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  • ram's avatar
    Merged in changes from the MIPS branch, mainly the primitive-type-aliases · 96ae38ae
    ram authored
    load-function => move-function
    Add meta-compile-time primitive-type info so that we can do more consistency
    Put back primitive-type args to TN constructors.
    Changed load-scs vector to hold a list of all SCs that we can load into, ot
    T if the SC is directly allowed.
    Added consistency checking to compare the operand primitive-type
    restrictions with the SC restrictions.
    Merged in changes from the MIPS branch, mainly the primitive-type-aliases
    ram authored
    load-function => move-function
    Add meta-compile-time primitive-type info so that we can do more consistency
    Put back primitive-type args to TN constructors.
    Changed load-scs vector to hold a list of all SCs that we can load into, ot
    T if the SC is directly allowed.
    Added consistency checking to compare the operand primitive-type
    restrictions with the SC restrictions.