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  • ram's avatar
    Made *debug-print-XXX* go to *print-XXX* if they are NIL. · 158b38fc
    ram authored
    Flushed "push" command.
    Made "l" command accept a prefix of the variables to print.
    Made source commands die more gracefully if there is no d-s-start-positions.
    Made source commands understand the new :STREAM debug-info format.
    Made "flush" print whether it turned flushing on or off.
    Made *debug-print-XXX* go to *print-XXX* if they are NIL.
    ram authored
    Flushed "push" command.
    Made "l" command accept a prefix of the variables to print.
    Made source commands die more gracefully if there is no d-s-start-positions.
    Made source commands understand the new :STREAM debug-info format.
    Made "flush" print whether it turned flushing on or off.