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;;; -*- Package: C; Log: C.Log -*-
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC).
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; $Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/compiler/array-tran.lisp,v 1.1 1990/11/10 18:39:33 wlott Exp $
;;; This file contains array specific optimizers and transforms.
;;; Extracted from srctran and extended by William Lott.
(in-package "C")
;;;; Derive-Type Optimizers
;;; ASSERT-NUMBER-OF-ARGS -- internal
;;; Array operations that use a specific number of indices implicitly assert
;;; that the array is of that rank.
(defun assert-continuation-rank (array rank)
(specifier-type `(array * ,(make-list rank :initial-element '*)))))
;;; EXTRACT-ELEMENT-TYPE -- internal
;;; Array access functions return an object from the array, hence it's type
;;; is going to be the array element type.
(defun extract-element-type (array)
(let ((type (continuation-type array)))
(if (array-type-p type)
(array-type-element-type type)
;;; ASSERT-NEW-VALUE-TYPE -- internal
;;; The ``new-value'' for array setters must fit in the array, and the
;;; return type is going to be the same as the new-value for setf functions.
(defun assert-new-value-type (new-value array)
(let ((type (continuation-type array)))
(when (array-type-p type)
(assert-continuation-type new-value (array-type-element-type type))))
(continuation-type new-value))
;;; Unsupplied-Or-NIL -- Internal
;;; Return true if Arg is NIL, or is a constant-continuation whose value is
;;; NIL, false otherwise.
(defun unsupplied-or-nil (arg)
(declare (type (or continuation null) arg))
(or (not arg)
(and (constant-continuation-p arg)
(not (continuation-value arg)))))
;;; ARRAY-IN-BOUNDS-P -- derive-type optimizer.
(defoptimizer (array-in-bounds-p derive-type) ((array &rest indices))
(assert-array-rank array (length indices))
;;; AREF -- derive-type optimizer.
(defoptimizer (aref derive-type) ((array &rest indices))
(assert-array-rank array indices)
(extract-element-type array))
;;; %ASET -- derive-type optimizer.
(defoptimizer (%aset derive-type) ((array &rest stuff))
(assert-array-rank array (1- (length stuff)))
(assert-new-value-type (car (last stuff)) array))
;;; DATA-VECTOR-REF -- derive-type optimizer.
(defoptimizer (data-vector-ref derive-type) ((array index))
(extract-element-type array))
;;; DATA-VECTOR-SET -- derive-type optimizer.
(defoptimizer (data-vector-set derive-type) ((array index new-value))
(assert-new-value-type new-value array))
;;; ARRAY-ROW-MAJOR-INDEX -- derive-type optimizer.
(defoptimizer (array-row-major-index derive-type) ((array &rest indices))
(assert-array-rank array (length indices))
;;; ROW-MAJOR-AREF -- derive-type optimizer.
(defoptimizer (row-major-aref derive-type) ((array index))
(extract-element-type array))
;;; %SET-ROW-MAJOR-AREF -- derive-type optimizer.
(defoptimizer (%set-row-major-aref derive-type) ((array index new-value))
(assert-new-value-type new-value array))
;;; MAKE-ARRAY -- derive-type optimizer.
(defoptimizer (make-array derive-type)
((dims &key initial-element element-type initial-contents
adjustable fill-pointer displaced-index-offset displaced-to))
`(,(if (and (unsupplied-or-nil adjustable)
(unsupplied-or-nil displaced-to)
(unsupplied-or-nil fill-pointer))
,(cond ((not element-type) 't)
((constant-continuation-p element-type)
(continuation-value element-type))
,(cond ((constant-continuation-p dims)
(let ((val (continuation-value dims)))
(if (listp val) val (list val))))
((csubtypep (continuation-type dims)
(specifier-type 'integer))
;;;; Constructors.
;;; VECTOR -- source-transform.
;;; Convert VECTOR into a make-array followed by setfs of all the elements.
(def-source-transform vector (&rest elements)
(let ((len (length elements))
(n -1))
(once-only ((n-vec `(make-array ,len)))
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (el)
(once-only ((n-val el))
`(locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
(setf (svref ,n-vec ,(incf n)) ,n-val))))
;;; MAKE-STRING -- source-transform.
;;; Just convert it into a make-array.
(def-source-transform make-string (length &key (initial-element #\NULL))
`(make-array ,length
:element-type 'base-character
:initial-element ',initial-element))
(defconstant array-info
'((base-character #\NULL 8 vm:simple-string-type)
(single-float 0.0s0 32 vm:simple-array-single-float-type)
(double-float 0.0d0 64 vm:simple-array-double-float-type)
(bit 0 1 vm:simple-bit-vector-type)
((unsigned-byte 2) 0 2 vm:simple-array-unsigned-byte-2-type)
((unsigned-byte 4) 0 4 vm:simple-array-unsigned-byte-4-type)
((unsigned-byte 8) 0 8 vm:simple-array-unsigned-byte-8-type)
((unsigned-byte 16) 0 16 vm:simple-array-unsigned-byte-16-type)
((unsigned-byte 32) 0 32 vm:simple-array-unsigned-byte-32-type)
(t 0 32 vm:simple-vector-type)))
;;; MAKE-ARRAY -- source-transform.
;;; The integer type restriction on the length assures that it will be a
;;; vector. The lack of adjustable, fill-pointer, and displaced-to keywords
;;; assures that it will be simple.
(deftransform make-array ((length &key initial-element element-type)
(integer &rest *))
(let* ((eltype (cond ((not element-type) t)
((not (constant-continuation-p element-type))
(give-up "Element-Type is not constant."))
(continuation-value element-type))))
(len (if (constant-continuation-p length)
(continuation-value length)
(spec `(simple-array ,eltype (,len)))
(eltype-type (specifier-type eltype)))
(default-initial-element element-size typecode)
(dolist (info array-info
(give-up "Cannot open-code creation of ~S" spec))
(when (csubtypep eltype-type (specifier-type (car info)))
(return (values-list (cdr info)))))
(let ((constructor
(truncate (+ (* ,(if (eq 'vm:simple-string-type typecode)
'(1+ length)
(1- vm:word-bits))
(if (and default-initial-element
(or (null initial-element)
(and (constant-continuation-p initial-element)
(eql (continuation-value initial-element)
`(truly-the ,spec (fill ,constructor initial-element)))
'((declare (type index length))))))))
;;; MAKE-ARRAY -- transform.
;;; The list type restriction does not assure that the result will be a
;;; multi-dimensional array. But the lack of
(deftransform make-array ((dims &key initial-element element-type)
(list &rest *))
(unless (or (null element-type) (constant-continuation-p element-type))
(give-up "Element-type not constant; cannot open code array creation"))
(unless (constant-continuation-p dims)
(give-up "Dimension list not constant; cannot open code array creation"))
(let ((dims (continuation-value dims)))
(unless (every #'integerp dims)
(give-up "Dimension list contains sometime other than an integer: ~S"
(if (= (length dims) 1)
`(make-array ',(car dims)
,@(when initial-element
'(:initial-element initial-element))
,@(when element-type
'(:element-type element-type)))
(let* ((total-size (reduce #'* dims))
(rank (length dims))
(spec `(simple-array
,(cond ((null element-type) t)
((constant-continuation-p element-type)
(continuation-value element-type))
(t '*))
,(make-list rank :initial-element '*))))
`(let ((header (make-array-header vm:simple-array-type ,rank)))
(setf (%array-fill-pointer header) ,total-size)
(setf (%array-fill-pointer-p header) nil)
(setf (%array-available-elements header) ,total-size)
(setf (%array-data-vector header)
(make-array ,total-size
,@(when element-type
'(:element-type element-type))
,@(when initial-element
'(:initial-element initial-element))))
(setf (%array-displaced-p header) nil)
,@(let ((axis -1))
(mapcar #'(lambda (dim)
`(setf (%array-dimension header ,(incf axis))
(truly-the ,spec header))))))
;;;; Random properties of arrays.
;;; Transforms for various random array properties. If the property is know
;;; at compile time because of a type spec, use that constant value.
;;; ARRAY-RANK -- transform.
;;; If we can tell the rank from the type info, use it instead.
(deftransform array-rank ((array))
(let ((array-type (continuation-type array)))
(unless (array-type-p array-type)
(let ((dims (array-type-dimensions array-type)))
(if (not (listp dims))
(give-up "Array rank not known at compile time: ~S" dims)
(length dims)))))
;;; ARRAY-DIMENSION -- transform.
;;; If we know the dimensions at compile time, just use it. Otherwise, if
;;; we can tell that the axis is in bounds, convert to %array-dimension
;;; (which just indirects the array header) or length (if it's simple and a
;;; vector).
(deftransform array-dimension ((array axis)
(array index))
(unless (constant-continuation-p axis)
(give-up "Axis not constant."))
(let ((array-type (continuation-type array))
(axis (continuation-value axis)))
(unless (array-type-p array-type)
(let ((dims (array-type-dimensions array-type)))
(unless (listp dims)
"Array dimensions unknown, must call array-dimension at runtime."))
(unless (> (length dims) axis)
(abort-transform "Array has dimensions ~S, ~D is too large."
dims axis))
(let ((dim (nth axis dims)))
(cond ((integerp dim)
((= (length dims) 1)
(ecase (array-type-complexp array-type)
'(%array-dimension array 0))
'(length array))
(give-up "Can't tell if array is simple."))))
'(%array-dimension array axis)))))))
;;; LENGTH -- transform.
;;; If the length has been declared and it's simple, just return it.
(deftransform length ((vector)
((simple-array * (*))))
(let ((type (continuation-type vector)))
(unless (array-type-p type)
(let ((dims (array-type-dimensions type)))
(unless (and (listp dims) (integerp (car dims)))
(give-up "Vector length unknown, must call length at runtime."))
(car dims))))
;;; LENGTH -- transform.
;;; All vectors can get their length by using vector-length. If it's simple,
;;; it will extract the length slot from the vector. It it's complex, it will
;;; extract the fill pointer slot from the array header.
(deftransform length ((vector) (vector))
'(vector-length vector))
;;; ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE -- transform.
;;; Again, if we can tell the results from the type, just use it. Otherwise,
;;; if we know the rank, convert into a computation based on array-dimension.
;;; We can wrap a truly-the index around the multiplications because we know
;;; that the total size must be an index.
(deftransform array-total-size ((array)
(let ((array-type (continuation-type array)))
(unless (array-type-p array-type)
(let ((dims (array-type-dimensions array-type)))
(unless (listp dims)
(give-up "Can't tell the rank at compile time.")
(if (member '* dims)
(do ((form 1 `(truly-the index
(* (array-dimension array ,i) ,form)))
(i 0 (1+ i)))
((= i (length dims)) form))
(reduce #'* dims))))))
;;; ARRAY-HAS-FILL-POINTER-P -- transform.
;;; Only complex vectors have fill pointers.
(deftransform array-has-fill-pointer-p ((array))
(let ((array-type (continuation-type array)))
(unless (array-type-p array-type)
(let ((dims (array-type-dimensions array-type)))
(if (and (listp dims) (not (= (length dims) 1)))
(ecase (array-type-complexp array-type)
(give-up "Array type ambiguous; must call ~
array-has-fill-pointer-p at runtime.")))))))
;;; %CHECK-BOUND -- transform.
;;; Primitive used to verify indicies into arrays. If we can tell at
;;; compile-time or we are generating unsafe code, don't bother with the VOP.
(deftransform %check-bound ((array dimension index))
(unless (constant-continuation-p dimension)
(let ((dim (continuation-value dimension)))
`(the (integer 0 ,dim) index)))
(deftransform %check-bound ((array dimension index) * *
:policy (and (> speed safety) (= safety 0)))
;;; WITH-ROW-MAJOR-INDEX -- internal.
;;; Handy macro for computing the row-major index given a set of indices. We
;;; wrap each index with a call to %check-bound to assure that everything
;;; works out correctly. We can wrap all the interior arith with truly-the
;;; index because we know the the resultant row-major index must be an index.
(eval-when (compile eval)
(defmacro with-row-major-index ((array indices index &optional new-value)
&rest body)
`(let (n-indices dims)
(dotimes (i (length ,indices))
(push (make-symbol (format nil "INDEX-~D" i)) n-indices)
(push (make-symbol (format nil "DIM-~D" i)) dims))
(setf n-indices (nreverse n-indices))
(setf dims (nreverse dims))
`(lambda (,',array ,@n-indices ,@',(when new-value (list new-value)))
(let* (,@(let ((,index -1))
(mapcar #'(lambda (name)
`(,name (array-dimension ,',array
,(incf ,index))))
,(if (null dims)
(do* ((dims dims (cdr dims))
(indices n-indices (cdr indices))
(last-dim nil (car dims))
(form `(%check-bound ,',array
,(car dims)
,(car indices))
`(truly-the index
(+ (truly-the index
(* ,form
,(car dims)
,(car indices))))))
((null (cdr dims)) form)))))
); eval-when
;;; ARRAY-ROW-MAJOR-INDEX -- transform.
;;; Just return the index after computing it.
(deftransform array-row-major-index ((array &rest indices))
(with-row-major-index (array indices index)
;;;; Array accessors:
;;; -- source transforms.
;;; We convert all typed array accessors into aref and %aset with type
;;; assertions on the array.
(macrolet ((frob (reffer setter type)
(def-source-transform ,reffer (a &rest i)
`(aref (the ,',type ,a) ,@i))
(def-source-transform ,setter (a &rest i)
`(%aset (the ,',type ,a) ,@i)))))
(frob svref %svset simple-vector)
(frob schar %scharset simple-string)
(frob char %charset string)
(frob sbit %sbitset (simple-array bit))
(frob bit %bitset (array bit)))
;;; AREF, %ASET -- transform.
;;; Convert into a data-vector-ref (or set) with the set of indices replaced
;;; with the an expression for the row major index.
(deftransform aref ((array &rest indices))
(with-row-major-index (array indices index)
(data-vector-ref array index)))
(deftransform %aset ((array &rest stuff))
(let ((indices (butlast stuff)))
(with-row-major-index (array indices index new-value)
(data-vector-set array index new-value))))
;;; Just convert into a data-vector-ref (or set) after checking that the
;;; index is inside the array total size.
(deftransform row-major-aref ((array index))
`(data-vector-ref array (%check-bound array (array-total-size array) index)))
(deftransform %set-row-major-aref ((array index new-value))
`(data-vector-set array
(%check-bound array (array-total-size array) index)
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