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;;; -*- Package: UNIX -*-
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of CMU Common Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman or
  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/unix.lisp,v 1.25 1993/07/03 00:41:54 hallgren Exp $")
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;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This file contains the UNIX low-level support.
(in-package "UNIX")
(use-package "ALIEN")
(use-package "C-CALL")
(use-package "SYSTEM")
(use-package "EXT")

(export '(
	  daddr-t caddr-t ino-t swblk-t size-t time-t dev-t off-t uid-t gid-t
	  timeval tv-sec tv-usec timezone tz-minuteswest tz-dsttime
	  itimerval it-interval it-value tchars t-intrc t-quitc t-startc
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	  t-stopc t-eofc t-brkc ltchars t-suspc t-dsuspc t-rprntc t-flushc
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	  t-werasc t-lnextc sgttyb sg-ispeed sg-ospeed sg-erase sg-kill
	  sg-flags winsize ws-row ws-col ws-xpixel ws-ypixel
	  direct d-off d-ino d-reclen d-namlen d-name
	  stat st-dev st-mode st-nlink st-uid st-gid st-rdev st-size
	  st-atime st-mtime st-ctime st-blksize st-blocks
	  s-ifmt s-ifdir s-ifchr s-ifblk s-ifreg s-iflnk s-ifsock
	  s-isuid s-isgid s-isvtx s-iread s-iwrite s-iexec
	  ruseage ru-utime ru-stime ru-maxrss ru-ixrss ru-idrss
	  ru-isrss ru-minflt ru-majflt ru-nswap ru-inblock ru-oublock
	  ru-msgsnd ru-msgrcv ru-nsignals ru-nvcsw ru-nivcsw
	  rlimit rlim-cur rlim-max sigcontext sc-onstack sc-mask sc-pc

	  unix-errno get-unix-error-msg

	  unix-pathname unix-file-mode unix-fd unix-pid unix-uid unix-gid

	  unix-access r_ok w_ok x_ok f_ok unix-chdir unix-chmod setuidexec
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	  setgidexec savetext readown writeown execown readgrp writegrp
	  execgrp readoth writeoth execoth unix-fchmod unix-chown unix-fchown
	  unix-getdtablesize unix-close unix-creat unix-dup unix-dup2
	  unix-fcntl f-dupfd f-getfd f-setfd f-getfl f-setfl f-getown f-setown
	  fndelay fappend fasync fcreat ftrunc fexcl unix-link unix-lseek
	  l_set l_incr l_xtnd unix-mkdir unix-open o_rdonly o_wronly o_rdwr
	  o_append o_creat o_trunc o_excl unix-pipe unix-read unix-readlink
	  unix-rename unix-rmdir unix-fast-select fd-setsize fd-set fd-clr
	  fd-isset fd-zero unix-select unix-sync unix-fsync unix-truncate
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	  unix-ftruncate unix-symlink unix-unlink unix-write unix-ioctl
	  tcsetpgrp tcgetpgrp tty-process-group
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	  terminal-speeds tty-raw tty-crmod tty-echo tty-lcase tty-cbreak
	  KBDSCLICK FIONREAD unix-exit unix-stat unix-lstat unix-fstat
	  unix-getrusage unix-fast-getrusage rusage_self rusage_children
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	  unix-utimes unix-setreuid unix-setregid unix-getpid unix-getppid
	  unix-getgid unix-getegid unix-getpgrp unix-setpgrp unix-getuid
	  unix-getpagesize unix-gethostname unix-gethostid unix-fork
	  unix-current-directory unix-isatty unix-ttyname unix-execve
	  unix-socket unix-connect unix-bind unix-listen unix-accept
	  unix-recv unix-send))

(pushnew :unix *features*)

;;;; Common machine independent structures.

;;; From sys/types.h

(def-alien-type daddr-t long)
(def-alien-type caddr-t (* char))
(def-alien-type ino-t unsigned-long)
(def-alien-type swblk-t long)
(def-alien-type size-t long)
(def-alien-type time-t long)
(def-alien-type dev-t short)
(def-alien-type off-t long)
(def-alien-type uid-t unsigned-short)
(def-alien-type gid-t unsigned-short)

(defconstant FD-SETSIZE 256)

(def-alien-type nil
  (struct fd-set
    (fds-bits (array unsigned-long #.(/ fd-setsize 32)))))

(defmacro fd-set (offset fd-set)
  (let ((word (gensym))
	(bit (gensym)))
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    `(multiple-value-bind (,word ,bit) (floor ,offset 32)
       (setf (deref (slot ,fd-set 'fds-bits) ,word)
	     (logior (truly-the (unsigned-byte 32) (ash 1 ,bit))
		     (deref (slot ,fd-set 'fds-bits) ,word))))))
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(defmacro fd-clr (offset fd-set)
  (let ((word (gensym))
	(bit (gensym)))
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    `(multiple-value-bind (,word ,bit) (floor ,offset 32)
       (setf (deref (slot ,fd-set 'fds-bits) ,word)
	     (logand (deref (slot ,fd-set 'fds-bits) ,word)
		      (truly-the (unsigned-byte 32) (ash 1 ,bit))))))))
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(defmacro fd-isset (offset fd-set)
  (let ((word (gensym))
	(bit (gensym)))
    `(multiple-value-bind (,word ,bit) (floor ,offset 32)
       (logbitp ,bit (deref (slot ,fd-set 'fds-bits) ,word)))))

(defmacro fd-zero (fd-set)
     ,@(loop for index upfrom 0 below (/ fd-setsize 32)
	 collect `(setf (deref (slot ,fd-set 'fds-bits) ,index) 0))))
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;;; From sys/time.h

(def-alien-type nil
  (struct timeval
    (tv-sec long)		; seconds
    (tv-usec long)))		; and microseconds
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(def-alien-type nil
  (struct timezone
    (tz-minuteswest int)		; minutes west of Greenwich
    (tz-dsttime				; type of dst correction
     (enum nil :none :usa :aust :wet :met :eet :can))))

(def-alien-type nil
  (struct itimerval
    (it-interval (struct timeval))	; timer interval
    (it-value (struct timeval))))	; current value

;;; From ioctl.h

(def-alien-type nil
  (struct tchars
    (t-intrc char)			; interrupt
    (t-quitc char)			; quit
    (t-startc char)			; start output
    (t-stopc char)			; stop output
    (t-eofc char)			; end-of-file
    (t-brkc char)))			; input delimiter (like nl)

(def-alien-type nil
  (struct ltchars
    (t-suspc char)			; stop process signal
    (t-dsuspc char)			; delayed stop process signal
    (t-rprntc char)			; reprint line
    (t-flushc char)			; flush output (toggles)
    (t-werasc char)			; word erase
    (t-lnextc char)))			; literal next character

(def-alien-type nil
  (struct sgttyb
    (sg-ispeed char)			; input speed.
    (sg-ospeed char)			; output speed
    (sg-erase char)			; erase character
    (sg-kill char)			; kill character
    (sg-flags short)))			; mode flags

(def-alien-type nil
  (struct winsize
    (ws-row unsigned-short)		; rows, in characters
    (ws-col unsigned-short)		; columns, in characters
    (ws-xpixel unsigned-short)		; horizontal size, pixels
    (ws-ypixel unsigned-short)))	; veritical size, pixels

;;; From sys/dir.h

(def-alien-type nil
  (struct direct
    #+sunos (d-off long)		; offset of next disk directory entry
    (d-ino unsigned-long)		; inode number of entry
    (d-reclen unsigned-short)		; length of this record
    (d-namlen unsigned-short)		; length of string in d-name
    (d-name (array char 256))))		; name must be no longer than this

;;; From sys/stat.h

(def-alien-type nil
  (struct stat
    (st-dev dev-t)
    (st-ino ino-t)
    (st-mode unsigned-short)
    (st-nlink short)
    (st-uid uid-t)
    (st-gid gid-t)
    (st-rdev dev-t)
    (st-size off-t)
    (st-atime time-t)
    (st-spare1 int)
    (st-mtime time-t)
    (st-spare2 int)
    (st-ctime time-t)
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    (st-spare3 int)
    (st-blksize long)
    (st-blocks long)
    (st-spare4 (array long 2))))

(defconstant s-ifmt #o0170000)
(defconstant s-ifdir #o0040000)
(defconstant s-ifchr #o0020000)
(defconstant s-ifblk #o0060000)
(defconstant s-ifreg #o0100000)
(defconstant s-iflnk #o0120000)
(defconstant s-ifsock #o0140000)
(defconstant s-isuid #o0004000)
(defconstant s-isgid #o0002000)
(defconstant s-isvtx #o0001000)
(defconstant s-iread #o0000400)
(defconstant s-iwrite #o0000200)
(defconstant s-iexec #o0000100)

;;; From sys/resource.h

(def-alien-type nil
  (struct rusage
    (ru-utime (struct timeval))		; user time used
    (ru-stime (struct timeval))		; system time used.
    (ru-maxrss long)
    (ru-ixrss long)			; integral sharded memory size
    (ru-idrss long)			; integral unsharded data "
    (ru-isrss long)			; integral unsharded stack "
    (ru-minflt long)			; page reclaims
    (ru-majflt long)			; page faults
    (ru-nswap long)			; swaps
    (ru-inblock long)			; block input operations
    (ru-oublock long)			; block output operations
    (ru-msgsnd long)			; messages sent
    (ru-msgrcv long)			; messages received
    (ru-nsignals long)			; signals received
    (ru-nvcsw long)			; voluntary context switches
    (ru-nivcsw long)))			; involuntary "

(def-alien-type nil
  (struct rlimit
    (rlim-cur int)			; current (soft) limit
    (rlim-max int)))			; maximum value for rlim-cur

;;;; Errno stuff.

(eval-when (compile eval)

(defparameter *compiler-unix-errors* nil)

(defmacro def-unix-error (name number description)
     (eval-when (compile eval)
       (push (cons ,number ,description) *compiler-unix-errors*))
     (defconstant ,name ,number ,description)
     (export ',name)))

(defmacro emit-unix-errors ()
  (let* ((max (apply #'max (mapcar #'car *compiler-unix-errors*)))
	 (array (make-array (1+ max) :initial-element nil)))
    (dolist (error *compiler-unix-errors*)
      (setf (svref array (car error)) (cdr error)))
       (defvar *unix-errors* ',array)
       (proclaim '(simple-vector *unix-errors*)))))

) ;eval-when

;;; From <errno.h>
(def-unix-error ESUCCESS 0 "Successful")
(def-unix-error EPERM 1 "Not owner")
(def-unix-error ENOENT 2 "No such file or directory")
(def-unix-error ESRCH 3 "No such process")
(def-unix-error EINTR 4 "Interrupted system call")
(def-unix-error EIO 5 "I/O error")
(def-unix-error ENXIO 6 "No such device or address")
(def-unix-error E2BIG 7 "Arg list too long")
(def-unix-error ENOEXEC 8 "Exec format error")
(def-unix-error EBADF 9 "Bad file number")
(def-unix-error ECHILD 10 "No children")
(def-unix-error EAGAIN 11 "No more processes")
(def-unix-error ENOMEM 12 "Not enough core")
(def-unix-error EACCES 13 "Permission denied")
(def-unix-error EFAULT 14 "Bad address")
(def-unix-error ENOTBLK 15 "Block device required")
(def-unix-error EBUSY 16 "Mount device busy")
(def-unix-error EEXIST 17 "File exists")
(def-unix-error EXDEV 18 "Cross-device link")
(def-unix-error ENODEV 19 "No such device")
(def-unix-error ENOTDIR 20 "Not a director")
(def-unix-error EISDIR 21 "Is a directory")
(def-unix-error EINVAL 22 "Invalid argument")
(def-unix-error ENFILE 23 "File table overflow")
(def-unix-error EMFILE 24 "Too many open files")
(def-unix-error ENOTTY 25 "Not a typewriter")
(def-unix-error ETXTBSY 26 "Text file busy")
(def-unix-error EFBIG 27 "File too large")
(def-unix-error ENOSPC 28 "No space left on device")
(def-unix-error ESPIPE 29 "Illegal seek")
(def-unix-error EROFS 30 "Read-only file system")
(def-unix-error EMLINK 31 "Too many links")
(def-unix-error EPIPE 32 "Broken pipe")
;;; Math
(def-unix-error EDOM 33 "Argument too large")
(def-unix-error ERANGE 34 "Result too large")
;;; non-blocking and interrupt i/o
(def-unix-error EWOULDBLOCK 35 "Operation would block")
(def-unix-error EDEADLK 35 "Operation would block") ; Ditto
(def-unix-error EINPROGRESS 36 "Operation now in progress")
(def-unix-error EALREADY 37 "Operation already in progress")
;;; ipc/network software
(def-unix-error ENOTSOCK 38 "Socket operation on non-socket")
(def-unix-error EDESTADDRREQ 39 "Destination address required")
(def-unix-error EMSGSIZE 40 "Message too long")
(def-unix-error EPROTOTYPE 41 "Protocol wrong type for socket")
(def-unix-error ENOPROTOOPT 42 "Protocol not available")
(def-unix-error EPROTONOSUPPORT 43 "Protocol not supported")
(def-unix-error ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 44 "Socket type not supported")
(def-unix-error EOPNOTSUPP 45 "Operation not supported on socket")
(def-unix-error EPFNOSUPPORT 46 "Protocol family not supported")
(def-unix-error EAFNOSUPPORT 47 "Address family not supported by protocol family")
(def-unix-error EADDRINUSE 48 "Address already in use")
(def-unix-error EADDRNOTAVAIL 49 "Can't assign requested address")
;;; operational errors
(def-unix-error ENETDOWN 50 "Network is down")
(def-unix-error ENETUNREACH 51 "Network is unreachable")
(def-unix-error ENETRESET 52 "Network dropped connection on reset")
(def-unix-error ECONNABORTED 53 "Software caused connection abort")
(def-unix-error ECONNRESET 54 "Connection reset by peer")
(def-unix-error ENOBUFS 55 "No buffer space available")
(def-unix-error EISCONN 56 "Socket is already connected")
(def-unix-error ENOTCONN 57 "Socket is not connected")
(def-unix-error ESHUTDOWN 58 "Can't send after socket shutdown")
(def-unix-error ETOOMANYREFS 59 "Too many references: can't splice")
(def-unix-error ETIMEDOUT 60 "Connection timed out")
(def-unix-error ECONNREFUSED 61 "Connection refused")
(def-unix-error ELOOP 62 "Too many levels of symbolic links")
(def-unix-error ENAMETOOLONG 63 "File name too long")
(def-unix-error EHOSTDOWN 64 "Host is down")
(def-unix-error EHOSTUNREACH 65 "No route to host")
(def-unix-error ENOTEMPTY 66 "Directory not empty")
;;; quotas & resource 
(def-unix-error EPROCLIM 67 "Too many processes")
(def-unix-error EUSERS 68 "Too many users")
(def-unix-error EDQUOT 69 "Disc quota exceeded")
(def-unix-error ELOCAL 126 "namei should continue locally")
(def-unix-error EREMOTE 127 "namei was handled remotely")
;;; VICE
(def-unix-error EVICEERR 70 "Remote file system error ")
(def-unix-error EVICEOP 71 "syscall was handled by Vice")
;;; Mach Emulation
(def-unix-error ERESTART 72 "Mach Emulation Error (?)")
;;; And now for something completely different ...

(def-alien-variable ("errno" unix-errno) int)

;;; GET-UNIX-ERROR-MSG -- public.
(defun get-unix-error-msg (&optional (error-number unix-errno))
  "Returns a string describing the error number which was returned by a
  UNIX system call."
  (declare (type integer error-number))
  (if (array-in-bounds-p *unix-errors* error-number)
      (svref *unix-errors* error-number)
      (format nil "Unknown error [~d]" error-number)))

;;;; Lisp types used by syscalls.

(deftype unix-pathname () 'simple-string)
(deftype unix-file-mode () '(unsigned-byte 16))
(deftype unix-fd () `(integer 0 ,most-positive-fixnum))
(deftype unix-pid () '(unsigned-byte 16))
(deftype unix-uid () '(unsigned-byte 16))
(deftype unix-gid () '(unsigned-byte 16))

;;;; System calls.

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(defmacro syscall ((name &rest arg-types) success-form &rest args)
  `(let ((result (alien-funcall (extern-alien ,name (function int ,@arg-types))
     (if (minusp result)
	 (values nil unix-errno)

;;; Like syscall, but if it fails, signal an error instead of returing error
;;; codes.  Should only be used for syscalls that will never really get an
;;; error.
(defmacro syscall* ((name &rest arg-types) success-form &rest args)
  `(let ((result (alien-funcall (extern-alien ,name (function int ,@arg-types))
     (if (minusp result)
	 (error "Syscall ~A failed: ~A" ,name (get-unix-error-msg))

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(defmacro void-syscall ((name &rest arg-types) &rest args)
  `(syscall (,name ,@arg-types) (values t 0) ,@args))

(defmacro int-syscall ((name &rest arg-types) &rest args)
  `(syscall (,name ,@arg-types) (values result 0) ,@args))

;;; Unix-access accepts a path and a mode.  It returns two values the
;;; first is T if the file is accessible and NIL otherwise.  The second
;;; only has meaning in the second case and is the unix errno value.

(defconstant r_ok 4 "Test for read permission")
(defconstant w_ok 2 "Test for write permission")
(defconstant x_ok 1 "Test for execute permission")
(defconstant f_ok 0 "Test for presence of file")

(defun unix-access (path mode)
  "Given a file path (a string) and one of four constant modes,
   unix-access returns T if the file is accessible with that
   mode and NIL if not.  It also returns an errno value with
   NIL which determines why the file was not accessible.

   The access modes are:
	r_ok     Read permission.
	w_ok     Write permission.
	x_ok     Execute permission.
	f_ok     Presence of file."
  (declare (type unix-pathname path)
	   (type (mod 8) mode))
  (void-syscall ("access" c-string int) path mode))

;;; Unix-chdir accepts a directory name and makes that the
;;; current working directory.

(defun unix-chdir (path)
  "Given a file path string, unix-chdir changes the current working 
   directory to the one specified."
  (declare (type unix-pathname path))
  (void-syscall ("chdir" c-string) path))

;;; Unix-chmod accepts a path and a mode and changes the mode to the new mode.

(defconstant setuidexec #o4000 "Set user ID on execution")
(defconstant setgidexec #o2000 "Set group ID on execution")
(defconstant savetext #o1000 "Save text image after execution")
(defconstant readown #o400 "Read by owner")
(defconstant writeown #o200 "Write by owner")
(defconstant execown #o100 "Execute (search directory) by owner")
(defconstant readgrp #o40 "Read by group")
(defconstant writegrp #o20 "Write by group")
(defconstant execgrp #o10 "Execute (search directory) by group")
(defconstant readoth #o4 "Read by others")
(defconstant writeoth #o2 "Write by others")
(defconstant execoth #o1 "Execute (search directory) by others")

(defun unix-chmod (path mode)
  "Given a file path string and a constant mode, unix-chmod changes the
   permission mode for that file to the one specified. The new mode
   can be created by logically OR'ing the following:

      setuidexec        Set user ID on execution.
      setgidexec        Set group ID on execution.
      savetext          Save text image after execution.
      readown           Read by owner.
      writeown          Write by owner.
      execown           Execute (search directory) by owner.
      readgrp           Read by group.
      writegrp          Write by group.
      execgrp           Execute (search directory) by group.
      readoth           Read by others.
      writeoth          Write by others.
      execoth           Execute (search directory) by others.
  It returns T on successfully completion; NIL and an error number
  (declare (type unix-pathname path)
	   (type unix-file-mode mode))
  (void-syscall ("chmod" c-string int) path mode))

;;; Unix-fchmod accepts a file descriptor ("fd") and a file protection mode
;;; ("mode") and changes the protection of the file described by "fd" to 
;;; "mode".

(defun unix-fchmod (fd mode)
  "Given an integer file descriptor and a mode (the same as those
   used for unix-chmod), unix-fchmod changes the permission mode
   for that file to the one specified. T is returned if the call
   was successful."
  (declare (type unix-fd fd)
	   (type unix-file-mode mode))
  (void-syscall ("fchmod" int int) fd mode))

(defun unix-chown (path uid gid)
  "Given a file path, an integer user-id, and an integer group-id,
   unix-chown changes the owner of the file and the group of the
   file to those specified.  Either the owner or the group may be
   left unchanged by specifying them as -1.  Note: Permission will
   fail if the caller is not the superuser."
  (declare (type unix-pathname path)
	   (type (or unix-uid (integer -1 -1)) uid)
	   (type (or unix-gid (integer -1 -1)) gid))
  (void-syscall ("chown" c-string int int) path uid gid))

;;; Unix-fchown is exactly the same as unix-chown except that the file
;;; is specified by a file-descriptor ("fd") instead of a pathname.

(defun unix-fchown (fd uid gid)
  "Unix-fchown is like unix-chown, except that it accepts an integer
   file descriptor instead of a file path name."
  (declare (type unix-fd fd)
	   (type (or unix-uid (integer -1 -1)) uid)
	   (type (or unix-gid (integer -1 -1)) gid))
  (void-syscall ("fchown" int int int) fd uid gid))

;;; Returns the maximum size (i.e. the number of array elements
;;; of the file descriptor table.

(defun unix-getdtablesize ()
  "Unix-getdtablesize returns the maximum size of the file descriptor
   table. (i.e. the maximum number of descriptors that can exist at
   one time.)"
  (int-syscall ("getdtablesize")))

;;; Unix-close accepts a file descriptor and attempts to close the file
;;; associated with it.

(defun unix-close (fd)
  "Unix-close takes an integer file descriptor as an argument and
   closes the file associated with it.  T is returned upon successful
   completion, otherwise NIL and an error number."
  (declare (type unix-fd fd))
  (void-syscall ("close" int) fd))

;;; Unix-creat accepts a file name and a mode.  It creates a new file
;;; with name and sets it mode to mode (as for chmod).

(defun unix-creat (name mode)
  "Unix-creat accepts a file name and a mode (same as those for
   unix-chmod) and creates a file by that name with the specified
   permission mode.  It returns T on success, or NIL and an error
   number otherwise."
  (declare (type unix-pathname name)
	   (type unix-file-mode mode))
  (void-syscall ("creat" c-string int) name mode))

;;; Unix-dup returns a duplicate copy of the existing file-descriptor
;;; passed as an argument.

(defun unix-dup (fd)
  "Unix-dup duplicates an existing file descriptor (given as the
   argument) and return it.  If FD is not a valid file descriptor, NIL
   and an error number are returned."
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  (declare (type unix-fd fd))
  (int-syscall ("dup" int) fd))

;;; Unix-dup2 makes the second file-descriptor describe the same file
;;; as the first. If the second file-descriptor points to an open
;;; file, it is first closed. In any case, the second should have a 
;;; value which is a valid file-descriptor.

(defun unix-dup2 (fd1 fd2)
  "Unix-dup2 duplicates an existing file descriptor just as unix-dup
   does only the new value of the duplicate descriptor may be requested
   through the second argument.  If a file already exists with the
   requested descriptor number, it will be closed and the number
   assigned to the duplicate
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