Apply to MV-Call than MV-Call to Apply.

(def-source-transform apply (fun arg &rest more-args)
  (let ((args (cons arg more-args)))
    `(multiple-value-call ,fun
       ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x)
		     `(values ,x))
		 (butlast args))
       (values-list ,(car (last args))))))

;;;; FORMAT transform:
;;; If the control string is a compile-time constant, then replace it with
;;; a use of the FORMATTER macro so that the control string is ``compiled.''
;;; Furthermore, if the destination is either a stream or T and the control
;;; string is a function (i.e. formatter), then convert the call to format to
;;; just a funcall of that function.
(deftransform format ((dest control &rest args) (t simple-string &rest t) *
		      :policy (> speed space))
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  (unless (constant-continuation-p control)
    (give-up "Control string is not a constant."))
  (let ((arg-names (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) (gensym)) args)))
    `(lambda (dest control ,@arg-names)
       (declare (ignore control))
       (format dest (formatter ,(continuation-value control)) ,@arg-names))))
(deftransform format ((stream control &rest args) (stream function &rest t) *
		      :policy (> speed space))
  (let ((arg-names (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) (gensym)) args)))
    `(lambda (stream control ,@arg-names)
       (funcall control stream ,@arg-names)
(deftransform format ((tee control &rest args) ((member t) function &rest t) *
		      :policy (> speed space))
  (let ((arg-names (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) (gensym)) args)))
    `(lambda (tee control ,@arg-names)
       (declare (ignore tee))
       (funcall control *standard-output* ,@arg-names)