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  • gerd's avatar
    (deftype string-and-number () '(cons string (cons number null))) · 63c1a0fe
    gerd authored
    	(defun bug1 (x)
    	  (declare (type string-and-number x))
       	  (the number (car (reverse x))))
    	(bug1 (list "one" 1))
    	 => Type error 1 is not of type number.
    	Reported by Luke Gorrie on cmucl-imp.
    	* src/compiler/knownfun.lisp (result-type-first-arg/reverse)
    	(reversed-cons-type): New functions.
    	* src/compiler/fndb.lisp (nreverse, reverse): Use
    (deftype string-and-number () '(cons string (cons number null)))
    gerd authored
    	(defun bug1 (x)
    	  (declare (type string-and-number x))
       	  (the number (car (reverse x))))
    	(bug1 (list "one" 1))
    	 => Type error 1 is not of type number.
    	Reported by Luke Gorrie on cmucl-imp.
    	* src/compiler/knownfun.lisp (result-type-first-arg/reverse)
    	(reversed-cons-type): New functions.
    	* src/compiler/fndb.lisp (nreverse, reverse): Use
knownfun.lisp 14.32 KiB
;;; -*- Package: C; Log: C.Log -*-
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/compiler/knownfun.lisp,v 1.25 2003/08/02 11:52:15 gerd Exp $")
;;; **********************************************************************
;;;    This file contains stuff for maintaining a database of special
;;; information about functions known to the compiler.  This includes semantic
;;; information such as side-effects and type inference functions as well as
;;; transforms and IR2 translators.
;;; Written by Rob MacLachlan
(in-package :c)

(export '(call unsafe unwind any foldable flushable movable predicate))

;;;; IR1 boolean function attributes:
;;;    There are a number of boolean attributes of known functions which we
;;; like to have in IR1.  This information is mostly side effect information of
;;; a sort, but it is different from the kind of information we want in IR2.
;;; We aren't interested in a fine breakdown of side effects, since we do very
;;; little code motion on IR1.  We are interested in some deeper semantic
;;; properties such as whether it is safe to pass stack closures to.
(def-boolean-attribute ir1
  ;; May call functions that are passed as arguments.  In order to determine
  ;; what other effects are present, we must find the effects of all arguments
  ;; that may be functions.
  ;; May incorporate function or number arguments into the result or somehow
  ;; pass them upward.  Note that this applies to any argument that *might* be
  ;; a function or number, not just the arguments that always are.
  ;; May fail to return during correct execution.  Errors are O.K.
  ;; The (default) worst case.  Includes all the other bad things, plus any
  ;; other possible bad thing.  If this is present, the above bad attributes
  ;; will be explicitly present as well.
  ;; May be constant-folded.  The function has no side effects, but may be
  ;; affected by side effects on the arguments.  e.g. SVREF, MAPC.  Functions
  ;; that side-effect their arguments are not considered to be foldable.
  ;; Although it would be "legal" to constant fold them (since it "is an error"
  ;; to modify a constant), we choose not to mark theses functions as foldable
  ;; in this database.
  ;; May be eliminated if value is unused.  The function has no side effects
  ;; except possibly CONS.  If a function is defined to signal errors, then it
  ;; is not flushable even if it is movable or foldable.
  ;; May be moved with impunity.  Has no side effects except possibly CONS, and
  ;; is affected only by its arguments.
  ;; Function is a true predicate likely to be open-coded.  Convert any
  ;; non-conditional uses into (IF <pred> T NIL).
  ;; Inhibit any warning for compiling a recursive definition.  [Normally the
  ;; compiler warns when compiling a recursive definition for a known function,
  ;; since it might be a botched interpreter stub.]
  ;; Function does explicit argument type checking, so the declared type should
  ;; not be asserted when a definition is compiled.

(defstruct (function-info
	    (:print-function %print-function-info)
	    (:pure t))
  ;; Boolean attributes of this function.
  (attributes (required-argument) :type attributes)
  ;; A list of Transform structures describing transforms for this function.
  (transforms () :type list)
  ;; A function which computes the derived type for a call to this function by
  ;; examining the arguments.  This is null when there is no special method for
  ;; this function.
  (derive-type nil :type (or function null))
  ;; A function that does random unspecified code transformations by directly
  ;; hacking the IR.  Returns true if further optimizations of the call
  ;; shouldn't be attempted.
  (optimizer nil :type (or function null))
  ;; If true, a special-case LTN annotation method that is used in place of the
  ;; standard type/policy template selection.  It may use arbitrary code to
  ;; choose a template, decide to do a full call, or conspire with the
  ;; IR2-Convert method to do almost anything.  The Combination node is passed
  ;; as the argument.
  (ltn-annotate nil :type (or function null))
  ;; If true, the special-case IR2 conversion method for this function.  This
  ;; deals with funny functions, and anything else that can't be handled using
  ;; the template mechanism.  The Combination node and the IR2-Block are passed
  ;; as arguments.
  (ir2-convert nil :type (or function null))
  ;; A list of all the templates that could be used to translate this function
  ;; into IR2, sorted by increasing cost.
  (templates nil :type list)
  ;; If non-null, then this function is a unary type predicate for this type.
  (predicate-type nil :type (or ctype null))
  ;; If non-null, use this function to annotate the known call for the byte
  ;; compiler.  If it returns NIL, then change the call to :full.
  (byte-annotate nil :type (or function null))
  ;; If non-null, use this function to generate the byte code for this known
  ;; call.  This function can only give up if there is a byte-annotate function
  ;; that arranged for the functional to be pushed onto the stack.
  (byte-compile nil :type (or function null)))

(defprinter function-info
  (transforms :test transforms)
  (derive-type :test derive-type)
  (optimizer :test optimizer)
  (ltn-annotate :test ltn-annotate)
  (ir2-convert :test ir2-convert)
  (templates :test templates)
  (predicate-type :test predicate-type)
  (byte-annotate :test byte-annotate)
  (byte-compile :test byte-compile))

;;;; Interfaces to defining macros:

;;; The TRANSFORM structure represents an IR1 transform.
(defstruct (transform (:print-function %print-transform))
  ;; The function-type which enables this transform.
  (type (required-argument) :type ctype)
  ;; The transformation function.  Takes the Combination node and Returns a
  ;; lambda, or throws out.
  (function (required-argument) :type function)
  ;; String used in efficency notes.
  (note (required-argument) :type string)
  ;; T if we should spew a failure note even if speed=brevity.
  (important nil :type (member t nil))
  ;; Usable for byte code, native code, or both.
  (when :native :type (member :byte :native :both)))

(defprinter transform type note important when)

;;; %Deftransform  --  Internal
;;;    Grab the Function-Info and enter the function, replacing any old one
;;; with the same type and note.
(defun %deftransform (name type fun &optional note important
			   (when :native))
  (declare (list type) (function fun)
	   (type (or string null) note)
	   (type (member t nil) important)
	   (type (member :native :byte :both) when))
  (let* ((ctype (specifier-type type))
	 (note (or note "optimize"))
	 (info (function-info-or-lose name))
	 (old (find-if #'(lambda (x)
			   (and (type= (transform-type x) ctype)
				(string-equal (transform-note x) note)
				(eq (transform-important x) important)
				(eq (transform-when x) when)))
		       (function-info-transforms info))))
    (if old
	(setf (transform-function old) fun (transform-note old) note)
	(push (make-transform :type ctype :function fun :note note
			      :important important :when when)
	      (function-info-transforms info)))

;;; %Defknown  --  Internal
;;;    Make a function-info structure with the specified type, attributes and
;;; optimizers.
(defun %defknown (names type attributes &key derive-type optimizer)
  (declare (list names type) (type attributes attributes)
	   (type (or function null) derive-type optimizer))
  (let ((ctype (specifier-type type))
	(info (make-function-info :attributes attributes
				  :derive-type derive-type
				  :optimizer optimizer))
	(target-env (or (backend-info-environment *target-backend*)
    (dolist (name names)
      (setf (info function type name target-env) ctype)
      (setf (info function where-from name target-env) :declared)
      (setf (info function kind name target-env) :function)
      (setf (info function info name target-env) info)))

;;; Function-Info-Or-Lose  --  Internal
;;;    Return the Function-Info for name or die trying.  Since this is used by
;;; people who want to modify the info, and the info may be shared, we copy it.
;;; We don't have to copy the lists, since each function that has generators or
;;; transforms has already been through here.
(defun function-info-or-lose (name)
  (declare (values function-info))
  (let ((*info-environment* (or (backend-info-environment *target-backend*)
    (let ((old (info function info name)))
      (unless old (error "~S is not a known function." name))
      (setf (info function info name) (copy-function-info old)))))

;;;; Generic type inference methods:

;;; RESULT-TYPE-xxx-ARG  --  Interface
;;;    Derive the type to be the type of the xxx'th arg.  This can normally
;;; only be done when the result value is that argument.
(defun result-type-first-arg (call)
  (declare (type combination call))
  (let ((cont (first (combination-args call))))
    (when cont (continuation-type cont))))

(defun result-type-first-arg/reverse (call)
  (declare (type combination call))
  (let ((cont (first (combination-args call))))
    (when cont
      (let ((type (continuation-type cont)))
	(if (cons-type-p type)
	    (reversed-cons-type type)

(defun reversed-cons-type (type)
  (declare (type cons-type type))
  (collect ((car-types))
    (let ((cdr-type nil))
      (loop for x = type then (cons-type-cdr-type x)
	    while (cons-type-p x) do
	    (let ((car (cons-type-car-type x))
		  (cdr (cons-type-cdr-type x)))
	      (car-types (type-specifier car))
	      (setq cdr-type cdr)))
      (let ((cons-type (specifier-type 'cons)))
	(if (types-intersect cons-type cdr-type)
	    (let ((spec 'null))
	      (dolist (x (car-types))
		(setq spec `(cons ,x ,spec)))
	      (specifier-type spec)))))))

(defun result-type-last-arg (call)
  (declare (type combination call))
  (let ((cont (car (last (combination-args call)))))
    (when cont (continuation-type cont))))

;;;    Derive the result type according to the float contagion rules, but
;;; always return a float.  This is used for irrational functions that preserve
;;; realness of their arguments.
(defun result-type-float-contagion (call)
  (declare (type combination call))
  (reduce #'numeric-contagion (combination-args call)
	  :key #'continuation-type
	  :initial-value (specifier-type 'single-float)))

;;;    Return a closure usable as a derive-type method for accessing the N'th
;;; argument.  If arg is a list, result is a list.  If arg is a vector, result
;;; is a vector with the same element type.
(defun sequence-result-nth-arg (n)
  #'(lambda (call)
      (declare (type combination call))
      (let ((cont (nth (1- n) (combination-args call))))
	(when cont
	  (let ((type (continuation-type cont)))
	    (if (array-type-p type)
		 `(vector ,(type-specifier (array-type-element-type type))))
		(let ((ltype (specifier-type 'list)))
		  (when (csubtypep type ltype)

;;;    Derive the type to be the type specifier which is the N'th arg.
(defun result-type-specifier-nth-arg (n)
  #'(lambda (call)
      (declare (type combination call))
      (let ((cont (nth (1- n) (combination-args call))))
	(when (and cont (constant-continuation-p cont))
	  (let ((ctype (specifier-type (continuation-value cont))))
	    ;; If ctype is an array with element type *wild-type* (*),
	    ;; convert it to an array with element type
	    ;; *universal-type* (T).  (Because this function is only
	    ;; used where vectors are really (vector t).)
	    (if (and (array-type-p ctype)
		     (eq (array-type-specialized-element-type ctype)
		   ;; I don't think I'm allowed to modify what I get
		   ;; back from SPECIFIER-TYPE; it is, after all,
		   ;; cached.  Better copy it, then.
		   (let ((real-ctype (copy-structure ctype)))
		     (setf (array-type-element-type real-ctype)
			   (array-type-specialized-element-type real-ctype)

;;; RESULT-TYPE-OPEN-CLASS  --  Interface
;;;    Derive the type of a call to OPEN
(defun result-type-open-class (call)
  (declare (type combination call))
  (let* ((not-set '#:not-set)
	 (not-constant '#:not-constant)
	 (direction not-set)
	 (if-exists not-set)
	 (if-does-not-exist not-set)
	 (class not-set))
    ;; find (the first occurence of) each interesting keyword argument
    (do ((args (cdr (combination-args call)) (cddr args)))
	((null args))
      (macrolet ((maybe-set (var)
		   `(when (and (eq ,var not-set) (cadr args))
		      (if (constant-continuation-p (cadr args))
			(setq ,var (continuation-value (cadr args)))
			(setq ,var not-constant)))))
	(case (continuation-value (car args))
	  (:direction (maybe-set direction))
	  (:if-exists (maybe-set if-exists))
	  (:if-does-not-exist (maybe-set if-does-not-exist))
	  (:class (maybe-set class)))))
    ;; and set default values for any that weren't set above
    (when (eq direction not-set) (setq direction :input))
    (when (eq if-exists not-constant) (setq if-exists nil))
    (when (eq if-does-not-exist not-constant) (set if-does-not-exist nil))
    (when (or (eq class not-set) (eq class not-constant)) (setq class 'stream))
    ;; now, NIL is a possible result only in the following cases:
    ;;   direction is :probe or not-constant and :if-does-not-exist is
    ;;                                                          not :error
    ;;   direction is :output or :io or not-constant and :if-exists is nil
    ;;   :if-does-not-exist is nil
    (if (or (and (or (eq direction :probe) (eq direction not-constant))
		 (not (eq if-does-not-exist :error)))
	    (and (or (eq direction :output) (eq direction :io)
		     (eq direction not-constant))
		 (eq if-exists nil))
	    (eq if-does-not-exist nil))
      (specifier-type `(or null ,class))
      (specifier-type class))))