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Commit b878c8a8 authored by rtoy's avatar rtoy
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Incorporate Juhu Snellman's modifications to the Karatsuba

multiplier so that it doesn't have to round up the size of the numbers
to the next power of 2 size (words).
parent dd281a02
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......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
"$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/bignum.lisp,v 1.37 2004/08/04 20:30:47 rtoy Exp $")
"$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/bignum.lisp,v 1.38 2004/08/20 13:35:03 rtoy Exp $")
;;; **********************************************************************
......@@ -569,213 +569,249 @@
classical multiplication algorithm instead of recursing all the way
down to individual words.")
(defun karatsuba-internal (u v ret d result)
(defun karatsuba-internal (u v ret n d result)
(declare (type bignum-index u v ret)
(type bignum-index d)
(type bignum-index d n)
(type bignum-type result)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
(labels ((bignum-multiply-in-place (u v ret d)
;; Clear out the result area, which might contain garbage for
;; other recursions!
(do ((i ret (1+ i))
(end (+ ret (* 2 d))))
((>= i end))
(setf (%bignum-ref result i) 0))
;; Stolen from bignum.lisp multiply-bignum: a straight forward
;; multiplication via the classical schoolbook algorithm.
(dotimes (i d)
(declare (type bignum-index i))
(let ((carry-digit 0)
(x (%bignum-ref result (+ u i)))
(k (+ ret i)))
(declare (type bignum-index k)
(type bignum-element-type carry-digit x))
(do ((j 0 (1+ j))
(v+j v (1+ v+j)))
((>= j d))
(declare (type bignum-index j v+j))
(multiple-value-bind (big-carry res-digit)
(%multiply-and-add x
(%bignum-ref result v+j)
(%bignum-ref result k)
(declare (type bignum-element-type big-carry res-digit))
(setf (%bignum-ref result k) res-digit)
(setf carry-digit big-carry)
(incf k)))
(setf (%bignum-ref result k) carry-digit))))
(abs-diff (n x y res result)
(declare (type bignum-index n)
(type bignum-index x y res))
(flet ((bigger-p ()
;; Return T if X >= Y.
(do ((i (1- (+ x n)) (1- i))
(j (1- (+ y n)) (1- j)))
(declare (type bignum-index i j))
(let ((x-digit (%bignum-ref result i))
(y-digit (%bignum-ref result j)))
(when (/= x-digit y-digit)
(return (>= x-digit y-digit)))))))
(declare (inline bigger-p))
(let ((sign 1))
(when (not (bigger-p))
(rotatef x y)
(setf sign -1))
(let ((borrow 1))
(do ((i x (1+ i))
(j y (1+ j))
(k res (1+ k))
(end (+ x n)))
((>= i end))
(declare (type bignum-index i j k end))
(multiple-value-bind (diff new-borrow)
(%subtract-with-borrow (%bignum-ref result i)
(%bignum-ref result j)
(setf (%bignum-ref result k) diff)
(setf borrow new-borrow)))
(propagate-carry (start end carry)
(declare (type bignum-type result)
(type bignum-index start end)
(type (integer -4 4) carry))
(cond ((minusp carry)
(multiple-value-bind (sum borrow)
(%subtract-with-borrow (%bignum-ref result start)
(- carry) 1)
(setf (%bignum-ref result start) sum)
(do ((i (1+ start) (1+ i)))
((or (>= i end) (= borrow 1)) (- borrow 1))
(declare (type bignum-index i))
(multiple-value-bind (sum next-borrow)
(%subtract-with-borrow (%bignum-ref result i)
0 borrow)
(setf borrow next-borrow)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i) sum)))))
(multiple-value-bind (sum carry)
(%add-with-carry (%bignum-ref result start) carry 0)
(setf (%bignum-ref result start) sum)
(do ((i (1+ start) (1+ i)))
((or (>= i end) (zerop carry)) carry)
(declare (type bignum-index i))
(multiple-value-bind (sum next-carry)
(%add-with-carry (%bignum-ref result i) 0 carry)
(setf carry next-carry)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i) sum)))))))
(stageC-add ()
(let ((carry11 0)
(carry12 0)
(carry2 0)
(d/2 (ash d -1)))
(do ((i0 ret (1+ i0))
(i1 (+ ret d/2) (1+ i1))
(i2 (+ ret d) (1+ i2))
(i3 (+ ret d d/2) (1+ i3))
(i4 (+ ret d d) (1+ i4))
(end (+ ret d/2)))
((>= i0 end))
(declare (type bignum-index i0 i1 i2 i3 i4))
(let ((b (%bignum-ref result i1)))
(multiple-value-bind (sum c1)
(%add-with-carry b (%bignum-ref result i0) carry11)
(multiple-value-bind (sum c2)
(%add-with-carry sum (%bignum-ref result i3) carry12)
(setf carry11 c1)
(setf carry12 c2)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i1) sum)))
(multiple-value-bind (sum carry)
(%add-with-carry b (%bignum-ref result i4) carry2)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i2) sum)
(setf carry2 carry))))
(+ (propagate-carry (+ ret d) (+ ret d d/2) (+ carry11 carry12))
(stageC-subtract ()
(let ((carry11 0)
(borrow12 1)
(borrow2 1)
(d/2 (ash d -1)))
(do ((i0 ret (1+ i0))
(i1 (+ ret d/2) (1+ i1))
(i2 (+ ret d) (1+ i2))
(i3 (+ ret d d/2) (1+ i3))
(i4 (+ ret d d) (1+ i4))
(end (+ ret d/2)))
((>= i0 end))
(declare (type bignum-index i0 i1 i2 i3 i4))
(let ((b (%bignum-ref result i1)))
(multiple-value-bind (sum c1)
(%add-with-carry b (%bignum-ref result i0) carry11)
(multiple-value-bind (sum b2)
(%subtract-with-borrow sum (%bignum-ref result i3)
(setf carry11 c1)
(setf borrow12 b2)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i1) sum)))
(multiple-value-bind (sum borrow)
(%subtract-with-borrow b (%bignum-ref result i4)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i2) sum)
(setf borrow2 borrow))))
(+ (propagate-carry (+ ret d) (+ ret d d/2)
(+ carry11 borrow12 -1))
(- borrow2 1))))
(stageE-add (stageC-carry)
;; Sum the above pieces, result to R0124.
(let ((carry1 0)
(carry21 0)
(carry22 0)
(d/2 (ash d -1)))
(declare (type (mod 2) carry1 carry21 carry22))
(do ((i0 ret (1+ i0))
(i1 (+ ret d/2) (1+ i1))
(i2 (+ ret d) (1+ i2))
(i3 (+ ret d d/2) (1+ i3))
(i4 (+ ret d d) (1+ i4))
(end (+ ret d/2)))
((>= i0 end))
(declare (type bignum-index i0 i1 i2 i3 i4))
(multiple-value-bind (sum c1)
(%add-with-carry (%bignum-ref result i1)
(%bignum-ref result i3)
(setf carry1 c1)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i1) sum))
(let ((e (%bignum-ref result i4)))
(let* ((odd (logand d 1))
(origd d)
(d/2- (ash d -1))
(d/2 (+ d/2- odd))
(d (* d/2 2))
(n/2 (ash n -1)))
(labels ((bignum-multiply-in-place (u v ret d result cleard)
(declare (type bignum-index u v ret)
(type bignum-index d)
(type bignum-type result)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
;; Clear out the result area, which might contain garbage for
;; other recursions!
(do ((i ret (1+ i))
(end (+ ret (* 2 cleard))))
((>= i end))
(setf (%bignum-ref result i) 0))
;; Stolen from bignum.lisp multiply-bignum: a straight forward
;; multiplication via the classical schoolbook algorithm.
(dotimes (i d)
(declare (type bignum-index i))
(let ((carry-digit 0)
(x (%bignum-ref result (+ u i)))
(k (+ ret i)))
(declare (type bignum-index k)
(type bignum-element-type carry-digit x))
(do ((j d (1- j))
(v+j v (1+ v+j)))
((zerop j))
(declare (type bignum-index j v+j))
(multiple-value-bind (big-carry res-digit)
(%multiply-and-add x
(%bignum-ref result v+j)
(%bignum-ref result k)
(declare (type bignum-element-type big-carry res-digit))
(setf (%bignum-ref result k) res-digit)
(setf carry-digit big-carry)
(incf k)))
(setf (%bignum-ref result k) carry-digit))))
(abs-diff (n1 x n2 y res result)
(declare (type bignum-index n1 n2)
(type bignum-index x y res))
(flet ((bigger-p ()
;; We guarantee in the caller that n1 is either
;; n2 or (1+ n2)
(when (> n1 n2)
;;(assert (= n1 (1+ n2)))
(if (zerop (%bignum-ref result (+ x n1 -1)))
(setf (%bignum-ref result (+ res n1 -1)) 0)
(decf n1))
(return-from bigger-p t)))
;; Return T if X >= Y.
(do ((i (1- (+ x n1)) (1- i))
(j (1- (+ y n2)) (1- j)))
(declare (type bignum-index i j))
(let ((x-digit (%bignum-ref result i))
(y-digit (%bignum-ref result j)))
(when (/= x-digit y-digit)
(return-from bigger-p (>= x-digit y-digit))))
;; Need to test for the exit condition here
;; instead of in the DO headers because when
;; X or Y is 0 and the numbers are equal I
;; or J will be decremented to -1, which
;; isn't of type bignum-index.
(when (= i x)
(return-from bigger-p t)))))
(declare (inline bigger-p))
(let ((sign 1))
(when (not (bigger-p))
(rotatef x y)
(rotatef n1 n2)
(setf sign -1))
(let ((borrow 1))
(do ((i x (1+ i))
(j y (1+ j))
(k res (1+ k))
(end (+ x n1))
(end2 (+ y n2)))
((>= i end))
(declare (type bignum-index i j k end))
(multiple-value-bind (diff new-borrow)
(%subtract-with-borrow (%bignum-ref result i)
(if (>= j end2)
(%bignum-ref result j))
(setf (%bignum-ref result k) diff)
(setf borrow new-borrow)))
(propagate-carry (start end carry)
(declare (type bignum-type result)
(type bignum-index start end)
(type (integer -4 4) carry))
(cond ((minusp carry)
(multiple-value-bind (sum borrow)
(%subtract-with-borrow (%bignum-ref result start)
(- carry) 1)
(setf (%bignum-ref result start) sum)
(do ((i (1+ start) (1+ i)))
((or (>= i end) (= borrow 1)) (- borrow 1))
(declare (type bignum-index i))
(multiple-value-bind (sum next-borrow)
(%subtract-with-borrow (%bignum-ref result i)
0 borrow)
(setf borrow next-borrow)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i) sum)))))
(multiple-value-bind (sum carry)
(%add-with-carry (%bignum-ref result start) carry 0)
(setf (%bignum-ref result start) sum)
(do ((i (1+ start) (1+ i)))
((or (>= i end) (zerop carry)) carry)
(declare (type bignum-index i))
(multiple-value-bind (sum next-carry)
(%add-with-carry (%bignum-ref result i) 0 carry)
(setf carry next-carry)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i) sum)))))))
(stageC-add ()
(let ((carry11 0)
(carry12 0)
(carry2 0))
(do ((i0 ret (1+ i0))
(i1 (+ ret d/2) (1+ i1))
(i2 (+ ret d) (1+ i2))
(i3 (+ ret n/2) (1+ i3))
(i4 (+ ret n/2 d/2) (1+ i4))
(end (+ ret d/2)))
((>= i0 end))
(declare (type bignum-index i0 i1 i2 i3 i4))
(let ((b (%bignum-ref result i1)))
(multiple-value-bind (sum c1)
(%add-with-carry b (%bignum-ref result i0) carry11)
(multiple-value-bind (sum c2)
(%add-with-carry sum (%bignum-ref result i3) carry12)
(setf carry11 c1)
(setf carry12 c2)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i1) sum)))
(multiple-value-bind (sum carry)
(%add-with-carry b (%bignum-ref result i4) carry2)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i2) sum)
(setf carry2 carry))))
(+ (propagate-carry (+ ret d) (+ ret n/2) (+ carry11 carry12))
(stageC-subtract ()
(let ((carry11 0)
(borrow12 1)
(borrow2 1))
(do ((i0 ret (1+ i0))
(i1 (+ ret d/2) (1+ i1))
(i2 (+ ret d) (1+ i2))
(i3 (+ ret n/2) (1+ i3))
(i4 (+ ret n/2 d/2) (1+ i4))
(end (+ ret d/2)))
((>= i0 end))
(declare (type bignum-index i0 i1 i2 i3 i4))
(let ((b (%bignum-ref result i1)))
(multiple-value-bind (sum c1)
(%add-with-carry b (%bignum-ref result i0) carry11)
(multiple-value-bind (sum b2)
(%subtract-with-borrow sum (%bignum-ref result i3)
(setf carry11 c1)
(setf borrow12 b2)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i1) sum)))
(multiple-value-bind (sum borrow)
(%subtract-with-borrow b (%bignum-ref result i4)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i2) sum)
(setf borrow2 borrow))))
(+ (propagate-carry (+ ret d) (+ ret n/2)
(+ carry11 borrow12 -1))
(- borrow2 1))))
(stageE-add (stageC-carry)
;; Sum the above pieces, result to R0124.
(let ((carry1 0)
(carry21 0)
(carry22 0))
(declare (type (mod 2) carry1 carry21 carry22))
(do ((i0 ret (1+ i0))
(i1 (+ ret d/2) (1+ i1))
(i2 (+ ret d) (1+ i2))
(i3 (+ ret d d/2) (1+ i3))
(i4 (+ ret d d) (1+ i4))
(end (+ ret d/2)))
((>= i0 end))
(declare (type bignum-index i0 i1 i2 i3 i4))
(multiple-value-bind (sum c1)
(%add-with-carry e (%bignum-ref result i2) carry21)
(multiple-value-bind (sum c2)
(%add-with-carry sum (%bignum-ref result i3) carry22)
(setf carry21 c1)
(setf carry22 c2)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i2) sum)))
(setf (%bignum-ref result i3) e)))
(assert (zerop (propagate-carry (+ ret d) (+ ret d d) carry1)))
(assert (zerop (propagate-carry (+ ret d d/2) (+ ret d d)
(+ carry21 carry22 stageC-carry)))))))
(cond ((<= d *karatsuba-classical-cutoff*)
(bignum-multiply-in-place u v ret d))
(let* ((d/2 (ash d -1))
(ret1 (+ ret d/2))
(ret3 (+ ret d d/2))
(u-hi (+ u d/2))
(v-hi (+ v d/2))
(diff-sign (* (abs-diff d/2 u u-hi ret result)
(abs-diff d/2 v v-hi ret1 result))))
(declare (type bignum-index d/2 ret1 ret3 u-hi v-hi)
(type (member -1 1) diff-sign))
(karatsuba-internal ret ret1 ret3 d/2 result)
(karatsuba-internal u v ret d/2 result)
(let ((stagec-carry (if (minusp diff-sign)
(karatsuba-internal u-hi v-hi ret3 d/2 result)
(stageE-add stageC-carry))))))
(%add-with-carry (%bignum-ref result i1)
(%bignum-ref result i3)
(setf carry1 c1)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i1) sum))
(let ((e (%bignum-ref result i4)))
(multiple-value-bind (sum c1)
(%add-with-carry e (%bignum-ref result i2) carry21)
(multiple-value-bind (sum c2)
(%add-with-carry sum (%bignum-ref result i3) carry22)
(setf carry21 c1)
(setf carry22 c2)
(setf (%bignum-ref result i2) sum)))
(setf (%bignum-ref result i3) e)))
(propagate-carry (+ ret d) (+ ret d d) carry1)
(propagate-carry (+ ret d d/2)
(+ ret d d)
(+ carry21 carry22 stageC-carry)))))
(cond ((<= d (ext:truly-the fixnum *karatsuba-classical-cutoff*))
(bignum-multiply-in-place u v ret origd result d))
(let* ((ret1 (+ ret d/2))
(ret3 (+ ret n/2))
(u-hi (+ u d/2))
(v-hi (+ v d/2))
(diff-sign (* (abs-diff d/2 u d/2- u-hi ret result)
(abs-diff d/2 v d/2- v-hi ret1 result))))
(declare (type bignum-index d/2 ret1 ret3 u-hi v-hi)
(type (member -1 1) diff-sign))
(do ((i ret3 (1+ i)))
((>= i (+ ret3 d)))
(setf (%bignum-ref result i) 0))
(karatsuba-internal ret ret1 ret3 n/2 d/2 result)
(do ((i ret (1+ i)))
((>= i ret3))
(setf (%bignum-ref result i) 0))
(karatsuba-internal u v ret n/2 d/2 result)
(let ((stagec-carry (if (minusp diff-sign)
(setf ret3 (+ ret d d/2))
(karatsuba-internal u-hi v-hi ret3 n/2 d/2- result)
(when (/= d/2 d/2-)
(setf (%bignum-ref result (+ ret3 (* d/2- 2))) 0)
(setf (%bignum-ref result (+ ret3 (* d/2- 2) 1)) 0))
(stageE-add stageC-carry))))))
;;; karatsuba -- Interface.
......@@ -789,7 +825,7 @@ down to individual words.")
(defun karatsuba (x y)
(declare (type bignum-type x y)
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 2)))
(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 3)))
(flet ((power-of-two (n)
;; Compute the smallest power of two greater than or equal
;; to the given number.
......@@ -806,7 +842,8 @@ down to individual words.")
(negate-res (not (eq x-plusp y-plusp)))
(x-words (ceiling (integer-length x) 32))
(y-words (ceiling (integer-length y) 32))
(n (power-of-two (max x-words y-words))))
(d (max x-words y-words))
(n (power-of-two d)))
(declare (type bignum-index n))
(let ((result (%allocate-bignum (* 5 n))))
......@@ -825,13 +862,15 @@ down to individual words.")
(setf (%bignum-ref result save)
(%bignum-ref y k)))
;; Do it.
(karatsuba-internal (* 3 n) (* 4 n) 0 n result)
(karatsuba-internal (* 3 n) (* 4 n) 0 (* n 3)
(max x-words y-words)
;; Convert the result into a bignum.
(let ((new-len (1+ (* 2 n)))
(n5 (* n 5)))
(do ((k (* 2 n) (1+ k)))
(do ((k (* 2 d) (1+ k)))
((>= k n5))
(assert (< k (%bignum-length result)))
;;(assert (< k (%bignum-length result)))
(setf (%bignum-ref result k) 0))
(%bignum-set-length result new-len)
(when negate-res
0% Loading or .
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