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Commit 5cb4d3d0 authored by pmai's avatar pmai
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Committed patches by Gerd Moellmann to make the :arguments option to

define-method-combination work.  Also includes a number of other fixes
to the handling of define-method-combination.  This closes Entomotomy
bug define-method-combination-arguments-option-broken, as well as the
bug define-method-combination-duplicate-method-checking-too-eager.
parent 258cbc87
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......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/pcl/defcombin.lisp,v 1.16 2002/09/09 16:48:45 pmai Exp $")
"$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/pcl/defcombin.lisp,v 1.17 2002/10/19 01:19:30 pmai Exp $")
(in-package :pcl)
......@@ -218,9 +218,16 @@
(defvar *combined-method-args*)
(defvar *generic-function*)
(defclass long-method-combination (standard-method-combination)
((function :initarg :function
:reader long-method-combination-function)))
:initarg :function
:reader long-method-combination-function)
:initarg :arguments-lambda-list
:reader long-method-combination-arguments-lambda-list)))
(defun expand-long-defcombin (form)
(let ((type (cadr form))
......@@ -238,12 +245,13 @@
type lambda-list method-group-specifiers arguments-option gf-var
(make-top-level-form `(define-method-combination ,type)
'(load eval)
`(load-long-defcombin ',type ',documentation #',function)))))
'(:load-toplevel :execute)
`(load-long-defcombin ',type ',documentation #',function
(defvar *long-method-combination-functions* (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
(defun load-long-defcombin (type doc function)
(defun load-long-defcombin (type doc function arguments-lambda-list)
(let* ((specializers
(list (find-class 'generic-function)
(intern-eql-specializer type)
......@@ -263,6 +271,9 @@
(make-instance 'long-method-combination
:type type
:options options
:function function
:documentation doc))
:definition-source `((define-method-combination ,type)
......@@ -271,6 +282,23 @@
(when old-method (remove-method #'find-method-combination old-method))
(add-method #'find-method-combination new-method)))
(defmethod compute-discriminating-function :around
((gf standard-generic-function))
(let ((dfun (call-next-method)))
(if (let ((combin (generic-function-method-combination gf)))
(and (typep combin 'long-method-combination)
(long-method-combination-arguments-lambda-list combin)))
#'(kernel:instance-lambda (&rest args)
(let ((old (kernel:funcallable-instance-function gf))
(*combined-method-args* args)
(*generic-function* gf))
(set-funcallable-instance-function gf dfun)
(apply gf args))
(set-funcallable-instance-function gf old))))
(defmethod compute-effective-method ((generic-function generic-function)
(combin long-method-combination)
......@@ -331,7 +359,8 @@
(push name names)
(push specializer-cache specializer-caches)
(push `((or ,@tests)
(if (equal ,specializer-cache .specializers.)
(if (and (equal ,specializer-cache .specializers.)
(not (null .specializers.)))
(return-from .long-method-combination-function.
'(error "More than one method of type ~S ~
with the same specializers."
......@@ -361,7 +390,7 @@
(dolist (.method. .applicable-methods.)
(let ((.qualifiers. (method-qualifiers .method.))
(.specializers. (method-specializers .method.)))
(progn .qualifiers. .specializers.)
(declare (ignorable .qualifiers. .specializers.))
(cond ,@(nreverse cond-clauses))))
,@(nreverse required-checks)
,@(nreverse order-cleanups)
......@@ -369,22 +398,20 @@
(defun parse-method-group-specifier (method-group-specifier)
;;(declare (values name tests description order required))
with name = (pop method-group-specifier)
for pattern = (pop method-group-specifier)
until (null pattern)
until (memq pattern '(:description :order :required))
collect pattern into patterns
collect (parse-qualifier-pattern name pattern) into tests
(values name
(getf method-group-specifier :description
(nreverse patterns)))
(getf method-group-specifier :order :most-specific-first)
(getf method-group-specifier :required nil)))))
(loop with name = (pop method-group-specifier)
for rest on method-group-specifier
for pattern = (car rest)
until (memq pattern '(:description :order :required))
collect pattern into patterns
collect (parse-qualifier-pattern name pattern) into tests
(return (values name
(getf rest :description
(nreverse patterns)))
(getf rest :order :most-specific-first)
(getf rest :required nil)))))
(defun parse-qualifier-pattern (name pattern)
(cond ((eq pattern '()) `(null .qualifiers.))
......@@ -428,39 +455,98 @@
;;; At compute-effective-method time, the symbols in the :arguments
;;; option are bound to the symbols in the intercept lambda list.
(defun deal-with-arguments-option (wrapped-body arguments-option)
(let* ((intercept-lambda-list
(loop for arg in arguments-option
collect (if (memq arg lambda-list-keywords)
(loop for arg in arguments-option
and int in intercept-lambda-list
unless (memq arg lambda-list-keywords)
collect `(,arg ',int))))
(defun deal-with-arguments-option (wrapped-body args-lambda-list)
(let ((intercept-rebindings
(loop for arg in args-lambda-list
unless (memq arg lambda-list-keywords)
collect `(,arg ',arg)))
(nreq 0)
(nopt 0)
(loop with state = 'required
for arg in args-lambda-list do
(if (memq arg lambda-list-keywords)
(setq state arg)
(case state
(required (incf nreq))
(&optional (incf nopt))
(&whole (setq whole arg)))))
;; This assumes that the cadr of the WRAPPED-BODY is a let, and it
;; injects let-bindings of the form (ARG 'SYM) for all variables
;; of the argument-lambda-list; SYM is a gensym.
(assert (memq (first wrapped-body) '(let let*)))
(setf (second wrapped-body)
(append intercept-rebindings (second wrapped-body)))
(setf (cadr wrapped-body)
(append intercept-rebindings (cadr wrapped-body)))
;; Be sure to fill out the intercept lambda list so that it can
;; be too short if it wants to.
(cond ((memq '&rest intercept-lambda-list))
((memq '&allow-other-keys intercept-lambda-list))
((memq '&key intercept-lambda-list)
(setq intercept-lambda-list
(append intercept-lambda-list '(&allow-other-keys))))
(setq intercept-lambda-list
(append intercept-lambda-list '(&rest .ignore.)))))
;; Be sure to fill out the args lambda list so that it can be too
;; short if it wants to.
(unless (or (memq '&rest args-lambda-list)
(memq '&allow-other-keys args-lambda-list))
(let ((aux (memq '&aux args-lambda-list)))
(setq args-lambda-list
(append (ldiff args-lambda-list aux)
(if (memq '&key args-lambda-list)
'(&rest .ignore.))
;; the DESTRUCTURING-BIND binds the parameters of the
;; ARGS-LAMBDA-LIST to actual generic function arguments.
;; *COMBINEND-METHOD-ARGS* is bound to the generic function
;; arguments by the discriminating functions created for generic
;; functions having a method combination that uses :ARGUMENTS.
;; Using one of the variable names in the body inserts a symbol
;; into the effective method, and running the effective method
;; produces the value of actual argument that is bound to the
;; symbol.
`(let ((inner-result. ,wrapped-body))
`(apply (lambda ,',intercept-lambda-list
,,(when (memq '.ignore. intercept-lambda-list)
''(declare (ignore .ignore.)))
`(destructuring-bind ,',args-lambda-list
(frob-args *combined-method-args*
(generic-function-lambda-list *generic-function*)
,',nreq ,',nopt)
,,(when (memq '.ignore. args-lambda-list)
''(declare (ignore .ignore.)))
;; If there is a &WHOLE in the args-lambda-list, let
;; it result in the actual arguments of the generic-function
;; not the frobbed list.
,,(when whole
``(setq ,',whole *combined-method-args*))
;;; Partition VALUES into three sections required, optional, and the
;;; rest, according to required, optional, and other parameters in
;;; LAMBDA-LIST. Make the required and optional sections NREQ and
;;; NOPT elements long by discarding values or adding NILs. Value is
;;; the concatenated list of required and optional sections, plus what
;;; is left as rest from VALUES.
(defun frob-args (values lambda-list nreq nopt)
(loop with section = 'required
with required = () and optional = ()
with nr = 0 and no = 0
for arg in lambda-list do
(if (member arg lambda-list-keywords :test #'eq)
(unless (eq (setq section arg) '&optional)
(case section
(incf nr)
(push (pop values) required))
(incf no)
(push (pop values) optional))))
(flet ((frob (list n to)
(cond ((> n to)
(butlast (nreverse list) (- n to)))
((< n to)
(nconc (nreverse list) (make-list (- to n))))
(nreverse list)))))
(return (append (frob required nr nreq)
(frob optional no nopt)
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