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macros.lisp 57.24 KiB
;;; -*- Log: code.log; Package: Lisp -*-
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of CMU Common Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman or
"$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/macros.lisp,v 1.30 1992/03/31 05:26:39 wlott Exp $")
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This file contains the macros that are part of the standard
;;; Spice Lisp environment.
;;; Written by Scott Fahlman and Rob MacLachlan.
;;; Modified by Bill Chiles to adhere to the wall.
(in-package "LISP")
(export '(defvar defparameter defconstant when unless setf
defsetf define-setf-method psetf shiftf rotatef push pushnew pop
incf decf remf case typecase with-open-file
with-open-stream with-input-from-string with-output-to-string
locally etypecase ctypecase ecase ccase
get-setf-method get-setf-method-multiple-value
define-modify-macro destructuring-bind nth-value
otherwise)) ; Sacred to CASE and related macros.
(in-package "EXTENSIONS")
(export '(do-anonymous collect iterate))
(in-package "LISP")
;;; Parse-Body -- Public
;;; Parse out declarations and doc strings, *not* expanding macros.
;;; Eventually the environment arg should be flushed, since macros can't expand
;;; into declarations anymore.
(defun parse-body (body environment &optional (doc-string-allowed t))
"This function is to parse the declarations and doc-string out of the body of
a defun-like form. Body is the list of stuff which is to be parsed.
Environment is ignored. If Doc-String-Allowed is true, then a doc string
will be parsed out of the body and returned. If it is false then a string
will terminate the search for declarations. Three values are returned: the
tail of Body after the declarations and doc strings, a list of declare forms,
and the doc-string, or NIL if none."
(declare (ignore environment))
(let ((decls ())
(doc nil))
(do ((tail body (cdr tail)))
((endp tail)
(values tail (nreverse decls) doc))
(let ((form (car tail)))
(cond ((and (stringp form) (cdr tail))
(if doc-string-allowed
(setq doc form)
(return (values tail (nreverse decls) doc))))
((not (and (consp form) (symbolp (car form))))
(return (values tail (nreverse decls) doc)))
((eq (car form) 'declare)
(push form decls))
(return (values tail (nreverse decls) doc))))))))
;;; Defmacro -- Public
;;; Parse the definition and make an expander function. The actual
;;; definition is done by %defmacro which we expand into.
(defmacro defmacro (name lambda-list &body body)
(let ((whole (gensym "WHOLE-"))
(environment (gensym "ENV-")))
(body local-decs doc)
(parse-defmacro lambda-list whole body name 'defmacro
:environment environment)
(let ((def `(lambda (,whole ,environment)
(block ,name
`(c::%defmacro ',name #',def ',lambda-list ,doc)))))
;;; %Defmacro, %%Defmacro -- Internal
;;; Defmacro expands into %Defmacro which is a function that is treated
;;; magically the compiler. After the compiler has gotten the information it
;;; wants out of macro definition, it compiles a call to %%Defmacro which
;;; happens at load time. We have a %Defmacro function which just calls
;;; %%Defmacro in order to keep the interpreter happy.
;;; Eventually %%Defmacro should deal with clearing old compiler information
;;; for the functional value.
(defun c::%defmacro (name definition lambda-list doc)
(assert (eval:interpreted-function-p definition))
(setf (eval:interpreted-function-name definition)
(format nil "DEFMACRO ~S" name))
(setf (eval:interpreted-function-arglist definition) lambda-list)
(c::%%defmacro name definition doc))
(defun c::%%defmacro (name definition doc)
(clear-info function where-from name)
(setf (macro-function name) definition)
(setf (documentation name 'function) doc)
;;; DEFTYPE is a lot like DEFMACRO.
(defmacro deftype (name arglist &body body)
"Syntax like DEFMACRO, but defines a new type."
(unless (symbolp name)
(error "~S -- Type name not a symbol." name))
(let ((whole (gensym "WHOLE-")))
(multiple-value-bind (body local-decs doc)
(parse-defmacro arglist whole body name 'deftype
:default-default ''*)
`(eval-when (compile load eval)
(%deftype ',name
#'(lambda (,whole)
(block ,name ,body))
,@(when doc `(,doc)))))))
(defun %deftype (name expander &optional doc)
(ecase (info type kind name)
(error "Illegal to redefine standard type: ~S." name))
(warn "Redefining structure type ~S with DEFTYPE." name)
(c::undefine-structure (info type structure-info name)))
((nil :defined)))
(setf (info type kind name) :defined)
(setf (info type expander name) expander)
(when doc
(setf (documentation name 'type) doc))
;; ### Bootstrap hack -- we need to define types before %note-type-defined
;; is defined.
(when (fboundp 'c::%note-type-defined)
(c::%note-type-defined name))
(defparameter defsetf-error-string "Setf expander for ~S cannot be called with ~S args.")
(defmacro define-setf-method (access-fn lambda-list &body body)
"Syntax like DEFMACRO, but creates a Setf-Method generator. The body
must be a form that returns the five magical values."
(unless (symbolp access-fn)
(error "~S -- Access-function name not a symbol in DEFINE-SETF-METHOD."
(let ((whole (gensym "WHOLE-"))
(environment (gensym "ENV-")))
(multiple-value-bind (body local-decs doc)
(parse-defmacro lambda-list whole body access-fn
:environment environment)
`(eval-when (load compile eval)
#'(lambda (,whole ,environment)
(block ,access-fn ,body))
;;; %DEFINE-SETF-MACRO -- Internal
;;; Do stuff for defining a setf macro.
(defun %define-setf-macro (name expander inverse doc)
(cond ((not (fboundp `(setf ,name))))
((info function accessor-for name)
(warn "Defining setf macro for destruct slot accessor; redefining as ~
a normal function:~% ~S"
(c::define-function-name name))
((not (eq (symbol-package name) (symbol-package 'aref)))
(warn "Defining setf macro for ~S, but ~S is fbound."
name `(setf ,name))))
(when (or inverse (info setf inverse name))
(setf (info setf inverse name) inverse))
(when (or expander (info setf expander name))
(setf (info setf expander name) expander))
(when doc
(setf (documentation name 'setf) doc))
;;;; Destructuring-bind
(defmacro destructuring-bind (lambda-list arg-list &rest body)
"Bind the variables in LAMBDA-LIST to the contents of ARG-LIST."
(let* ((arg-list-name (gensym "ARG-LIST-")))
(body local-decls)
(parse-defmacro lambda-list arg-list-name body nil 'destructuring-bind
:annonymousp t :doc-string-allowed nil)
`(let ((,arg-list-name ,arg-list))
;;;; Defun, Defvar, Defparameter, Defconstant:
;;; Defun -- Public
;;; Very similar to Defmacro, but simpler. We don't have to parse the
;;; lambda-list.
(defmacro defun (&whole source name lambda-list &body (body decls doc))
(let ((def `(lambda ,lambda-list
(block ,(if (and (consp name) (eq (car name) 'setf))
(cadr name)
`(c::%defun ',name #',def ,doc ',source)))
;;; %Defun, %%Defun -- Internal
;;; Similar to %Defmacro, ...
(defun c::%%defun (name def doc &optional inline-expansion)
(setf (fdefinition name) def)
(when doc
(if (and (consp name) (eq (first name) 'setf))
(setf (documentation (second name) 'setf) doc)
(setf (documentation name 'function) doc)))
(c::define-function-name name)
(when (eq (info function where-from name) :assumed)
(setf (info function where-from name) :defined)
(when (info function assumed-type name)
(setf (info function assumed-type name) nil)))
(when (or inline-expansion
(info function inline-expansion name))
(setf (info function inline-expansion name) inline-expansion))
(defun c::%defun (name def doc source)
(declare (ignore source))
(assert (eval:interpreted-function-p def))
(setf (eval:interpreted-function-name def) name)
(c::%%defun name def doc))
;;; DEFCONSTANT -- Public
(defmacro defconstant (var val &optional doc)
"For defining global constants at top level. The DEFCONSTANT says that the
value is constant and may be compiled into code. If the variable already has
a value, and this is not equal to the init, an error is signalled. The third
argument is an optional documentation string for the variable."
`(c::%defconstant ',var ,val ',doc))
;;; %Defconstant, %%Defconstant -- Internal
;;; Like the other %mumbles except that we currently actually do something
;;; interesting at load time, namely checking if the constant is being
;;; redefined.
(defun c::%defconstant (name value doc)
(c::%%defconstant name value doc))
(defun c::%%defconstant (name value doc)
(when doc
(setf (documentation name 'variable) doc))
(when (boundp name)
(unless (equalp (symbol-value name) value)
(cerror "Go ahead and change the value."
"Constant ~S being redefined." name)))
(setf (symbol-value name) value)
(setf (info variable kind name) :constant)
(clear-info variable constant-value name)
(defmacro defvar (var &optional (val nil valp) (doc nil docp))
"For defining global variables at top level. Declares the variable
SPECIAL and, optionally, initializes it. If the variable already has a
value, the old value is not clobbered. The third argument is an optional
documentation string for the variable."
(proclaim '(special ,var))
,@(when valp
`((unless (boundp ',var)
(setq ,var ,val))))
,@(when docp
`((setf (documentation ',var 'variable) ',doc)))
(defmacro defparameter (var val &optional (doc nil docp))
"Defines a parameter that is not normally changed by the program,
but that may be changed without causing an error. Declares the
variable special and sets its value to VAL. The third argument is
an optional documentation string for the parameter."
(proclaim '(special ,var))
(setq ,var ,val)
,@(when docp
`((setf (documentation ',var 'variable) ',doc)))
(defmacro when (test &body forms)
"First arg is a predicate. If it is non-null, the rest of the forms are
evaluated as a PROGN."
`(cond (,test nil ,@forms)))
(defmacro unless (test &rest forms)
"First arg is a predicate. If it is null, the rest of the forms are
evaluated as a PROGN."
`(cond ((not ,test) nil ,@forms)))
(defmacro return (&optional (value nil))
`(return-from nil ,value))
(defmacro prog (varlist &body (body decls))
`(block nil
(let ,varlist
(tagbody ,@body))))
(defmacro prog* (varlist &body (body decls))
`(block nil
(let* ,varlist
(tagbody ,@body))))
;;; Prog1, Prog2 -- Public
;;; These just turn into a Let.
(defmacro prog1 (result &rest body)
(let ((n-result (gensym)))
`(let ((,n-result ,result))
(defmacro prog2 (form1 result &rest body)
`(prog1 (progn ,form1 ,result) ,@body))
;;; And, Or -- Public
;;; AND and OR are defined in terms of IF.
(defmacro and (&rest forms)
(cond ((endp forms) t)
((endp (rest forms)) (first forms))
`(if ,(first forms)
(and ,@(rest forms))
(defmacro or (&rest forms)
(cond ((endp forms) nil)
((endp (rest forms)) (first forms))
(let ((n-result (gensym)))
`(let ((,n-result ,(first forms)))
(if ,n-result
(or ,@(rest forms))))))))
;;; Cond -- Public
;;; COND also turns into IF.
(defmacro cond (&rest clauses)
(if (endp clauses)
(let ((clause (first clauses)))
(when (atom clause)
(error "Cond clause is not a list: ~S." clause))
(let ((test (first clause))
(forms (rest clause)))
(if (endp forms)
(let ((n-result (gensym)))
`(let ((,n-result ,test))
(if ,n-result
(cond ,@(rest clauses)))))
`(if ,test
(progn ,@forms)
(cond ,@(rest clauses))))))))
;;;; Multiple value macros:
;;; Multiple-Value-XXX -- Public
;;; All the multiple-value receiving forms are defined in terms of
;;; Multiple-Value-Call.
(defmacro multiple-value-setq (varlist value-form)
(unless (and (listp varlist) (every #'symbolp varlist))
(error "Varlist is not a list of symbols: ~S." varlist))
(let ((temps (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) (gensym)) varlist)))
`(multiple-value-bind ,temps ,value-form
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (var temp)
`(setq ,var ,temp))
varlist temps)
,(car temps))))
(defmacro multiple-value-bind (varlist value-form &body body)
(unless (and (listp varlist) (every #'symbolp varlist))
(error "Varlist is not a list of symbols: ~S." varlist))
(if (= (length varlist) 1)
`(let ((,(car varlist) ,value-form))
(let ((ignore (gensym)))
`(multiple-value-call #'(lambda (&optional ,@varlist &rest ,ignore)
(declare (ignore ,ignore))
(defmacro multiple-value-list (value-form)
`(multiple-value-call #'list ,value-form))
(defmacro nth-value (n form)
"Evaluates FORM and returns the Nth value (zero based). This involves no
consing when N is a trivial constant integer."
(if (integerp n)
(let ((dummy-list nil)
(keeper (gensym "KEEPER-")))
;; We build DUMMY-LIST, a list of variables to bind to useless
;; values, then we explicitly IGNORE those bindings and return
;; KEEPER, the only thing we're really interested in right now.
(dotimes (i n)
(push (gensym "IGNORE-") dummy-list))
`(multiple-value-bind (,@dummy-list ,keeper)
(declare (ignore ,@dummy-list))
(once-only ((n n))
`(case (the fixnum ,n)
(0 (nth-value 0 ,form))
(1 (nth-value 1 ,form))
(2 (nth-value 2 ,form))
(T (nth (the fixnum ,n) (multiple-value-list ,form)))))))
;;;; SETF and friends.
;;; Note: The expansions for SETF and friends sometimes create needless
;;; LET-bindings of argument values. The compiler will remove most of
;;; these spurious bindings, so SETF doesn't worry too much about creating
;;; them.
;;; The inverse for a generalized-variable reference function is stored in
;;; one of two ways:
;;; A SETF-INVERSE property corresponds to the short form of DEFSETF. It is
;;; the name of a function takes the same args as the reference form, plus a
;;; new-value arg at the end.
;;; A SETF-METHOD-EXPANDER property is created by the long form of DEFSETF or
;;; by DEFINE-SETF-METHOD. It is a function that is called on the reference
;;; form and that produces five values: a list of temporary variables, a list
;;; of value forms, a list of the single store-value form, a storing function,
;;; and an accessing function.
(defun get-setf-method-multiple-value (form &optional environment)
"Returns five values needed by the SETF machinery: a list of temporary
variables, a list of values with which to fill them, a list of temporaries
for the new values, the setting function, and the accessing function."
(let (temp)
(cond ((symbolp form)
(let ((new-var (gensym)))
(values nil nil (list new-var) `(setq ,form ,new-var) form)))
;; Local functions inhibit global setf methods...
((and environment
(c::leaf-p (cdr (assoc (car form)
(c::lexenv-functions environment)))))
(get-setf-method-inverse form `(funcall #'(setf ,(car form))) t))
((setq temp (info setf inverse (car form)))
(get-setf-method-inverse form `(,temp) nil))
((setq temp (info setf expander (car form)))
(funcall temp form environment))
;; If a macro, expand one level and try again. If not, go for the
;; SETF function.
(multiple-value-bind (res win)
(macroexpand-1 form environment)
(if win
(get-setf-method res environment)
(get-setf-method-inverse form
`(funcall #'(setf ,(car form)))
(defun get-setf-method-inverse (form inverse setf-function)
(let ((new-var (gensym))
(vars nil)
(vals nil))
(dolist (x (cdr form))
(push (gensym) vars)
(push x vals))
(setq vals (nreverse vals))
(values vars vals (list new-var)
(if setf-function
`(,@inverse ,new-var ,@vars)
`(,@inverse ,@vars ,new-var))
`(,(car form) ,@vars))))
(defun get-setf-method (form &optional environment)
"Like Get-Setf-Method-Multiple-Value, but signal an error if there are
more than one new-value variables."
(temps value-forms store-vars store-form access-form)
(get-setf-method-multiple-value form environment)
(when (cdr store-vars)
(error "GET-SETF-METHOD used for a form with multiple store ~
variables:~% ~S" form))
(values temps value-forms store-vars store-form access-form)))
(defun defsetter (fn rest)
(let ((arglist (car rest))
(arglist-var (gensym "ARGS-"))
(new-var (car (cadr rest))))
(body local-decs doc)
(parse-defmacro arglist arglist-var (cddr rest) fn 'defsetf)
`(lambda (,arglist-var ,new-var)
(defmacro defsetf (access-fn &rest rest)
"Associates a SETF update function or macro with the specified access
function or macro. The format is complex. See the manual for
(cond ((not (listp (car rest)))
`(eval-when (load compile eval)
(%define-setf-macro ',access-fn nil ',(car rest)
,(when (and (car rest) (stringp (cadr rest)))
`',(cadr rest)))))
((and (cdr rest) (listp (cadr rest)))
(lambda-list (&rest store-variables) &body body)
(let ((arglist-var (gensym "ARGS-"))
(access-form-var (gensym "ACCESS-FORM-"))
(env-var (gensym "ENVIRONMENT-")))
(body local-decs doc)
(parse-defmacro `(,lambda-list ,@store-variables)
arglist-var body access-fn 'defsetf
:annonymousp t)
`(eval-when (load compile eval)
#'(lambda (,access-form-var ,env-var)
(declare (ignore ,env-var))
(%defsetf ,access-form-var ,(length store-variables)
#'(lambda (,arglist-var)
(block ,access-fn
(error "Ill-formed DEFSETF for ~S." access-fn))))
(defun %defsetf (orig-access-form num-store-vars expander)
(collect ((subform-vars) (store-vars))
(let ((subforms (cdr orig-access-form)))
(dolist (subform subforms)
(declare (ignore subform))
(subform-vars (gensym)))
(dotimes (i num-store-vars)
(store-vars (gensym)))
(values (subform-vars)
(funcall expander (cons (subform-vars) (store-vars)))
`(,(car orig-access-form) ,@(subform-vars))))))
;;; SETF -- Public
;;; Except for atoms, we always call GET-SETF-METHOD, since it has some
;;; non-trivial semantics. But when there is a setf inverse, and G-S-M uses
;;; it, then we return a call to the inverse, rather than returning a hairy let
;;; form. This is probably important mainly as a convenince in allowing the
;;; use of setf inverses without the full interpreter.
(defmacro setf (&rest args &environment env)
"Takes pairs of arguments like SETQ. The first is a place and the second
is the value that is supposed to go into that place. Returns the last
value. The place argument may be any of the access forms for which SETF
knows a corresponding setting form."
(let ((nargs (length args)))
((= nargs 2)
(let ((place (first args))
(value-form (second args)))
(if (atom place)
`(setq ,place ,value-form)
(multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter)
(get-setf-method-multiple-value place env)
(declare (ignore getter))
(let ((inverse (info setf inverse (car place))))
(if (and inverse (eq inverse (car setter)))
`(,inverse ,@(cdr place) ,value-form)
`(let* (,@(mapcar #'list dummies vals))
(multiple-value-bind ,newval ,value-form
((oddp nargs)
(error "Odd number of args to SETF."))
(do ((a args (cddr a)) (l nil))
((null a) `(progn ,@(nreverse l)))
(setq l (cons (list 'setf (car a) (cadr a)) l)))))))
(defmacro psetf (&rest args &environment env)
"This is to SETF as PSETQ is to SETQ. Args are alternating place
expressions and values to go into those places. All of the subforms and
values are determined, left to right, and only then are the locations
updated. Returns NIL."
(collect ((let*-bindings) (mv-bindings) (setters))
(do ((a args (cddr a)))
((endp a))
(if (endp (cdr a))
(error "Odd number of args to PSETF."))
(dummies vals newval setter getter)
(get-setf-method-multiple-value (car a) env)
(declare (ignore getter))
(let*-bindings (mapcar #'list dummies vals))
(mv-bindings (list newval (cadr a)))
(setters setter)))
(labels ((thunk (let*-bindings mv-bindings)
(if let*-bindings
`(let* ,(car let*-bindings)
(multiple-value-bind ,@(car mv-bindings)
,(thunk (cdr let*-bindings) (cdr mv-bindings))))
`(progn ,@(setters) nil))))
(thunk (let*-bindings) (mv-bindings)))))
(defmacro shiftf (&rest args &environment env)
"One or more SETF-style place expressions, followed by a single
value expression. Evaluates all of the expressions in turn, then
assigns the value of each expression to the place on its left,
returning the value of the leftmost."
(if (< (length args) 2)
(error "Too few argument forms to a SHIFTF."))
(collect ((let*-bindings) (forms))
(do ((first t nil)
(a args (cdr a))
((endp (cdr a))
(forms `(multiple-value-bind ,prev-store-vars ,(car a)
(temps exprs store-vars setter getter)
(get-setf-method-multiple-value (car a) env)
for temp in temps
for expr in exprs
do (let*-bindings `(,temp ,expr)))
(forms (if first
`(multiple-value-bind ,prev-store-vars ,getter
(setf prev-store-vars store-vars)
(setf prev-setter setter)))
`(let* ,(let*-bindings)
(defmacro rotatef (&rest args &environment env)
"Takes any number of SETF-style place expressions. Evaluates all of the
expressions in turn, then assigns to each place the value of the form to
its right. The rightmost form gets the value of the leftmost.
Returns NIL."
(when args
(collect ((let*-bindings) (mv-bindings) (setters) (getters))
(dolist (arg args)
(temps subforms store-vars setter getter)
(get-setf-method-multiple-value arg env)
for temp in temps
for subform in subforms
do (let*-bindings `(,temp ,subform)))
(mv-bindings store-vars)
(setters setter)
(getters getter)))
(setters nil)
(getters (car (getters)))
(labels ((thunk (mv-bindings getters)
(if mv-bindings
,(car mv-bindings)
,(car getters)
,@(thunk (cdr mv-bindings) (cdr getters))))
`(let* ,(let*-bindings)
,@(thunk (mv-bindings) (cdr (getters))))))))
(defmacro define-modify-macro (name lambda-list function &optional doc-string)
"Creates a new read-modify-write macro like PUSH or INCF."
(let ((other-args nil)
(rest-arg nil)
(env (gensym))
(reference (gensym)))
;; Parse out the variable names and rest arg from the lambda list.
(do ((ll lambda-list (cdr ll))
(arg nil))
((null ll))
(setq arg (car ll))
(cond ((eq arg '&optional))
((eq arg '&rest)
(if (symbolp (cadr ll))
(setq rest-arg (cadr ll))
(error "Non-symbol &rest arg in definition of ~S." name))
(if (null (cddr ll))
(return nil)
(error "Illegal stuff after &rest arg in Define-Modify-Macro.")))
((memq arg '(&key &allow-other-keys &aux))
(error "~S not allowed in Define-Modify-Macro lambda list." arg))
((symbolp arg)
(push arg other-args))
((and (listp arg) (symbolp (car arg)))
(push (car arg) other-args))
(t (error "Illegal stuff in lambda list of Define-Modify-Macro."))))
(setq other-args (nreverse other-args))
`(defmacro ,name (,reference ,@lambda-list &environment ,env)
(multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter)
(get-setf-method ,reference ,env)
(do ((d dummies (cdr d))
(v vals (cdr v))
(let-list nil (cons (list (car d) (car v)) let-list)))
((null d)
(list (car newval)
,(if rest-arg
`(list* ',function getter ,@other-args ,rest-arg)
`(list ',function getter ,@other-args)))
`(let* ,(nreverse let-list)
(defmacro push (obj place &environment env)
"Takes an object and a location holding a list. Conses the object onto
the list, returning the modified list."
(if (symbolp place)
`(setq ,place (cons ,obj ,place))
(multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter)
(get-setf-method place env)
(do* ((d dummies (cdr d))
(v vals (cdr v))
(let-list nil))
((null d)
(push (list (car newval) `(cons ,obj ,getter))
`(let* ,(nreverse let-list)
(push (list (car d) (car v)) let-list)))))
(defmacro pushnew (obj place &rest keys &environment env)
"Takes an object and a location holding a list. If the object is already
in the list, does nothing. Else, conses the object onto the list. Returns
NIL. If there is a :TEST keyword, this is used for the comparison."
(if (symbolp place)
`(setq ,place (adjoin ,obj ,place ,@keys))
(multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter)
(get-setf-method place env)
(do* ((d dummies (cdr d))
(v vals (cdr v))
(let-list nil))
((null d)
(push (list (car newval) `(adjoin ,obj ,getter ,@keys))
`(let* ,(nreverse let-list)
(push (list (car d) (car v)) let-list)))))
(defmacro pop (place &environment env)
"The argument is a location holding a list. Pops one item off the front
of the list and returns it."
(if (symbolp place)
`(prog1 (car ,place) (setq ,place (cdr ,place)))
(multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter)
(get-setf-method place env)
(do* ((d dummies (cdr d))
(v vals (cdr v))
(let-list nil))
((null d)
(push (list (car newval) getter) let-list)
`(let* ,(nreverse let-list)
(prog1 (car ,(car newval))
(setq ,(car newval) (cdr ,(car newval)))
(push (list (car d) (car v)) let-list)))))
(define-modify-macro incf (&optional (delta 1)) +
"The first argument is some location holding a number. This number is
incremented by the second argument, DELTA, which defaults to 1.")
(define-modify-macro decf (&optional (delta 1)) -
"The first argument is some location holding a number. This number is
decremented by the second argument, DELTA, which defaults to 1.")
(defmacro remf (place indicator &environment env)
"Place may be any place expression acceptable to SETF, and is expected
to hold a property list or (). This list is destructively altered to
remove the property specified by the indicator. Returns T if such a
property was present, NIL if not."
(multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter)
(get-setf-method place env)
(do* ((d dummies (cdr d))
(v vals (cdr v))
(let-list nil)
(ind-temp (gensym))
(local1 (gensym))
(local2 (gensym)))
((null d)
(push (list (car newval) getter) let-list)
(push (list ind-temp indicator) let-list)
`(let* ,(nreverse let-list)
(do ((,local1 ,(car newval) (cddr ,local1))
(,local2 nil ,local1))
((atom ,local1) nil)
(cond ((atom (cdr ,local1))
(error "Odd-length property list in REMF."))
((eq (car ,local1) ,ind-temp)
(cond (,local2
(rplacd (cdr ,local2) (cddr ,local1))
(return t))
(t (setq ,(car newval) (cddr ,(car newval)))
(return t))))))))
(push (list (car d) (car v)) let-list))))
;;; The built-in DEFSETFs.
(defsetf car %rplaca)
(defsetf cdr %rplacd)
(defsetf caar (x) (v) `(%rplaca (car ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cadr (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cdr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cdar (x) (v) `(%rplacd (car ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cddr (x) (v) `(%rplacd (cdr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf caaar (x) (v) `(%rplaca (caar ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cadar (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cdar ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cdaar (x) (v) `(%rplacd (caar ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cddar (x) (v) `(%rplacd (cdar ,x) ,v))
(defsetf caadr (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cadr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf caddr (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cddr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cdadr (x) (v) `(%rplacd (cadr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cdddr (x) (v) `(%rplacd (cddr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf caaaar (x) (v) `(%rplaca (caaar ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cadaar (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cdaar ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cdaaar (x) (v) `(%rplacd (caaar ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cddaar (x) (v) `(%rplacd (cdaar ,x) ,v))
(defsetf caadar (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cadar ,x) ,v))
(defsetf caddar (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cddar ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cdadar (x) (v) `(%rplacd (cadar ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cdddar (x) (v) `(%rplacd (cddar ,x) ,v))
(defsetf caaadr (x) (v) `(%rplaca (caadr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cadadr (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cdadr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cdaadr (x) (v) `(%rplacd (caadr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cddadr (x) (v) `(%rplacd (cdadr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf caaddr (x) (v) `(%rplaca (caddr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cadddr (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cdddr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cdaddr (x) (v) `(%rplacd (caddr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf cddddr (x) (v) `(%rplacd (cdddr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf first %rplaca)
(defsetf second (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cdr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf third (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cddr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf fourth (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cdddr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf fifth (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cddddr ,x) ,v))
(defsetf sixth (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cdr (cddddr ,x)) ,v))
(defsetf seventh (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cddr (cddddr ,x)) ,v))
(defsetf eighth (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cdddr (cddddr ,x)) ,v))
(defsetf ninth (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cddddr (cddddr ,x)) ,v))
(defsetf tenth (x) (v) `(%rplaca (cdr (cddddr (cddddr ,x))) ,v))
(defsetf rest %rplacd)
(defsetf elt %setelt)
(defsetf aref %aset)
(defsetf row-major-aref %set-row-major-aref)
(defsetf svref %svset)
(defsetf char %charset)
(defsetf bit %bitset)
(defsetf schar %scharset)
(defsetf sbit %sbitset)
(defsetf %array-dimension %set-array-dimension)
(defsetf %raw-bits %set-raw-bits)
(defsetf symbol-value set)
(defsetf symbol-function fset)
(defsetf symbol-plist %set-symbol-plist)
(defsetf documentation %set-documentation)
(defsetf nth %setnth)
(defsetf fill-pointer %set-fill-pointer)
(defsetf search-list %set-search-list)
(defsetf sap-ref-8 %set-sap-ref-8)
(defsetf signed-sap-ref-8 %set-signed-sap-ref-8)
(defsetf sap-ref-16 %set-sap-ref-16)
(defsetf signed-sap-ref-16 %set-signed-sap-ref-16)
(defsetf sap-ref-32 %set-sap-ref-32)
(defsetf signed-sap-ref-32 %set-signed-sap-ref-32)
(defsetf sap-ref-sap %set-sap-ref-sap)
(defsetf sap-ref-single %set-sap-ref-single)
(defsetf sap-ref-double %set-sap-ref-double)
(define-setf-method getf (place prop &optional default &environment env)
(multiple-value-bind (temps values stores set get)
(get-setf-method place env)
(let ((newval (gensym))
(ptemp (gensym))
(def-temp (gensym)))
(values `(,@temps ,(car stores) ,ptemp ,@(if default `(,def-temp)))
`(,@values ,get ,prop ,@(if default `(,default)))
`(progn (setq ,(car stores)
(%putf ,(car stores) ,ptemp ,newval))
`(getf ,(car stores) ,ptemp ,@(if default `(,def-temp)))))))
(define-setf-method get (symbol prop &optional default)
"Get turns into %put. Don't put in the default unless it really is supplied
and non-nil, so that we can transform into the get instruction whenever
(let ((symbol-temp (gensym))
(prop-temp (gensym))
(def-temp (gensym))
(newval (gensym)))
(values `(,symbol-temp ,prop-temp ,@(if default `(,def-temp)))
`(,symbol ,prop ,@(if default `(,default)))
(list newval)
`(%put ,symbol-temp ,prop-temp ,newval)
`(get ,symbol-temp ,prop-temp ,@(if default `(,def-temp))))))
(define-setf-method gethash (key hashtable &optional default)
(let ((key-temp (gensym))
(hashtable-temp (gensym))
(default-temp (gensym))
(new-value-temp (gensym)))
`(,key-temp ,hashtable-temp ,@(if default `(,default-temp)))
`(,key ,hashtable ,@(if default `(,default)))
`(%puthash ,key-temp ,hashtable-temp ,new-value-temp)
`(gethash ,key-temp ,hashtable-temp ,@(if default `(,default-temp))))))
(defsetf subseq (sequence start &optional (end nil)) (v)
`(progn (replace ,sequence ,v :start1 ,start :end1 ,end)
;;; Evil hack invented by the gnomes of Vassar Street. The function arg must
;;; be constant. Get a setf method for this function, pretending that the
;;; final (list) arg to apply is just a normal arg. If the setting and access
;;; forms produced in this way reference this arg at the end, then just splice
;;; the APPLY back onto the front and the right thing happens.
;;; We special-case uses functions in the Lisp package so that APPLY AREF works
;;; even though %ASET takes the new-value last. (there is (SETF AREF) as well
;;; as a setf method, etc.)
(define-setf-method apply (function &rest args &environment env)
(unless (and (listp function)
(= (list-length function) 2)
(eq (first function) 'function)
(symbolp (second function)))
(error "Setf of Apply is only defined for function args like #'symbol."))
(let ((function (second function)))
(dummies vals newval setter getter)
(if (eq (symbol-package function) (symbol-package 'aref))
(get-setf-method-inverse (cons function args) `((setf ,function)) t)
(get-setf-method (cons function args) env))
(unless (and (eq (car (last args)) (car (last vals)))
(eq (car (last getter)) (car (last dummies)))
(eq (car (last setter)) (car (last dummies))))
(error "Apply of ~S not understood as a location for Setf." function))
(values dummies vals newval
`(apply (function ,(car setter)) ,@(cdr setter))
`(apply (function ,(car getter)) ,@(cdr getter))))))
;;; Special-case a BYTE bytespec so that the compiler can recognize it.
(define-setf-method ldb (bytespec place &environment env)
"The first argument is a byte specifier. The second is any place form
acceptable to SETF. Replaces the specified byte of the number in this
place with bits from the low-order end of the new value."
(multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter)
(get-setf-method place env)
(if (and (consp bytespec) (eq (car bytespec) 'byte))
(let ((n-size (gensym))
(n-pos (gensym))
(n-new (gensym)))
(values (list* n-size n-pos dummies)
(list* (second bytespec) (third bytespec) vals)
(list n-new)
`(let ((,(car newval) (dpb ,n-new (byte ,n-size ,n-pos)
`(ldb (byte ,n-size ,n-pos) ,getter)))
(let ((btemp (gensym))
(gnuval (gensym)))
(values (cons btemp dummies)
(cons bytespec vals)
(list gnuval)
`(let ((,(car newval) (dpb ,gnuval ,btemp ,getter)))
`(ldb ,btemp ,getter))))))
(define-setf-method mask-field (bytespec place &environment env)
"The first argument is a byte specifier. The second is any place form
acceptable to SETF. Replaces the specified byte of the number in this place
with bits from the corresponding position in the new value."
(multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter)
(get-setf-method place env)
(let ((btemp (gensym))
(gnuval (gensym)))
(values (cons btemp dummies)
(cons bytespec vals)
(list gnuval)
`(let ((,(car newval) (deposit-field ,gnuval ,btemp ,getter)))
`(mask-field ,btemp ,getter)))))
(define-setf-method the (type place &environment env)
(multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter)
(get-setf-method place env)
(values dummies
(subst `(the ,type ,(car newval)) (car newval) setter)
`(the ,type ,getter))))
;;;; CASE, TYPECASE, & Friends.
(eval-when (compile load eval)
;;; CASE-BODY returns code for all the standard "case" macros. Name is the
;;; macro name, and keyform is the thing to case on. Multi-p indicates whether
;;; a branch may fire off a list of keys; otherwise, a key that is a list is
;;; interpreted in some way as a single key. When multi-p, test is applied to
;;; the value of keyform and each key for a given branch; otherwise, test is
;;; applied to the value of keyform and the entire first element, instead of
;;; each part, of the case branch. When errorp, no t or otherwise branch is
;;; permitted, and an ERROR form is generated. When proceedp, it is an error
;;; to omit errorp, and the ERROR form generated is executed within a
;;; RESTART-CASE allowing keyform to be set and retested.
(defun case-body (name keyform cases multi-p test errorp proceedp)
(let ((keyform-value (gensym))
(clauses ())
(keys ()))
(dolist (case cases)
(cond ((atom case)
(error "~S -- Bad clause in ~S." case name))
((memq (car case) '(t otherwise))
(if errorp
(error "No default clause allowed in ~S: ~S" name case)
(push `(t nil ,@(rest case)) clauses)))
((and multi-p (listp (first case)))
(setf keys (append (first case) keys))
(push `((or ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (key)
`(,test ,keyform-value ',key))
(first case)))
nil ,@(rest case))
(push (first case) keys)
(push `((,test ,keyform-value
',(first case)) nil ,@(rest case)) clauses))))
(case-body-aux name keyform keyform-value clauses keys errorp proceedp
`(,(if multi-p 'member 'or) ,@keys))))
;;; CASE-BODY-AUX provides the expansion once CASE-BODY has groveled all the
;;; cases. Note: it is not necessary that the resulting code signal
;;; case-failure conditions, but that's what KMP's prototype code did. We call
;;; CASE-BODY-ERROR, because of how closures are compiled. RESTART-CASE has
;;; forms with closures that the compiler causes to be generated at the top of
;;; any function using the case macros, regardless of whether they are needed.
(defun case-body-aux (name keyform keyform-value clauses keys
errorp proceedp expected-type)
(if proceedp
(let ((block (gensym))
(again (gensym)))
`(let ((,keyform-value ,keyform))
(block ,block
(cond ,@(nreverse clauses)
(setf ,keyform-value
(setf ,keyform
',name ',keyform ,keyform-value
',expected-type ',keys)))
(go ,again))))))))
`(let ((,keyform-value ,keyform))
,@(nreverse clauses)
,@(if errorp
`((t (error 'conditions::case-failure
:name ',name
:datum ,keyform-value
:expected-type ',expected-type
:possibilities ',keys))))))))
); eval-when
(defun case-body-error (name keyform keyform-value expected-type keys)
(error 'conditions::case-failure
:name name
:datum keyform-value
:expected-type expected-type
:possibilities keys)
(store-value (value)
:report (lambda (stream)
(format stream "Supply a new value for ~S." keyform))
:interactive read-evaluated-form
(defmacro case (keyform &body cases)
"CASE Keyform {({(Key*) | Key} Form*)}*
Evaluates the Forms in the first clause with a Key EQL to the value of
Keyform. If a singleton key is T then the clause is a default clause."
(case-body 'case keyform cases t 'eql nil nil))
(defmacro ccase (keyform &body cases)
"CCASE Keyform {({(Key*) | Key} Form*)}*
Evaluates the Forms in the first clause with a Key EQL to the value of
Keyform. If none of the keys matches then a correctable error is
(case-body 'ccase keyform cases t 'eql t t))
(defmacro ecase (keyform &body cases)
"ECASE Keyform {({(Key*) | Key} Form*)}*
Evaluates the Forms in the first clause with a Key EQL to the value of
Keyform. If none of the keys matches then an error is signalled."
(case-body 'ecase keyform cases t 'eql t nil))
(defmacro typecase (keyform &body cases)
"TYPECASE Keyform {(Type Form*)}*
Evaluates the Forms in the first clause for which TYPEP of Keyform and Type
is true."
(case-body 'typecase keyform cases nil 'typep nil nil))
(defmacro ctypecase (keyform &body cases)
"CTYPECASE Keyform {(Type Form*)}*
Evaluates the Forms in the first clause for which TYPEP of Keyform and Type
is true. If no form is satisfied then a correctable error is signalled."
(case-body 'ctypecase keyform cases nil 'typep t t))
(defmacro etypecase (keyform &body cases)
"ETYPECASE Keyform {(Type Form*)}*
Evaluates the Forms in the first clause for which TYPEP of Keyform and Type
is true. If no form is satisfied then an error is signalled."
(case-body 'etypecase keyform cases nil 'typep t nil))
;;; ASSERT is written this way, to call ASSERT-ERROR, because of how closures
;;; are compiled. RESTART-CASE has forms with closures that the compiler
;;; causes to be generated at the top of any function using ASSERT, regardless
;;; of whether they are needed.
(defmacro assert (test-form &optional places datum &rest arguments)
"Signals an error if the value of test-form is nil. Continuing from this
error using the CONTINUE restart will allow the user to alter the value of
some locations known to SETF, starting over with test-form. Returns nil."
(when ,test-form (return nil))
(assert-error ',test-form ',places ,datum ,@arguments)
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (place)
`(setf ,place (assert-prompt ',place ,place)))
(defun assert-error (test-form places datum &rest arguments)
(restart-case (if datum
(apply #'error datum arguments)
(simple-assertion-failure test-form))
(continue ()
:report (lambda (stream) (assert-report places stream))
(defun simple-assertion-failure (assertion)
(error 'simple-type-error
:datum assertion
:expected-type nil ;this needs some work in next revision. -kmp
:format-string "The assertion ~S failed."
:format-arguments (list assertion)))
(defun assert-report (names stream)
(format stream "Retry assertion")
(if names
(format stream " with new value~P for ~{~S~^, ~}."
(length names) names)
(format stream ".")))
(defun assert-prompt (name value)
(cond ((y-or-n-p "The old value of ~S is ~S.~
~%Do you want to supply a new value? "
name value)
(format *query-io* "~&Type a form to be evaluated:~%")
(flet ((read-it () (eval (read *query-io*))))
(if (symbolp name) ;help user debug lexical variables
(progv (list name) (list value) (read-it))
(t value)))
;;; CHECK-TYPE is written this way, to call CHECK-TYPE-ERROR, because of how
;;; closures are compiled. RESTART-CASE has forms with closures that the
;;; compiler causes to be generated at the top of any function using
;;; CHECK-TYPE, regardless of whether they are needed. Because it would be
;;; nice if this were cheap to use, and some things can't afford this excessive
;;; consing (e.g., READ-CHAR), we bend backwards a little.
(defmacro check-type (place type &optional type-string)
"Signals an error of type type-error if the contents of place are not of the
specified type. If an error is signaled, this can only return if
STORE-VALUE is invoked. It will store into place and start over."
(let ((place-value (gensym)))
(let ((,place-value ,place))
(when (typep ,place-value ',type) (return nil))
(setf ,place
(check-type-error ',place ,place-value ',type ,type-string))))))
(defun check-type-error (place place-value type type-string)
(restart-case (if type-string
(error 'simple-type-error
:datum place :expected-type type
"The value of ~S is ~S, which is not ~A."
(list place place-value type-string))
(error 'simple-type-error
:datum place :expected-type type
"The value of ~S is ~S, which is not of type ~S."
(list place place-value type)))
(store-value (value)
:report (lambda (stream)
(format stream "Supply a new value of ~S."
:interactive read-evaluated-form
;;; READ-EVALUATED-FORM is used as the interactive method for restart cases
;;; setup by the Common Lisp "casing" (e.g., CCASE and CTYPECASE) macros
;;; and by CHECK-TYPE.
(defun read-evaluated-form ()
(format *query-io* "~&Type a form to be evaluated:~%")
(list (eval (read *query-io*))))
;;;; With-XXX
(defmacro with-open-file ((var &rest open-args) &body (forms decls))
"Bindspec is of the form (Stream File-Name . Options). The file whose
name is File-Name is opened using the Options and bound to the variable
Stream. If the call to open is unsuccessful, the forms are not
evaluated. The Forms are executed, and when they terminate, normally or
otherwise, the file is closed."
(let ((abortp (gensym)))
`(let ((,var (open ,@open-args))
(,abortp t))
(when ,var
(progn ,@forms)
(setq ,abortp nil))
(close ,var :abort ,abortp))))))
(defmacro with-open-stream ((var stream) &body (forms decls))
"The form stream should evaluate to a stream. VAR is bound
to the stream and the forms are evaluated as an implicit
progn. The stream is closed upon exit."
(let ((abortp (gensym)))
`(let ((,var ,stream)
(,abortp t))
(progn ,@forms)
(setq ,abortp nil))
(when ,var
(close ,var :abort ,abortp))))))
(defmacro with-input-from-string ((var string &key index start end) &body (forms decls))
"Binds the Var to an input stream that returns characters from String and
executes the body. See manual for details."
`(let ((,var
,(if end
`(make-string-input-stream ,string ,(or start 0) ,end)
`(make-string-input-stream ,string ,(or start 0)))))
(progn ,@forms)
(close ,var)
,@(if index `((setf ,index (string-input-stream-current ,var)))))))
(defmacro with-output-to-string ((var &optional string) &body (forms decls))
"If *string* is specified, it must be a string with a fill pointer;
the output is incrementally appended to the string (as if by use of
(if string
`(let ((,var (make-fill-pointer-output-stream ,string)))
(progn ,@forms)
(close ,var)))
`(let ((,var (make-string-output-stream)))
(progn ,@forms)
(close ,var))
(get-output-stream-string ,var))))
;;;; Iteration macros:
(defmacro dotimes ((var count &optional (result nil)) &body body)
(cond ((numberp count)
`(do ((,var 0 (1+ ,var)))
((>= ,var ,count) ,result)
(declare (type unsigned-byte ,var))
(t (let ((v1 (gensym)))
`(do ((,var 0 (1+ ,var)) (,v1 ,count))
((>= ,var ,v1) ,result)
(declare (type unsigned-byte ,var))
;;; We repeatedly bind the var instead of setting it so that we never give the
;;; var a random value such as NIL (which might conflict with a declaration).
;;; ### Might not be legal...
(defmacro dolist ((var list &optional (result nil)) &body body)
(let ((n-list (gensym)))
`(do ((,n-list ,list (cdr ,n-list)))
((endp ,n-list)
(let ((,var nil))
(declare (ignorable ,var))
(let ((,var (car ,n-list)))
(defmacro do (varlist endlist &body (body decls))
"DO ({(Var [Init] [Step])}*) (Test Exit-Form*) Declaration* Form*
Iteration construct. Each Var is initialized in parallel to the value of the
specified Init form. On subsequent iterations, the Vars are assigned the
value of the Step form (if any) in paralell. The Test is evaluated before
each evaluation of the body Forms. When the Test is true, the the Exit-Forms
are evaluated as a PROGN, with the result being the value of the DO. A block
named NIL is established around the entire expansion, allowing RETURN to be
used as an laternate exit mechanism."
(do-do-body varlist endlist body decls 'let 'psetq 'do nil))
(defmacro do* (varlist endlist &body (body decls))
"DO* ({(Var [Init] [Step])}*) (Test Exit-Form*) Declaration* Form*
Iteration construct. Each Var is initialized sequentially (like LET*) to the
value of the specified Init form. On subsequent iterations, the Vars are
sequentially assigned the value of the Step form (if any). The Test is
evaluated before each evaluation of the body Forms. When the Test is true,
the the Exit-Forms are evaluated as a PROGN, with the result being the value
of the DO. A block named NIL is established around the entire expansion,
allowing RETURN to be used as an laternate exit mechanism."
(do-do-body varlist endlist body decls 'let* 'setq 'do* nil))
;;;; Miscellaneous macros:
(defmacro locally (&rest forms)
"A form providing a container for locally-scoped variables."
`(let () ,@forms))
(defmacro psetq (&rest pairs)
(do ((lets nil)
(setqs nil)
(pairs pairs (cddr pairs)))
((atom (cdr pairs))
`(let ,(nreverse lets) (setq ,@(nreverse setqs))))
(let ((gen (gensym)))
(push `(,gen ,(cadr pairs)) lets)
(push (car pairs) setqs)
(push gen setqs))))
;;;; With-Compilation-Unit:
;;; True if we are within a With-Compilation-Unit form, which normally causes
;;; nested uses to be NOOPS.
(defvar *in-compilation-unit* nil)
;;; Count of the number of compilation units dynamically enclosed by the
;;; current active WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT that were unwound out of.
(defvar *aborted-compilation-units*)
(declaim (special c::*context-declarations*))
;;; Recursively descend the context form, returning true if this subpart
;;; matches the specified context.
(defun evaluate-declaration-context (context name parent)
(let* ((base (if (and (consp name) (consp (cdr name)))
(cadr name)
(package (and (symbolp base) (symbol-package base))))
(if (atom context)
(multiple-value-bind (ignore how)
(if package
(find-symbol (symbol-name base) package)
(values nil nil))
(declare (ignore ignore))
(case context
(:internal (eq how :internal))
(:external (eq how :external))
(:uninterned (and (symbolp base) (not package)))
(:anonymous (not name))
(:macro (eq parent 'defmacro))
(:function (member parent '(defun labels flet function)))
(:global (member parent '(defun defmacro function)))
(:local (member parent '(labels flet)))
(error "Unknown declaration context: ~S." context))))
(case (first context)
(loop for x in (rest context)
thereis (evaluate-declaration-context x name parent)))
(loop for x in (rest context)
always (evaluate-declaration-context x name parent)))
(evaluate-declaration-context (second context) name parent))
(member name (rest context) :test #'equal))
(let ((name (concatenate 'string "$" (string base) "$")))
(loop for x in (rest context)
thereis (search (string x) name))))
(and package
(loop for x in (rest context)
thereis (eq (find-package (string x)) package))))
(error "Unknown declaration context: ~S." context))))))
;;; Given a list of context declaration specs, return a new value for
(defun process-context-declarations (decls)
#'(lambda (decl)
(unless (>= (length decl) 2)
(error "Context declaration spec should have context and at ~
least one DECLARE form:~% ~S" decl))
#'(lambda (name parent)
(when (evaluate-declaration-context (first decl) name parent)
(rest decl))))
;;; With-Compilation-Unit -- Public
(defmacro with-compilation-unit (options &body body)
This form affects compilations that take place within its dynamic extent. It
is intended to be wrapped around the compilation of all files in the same
system. These keywords are defined:
:OVERRIDE Boolean-Form
One of the effects of this form is to delay undefined warnings
until the end of the form, instead of giving them at the end of each
compilation. If OVERRIDE is NIL (the default), then the outermost
WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT form grabs the undefined warnings. Specifying
OVERRIDE true causes that form to grab any enclosed warnings, even if
it is enclosed by another WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT.
Decl-Form should evaluate to an OPTIMIZE declaration specifier. This
declaration changes the `global' policy for compilations within the
Like OPTIMIZE, except that it specifies the value of the CMU extension
OPTIMIZE-INTERFACE policy (which controls argument type and syntax
:CONTEXT-DECLARATIONS List-of-Context-Decls-Form
This is a CMU extension which allows compilation to be controlled
by pattern matching on the context in which a definition appears. The
argument should evaluate to a list of lists of the form:
(Context-Spec Declare-Form+)
In the indicated context, the specified declare forms are inserted at
the head of each definition. The declare forms for all contexts that
match are appended together, with earlier declarations getting
predecence over later ones. A simple example:
'((:external (declare (optimize (safety 2)))))
This will cause all functions that are named by external symbols to be
compiled with SAFETY 2. The full syntax of context specs is:
True if the symbols is internal (external) in its home package.
True if the symbol has no home package.
True if the function doesn't have any interesting name (not
:MACRO is a global (DEFMACRO) macro. :FUNCTION is anything else.
:LOCAL is a LABELS or FLET. :GLOBAL is anything else.
(:OR Context-Spec*)
True in any specified context.
(:AND Context-Spec*)
True only when all specs are true.
(:NOT Context-Spec)
True when the spec is false.
(:MEMBER Name*)
True when the name is one of these names (EQUAL test.)
(:MATCH Pattern*)
True when any of the patterns is a substring of the name. The name
is wrapped with $'s, so $FOO matches names beginning with FOO,
(let ((override nil)
(optimize nil)
(optimize-interface nil)
(context-declarations nil)
(n-fun (gensym))
(n-abort-p (gensym)))
(when (oddp (length options))
(error "Odd number of key/value pairs: ~S." options))
(do ((opt options (cddr opt)))
((null opt))
(case (first opt)
(setq override (second opt)))
(setq optimize (second opt)))
(setq optimize-interface (second opt)))
(setq context-declarations (second opt)))
(warn "Ignoring unknown option: ~S." (first opt)))))
`(flet ((,n-fun ()
(let (,@(when optimize
,optimize c::*default-cookie*))))
,@(when optimize-interface
,@(when context-declarations
(if (or ,override (not *in-compilation-unit*))
(let ((c::*undefined-warnings* nil)
(c::*compiler-error-count* 0)
(c::*compiler-warning-count* 0)
(c::*compiler-note-count* 0)
(*in-compilation-unit* t)
(*aborted-compilation-units* 0)
(,n-abort-p t))
(handler-bind ((c::parse-unknown-type
#'(lambda (c)
(c::parse-unknown-type-specifier c)
(setq ,n-abort-p nil))
(c::print-summary ,n-abort-p *aborted-compilation-units*))))
(let ((,n-abort-p t))
(setq ,n-abort-p nil))
(when ,n-abort-p
(incf *aborted-compilation-units*))))))))