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profile.lisp 33.58 KiB
;;; -*- Package: Profile -*-
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/profile.lisp,v 1.41 2005/05/26 19:09:15 rtoy Rel $")
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; Description: Simple profiling facility.
;;; Author: Skef Wholey, Rob MacLachlan
;;; Compatibility: Runs in any valid Common Lisp.  Three small implementation-
;;;   dependent changes can be made to improve performance and prettiness.
;;; Dependencies: The macro Quickly-Get-Time and the function
;;;   Required-Arguments should probably be tailored to the implementation for
;;;   the best results.  They will default to working, albeit inefficent, forms
;;;   in non-CMU implementations.  The Total-Consing macro is used to profile
;;;   consing: in unknown implementations 0 will be used.
;;;   See the "Implementation Parameters" section.
;;; Note: a timing overhead factor is computed when REPORT-TIME is first
;;; called.  This will be incorrect if profiling code is run in a different
;;; environment than the first call to REPORT-TIME.  For example, saving a core
;;; image on a high performance machine and running it on a low performance one
;;; will result in use of an erroneously small timing overhead factor.  In CMU
;;; CL, this cache is invalidated when a core is saved.

(defpackage "PROFILE"
  (:use :common-lisp :ext :fwrappers)
  (:export *timed-functions* profile profile-all unprofile reset-time 
	   report-time report-time-custom *default-report-time-printfunction*
	   with-spacereport print-spacereports reset-spacereports
	   delete-spacereports *insert-spacereports*
	   *no-calls* *no-calls-limit*))

(in-package "PROFILE")

;;;; Implementation dependent interfaces:

(defconstant quick-time-units-per-second internal-time-units-per-second)
(defmacro quickly-get-time ()
  `(the time-type (get-internal-run-time)))

;;; The type of the result from quickly-get-time.
(deftype time-type () '(unsigned-byte 29))

;;; Return two values: the first is the number of required arguments,
;;; and the second is T iff NAME has any non-required arguments
;;; (e.g. &OPTIONAL, &REST, &KEY).
(defun required-arguments (name)
  (let ((type (ext:info function type name)))
    (cond ((not (kernel:function-type-p type))
	   (values 0 t))
	   (values (length (kernel:function-type-required type))
		   (if (or (kernel:function-type-optional type)
			   (kernel:function-type-keyp type)
			   (kernel:function-type-rest type))
		       t nil))))))

;;; TOTAL-CONSING is called to find the total number of bytes consed
;;; since the beginning of time.
(declaim (inline total-consing))
(defun total-consing () (ext:get-bytes-consed-dfixnum))

;;; The type of the result of TOTAL-CONSING.
(deftype consing-type () '(and fixnum unsigned-byte))

;;; On the CMUCL x86 port the return address is represented as a SAP
;;; and to save the costly calculation of the SAPs code object the
;;; profiler maintains callers as SAPs. These SAPs will become invalid
;;; if a caller code object moves, so this should be prevented by the
;;; use of purify or by moving code objects into an older generation
;;; when using GENCGC.
(defmacro get-caller-info ()
  `(nth-value 1 (kernel:%caller-frame-and-pc)))

(defun print-caller-info (info stream)
  (prin1 (kernel:lra-code-header info) stream))

(defun print-caller-info (info stream)
  (prin1 (nth-value 1 (di::compute-lra-data-from-pc info)) stream))

;;;; Global data structures:

(defvar *timed-functions* ()
  "List of functions that are currently being timed.")

(defvar *no-calls* nil
  "A list of profiled functions which weren't called.")

(defvar *no-calls-limit* 20
  "If the number of profiled functions that were not called is less than
this, the functions are listed.  If NIL, then always list the functions.")

;;; This is stored as user-data of profile fwrappers.
(defstruct (profile-info
	     (:conc-name pi-)
	     (:constructor make-profile-info (function-name callers-p)))
  ;; The name of the function being profiled.
  ;; True if :CALLERS arg was given to PROFILE.
  (callers-p nil :type boolean)
  ;; Various counters for profiling.
  (count 0 :type fixnum)
  (time 0 :type time-type)
  (consed-h 0 :type dfixnum:dfparttype)
  (consed-l 0 :type dfixnum:dfparttype)
  (consed-w/c-h 0 :type dfixnum:dfparttype)
  (consed-w/c-l 0 :type dfixnum:dfparttype)
  (profile 0 :type integer)
  (callers () :type list))

;;; Reset counters of the given PROFILE-INFO
(defun reset-profile-info (info)
  (setf (pi-count info) 0
	(pi-time info) 0
	(pi-consed-h info) 0
	(pi-consed-l info) 0
	(pi-consed-w/c-h info) 0
	(pi-consed-w/c-l info) 0
	(pi-profile info) 0
	(pi-callers info) ()))

;;; Return various profiling information from INFO as multiple values.
(defun profile-info-profiling-values (info)
  (values (pi-count info)
	  (pi-time info)
	  (dfixnum:dfixnum-pair-integer (pi-consed-h info)
					(pi-consed-l info))
	  (dfixnum:dfixnum-pair-integer (pi-consed-w/c-h info)
					(pi-consed-w/c-l info))
	  (pi-profile info)
	  (pi-callers info)))

;;; These variables are used to subtract out the time and consing for
;;; recursive and other dynamically nested profiled calls.  The total
;;; resource consumed for each nested call is added into the
;;; appropriate variable.  When the outer function returns, these
;;; amounts are subtracted from the total.
;;; *ENCLOSED-CONSING-H* and *ENCLOSED-CONSING-L* represent the total
;;; consing as a pair of fixnum-sized integers to reduce consing and
;;; allow for about 2^58 bytes of total consing.  (Assumes positive
;;; fixnums are 29 bits long).
(defvar *enclosed-time* 0)
(defvar *enclosed-consing-h* 0)
(defvar *enclosed-consing-l* 0)
(defvar *enclosed-profilings* 0)
(declaim (type time-type *enclosed-time*))
(declaim (type dfixnum:dfparttype *enclosed-consing-h*))
(declaim (type dfixnum:dfparttype *enclosed-consing-l*))
(declaim (fixnum *enclosed-profilings*))

;;; The number of seconds a bare function call takes.  Factored into
;;; the other overheads, but not used for itself.
(defvar *call-overhead*)

;;; The number of seconds that will be charged to a profiled function
;;; due to the profiling code.
(defvar *internal-profile-overhead*)

;;; The number of seconds of overhead for profiling that a single
;;; profiled call adds to the total runtime for the program.
(defvar *total-profile-overhead*)

(declaim (single-float *call-overhead* *internal-profile-overhead*

;;;; Profile encapsulations:

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)

   ;;; Names of fwrappers look like (PROFILE <nreq> <optionals-p>).
   ;;; <Nreq> is the number of required parameters, <optionals-p> is
   ;;; true if the fwrapper is for functions with optional arguments.
  (define-function-name-syntax profile (name)
    (when (integerp (cadr name))
      (values t 'profile)))

  ;;; Return the profile fwrapper name for profiling a function
  ;;; with NREQ required arguments and optional arguments according
  ;;; to OPTIONALS-P.
  (defun make-profile-fwrapper-name (nreq optionals-p)
    `(profile ,nreq ,optionals-p))

  ;;; Return a DEFINE-FWRAPPER form for profiling a function with
  ;;; arguments according to NREQ and OPTIONALS-P.
  (defun make-profile-fwrapper (nreq optionals-p)
    (let ((req (loop repeat nreq collect (gensym)))
	  (name (make-profile-fwrapper-name nreq optionals-p)))
      `(define-fwrapper ,name (,@req ,@(if optionals-p `(&rest .rest.)))
	 (let* ((info (fwrapper-user-data fwrapper))
		(fn-name (pi-function-name info))
		(fdefn (lisp::fdefinition-object fn-name nil)))
	   ;; "Deactivate" the profile fwrapper for the time it is
	   ;; running to ease profiling of functions used in the
	   ;; implementation of PROFILE itself.
	   (letf (((lisp::fdefn-function fdefn) (fwrapper-next fwrapper)))
	     (incf (pi-count info))
	     ;; If :CALLERS was specified for profiling, record caller
	     ;; information.
	     (when (pi-callers-p info)
	       (let ((caller (get-caller-info)))
		 (do ((prev nil current)
		      (current (pi-callers info) (cdr current)))
		     ((null current)
		      (push (cons caller 1) (pi-callers info)))
		   (let ((old-caller-info (car current)))
		     (when (progn #-x86 (eq caller (car old-caller-info))
				  #+x86 (sys:sap= caller (car old-caller-info)))
		       (if prev
			   (setf (cdr prev) (cdr current))
			   (setf (pi-callers info) (cdr current)))
		       (setf (cdr old-caller-info)
			     (the fixnum (+ (cdr old-caller-info) 1)))
		       (setf (cdr current) (pi-callers info))
		       (setf (pi-callers info) current)
	     (let ((time-inc 0)
		   (cons-inc-h 0)
		   (cons-inc-l 0)
		   (profile-inc 0))
	       (declare (type time-type time-inc)
			(type dfixnum:dfparttype cons-inc-h cons-inc-l)
			(fixnum profile-inc))
		   (let ((start-time (quickly-get-time))
			 (start-consed-h 0)
			 (start-consed-l 0)
			 (end-consed-h 0)
			 (end-consed-l 0)
			 (*enclosed-time* 0)
			 (*enclosed-consing-h* 0)
			 (*enclosed-consing-l* 0)
			 (*enclosed-profilings* 0))
		     (dfixnum:dfixnum-set-pair start-consed-h
		       (setq time-inc
			     #-BSD (- (quickly-get-time) start-time)
			     #+BSD (max (- (quickly-get-time) start-time) 0))
		       ;; How much did we cons so far?
		       (dfixnum:dfixnum-set-pair end-consed-h
		       (dfixnum:dfixnum-copy-pair cons-inc-h cons-inc-l
		       (dfixnum:dfixnum-dec-pair cons-inc-h cons-inc-l
		       ;; (incf consed (- cons-inc *enclosed-consing*))
		       (dfixnum:dfixnum-inc-pair (pi-consed-h info)
						 (pi-consed-l info)
						 cons-inc-h cons-inc-l)
		       (dfixnum:dfixnum-inc-pair (pi-consed-w/c-h info)
						 (pi-consed-w/c-l info)
						 cons-inc-h cons-inc-l)
		       (setq profile-inc *enclosed-profilings*)
		       (incf (pi-time info)
			     (the time-type
			       (- time-inc *enclosed-time*)
			       (max (- time-inc *enclosed-time*) 0)))
		       (dfixnum:dfixnum-dec-pair (pi-consed-h info)
						 (pi-consed-l info)
		       (incf (pi-profile info) profile-inc)))
		 (incf *enclosed-time* time-inc)
		 ;; *enclosed-consing* = *enclosed-consing + cons-inc
		 (dfixnum:dfixnum-inc-pair *enclosed-consing-h*

;;; Pre-define some profile fwrappers.
(macrolet ((def-profile-fwrapper (nreq)
	       ,(make-profile-fwrapper nreq t)
	       ,(make-profile-fwrapper nreq nil))))
  (def-profile-fwrapper 0)
  (def-profile-fwrapper 1)
  (def-profile-fwrapper 2)
  (def-profile-fwrapper 3))

(defun ensure-profile-fwrapper (nreq optionals-p)
  "Ensure that a profile fwrapper for functions with NREQ required
   arguments and optional arguments according to OPTIONALS-P exists.
   Return the name of that fwrapper."
  (let ((name (make-profile-fwrapper-name nreq optionals-p)))
    (unless (fboundp name)
       (eval (make-profile-fwrapper nreq optionals-p))
       (compile name)))

(defun ensure-profile-fwrapper (nreq optionals-p)
  "Ensure that a profile fwrapper for functions with NREQ required
   arguments and optional arguments according to OPTIONALS-P exists.
   Return the name of that fwrapper."
  (let ((name (make-profile-fwrapper-name nreq optionals-p)))
    (unless (fboundp name)
	;; I (rtoy) do not know why the above version does not work,
	;; but this seems to work better.  
	(destructuring-bind (def name args &body body)
	    (macroexpand-1 (make-profile-fwrapper nreq optionals-p))
	  (declare (ignore def))
	  (compile name `(lambda ,args ,@body)))))

(defun find-profile-fwrapper (name)
  "Return the profile FWRAPPER object on function NAME, if any."
  (find-fwrapper name :type 'profile))

(defun pi-or-lose (name)
  "Return the PROFILE-INFO for function NAME.
   Signal an error if NAME is not profiled."
  (let ((f (find-profile-fwrapper name)))
    (if f
	(fwrapper-user-data f)
	(error "No profile info for ~s" name))))

;;; Interfaces:

;;; PROFILE-1-FUNCTION  --  Internal
;;;    Profile the function Name.  If already profiled, unprofile first.
(defun profile-1-function (name callers-p)
  (if (fboundp name)
      (multiple-value-bind (nreq optionals-p)
	  (required-arguments name)
	(when (find-profile-fwrapper name)
	  (warn "~s already profiled, unprofiling it first" name)
	  (unprofile-1-function name))
	(let ((ctor (ensure-profile-fwrapper nreq optionals-p)))
	  (fwrap name (fdefinition ctor) :type 'profile
		 :user-data (make-profile-info name callers-p))
	  (push name *timed-functions*)))
      (warn "Ignoring undefined function ~s" name)))

;;; PROFILE  --  Public
(defmacro profile (&rest names)
  "PROFILE Name*
   Wraps profiling code around the named functions.  As in TRACE, the names are
   not evaluated.  If a function is already profiled, then unprofile and
   reprofile (useful to notice function redefinition.)  If a name is undefined,
   then we give a warning and ignore it.

   CLOS methods can be profiled by specifying names of the form
   (METHOD <name> <qualifier>* (<specializer>*)), like in TRACE.

   :METHODS Function-Form is a way of specifying that all methods of a
   generic functions should be profiled.  The Function-Form is
   evaluated immediately, and the methods of the resulting generic
   function are profiled.

   If :CALLERS T appears, subsequent names have counts of the most
   common calling functions recorded.

  (collect ((binds) (forms))
     (let ((names names)
	   (callers nil))
	  (unless names (return))
	  (let ((name (pop names)))
	    (cond ((eq name :callers)
		   (setq callers (not (null (pop names)))))
		  ;; Method functions.
		  ((and (consp name) (eq 'method (car name)))
		   (let ((fast-name `(pcl::fast-method ,@(cdr name))))
		     (forms `(when (fboundp ',name)
			       (profile-1-function ',name ,callers)
			       (reinitialize-method-function ',name)))
		     (forms `(when (fboundp ',fast-name)
			       (profile-1-function ',fast-name ,callers)
			       (reinitialize-method-function ',fast-name)))))
		  ;; All method of a generic function.
		  ((eq :methods name)
		   (let ((tem (gensym)))
		     (binds `(,tem ,(pop names)))
		     (forms `(dolist (name
				       (debug::all-method-function-names ,tem))
			       (when (fboundp name)
				 (profile-1-function name ,callers)
				 (reinitialize-method-function name))))))
		   (forms `(profile-1-function ',name ,callers))))))
       (if (binds)
	   `(let ,(binds) ,@(forms) (values))
	   `(progn ,@(forms) (values))))))

;;; PROFILE-ALL -- Public
;;; Add profiling to all symbols in the given package.
(defun profile-all (&key (package *package*) (callers-p nil)
		    (methods nil))

 Wraps profiling code around all functions in PACKAGE, which defaults
 to *PACKAGE*. If a function is already profiled, then unprofile and
 reprofile (useful to notice function redefinition.)  If a name is
 undefined, then we give a warning and ignore it.  If CALLERS-P is T
 names have counts of the most common calling functions recorded.

 When called with arguments :METHODS T, profile all methods of all
 generic function having names in the given package.  Generic functions
 themselves, that is, their dispatch functions, are left alone.

  (let ((package (if (packagep package)
		     (find-package package))))
    (do-symbols (symbol package (values))
      (when (and (eq (symbol-package symbol) package)
		 (fboundp symbol)
		 (not (special-operator-p symbol))
		 (or (not methods)
		     (not (typep (fdefinition symbol) 'generic-function))))
	(profile-1-function symbol callers-p)))
    ;; Profile all method functions whose generic function name
    ;; is in the package.
    (when methods
      (dolist (name (debug::all-method-functions-in-package package))
	(when (fboundp name)
	  (profile-1-function name callers-p)
	  (reinitialize-method-function name))))))

;;; UNPROFILE  --  Public
(defmacro unprofile (&rest names)
  "Unwraps the profiling code around the named functions.  Names defaults to
  the list of all currently profiled functions."
  (collect ((binds) (forms))
    (let ((names (or names *timed-functions*)))
	 (unless names (return))
	 (let ((name (pop names)))
	   (cond #+pcl
		 ((and (consp name)
		       (member (car name) '(method pcl::fast-method)))
		  (let ((name `(method ,@(cdr name)))
			(fast-name `(pcl::fast-method ,@(cdr name))))
		    (forms `(when (fboundp ',name)
			      (unprofile-1-function ',name)
			      (reinitialize-method-function ',name)))
		    (forms `(when (fboundp ',fast-name)
			      (unprofile-1-function ',fast-name)
			      (reinitialize-method-function ',fast-name)))))
		 ((eq :methods name)
		  (let ((tem (gensym)))
		    (binds `(,tem ,(pop names)))
		    (forms `(dolist (name (debug::all-method-function-names ,tem))
			      (when (fboundp name)
				(unprofile-1-function name)
				(reinitialize-method-function name))))))
		  (forms `(unprofile-1-function ',name))))))
      (if (binds)
	  `(let ,(binds) ,@(forms) (values))
	  `(progn ,@(forms) (values))))))

;;; UNPROFILE-1-FUNCTION  --  Internal
(defun unprofile-1-function (name)
  (funwrap name :type 'profile)
  (setq *timed-functions* (delete name *timed-functions* :test #'equal)))

(defun re-profile-redefined-function (name new-value)
  (declare (ignore new-value))
  (let (f)
    (when (and (fboundp name)
	       (setq f (find-profile-fwrapper name)))
      (profile-1-function name (pi-callers-p (fwrapper-user-data f))))))

(push #'re-profile-redefined-function ext:*setf-fdefinition-hook*)

;;; COMPENSATE-TIME  --  Internal
;;;    Return our best guess for the run time in a function, subtracting out
;;; factors for profiling overhead.  We subtract out the internal overhead for
;;; each call to this function, since the internal overhead is the part of the
;;; profiling overhead for a function that is charged to that function.
;;;    We also subtract out a factor for each call to a profiled function
;;; within this profiled function.  This factor is the total profiling overhead
;;; *minus the internal overhead*.  We don't subtract out the internal
;;; overhead, since it was already subtracted when the nested profiled
;;; functions subtracted their running time from the time for the enclosing
;;; function.
(defun compensate-time (calls time profile)
  (let ((compensated
	 (- (/ (float time) (float quick-time-units-per-second))
	    (* *internal-profile-overhead* (float calls))
	    (* (- *total-profile-overhead* *internal-profile-overhead*)
	       (float profile)))))
    (if (minusp compensated) 0.0 compensated)))

(defstruct width-info
;; Compute and return the width of the field needed to hold the total
;; time, total cons, total-calls, and the max time/call.
(defun compute-widths (info)
  (let ((total-time 0)
	(total-cons 0)
	(total-calls 0)
	(max-time/call 0)
	(max-cons/call 0))
    ;; Find the total time, total consing, total calls, and the max
    ;; time/call
    (dolist (item info)
      (let ((time (time-info-time item)))
	(incf total-time time)
	(incf total-cons (time-info-consing item))
	(incf total-calls (time-info-calls item))
	(setf max-time/call (max max-time/call
				 (/ time (float (time-info-calls item)))))
	(setf max-cons/call (max max-cons/call
				 (/ (time-info-consing item)
				    (float (time-info-calls item)))))))

    ;; Figure out the width needed for total-time, total-cons,
    ;; total-calls and the max-time/call.  The total-cons is more
    ;; complicated because we print the consing with comma
    ;; separators. For total-time, we assume a default of "~10,3F";
    ;; for total-calls, "~7D"; for time/call, "~10,5F".  This is where
    ;; the constants come from.
    (flet ((safe-log10 (x)
	     ;; log base 10 of x, but any non-positive value of x, 0
	     ;; is ok for what we want.
	     (if (zerop x)
		 (log x 10))))
      (let ((cons-length (ceiling (safe-log10 total-cons)))
	    (calls-length (ceiling (safe-log10 total-calls)))
	    (cons/call-len (ceiling (safe-log10 max-cons/call))))
	;; Adjust these to include the number of commas that will be
	;; printed.
	(incf cons-length (floor (safe-log10 total-cons) 3))
	(incf calls-length (floor (safe-log10 total-calls) 3))
	(incf cons/call-len (floor (safe-log10 max-cons/call) 3))
	(make-width-info :cons (max 9 cons-length)
			 :calls (max 7 calls-length)
			 :time (+ 4 (ceiling (safe-log10 total-time)))
			 :time/call (+ 6 (max 2 (ceiling (safe-log10 max-time/call))))
			 :cons/call (max 8 cons/call-len))))))

(defstruct (time-info
	    (:constructor make-time-info
			  (name calls time consing consing-w/c callers)))

(defstruct (time-totals)
  (time 0.0)
  (consed 0)
  (calls 0))

(defun report-times-time (time action &optional field-widths)
  (multiple-value-bind (time-width cons-width calls-width time/call-width cons/call-width)
      (if field-widths
	  (values (width-info-time field-widths)
		  (width-info-cons field-widths)
		  (width-info-calls field-widths)
		  (width-info-time/call field-widths)
		  (width-info-cons/call field-widths))
	  (values 9 9 7 10 10))
    (case action
       (format *trace-output*
	       "~&~V@A | ~V@A | ~V@A | ~V@A | ~V@A | Name:~@
	       cons-width "Consed"
	       calls-width "Calls"
	       time-width "Secs"
	       time/call-width "Sec/Call"
	       cons/call-width "Bytes/C."
       (return-from report-times-time))

       (format *trace-output*
	      ~V:D | ~V:D | ~V,3F | ~V:A | ~V:A | Total~%"
	       cons-width (time-totals-consed time)
	       calls-width (time-totals-calls time)
	       time-width (time-totals-time time)
	       time/call-width ""
	       cons/call-width ""))
      (:sort (sort time #'>= :key #'time-info-time))
       (format *trace-output*
	       "~V:D | ~V:D | ~V,3F | ~V,5F | ~V:D | ~S~%"
	       cons-width (floor (time-info-consing time))
	       calls-width (time-info-calls time)
	       time-width (time-info-time time)
	       time/call-width (/ (time-info-time time) (float (time-info-calls time)))
		(/ (time-info-consing time) (float (time-info-calls time))))
	       (time-info-name time)))
       (error "Unknown action for profiler report: ~s" action)))))

(defun report-times-space (time action &optional field-widths)
  (case action
     (format *trace-output*
	     "~& Consed w/c |  Consed    |   Calls   | Sec/Call  | Bytes/C.  | Name:~@
     (return-from report-times-space))
     (format *trace-output*
	      :-)         |~11:D |~10:D |           |           | Total~%"
	     (time-totals-consed time) (time-totals-calls time)))
    (:sort (sort time #'>= :key #'time-info-consing))
     (format *trace-output*
	     "~11:D |~11:D |~10:D |~10,5F |~10:D | ~S~%"
	     (floor (time-info-consing-w/c time))
	     (floor (time-info-consing time))
	     (time-info-calls time)
	     (/ (time-info-time time) (float (time-info-calls time)))
	      (/ (time-info-consing time) (float (time-info-calls time))))
	     (time-info-name time)))
     (error "Unknown action for profiler report"))))

(defparameter *default-report-time-printfunction* #'report-times-time)

(defun %report-times (names
		      &key (printfunction *default-report-time-printfunction*))
  (declare (optimize (speed 0)))
  (unless (boundp '*call-overhead*)
  (let ((info ())
	(no-call ())
	(widths ()))
    (dolist (name names)
      (let ((pinfo (pi-or-lose name)))
	(multiple-value-bind (calls time consing consing-w/c profile callers)
	    (profile-info-profiling-values pinfo)
	  (if (zerop calls)
	      (push name no-call)
	      (push (make-time-info name calls
				    (compensate-time calls time profile)
				    (sort (copy-seq callers)
					  #'>= :key #'cdr))
    (setq info (funcall printfunction info :sort))

    (setf widths (compute-widths info))

    (funcall printfunction nil :head widths)

    (let ((totals (make-time-totals)))
      (dolist (time info)
	(incf (time-totals-time totals) (time-info-time time))
	(incf (time-totals-calls totals) (time-info-calls time))
	(incf (time-totals-consed totals) (time-info-consing time))

	(funcall printfunction time :one-function widths)

	(let ((callers (time-info-callers time))
	      (*print-readably* nil))
	  (when callers
	    (dolist (x (subseq callers 0 (min (length callers) 5)))
	      (format *trace-output* "~13T~10:D: " (cdr x))
	      (print-caller-info (car x) *trace-output*)
	      (terpri *trace-output*))
	    (terpri *trace-output*))))
      (funcall printfunction totals :tail widths))
    (when no-call
      (setf *no-calls* no-call)
      (if (and (realp *no-calls-limit*)
	       (>= (length no-call) *no-calls-limit*))
	  (format *trace-output*
		  "~%~D functions were not called.  ~
                  See profile::*no-calls* for a list~%"
		  (length no-call))
	  (format *trace-output*
		  "~%These functions were not called:~%~{~<~%~:; ~S~>~}~%"
		  (sort no-call #'string<
			:key (lambda (n)
			       (if (symbolp n)
				   (symbol-name n)
				   (multiple-value-bind (valid block-name)
				       (ext:valid-function-name-p n)
				     (declare (ignore valid))
				     (if block-name
					 (princ-to-string n)))))))))

(defmacro reset-time (&rest names)
  "Resets the time counter for the named functions.  Names defaults to the list
  of all currently profiled functions."
  `(%reset-time ,(if names `',names '*timed-functions*)))

(defun %reset-time (names)
  (dolist (name names)
    (reset-profile-info (pi-or-lose name)))

(defmacro report-time (&rest names)
  "Reports the time spent in the named functions.  Names defaults to the list
  of all currently profiled functions."
  `(%report-times ,(if names `',names '*timed-functions*)))

(defun report-time-custom (&key names printfunction)
  "Reports the time spent in the named functions.  Names defaults to the list
  of all currently profiled functions.  Uses printfunction."
  (%report-times (or names *timed-functions*)
		 (or (typecase printfunction
		       (null *default-report-time-printfunction*)
		       (function printfunction)
		        (case printfunction
			  (:space #'report-times-space)
			  (:time #'report-times-time))))
		     (error "Cannot handle printfunction ~s" printfunction))))

;;;; Overhead computation.

;;; We average the timing overhead over this many iterations.
(defconstant timer-overhead-iterations 5000)

;;;    Dummy function we profile to find profiling overhead.  Declare
;;; debug-info to make sure we have arglist info.
(declaim (notinline compute-time-overhead-aux))
(defun compute-time-overhead-aux (x)
  (declare (ext:optimize-interface (debug 2)))
  (declare (ignore x)))

;;;    Initialize the profiling overhead variables.
(defun compute-time-overhead ()
  (macrolet ((frob (var)
	       `(let ((start (quickly-get-time))
		      (fun (symbol-function 'compute-time-overhead-aux)))
		  (dotimes (i timer-overhead-iterations)
		    (funcall fun fun))
		  (setq ,var
			(/ (float (- (quickly-get-time) start))
			   (float quick-time-units-per-second)
			   (float timer-overhead-iterations))))))
    (frob *call-overhead*)

	   (profile compute-time-overhead-aux)
	   (frob *total-profile-overhead*)
	   (decf *total-profile-overhead* *call-overhead*)
	   (let ((pinfo (pi-or-lose 'compute-time-overhead-aux)))
	     (multiple-value-bind (calls time)
		 (profile-info-profiling-values pinfo)
	       (declare (ignore calls))
	       (setq *internal-profile-overhead*
		     (/ (float time)
			(float quick-time-units-per-second)
			(float timer-overhead-iterations))))))
      (unprofile compute-time-overhead-aux))))

(pushnew (lambda ()
	   (makunbound '*call-overhead*))

;;; (with-spacereport <tag> <body> ...) and friends

;;; TODO:
;;; - if counting place haven't been allocated at compile time, try to do it
;;;   at load time
;;; - Introduce a mechanism that detects whether *all* calls were the same
;;;   amount of bytes (single variable).
;;; - record the source file and place this report appears in
;;; - detect whether this is a nested spacereport and if so, record
;;;   the outer reports

;; This struct is used for whatever counting the checkpoints do
;; AND
;; stores information we find at compile time
(defstruct spacereport-info
  (n 0 :type fixnum)
  (consed-h 0 :type dfixnum:dfparttype)
  (consed-l 0 :type dfixnum:dfparttype)
  (codesize -1 :type fixnum))

;; In the usual case, the hashtable with entries will be allocated at
;; compile or load time
(eval-when (load eval)
  (defvar *spacereports* (make-hash-table)))

;; Helper functions
(defun format-quotient (p1 p2 width komma)
  (let (format)
    (cond ((= 0 p2)
	   (make-string width :initial-element #\ ))
	  ((and (integerp p1)
		(integerp p2)
		(zerop (rem p1 p2)))
	   (setf format (format nil "~~~d:D!~a"
				(- width komma 1)
				(make-string komma :initial-element #\ )))
	   (format nil format (/ p1 p2)))
	   (setf format (format nil "~~~d,~df" width komma))
	   (format nil format (/ (float p1) (float p2)))))))

(defun deep-list-length (list)
  (let ((length 0))
    (dolist (e list)
      (when (listp e)
	(incf length (deep-list-length e)))
      (incf length))

;; bunch for tests for above
(defun test-format-quotient ()
  (print (format-quotient 10 5 10 2))
  (print (format-quotient 10 3 10 2))
  (print (format-quotient 10 5 10 0))
  (print (format-quotient 10 3 10 0))
  (print (format-quotient 10 0 10 0)))

(defvar *insert-spacereports* t)

;; Main wrapper macro for user - exported
(defmacro with-spacereport (name-or-args &body body)
  (if (not *insert-spacereports*)
      `(progn ,@body)
      (let ((name
	     (typecase name-or-args
	       (symbol name-or-args)
	       (cons (first name-or-args))
	       (t (error "Spacereport args neither symbol nor cons") nil)))
	    (options (if (consp name-or-args)
			 (rest name-or-args)
	(when (gethash name *spacereports*)
	  (unless (find :mok options)
	    (warn "spacereport for ~a was requested before, resetting it"
	(setf (gethash name *spacereports*) (make-spacereport-info))
	(setf (spacereport-info-codesize (gethash name *spacereports*))
	      (deep-list-length body))

	`(let* ((counterplace nil)
		(place (gethash ,name *spacereports*))
		(start-h 0)
		(start-l 0))
	  (declare (type dfixnum:dfparttype start-h start-l))
	  (declare (type (or dfixnum:dfixnum null) counterplace))
	  (declare (type (or spacereport-info null) place))

	  ;; Make sure counter is there
	  (unless place
	    ;; Ups, it isn't, so create it...
	    (setf place (make-spacereport-info))
	    (setf (gethash ,name *spacereports*) place)
	     "with-spaceprofile had to create place, leaked bytes to outer
              spacereports in nested calls"))

	  ;; Remember bytes already consed at start
	  (setf counterplace (total-consing))
	  (dfixnum:dfixnum-set-pair start-h start-l counterplace)

	      (progn ,@body)

	    (incf (spacereport-info-n place))
	    ;; Add bytes newly consed.
	    ;; first update counterplace.
	    (dfixnum:dfixnum-inc-pair (spacereport-info-consed-h place)
				      (spacereport-info-consed-l place)
				      (dfixnum::dfixnum-h counterplace)
				      (dfixnum::dfixnum-l counterplace))
	    (dfixnum:dfixnum-dec-pair (spacereport-info-consed-h place)
				      (spacereport-info-consed-l place)

(defun print-spacereports (&optional (stream *trace-output*))
  (maphash (lambda (key value)
	      "~&~10:D bytes ~9:D calls ~a b/call: ~a (sz ~d)~%"
	       (spacereport-info-consed-h value)
	       (spacereport-info-consed-l value))
	      (spacereport-info-n value)
	      (format-quotient (dfixnum:dfixnum-pair-integer
				(spacereport-info-consed-h value)
				(spacereport-info-consed-l value))
			       (spacereport-info-n value)
			       10 2)
	      (spacereport-info-codesize value)))

(defun reset-spacereports ()
  (maphash (lambda (key value)
	     (declare (ignore key))
	     (setf (spacereport-info-consed-h value) 0)
	     (setf (spacereport-info-consed-l value) 0)
	     (setf (spacereport-info-n value) 0))

(defun delete-spacereports ()
  (maphash (lambda (key value)
	     (declare (ignore value))
	     (remhash key *spacereports*))