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Commit 795638d0 authored by ram's avatar ram
Browse files

Picked up 16x32 divide stuff from Bill (but it is conditionalize out). Also

other misc changes from Bill.  

Added BIGNUM-REPLACE and made people use it.  Add WITH-BIGNUM-BUFFERS and made
people use it so that they would be reentrant.  Fixed MAKE-GCD-BIGNUM-ODD to
not assume that there is a 1 in the first digit.  Added misc declarations.
Changed shifting stuff to use the new %DIGIT-LOGICAL-SHIFT-RIGHT.
Un-commented-out GCD and multi-digit bignum truncate.
parent 3d95d1b3
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......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
;;; This file contains code to implement bignum support.
(in-package "BIGNUM")
......@@ -22,11 +23,13 @@
;;; %ASHR
;;; %ASHL
;;; %bignum-0-or-plusp
;;; General (May not exist when done due to sole use in %-routines.)
;;; Addition:
......@@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
;;; Shifting (in place)
;;; GCD/Relational operators:
;;; Relational operators:
......@@ -209,6 +214,7 @@
(declare (fixnum x))
(logand x (1- (ash 1 digit-size))))
;;; %FLOOR -- Internal.
;;; This takes three digits and returns the FLOOR'ed result of dividing the
......@@ -249,6 +255,16 @@
(type (mod 32) count))
(%ashl data count))
;;; Do an unsigned (logical) right shift of a digit by Count.
(defun %digit-logical-shift-right (data count)
(declare (type bignum-element-type data)
(type (mod 32) count))
(%digit-logical-shift-right data count))
;;; %BIGNUM-SET-LENGTH -- Internal.
;;; Change the length of bignum to be newlen. Newlen must be the same or
......@@ -273,6 +289,19 @@
(%ashr (%bignum-ref bignum (1- len)) (1- digit-size)))
;;; %DIGIT-COMPARE and %DIGIT-GREATER -- Internal.
;;; These take two 32 bit quantities and compare or contrast them without
;;; wasting time with incorrect type checking.
(proclaim '(inline %digit-compare %digit-greater))
(defun %digit-compare (x y)
(= x y))
(defun %digit-greater (x y)
(> x y))
(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
......@@ -513,74 +542,103 @@
;;;; GCD.
(defvar *bignum-gcd-a-buffer* (%allocate-bignum 5))
(defvar *bignum-gcd-b-buffer* (%allocate-bignum 5))
(defvar *bignum-gcd-res-buffer* (%allocate-bignum 5))
(defmacro bignum-replace (dest src &key (start1 '0) end1 (start2 '0) end2
(ext:once-only ((n-dest dest)
(n-src src))
(let ((n-start1 (gensym))
(n-end1 (gensym))
(n-start2 (gensym))
(n-end2 (gensym))
(i1 (gensym))
(i2 (gensym))
(end1 (or end1 `(%bignum-length ,n-dest)))
(end2 (or end2 `(%bignum-length ,n-src))))
(if from-end
`(let ((,n-start1 ,start1)
(,n-start2 ,start2))
(do ((,i1 (1- ,end1) (1- ,i1))
(,i2 (1- ,end2) (1- ,i2)))
((or (< ,i1 ,n-start1) (< ,i2 ,n-start2)))
(declare (fixnum ,i1 ,i2))
(%bignum-set ,n-dest ,i1
(%bignum-ref ,n-src ,i2))))
`(let ((,n-end1 ,end1)
(,n-end2 ,end2))
(do ((,i1 ,start1 (1+ ,i1))
(,i2 ,start2 (1+ ,i2)))
((or (>= ,i1 ,n-end1) (>= ,i2 ,n-end2)))
(declare (type bignum-index ,i1 ,i2))
(%bignum-set ,n-dest ,i1
(%bignum-ref ,n-src ,i2))))))))
;;; Could do freelisting someday.
(defmacro with-bignum-buffers (specs &body body)
"WITH-BIGNUM-BUFFERS ({(var size [init])}*) Form*"
(ext:collect ((binds)
(dolist (spec specs)
(let ((name (first spec))
(size (second spec)))
(binds `(,name (%allocate-bignum ,size)))
(let ((init (third spec)))
(when init
(inits `(bignum-replace ,name ,init))))))
`(let* ,(binds)
;;; This makes all buffers as long as we could possibly want since the
;;; arguments to GCD get switched around during the process.
(defun setup-bignum-buffers (a len-a b len-b)
(macrolet ((frob (var len)
`(when (< (the bignum-index (%bignum-length ,var)) ,len)
(setf ,var (%allocate-bignum ,len)))))
(let ((len (max len-a len-b)))
(frob *bignum-gcd-a-buffer* len)
(frob *bignum-gcd-b-buffer* len)
(frob *bignum-gcd-res-buffer* len))
(replace (the bignum-type *bignum-gcd-a-buffer*) (the bignum-type a)
:end1 len-a :end2 len-a)
(replace (the bignum-type *bignum-gcd-b-buffer*) (the bignum-type b)
:end1 len-b :end2 len-b)))
(defun bignum-gcd (a b)
(declare (type bignum-type a b))
(let* ((a (if (%bignum-0-or-plusp a (%bignum-length a)) a (negate-bignum a)))
(b (if (%bignum-0-or-plusp b (%bignum-length b)) b (negate-bignum b))))
(if (bignum= a b) ;Hack for now to remind me of this situation.
(let* ((len-a (%bignum-length a))
(len-b (%bignum-length b)))
(declare (type bignum-index len-a len-b))
(setup-bignum-buffers a len-a b len-b)
(let* ((factors-of-two
(bignum-factors-of-two *bignum-gcd-a-buffer* len-a
*bignum-gcd-b-buffer* len-b))
(len-a (make-gcd-bignum-odd
(bignum-buffer-ashift-right *bignum-gcd-a-buffer* len-a
(len-b (make-gcd-bignum-odd
(bignum-buffer-ashift-right *bignum-gcd-b-buffer* len-b
(declare (type bignum-index len-a len-b))
(let ((x *bignum-gcd-a-buffer*)
(len-x len-a)
(y *bignum-gcd-b-buffer*)
(len-y len-b)
(z *bignum-gcd-res-buffer*))
(u v len-v r len-r)
(bignum-gcd-order-and-subtract x len-x y len-y z)
(declare (type bignum-index len-v len-r))
(when (and (= len-r 1) (zerop (%bignum-ref r 0)))
(if (zerop factors-of-two)
(let ((ret (%allocate-bignum len-v)))
(dotimes (i len-v)
(setf (%bignum-ref ret i) (%bignum-ref v i)))
(return (%normalize-bignum ret len-v)))
(return (bignum-ashift-left v factors-of-two len-v))))
(setf x v len-x len-v)
(setf y r len-y (make-gcd-bignum-odd r len-r))
(setf z u)))))))))
(b (if (%bignum-0-or-plusp b (%bignum-length b)) b (negate-bignum b)))
(len-a (%bignum-length a))
(len-b (%bignum-length b)))
(declare (type bignum-index len-a len-b))
(with-bignum-buffers ((a-buffer len-a a)
(b-buffer len-b b)
(res-buffer (max len-a len-b)))
(let* ((factors-of-two
(bignum-factors-of-two a-buffer len-a
b-buffer len-b))
(len-a (make-gcd-bignum-odd
(bignum-buffer-ashift-right a-buffer len-a
(len-b (make-gcd-bignum-odd
(bignum-buffer-ashift-right b-buffer len-b
(declare (type bignum-index len-a len-b))
(let ((x a-buffer)
(len-x len-a)
(y b-buffer)
(len-y len-b)
(z res-buffer))
(u v len-v r len-r)
(bignum-gcd-order-and-subtract x len-x y len-y z)
(declare (type bignum-index len-v len-r))
(when (and (= len-r 1) (zerop (%bignum-ref r 0)))
(if (zerop factors-of-two)
(let ((ret (%allocate-bignum len-v)))
(dotimes (i len-v)
(setf (%bignum-ref ret i) (%bignum-ref v i)))
(return (%normalize-bignum ret len-v)))
(return (bignum-ashift-left v factors-of-two len-v))))
(setf x v len-x len-v)
(setf y r len-y (make-gcd-bignum-odd r len-r))
(setf z u))))))))
(defun bignum-gcd-order-and-subtract (a len-a b len-b res)
(declare (type bignum-index len-a len-b) (type bignum-type a b))
(cond ((= len-a len-b)
(do ((i (1- len-a) (1- i)))
((= i -1)
......@@ -588,8 +646,8 @@
(values a b len-b res 1))
(let ((a-digit (%bignum-ref a i))
(b-digit (%bignum-ref b i)))
(cond ((= a-digit b-digit))
((> a-digit b-digit)
(cond ((%digit-compare a-digit b-digit))
((%digit-greater a-digit b-digit)
(values a b len-b res
(subtract-bignum-buffers a len-a b len-b res))))
......@@ -605,24 +663,31 @@
(subtract-bignum-buffers b len-b a len-a res)))))
(defun make-gcd-bignum-odd (a len-a)
(if (oddp (%bignum-ref a 0))
(do ((i 1 (1+ i))
(x (%ashr (%bignum-ref a 0) 1) (%ashr x 1)))
((oddp x)
(bignum-buffer-ashift-right a len-a i)))))
(declare (type bignum-type a) (type bignum-index len-a))
(dotimes (index len-a)
(declare (type bignum-index index))
(do ((digit (%bignum-ref a index) (%ashr digit 1))
(increment 0 (1+ increment)))
((zerop digit))
(declare (type (mod 32) increment))
(when (oddp digit)
(return-from make-gcd-bignum-odd
(bignum-buffer-ashift-right a len-a
(+ (* index digit-size)
(defun bignum-factors-of-two (a len-a b len-b)
(declare (type bignum-index len-a len-b) (type bignum-type a))
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(end (min len-a len-b)))
((= i end) (error "Unexpected zero bignums?"))
(let ((or-digits (logior (%bignum-ref a i) (%bignum-ref b i))))
(declare (type bignum-index i end))
(let ((or-digits (%logior (%bignum-ref a i) (%bignum-ref b i))))
(unless (zerop or-digits)
(return (do ((j 0 (1+ j))
(or-digits or-digits (%ashr or-digits 1)))
((oddp or-digits) (+ (* i digit-size) j))))))))
((oddp or-digits) (+ (* i digit-size) j))
(declare (type (mod 32) j))))))))
;;;; Negation
......@@ -688,25 +753,8 @@
;;;; Shifting.
(defconstant all-ones-digit #xFFFFFFFF)
;;; %MAKE-ONES -- Internal.
;;; This returns n 1's in the low end of a digit, and it assumes n is between
;;; 0 and digit-size inclusively.
(proclaim '(inline %make-ones))
(proclaim '(function %make-ones ((integer 0 (#.digit-size)))
(defun %make-ones (n)
(declare (type (integer 0 (#.digit-size)) n))
(the bignum-element-type
(if (= n digit-size) all-ones-digit (1- (%ashl 1 n)))))
(eval-when (compile eval)
......@@ -724,39 +772,24 @@
;;; digit from high bits of the i'th source digit and the start-pos number of
;;; bits from the i+1'th source digit.
;;; The formation of a new digit could involve two logical shifts and a logical
;;; OR, but since Common Lisp is missing the former, we use some masks:
;;; Low-mask is start-pos number of low ones. We use this to GRAB low bits
;;; from the i+1'th source digit, shifting them to the high end of a word to
;;; form a resulting digit.
;;; High-mask is digit-size minus start-pos number of low ones. We use this to
;;; CLEAR high bits after shifting down some high bits from the i'th source
;;; digit to form a resulting digit.
(defmacro shift-right-unaligned (source start-digit start-pos res-len-form
&optional result)
`(let* ((low-mask (%make-ones ,start-pos))
(high-bits-in-first-digit (- digit-size ,start-pos))
(high-mask (%make-ones high-bits-in-first-digit))
(minus-start-pos (- ,start-pos))
`(let* ((high-bits-in-first-digit (- digit-size ,start-pos))
(res-len ,res-len-form)
(res-len-1 (1- res-len))
,@(if result `((,result (%allocate-bignum res-len)))))
(declare (type bignum-index res-len res-len-1)
(type bignum-element-type low-mask high-mask))
(declare (type bignum-index res-len res-len-1))
(do ((i ,start-digit i+1)
(i+1 (1+ ,start-digit) (1+ i+1))
(j 0 (1+ j)))
(declare (type bignum-index i i+1 j))
(setf (%bignum-ref ,(if result result source) j)
(logior (logand (ash (%bignum-ref ,source i) minus-start-pos)
;; LOGAND should be unnecessary here with a logical
;; right shift or a correct unsigned-byte-32 one.
(%ashl (logand (%bignum-ref ,source i+1) low-mask)
(%logior (%digit-logical-shift-right (%bignum-ref ,source i)
(%ashl (%bignum-ref ,source i+1)
......@@ -775,8 +808,7 @@
(defun bignum-ashift-right (bignum x)
(declare (type bignum-type bignum)
(fixnum x))
(let ((bignum-len (%bignum-length bignum))
(x (abs x))) ;For now, ABS x.
(let ((bignum-len (%bignum-length bignum)))
(declare (type bignum-index bignum-len))
(multiple-value-bind (digits n-bits)
(truncate x digit-size)
......@@ -796,11 +828,6 @@
;;; This is mostly equivalent to
;;; (replace res bignum :start2 digits)
;;; If I knew there was a good REPLACE transform that handled
;;; '(unsigned-byte 32) element arrays properly, I could use it.
(defun bignum-ashift-right-digits (bignum digits)
(declare (type bignum-type bignum)
(type bignum-index digits))
......@@ -808,11 +835,8 @@
(res (%allocate-bignum res-len)))
(declare (type bignum-index res-len)
(type bignum-type res))
(do ((i digits (1+ i))
(j 0 (1+ j)))
((= j res-len) (%normalize-bignum res res-len))
(declare (type bignum-index i j))
(setf (%bignum-ref res j) (%bignum-ref bignum i)))))
(bignum-replace res bignum :start2 digits)
(%normalize-bignum res res-len)))
......@@ -826,16 +850,15 @@
;;; references locals established by the macro.
(defun bignum-buffer-ashift-right (bignum bignum-len x)
(declare (type bignum-index bignum-len))
(unless (typep x 'fixnum)
(error "Can't shift a bignum number of bits."))
(declare (type bignum-index bignum-len) (fixnum x))
(multiple-value-bind (digits n-bits)
(truncate x digit-size)
(declare (type bignum-index digits))
((zerop n-bits)
(let ((new-end (- bignum-len digits)))
(replace bignum bignum :end1 new-end :start2 digits :end2 bignum-len)
(bignum-replace bignum bignum :end1 new-end :start2 digits
:end2 bignum-len)
(%normalize-bignum-buffer bignum new-end)))
(shift-right-unaligned bignum digits n-bits (- bignum-len digits)
......@@ -871,18 +894,14 @@
;;; This is mostly equivalent to
;;; (replace res bignum :start1 digits)
;;; If I knew there was a good REPLACE transform that handled
;;; '(unsigned-byte 32) element arrays properly, I could use it.
(defun bignum-ashift-left-digits (bignum bignum-len digits)
(declare (type bignum-index bignum-len digits))
(let* ((res-len (+ bignum-len digits))
(res (%allocate-bignum res-len)))
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(j digits (1+ j)))
((= j res-len) res)
(setf (%bignum-ref res j) (%bignum-ref bignum i)))))
(declare (type bignum-index res-len))
(bignum-replace res bignum :start1 digits :end1 res-len :end2 bignum-len
:from-end t)
......@@ -899,12 +918,10 @@
(defun bignum-ashift-left-unaligned (bignum digits n-bits res-len
&optional (res nil resp))
(declare (type bignum-index digits res-len))
(let* ((mask (%make-ones n-bits))
(-remaining-bits (- n-bits digit-size))
(let* ((remaining-bits (- digit-size n-bits))
(res-len-1 (1- res-len))
(res (or res (%allocate-bignum res-len))))
(declare (type bignum-index res-len res-len-1)
(type bignum-element-type mask))
(declare (type bignum-index res-len res-len-1))
(do ((i 0 i+1)
(i+1 1 (1+ i+1))
(j (1+ digits) (1+ j)))
......@@ -912,20 +929,15 @@
(setf (%bignum-ref res digits)
(%ashl (%bignum-ref bignum 0) n-bits))
(setf (%bignum-ref res j)
(%ashr (%bignum-ref bignum i) (- -remaining-bits)))
(%ashr (%bignum-ref bignum i) remaining-bits))
(if resp
(%normalize-bignum-buffer res res-len)
(%normalize-bignum res res-len)))
(declare (type bignum-index i i+1 j))
(setf (%bignum-ref res j)
(logior (logand (ash (%bignum-ref bignum i) -remaining-bits)
;; LOGAND should be unnecessary here with a
;; logical right n-bits or a correct
;; unsigned-byte-32 one.
(%ashl (%bignum-ref bignum i+1) n-bits))))))
(%logior (%digit-logical-shift-right (%bignum-ref bignum i)
(%ashl (%bignum-ref bignum i+1) n-bits))))))
;;;; Relational operators.
......@@ -960,16 +972,14 @@
(let ((a-digit (%bignum-ref a i))
(b-digit (%bignum-ref b i)))
(declare (type bignum-element-type a-digit b-digit))
(when (> a-digit b-digit)
(when (%digit-greater a-digit b-digit)
(return 1))
(when (> b-digit a-digit)
(when (%digit-greater b-digit a-digit)
(return -1)))
(when (zerop i) (return 0))))
((> len-a len-b)
(if a-plusp 1 -1))
(if a-plusp -1 1)))))
(t (if a-plusp -1 1)))))
;;;; Float conversion.
......@@ -1000,7 +1010,7 @@
(decoded exp sign)
(decode-float (/ (coerce (ash num num-shift) format)
(coerce (ash den den-shift) format)))
(* sign (scale-float decoded (+ exp (- num-shift) den-shift))))))
(* sign (scale-float decoded (+ exp (- num-shift) den-shift))))))
;;; xxx-FLOAT-FROM-BITS -- Internal
......@@ -1009,6 +1019,7 @@
;;; and sign.
(defun single-float-from-bits (bits exp plusp)
(declare (fixnum exp))
(let ((res (dpb exp
(logandc2 (ext:truly-the (unsigned-byte 31)
......@@ -1020,6 +1031,7 @@
(logior res (ash -1 float-sign-shift))))))
(defun double-float-from-bits (bits exp plusp)
(declare (fixnum exp))
(let ((hi (dpb exp
(logandc2 (ext:truly-the (unsigned-byte 31)
......@@ -1049,6 +1061,7 @@
(bignum-ashift-left x shift)))
(low (%bignum-ref shifted 0))
(round-bit (ash 1 (1- digit-size))))
(declare (type bignum-index len digits keep) (fixnum shift))
(labels ((round-up ()
(let ((rounded (add-bignums shifted round-bit)))
(if (> (integer-length rounded) keep)
......@@ -1112,7 +1125,7 @@
(if (zerop digit)
(* len-1 digit-size)
(+ (* len-1 digit-size)
(dotimes (i digit-size digit-size)
(dotimes (i digit-size)
(when (zerop digit) (return i))
(setf digit (ash digit -1))))))
(multiple-value-bind (carry last-digit)
......@@ -1125,6 +1138,7 @@
(when (zerop last-digit) (return i))
(setf last-digit (ash last-digit -1))))))))
(defun bignum-integer-length (bignum)
......@@ -1150,8 +1164,6 @@
(declare (type bignum-element-type digit))
(incf result (logcount (if plusp digit (%lognot digit))))))))
;;;; Logical operations.
......@@ -1821,6 +1833,8 @@
;; shift or a correct unsigned-byte-32 one.
......@@ -1903,15 +1917,15 @@
;;; These are used by BIGNUM-TRUNCATE and friends in the general case.
(defvar *truncate-x* (%allocate-bignum 5))
(defvar *truncate-y* (%allocate-bignum 5))
(defvar *truncate-x*)
(defvar *truncate-y*)
;;; BIGNUM-TRUNCATE -- Public.
;;; This divides x by y returning the quotient and remainder. In the general
;;; case, we shift y to setup for the algorithm, and we use two buffers to
;;; save consing intermediate values. X gets destructively modified to become
;;; the remainder, and we have to shift it to account for the initial Y shift.
;;; case, we shift y to setup for the algorithm, and we use two buffers to save
;;; consing intermediate values. X gets destructively modified to become the
;;; remainder, and we have to shift it to account for the initial Y shift.
;;; After we multiple bind q and r, we first fix up the signs and then return
;;; the normalized results.
......@@ -1933,22 +1947,23 @@
(setf (%bignum-ref res i) (%bignum-ref x i)))
(values 0 res)))
(error "Can't hack bignum-truncate with large divisors")
(let ((y-shift (shift-y-for-truncate y)))
(multiple-value-bind (len-x len-y)
x len-x y len-y y-shift)
(declare (type bignum-index len-x len-y))
(values (do-truncate len-x len-y)
;; DO-TRUNCATE must execute first.
*truncate-x* 0 y-shift len-y
((= j res-len-1)
(setf (%bignum-ref res j)
(%ashr (%bignum-ref *truncate-x* i) y-shift))
(%normalize-bignum res res-len))
(with-bignum-buffers ((*truncate-x* 5)
(*truncate-y* 5))
(let ((y-shift (shift-y-for-truncate y)))
(multiple-value-bind (len-x len-y)
x len-x y len-y y-shift)
(declare (type bignum-index len-x len-y))
(values (do-truncate len-x len-y)
;; DO-TRUNCATE must execute first.
*truncate-x* 0 y-shift len-y
((= j res-len-1)
(setf (%bignum-ref res j)
(%ashr (%bignum-ref *truncate-x* i)
(%normalize-bignum res res-len))
(let ((quotient (cond ((eq x-plusp y-plusp) q)
((typep q 'fixnum) (- q))
(t (negate-bignum-in-place q))))
......@@ -1967,6 +1982,11 @@
;;; This divides x by y when y is a single bignum digit. BIGNUM-TRUNCATE fixes
;;; up the quotient and remainder with respect to sign and normalization.
;;; We don't have to worry about shifting y to make its most significant digit
;;; sufficiently large for %FLOOR to return 32-bit quantities for the q-digit
;;; and r-digit. If y is a single digit bignum, it is already large enough
;;; for %FLOOR. That is, it has some bits on pretty high in the digit.
(defun bignum-truncate-single-digit (x len-x y)
(declare (type bignum-index len-x))
(let ((q (%allocate-bignum len-x))
......@@ -1984,15 +2004,16 @@
(setf (%bignum-ref rem 0) r)
(values q rem))))
;;; DO-TRUNCATE -- Internal.
;;; This divides *truncate-x* by *truncate-y*, and len-x and len-y tell us how
;;; much of the buffers we care about. TRY-BIGNUM-TRUNCATE-GUESS modifies
;;; *truncate-x* on each interation, and this buffer becomes our remainder.
;;; *truncate-x* definitely has at least three digits, and it has one more than
;;; *truncate-y*. This keeps i, i-1, i-2, and low-x-digit happy. Thanks to
(defun do-truncate (len-x len-y)
(declare (type bignum-index len-x len-y))
(let* ((len-q (- len-x len-y))
......@@ -2005,7 +2026,7 @@
(i-1 (1- i))
(i-2 (1- i-1))
(low-x-digit (- i len-y)))
(declare (type bignum-index len-q k i i-1 i-2)
(declare (type bignum-index len-q k i i-1 i-2 low-x-digit)
(type bignum-element-type y1 y2))
(setf (%bignum-ref q k)
......@@ -2043,7 +2064,7 @@
(i low-x-digit))
(declare (type bignum-element-type guess*y-hold)
(type bignum-index i)
(fixnum carry borrow i))
(fixnum carry borrow))
;; Multiply guess and divisor, subtracting from dividend simultaneously.
(dotimes (j len-y)
(multiple-value-bind (high-digit low-digit)
......@@ -2073,8 +2094,7 @@
;; If subtraction has negative result, add one divisor value back in.
;; The guess was one two large in magnitude.
(format t "~&***GUESS ONE HIGH***~%")
;; The guess was one too large in magnitude.
(setf i low-x-digit)
(setf carry 0)
(dotimes (j len-y)
......@@ -2115,7 +2135,7 @@
(defun bignum-truncate-guess (y1 y2 x-i x-i-1 x-i-2)
(declare (type bignum-element-type y1 y2 x-i x-i-1 x-i-2))
(let ((guess (if (= x-i y1)
(let ((guess (if (%digit-compare x-i y1)
(%floor x-i x-i-1 y1))))
(declare (type bignum-element-type guess))
......@@ -2131,10 +2151,10 @@
;; Supplying borrow of 1 means there was no borrow, and we know
;; x-i-2 minus 0 requires no borrow.
(declare (type bignum-element-type middle-digit))
(if (or (> high-guess*y2 middle-digit)
(and (= middle-digit high-guess*y2)
(> low-guess*y2 x-i-2)))
(decf guess)
(if (or (%digit-greater high-guess*y2 middle-digit)
(and (%digit-compare middle-digit high-guess*y2)
(%digit-greater low-guess*y2 x-i-2)))
(setf guess (%subtract-with-borrow guess 1 1))
(return guess))))))))
;;; SHIFT-Y-FOR-TRUNCATE -- Internal.
......@@ -2147,6 +2167,9 @@
;;; tells us how many high zeros there are which is one more than the shift
;;; amount sought.
;;; We shift y to make it sufficiently large that doing the 64-bit by 32-bit
;;; %FLOOR calls ensures the quotient and remainder fit in 32-bits.
(defun shift-y-for-truncate (y)
(let* ((len (%bignum-length y))
(last (%bignum-ref y (1- len))))
......@@ -2193,11 +2216,285 @@
(let ((old-x *truncate-x*)
(len-x+2 (1+ len-x+1)))
(frob *truncate-x* len-x+2)
(replace *truncate-x* old-x :end1 len-x+1)
(bignum-replace *truncate-x* old-x :end1 len-x+1)
(setf len-x len-x+2)))
(values len-x len-y)))))
;;;; %FLOOR primitive for BIGNUM-TRUNCATE.
;;; When a machine leaves out a 64-bit by 32-bit divide instruction (that is,
;;; two bignum-digits divided by one), we have to roll our own (the hard way).
;;; Basically, we treat the operation as four 16-bit digits divided by two
;;; 16-bit digits. This means we have duplicated most of the code above to do
;;; this nearly general 16-bit digit bignum divide, but we've unrolled loops
;;; and made use of other properties of this specific divide situation.
;;; %FLOOR for machines with a 32x32 divider.
(proclaim '(inline 32x16-subtract-with-borrow 32x16-add-with-carry
32x16-divide 32x16-multiply 32x16-multiply-split))
(defconstant 32x16-base-1 #xFFFF)
;;; 32X16-SUBTRACT-WITH-BORROW -- Internal. [optionally IN ASSEMBLER]
;;; This is similar to %SUBTRACT-WITH-BORROW. It returns a 16-bit difference
;;; and a borrow. Returning a 1 for the borrow means there was no borrow, and
;;; 0 means there was one.
(defun 32x16-subtract-with-borrow (a b borrow)
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) a b)
(type (integer 0 1) borrow))
(let ((diff (+ (- a b) borrow 32x16-base-1)))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 17) diff))
(values (logand diff #xFFFF)
(ash diff -16))))
;;; 32X16-ADD-WITH-CARRY -- Internal. [optionally IN ASSEMBLER]
;;; This adds a and b, 16-bit quantities, with the carry k. It returns a
;;; 16-bit sum and a second value, 0 or 1, indicating whether there was a
;;; carry.
(defun 32x16-add-with-carry (a b k)
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) a b)
(type (integer 0 1) k))
(let ((res (the fixnum (+ a b k))))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 17) res))
(if (zerop (the fixnum (logand #x10000 res)))
(values res 0)
(values (the (unsigned-byte 16) (logand #xFFFF res))
;;; 32x16-DIVIDE -- Internal [IN ASSEMBLER]
;;; This is probably a 32-bit by 32-bit divide instruction.
(defun 32x16-divide (a b c)
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) a b c))
(floor (the bignum-element-type
(logior (the bignum-element-type (ash a 16))
;;; 32X16-MULTIPLY -- Internal. [optionally IN ASSEMBLER]
;;; This basically exists since we know the answer won't overflow
;;; bignum-element-type. It's probably just a basic multiply instruction, but
;;; it can't cons an intermediate bignum. The result goes in a non-descriptor
;;; register.
(defun 32x16-multiply (a b)
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) a b))
(the bignum-element-type (* a b)))
;;; 32X16-MULTIPLY-SPLIT -- Internal. [optionally IN ASSEMBLER]
;;; This multiplies a and b, 16-bit quantities, and returns the result as two
;;; 16-bit quantities, high and low.
(defun 32x16-multiply-split (a b)
(let ((res (32x16-multiply a b)))
(declare (the bignum-element-type res))
(values (the (unsigned-byte 16) (logand #xFFFF (ash res -16)))
(the (unsigned-byte 16) (logand #xFFFF res)))))
;;; The %FLOOR below uses this buffer the same way BIGNUM-TRUNCATE uses
;;; *truncate-x*. There's no y buffer since we pass around the two 16-bit
;;; digits and use them slightly differently than the general truncation
;;; algorithm above.
(defvar *32x16-truncate-x* (make-array 4 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
:initial-element 0))
;;; This does the same thing as the %FLOOR above, but it does it at Lisp level
;;; when there is no 64x32-bit divide instruction on the machine.
;;; It implements the higher level tactics of BIGNUM-TRUNCATE, but it makes use
;;; of special situation provided, four 16-bit digits divided by two 16-bit
;;; digits.
(defun %floor (a b c)
(declare (type bignum-element-type a b c))
;; Setup *32x16-truncate-x* buffer from a and b.
(setf (aref *32x16-truncate-x* 0)
(the (unsigned-byte 16) (logand #xFFFF b)))
(setf (aref *32x16-truncate-x* 1)
(the (unsigned-byte 16)
(logand #xFFFF
(the (unsigned-byte 16) (ash b -16)))))
(setf (aref *32x16-truncate-x* 2)
(the (unsigned-byte 16) (logand #xFFFF a)))
(setf (aref *32x16-truncate-x* 3)
(the (unsigned-byte 16)
(logand #xFFFF
(the (unsigned-byte 16) (ash a -16)))))
;; From DO-TRUNCATE, but unroll the loop.
(let* ((y1 (logand #xFFFF (ash c -16)))
(y2 (logand #xFFFF c))
(q (the bignum-element-type
(ash (32x16-try-bignum-truncate-guess
(32x16-truncate-guess y1 y2
(aref *32x16-truncate-x* 3)
(aref *32x16-truncate-x* 2)
(aref *32x16-truncate-x* 1))
y1 y2 1)
(declare (type bignum-element-type q)
(type (unsigned-byte 16) y1 y2))
(values (the bignum-element-type
(logior q
(the (unsigned-byte 16)
y1 y2
(aref *32x16-truncate-x* 2)
(aref *32x16-truncate-x* 1)
(aref *32x16-truncate-x* 0))
y1 y2 0))))
(the bignum-element-type
(logior (the bignum-element-type
(ash (aref *32x16-truncate-x* 1) 16))
(the (unsigned-byte 16)
(aref *32x16-truncate-x* 0)))))))
;;; 32X16-TRY-BIGNUM-TRUNCATE-GUESS -- Internal.
;;; This is similar to TRY-BIGNUM-TRUNCATE-GUESS, but this unrolls the two
;;; loops. This also substitutes for %DIGIT-0-OR-PLUSP the equivalent
;;; expression without any embellishment or pretense of abstraction. The first
;;; loop is unrolled, but we've put the body of the loop into the function
(defun 32x16-try-bignum-truncate-guess (guess y-high y-low low-x-digit)
(declare (type bignum-index low-x-digit)
(type (unsigned-byte 16) guess y-high y-low))
(let ((high-x-digit (+ 2 low-x-digit)))
;; Multiply guess and divisor, subtracting from dividend simultaneously.
(guess*y-hold carry borrow)
(32x16-try-guess-one-result-digit guess y-low 0 0 1 low-x-digit)
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) guess*y-hold)
(fixnum carry borrow))
(guess*y-hold carry borrow)
(32x16-try-guess-one-result-digit guess y-high guess*y-hold
carry borrow (1+ low-x-digit))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) guess*y-hold)
(fixnum borrow)
(ignore carry))
(setf (aref *32x16-truncate-x* high-x-digit)
(32x16-subtract-with-borrow (aref *32x16-truncate-x* high-x-digit)
guess*y-hold borrow))))
;; See if guess is off by one, adding one Y back in if necessary.
(cond ((zerop (logand #x8000 (aref *32x16-truncate-x* high-x-digit)))
;; The subtraction result is zero or positive.
;; If subtraction has negative result, add one divisor value back in.
;; The guess was one two large in magnitude.
(multiple-value-bind (v carry)
(32x16-add-with-carry y-low
(aref *32x16-truncate-x*
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) v))
(setf (aref *32x16-truncate-x* low-x-digit) v)
(multiple-value-bind (v carry)
(32x16-add-with-carry y-high
(aref *32x16-truncate-x*
(1+ low-x-digit))
(setf (aref *32x16-truncate-x* (1+ low-x-digit)) v)
(setf (aref *32x16-truncate-x* high-x-digit)
(32x16-add-with-carry (aref *32x16-truncate-x* high-x-digit)
carry 0))))
(if (zerop (logand #x8000 guess))
(1- guess)
(1+ guess))))))
;;; 32X16-TRY-GUESS-ONE-RESULT-DIGIT -- Internal.
;;; This is similar to the body of the loop in TRY-BIGNUM-TRUNCATE-GUESS that
;;; multiplies the guess by y and subtracts the result from x simultaneously.
;;; This returns the digit remembered as part of the multiplication, the carry
;;; from additions done on behalf of the multiplication, and the borrow from
;;; doing the subtraction.
(defun 32x16-try-guess-one-result-digit (guess y-digit guess*y-hold
carry borrow x-index)
(multiple-value-bind (high-digit low-digit)
(32x16-multiply-split guess y-digit)
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) high-digit low-digit))
(multiple-value-bind (low-digit temp-carry)
(32x16-add-with-carry low-digit guess*y-hold carry)
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) low-digit))
(multiple-value-bind (high-digit temp-carry)
(32x16-add-with-carry high-digit temp-carry 0)
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) high-digit))
(multiple-value-bind (x temp-borrow)
(aref *32x16-truncate-x* x-index)
low-digit borrow)
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) x))
(setf (aref *32x16-truncate-x* x-index) x)
(values high-digit temp-carry temp-borrow))))))
;;; 32X16-TRUNCATE-GUESS -- Internal.
;;; This is similar to BIGNUM-TRUNCATE-GUESS, but instead of computing the
;;; guess exactly as described in the its comments (digit by digit), this
;;; massages the 16-bit quantities into 32-bit quantities and performs the
(defun 32x16-truncate-guess (y1 y2 x-i x-i-1 x-i-2)
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) y1 y2 x-i x-i-1 x-i-2))
(let ((guess (if (= x-i y1)
(32x16-divide x-i x-i-1 y1))))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) guess))
(let* ((guess*y1 (the bignum-element-type
(ash (logand #xFFFF
(the bignum-element-type
(32x16-multiply guess y1)))
(x-y (%subtract-with-borrow
(the bignum-element-type
(logior (the bignum-element-type
(ash x-i-1 16))
(guess*y2 (the bignum-element-type (%multiply guess y2))))
(declare (type bignum-element-type guess*y1 x-y guess*y2))
(if (%digit-greater guess*y2 x-y)
(decf guess)
(return guess))))))
;;;; General utilities.
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