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Commit c65ffb18 authored by ram's avatar ram
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Changed conditions to be non-structure (but also non-PCL) instances that

support multiple inheritance and the other required CLOS operations.
Removed SIMPLE-CONDITION hacks for simulating multiple inheritance.
Updated syntax of DEFINE-CONDITION uses.
parent faa723e8
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......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
;;; Scott Fahlman or
"$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/error.lisp,v 1.33 1993/08/25 01:13:02 ram Exp $")
"$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/error.lisp,v 1.34 1993/08/30 21:24:18 ram Exp $")
;;; **********************************************************************
......@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@
(in-package "CONDITIONS")
(use-package "EXTENSIONS")
(use-package "KERNEL")
(in-package "KERNEL")
(export '(layout-invalid simple-style-warning))
(export '(layout-invalid simple-style-warning condition-function-name))
(in-package "LISP")
(export '(break error warn cerror
......@@ -335,158 +336,438 @@
;;;; Conditions.
(defun condition-print (condition stream depth)
(declare (ignore depth))
(if *print-escape*
(print-unreadable-object (condition stream :identity t)
(prin1 (type-of condition) stream))
(condition-report condition stream)
(error () (format stream "...~2%; Error reporting condition: ~S.~%"
(eval-when (compile load eval)
(eval-when (eval compile load)
(defstruct (condition-class (:include slot-class))
;; List of CONDITION-SLOT structures for the direct slots of this class.
(slots nil :type list)
;; List of CONDITION-SLOT structures for all of the effective class slots of
;; this class.
(class-slots nil :type list)
;; Report function or NIL.
(report nil :type (or function null))
;; List of alternating initargs and initforms.
(default-initargs () :type list)
;; CPL as a list of class objects, with all non-condition classes removed.
(cpl () :type list))
(defmacro parent-type (condition-type) `(get ,condition-type 'parent-type))
(defmacro slots (condition-type) `(get ,condition-type 'slots))
(defmacro conc-name (condition-type) `(get ,condition-type 'conc-name))
(defmacro report-function (condition-type)
`(get ,condition-type 'report-function))
(defmacro make-function (condition-type) `(get ,condition-type 'make-function))
); eval-when (compile load eval)
) ;eval-when
(defstruct (condition
(:constructor make-condition-object (actual-initargs))
(:alternate-metaclass instance condition-class
(function-name nil)
;; Actual initargs supplied to MAKE-CONDITION.
(actual-initargs (required-argument) :type list)
;; Plist mapping slot names to any values that were assigned or defaulted
;; after creation.
(assigned-slots () :type list))
(defstruct condition-slot
(name (required-argument) :type symbol)
;; List of all applicable initargs.
(initargs (required-argument) :type list)
;; Names of reader and writer functions.
(readers (required-argument) :type list)
(writers (required-argument) :type list)
;; True if :INITFORM was specified.
(initform-p (required-argument) :type (member t nil))
;; If a function, call it with no args. Otherwise, the actual value.
(initform (required-argument) :type t)
;; Allocation of this slot. Nil only until defaulted.
(allocation nil :type (member :instance :class nil))
;; If :class allocation, a cons whose car holds the value.
(cell nil :type (or cons null)))
(defun condition-report (condition stream)
(do ((type (type-of condition) (parent-type type)))
((not type)
(format stream "The condition ~A occurred." (type-of condition)))
(let ((reporter (report-function type)))
(when reporter
(funcall reporter condition stream)
(return nil)))))
(setf (make-function 'condition) '|constructor for condition|)
(defun make-condition (type &rest slot-initializations)
"Makes a condition of type type using slot-initializations as initial values
for the slots."
(let ((fn (make-function type)))
(cond ((not fn) (error 'simple-type-error
:datum type
:expected-type '(satisfies make-function)
:format-control "Not a condition type: ~S"
:format-arguments (list type)))
(t (apply fn slot-initializations)))))
;;; Some utilities used at macro expansion time.
(eval-when (eval compile load)
(eval-when (compile load eval)
(setf (condition-class-cpl (find-class 'condition))
(list (find-class 'condition))))
(defmacro resolve-function (function expression resolver)
`(cond ((and ,function ,expression)
(cerror "Use only the :~A information."
"Only one of :~A and :~A is allowed."
',function ',expression))
(,expression (setq ,function ,resolver))))
(defun parse-new-and-used-slots (slots parent-type)
(let ((new '()) (used '()))
(dolist (slot slots)
(if (slot-used-p (car slot) parent-type)
(push slot used)
(push slot new)))
(values new used)))
(setf (condition-class-report (find-class 'condition))
#'(lambda (cond stream)
(format stream "Condition ~S was signalled." (type-of cond))))
(defun slot-used-p (slot-name type)
(cond ((eq type 'condition) nil)
((not type) (error "The type ~S does not inherit from condition." type))
((assoc slot-name (slots type)))
(t (slot-used-p slot-name (parent-type type)))))
(eval-when (compile load eval)
) ;eval-when
(defun find-condition-layout (name parent-types)
(let* ((cpl (remove-duplicates
(reduce #'append
(mapcar #'(lambda (x)
(find-class x)))
(cond-layout (info type compiler-layout 'condition))
(olayout (info type compiler-layout name))
(concatenate 'simple-vector
(layout-inherits cond-layout)
(mapcar #'class-layout cpl))))
(if (and olayout
(not (mismatch (layout-inherits olayout) new-inherits)))
(make-layout :class (make-undefined-class name)
:inherits new-inherits
:inheritance-depth -1
:length (layout-length cond-layout)))))
(defmacro define-condition (name (parent-type) &optional slot-specs
&rest options)
"(DEFINE-CONDITION name (parent-type)
( {slot-name | (slot-name {slot-option}*)}*)
(when (eq parent-type 'simple-condition)
(setq parent-type 'internal-simple-condition))
(let ((constructor (let ((*package* (find-package "CONDITIONS")))
;; Bind for the INTERN and the FORMAT.
(intern (format nil "Constructor for ~S" name)))))
(let ((slots (mapcar #'(lambda (slot-spec)
((atom slot-spec)
(list slot-spec))
((atom (cdr slot-spec))
((atom (cddr slot-spec))
(warn "Old style slot specifier: ~S" slot-spec)
(name &key (type nil typep) initform
`(,name ,initform
,@(when typep `(:type ,type)))))))
(multiple-value-bind (new-slots used-slots)
(parse-new-and-used-slots slots parent-type)
(let ((conc-name-p nil)
(conc-name nil)
(report-function nil)
(documentation nil))
(do ((o options (cdr o)))
((null o))
(let ((option (car o)))
(case (car option) ;should be ecase
(setq conc-name-p t)
(setq conc-name (cadr option)))
(setq report-function
(if (stringp (cadr option))
`(lambda (stream)
(write-string ,(cadr option) stream))
(cadr option))))
(:documentation (setq documentation (cadr option)))
(cerror "Ignore this DEFINE-CONDITION option."
"Invalid DEFINE-CONDITION option: ~S" option)))))
(unless conc-name-p
(setq conc-name
(intern (concatenate 'simple-string (symbol-name name)
;; The following three forms are compile-time side-effects. For now,
;; they affect the global environment, but with modified abstractions
;; for parent-type, slots, and conc-name, the compiler could easily
;; make them local.
(setf (parent-type name) parent-type)
(setf (slots name) slots)
(setf (conc-name name) conc-name)
;; finally, the expansion ...
(defstruct (,name
(:constructor ,constructor)
(:predicate nil)
(:copier nil)
(:print-function condition-print)
(:include ,parent-type ,@used-slots)
(:conc-name ,conc-name))
(setf (documentation ',name 'type) ',documentation)
(setf (parent-type ',name) ',parent-type)
(setf (slots ',name) ',slots)
(setf (conc-name ',name) ',conc-name)
(setf (report-function ',name)
,(if report-function `#',report-function))
(setf (make-function ',name) ',constructor)
;;;; Condition reporting:
(defun %print-condition (s stream d)
(declare (ignore d))
(if *print-escape*
(print-unreadable-object (s stream :identity t :type t))
(dolist (class (condition-class-cpl (class-of s))
(error "No REPORT? Shouldn't happen!"))
(let ((report (condition-class-report class)))
(when report
(return (funcall report s stream)))))))
;;;; Condition slots:
(defvar *empty-slot* '(empty))
(defun find-slot-default (class slot)
(let ((initargs (condition-slot-initargs slot))
(cpl (condition-class-cpl class)))
(dolist (class cpl)
(let ((default-initargs (condition-class-default-initargs class)))
(dolist (initarg initargs)
(let ((val (getf default-initargs initarg *empty-slot*)))
(unless (eq val *empty-slot*)
(return-from find-slot-default
(if (functionp val)
(funcall val)
(if (condition-slot-initform-p slot)
(let ((initform (condition-slot-initform slot)))
(if (functionp initform)
(funcall initform)
(error "Condition slot is not bound: ~S"
(condition-slot-name slot)))))
(defun find-slot (classes name)
(dolist (sclass classes nil)
(dolist (slot (condition-class-slots sclass))
(when (eq (condition-slot-name slot) name)
(return-from find-slot slot)))))
(defun condition-writer-function (condition new-value name)
(dolist (cslot (condition-class-class-slots
(layout-class (%instance-layout condition)))
(setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name)
(when (eq (condition-slot-name cslot) name)
(return (setf (car (condition-slot-cell cslot)) new-value)))))
(defun condition-reader-function (condition name)
(let ((class (layout-class (%instance-layout condition))))
(dolist (cslot (condition-class-class-slots class))
(when (eq (condition-slot-name cslot) name)
(return-from condition-reader-function
(car (condition-slot-cell cslot)))))
(let ((val (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name
(if (eq val *empty-slot*)
(let ((actual-initargs (condition-actual-initargs condition))
(slot (find-slot (condition-class-cpl class) name)))
(dolist (initarg (condition-slot-initargs slot))
(let ((val (getf actual-initargs initarg *empty-slot*)))
(unless (eq val *empty-slot*)
(return-from condition-reader-function
(setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition)
(setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name)
(find-slot-default class slot)))
(defun make-condition (thing &rest args)
"Make an instance of a condition object using the specified initargs."
(let* ((thing (if (symbolp thing)
(find-class thing)
(class (typecase thing
(condition-class thing)
(error "~S is not a condition class."))
(error "Bad thing for class arg:~% ~S" thing))))
(res (make-condition-object args)))
(setf (%instance-layout res) (class-layout class))
;; Set any class slots with initargs present in this call.
(dolist (cslot (condition-class-class-slots class))
(dolist (initarg (condition-slot-initargs cslot))
(let ((val (getf args initarg *empty-slot*)))
(unless (eq val *empty-slot*)
(setf (car (condition-slot-cell cslot)) val)))))
(eval-when (compile load eval)
(defun %compiler-define-condition (name direct-supers layout)
(multiple-value-bind (class old-layout)
(insured-find-class name #'condition-class-p
(setf (layout-class layout) class)
(setf (class-direct-superclasses class)
(mapcar #'find-class direct-supers))
(cond ((not old-layout)
(register-layout layout))
((redefine-layout-warning old-layout "current"
layout "new")
(register-layout layout :invalidate t)))
(setf (find-class name) class)
;; Initialize CPL slot from layout.
(collect ((cpl))
(cpl class)
(let ((inherits (layout-inherits layout)))
(do ((i (1- (length inherits)) (1- i)))
((minusp i))
(let ((super (find-class
(layout-class (svref inherits i))))))
(when (typep super 'condition-class)
(cpl super)))))
(setf (condition-class-cpl class) (cpl))))
); eval-when (compile load eval)
(defun %define-condition (name slots documentation report default-initargs)
(let ((class (find-class name)))
(setf (slot-class-print-function class) #'%print-condition)
(setf (condition-class-slots class) slots)
(setf (condition-class-report class) report)
(setf (condition-class-default-initargs class) default-initargs)
(setf (documentation name 'type) documentation)
(dolist (slot slots)
(let* ((name (condition-slot-name slot))
(islot (find-slot (cdr (condition-class-cpl class)) name)))
;; Handle :allocation. If a new class slot, allocate cell. If NIL,
;; default it.
(ecase (condition-slot-allocation slot)
(setf (condition-slot-cell slot)
(list (if (condition-slot-initform-p slot)
(let ((initform (condition-slot-initform slot)))
(if (functionp initform)
(funcall initform)
(when islot
(setf (condition-slot-allocation slot)
(condition-slot-allocation islot)))))
;; Default initform.
(when (and islot (not (condition-slot-initform-p slot)))
(setf (condition-slot-initform slot)
(condition-slot-initform islot))
(setf (condition-slot-initform-p slot)
(condition-slot-initform-p islot)))
;; Set up reader & writer functions.
(dolist (reader (condition-slot-readers slot))
(setf (fdefinition reader)
#'(lambda (condition)
(condition-reader-function condition name))))
(dolist (writer (condition-slot-writers slot))
(setf (fdefinition writer)
#'(lambda (new-value condition)
(condition-writer-function condition new-value name))))))
(collect ((class-slots))
;; Direct class slots:
(dolist (slot slots)
(when (eq (condition-slot-allocation slot) :class)
(class-slots slot)))
;; Indirect class slots:
(dolist (sclass (class-direct-superclasses class))
(dolist (cslot (condition-class-class-slots sclass))
(when (and (eq (condition-slot-allocation
(find-slot (condition-class-cpl class)
(condition-slot-name cslot)))
(not (member cslot (class-slots)
:key #'condition-slot-name
:test #'eq)))
(class-slots (copy-structure cslot)))))
(dolist (slot (union slots (class-slots)))
(let ((name (condition-slot-name slot)))
(collect ((initargs (condition-slot-initargs slot) union))
(dolist (super (class-direct-superclasses class))
(dolist (sslot (condition-class-slots super))
(when (eq (condition-slot-name sslot) name)
(initargs (condition-slot-initargs sslot)))))
(setf (condition-slot-initargs slot) (initargs)))))
(setf (condition-class-class-slots class) (class-slots))))
(defmacro define-condition (name (&rest parent-types) (&rest slot-specs)
&body options)
"DEFINE-CONDITION Name (Parent-Type*) (Slot-Spec*) Option*
Define NAME as a condition type. This new type inherits slots and its
report function from the specified PARENT-TYPEs. A slot spec is a list of:
(slot-name :reader <rname> :initarg <iname> {Option Value}*
and :TYPE and the overall options :DEFAULT-INITARGS and
[type] :DOCUMENTATION are also allowed.
The :REPORT option is peculiar to DEFINE-CONDITION. Its argument is either
a string or a two-argument lambda or function name. If a function, the
function is called with the condition and stream to report the condition.
If a string, the string is printed.
Condition types are classes, but (as allowed by ANSI and not as described in
SLOT-VALUE may not be used on condition objects."
(let* ((parent-types (or parent-types '(condition)))
(layout (find-condition-layout name parent-types))
(documentation nil)
(report nil)
(default-initargs ()))
(collect ((slots)
(all-readers nil append)
(all-writers nil append))
(dolist (spec slot-specs)
(when (keywordp spec)
(warn "Keyword slot name indicates probable syntax error:~% ~S"
(let* ((spec (if (consp spec) spec (list spec)))
(slot-name (first spec))
(allocation :instance)
(initform-p nil)
(collect ((initargs)
(do ((options (rest spec) (cddr options)))
((null options))
(unless (and (consp options) (consp (cdr options)))
(error "Malformed condition slot spec:~% ~S." spec))
(let ((arg (second options)))
(case (first options)
(:reader (readers arg))
(:writer (writers arg))
(readers arg)
(writers `(setf ,arg)))
(when initform-p
(error "More than one :INITFORM in:~% ~S" spec))
(setq initform-p t)
(setq initform arg))
(:initarg (initargs arg))
(setq allocation arg))
(error "Unknown slot option:~% ~S" (first options))))))
(unless (initargs)
(warn "Probable error: no initargs for condition slot:~% ~S"
(unless (readers)
(warn "Probable error: no readers for condition slot:~% ~S"
(all-readers (readers))
(all-writers (writers))
(slots `(make-condition-slot
:name ',slot-name
:initargs ',(initargs)
:readers ',(readers)
:writers ',(writers)
:initform-p ',initform-p
,(if (constantp initform)
`',(eval initform)
`#'(lambda () ,initform)))))))
(dolist (option options)
(unless (consp option)
(error "Bad option:~% ~S" option))
(case (first option)
(:documentation (setq documentation (second option)))
(let ((arg (second option)))
(setq report
(if (stringp arg)
`#'(lambda (condition stream)
(declare (ignore condition))
(write-string ,arg stream))
(do ((initargs (rest option) (cddr initargs)))
((endp initargs))
(let ((val (second initargs)))
(setq default-initargs
(list* `',(first initargs)
(if (constantp val)
`',(eval val)
`#'(lambda () ,val))
(error "Unknown option: ~S" (first option)))))
(when (all-writers)
(warn "Condition slot setters probably not allowed in ANSI CL:~% ~S"
(eval-when (compile load eval)
(%compiler-define-condition ',name ',parent-types ',layout))
(declaim (ftype (function (t) t) ,@(all-readers)))
(declaim (ftype (function (t t) t) ,@(all-writers)))
(%define-condition ',name
(list ,@(slots))
(list ,@default-initargs))))))
......@@ -512,9 +793,7 @@
(define-condition serious-condition (condition) ())
(define-condition error (serious-condition)
((function-name :init-form nil
:accessor serious-condition-function-name)))
(define-condition error (serious-condition) ())
(define-condition warning (condition) ())
(define-condition style-warning (warning) ())
......@@ -523,88 +802,39 @@
(apply #'format stream (simple-condition-format-control condition)
(simple-condition-format-arguments condition)))
(deftype simple-condition ()
'(or internal-simple-condition simple-warning simple-type-error
simple-error simple-style-warning))
;;; The simple-condition is really called internal-simple-condition, so
;;; be written to handle the simple-condition, simple-warning,
;;; simple-style-warning, simple-type-error, and simple-error types.
;;; DEFINE-CONDITION special-cases inheriting simple-condition to make this
;;; work. This seems to create some kind of bogus multiple inheritance that
;;; the user sees.
(define-condition internal-simple-condition (condition)
((format-control :acessor internal-simple-condition-format-control)
(format-arguments :init-form '()
:accessor internal-simple-condition-format-arguments))
(define-condition simple-condition ()
((format-control :reader simple-condition-format-control
:initarg :format-control)
(format-arguments :reader simple-condition-format-arguments
:initarg :format-arguments
:initform '()))
(:report simple-condition-printer))
(setf (symbol-plist 'simple-condition)
(symbol-plist 'internal-simple-condition))
;;; The simple-warning type has a conc-name, so SIMPLE-CONDITION-FORMAT-CONTROL
;;; and SIMPLE-CONDITION-FORMAT-ARGUMENTS could be written to handle the
;;; simple-condition, simple-warning, simple-type-error, and simple-error
;;; types. This seems to create some kind of bogus multiple inheritance that
;;; the user sees.
(define-condition simple-warning (warning)
((format-control :accessor internal-simple-warning-format-control)
(format-arguments :init-form '()
:accessor internal-simple-warning-format-arguments))
(:report simple-condition-printer))
(define-condition simple-style-warning (style-warning)
((format-control :accessor internal-simple-style-warning-format-control)
(format-arguments :init-form '()
:accessor internal-simple-style-warning-format-arguments))
(:report simple-condition-printer))
(define-condition simple-warning (simple-condition warning) ())
(define-condition simple-style-warning (simple-condition style-warning) ())
(defun print-simple-error (condition stream)
(format stream "~&~@<Error in function ~S: ~3i~:_~?~:>"
(serious-condition-function-name condition)
(internal-simple-error-format-control condition)
(internal-simple-error-format-arguments condition)))
;;; The simple-error type has a conc-name, so SIMPLE-CONDITION-FORMAT-CONTROL
;;; and SIMPLE-CONDITION-FORMAT-ARGUMENTS could be written to handle the
;;; simple-condition, simple-warning, simple-type-error, and simple-error types.
;;; This seems to create some kind of bogus multiple inheritance that the user
;;; sees.
(define-condition simple-error (error)
((format-control :accessor internal-simple-error-format-control)
(format-arguments :init-form '()
:accessor internal-simple-error-format-arguments))
(:report print-simple-error))
(condition-function-name condition)
(simple-condition-format-control condition)
(simple-condition-format-arguments condition)))
(define-condition simple-error (simple-condition error) ()
(:report print-simple-error))
(define-condition storage-condition (serious-condition) ())
(define-condition type-error (error)
((datum :reader type-error-datum :initarg :datum)
(expected-type :reader type-error-expected-type :initarg :expected-type))
(lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "~@<Type-error in ~S: ~3i~:_~S is not of type ~S~:>"
(serious-condition-function-name condition)
(condition-function-name condition)
(type-error-datum condition)
(type-error-expected-type condition)))))
;;; The simple-type-error type has a conc-name, so
;;; be written to handle the simple-condition, simple-warning,
;;; simple-type-error, and simple-error types. This seems to create some kind
;;; of bogus multiple inheritance that the user sees.
(define-condition simple-type-error (type-error)
((format-control :accessor internal-simple-type-error-format-control)
(format-arguments :init-form '()
:accessor internal-simple-type-error-format-arguments))
(:report simple-condition-printer))
(define-condition simple-type-error (simple-condition type-error) ())
(define-condition kernel:layout-invalid (type-error)
......@@ -612,13 +842,13 @@
(lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "Layout-invalid error in ~S:~@
Type test of class ~S was passed obsolete instance:~% ~S"
(serious-condition-function-name condition)
(condition-function-name condition)
(kernel:class-proper-name (type-error-expected-type condition))
(type-error-datum condition)))))
(define-condition case-failure (type-error)
((name :reader case-failure-name :initarg :name)
(possibilities :reader case-failure-possibilities :initarg :possibilities))
(lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "~@<~S fell through ~S expression. ~:_Wanted one of ~:S.~:>"
......@@ -627,55 +857,11 @@
(case-failure-possibilities condition)))))
;;; These exist for the obvious types to seemingly give the impression of
;;; multiple inheritance. That is, the last three types inherit from warning,
;;; type-error, and error while inheriting from simple-condition also.
(defun simple-condition-format-control (condition)
(etypecase condition
(internal-simple-condition-format-control condition))
(internal-simple-warning-format-control condition))
(internal-simple-style-warning-format-control condition))
(internal-simple-type-error-format-control condition))
(internal-simple-error-format-control condition))))
(defun simple-condition-format-arguments (condition)
(etypecase condition
(internal-simple-condition-format-arguments condition))
(internal-simple-warning-format-arguments condition))
(internal-simple-style-warning-format-arguments condition))
(internal-simple-type-error-format-arguments condition))
(internal-simple-error-format-arguments condition))))
(define-condition program-error (error) ())
(define-condition parse-error (error) ())
(defun print-control-error (condition stream)
(format stream "~&~@<Error in function ~S: ~3i~:_~?~:>"
(serious-condition-function-name condition)
(control-error-format-control condition)
(control-error-format-arguments condition)))
(define-condition control-error (error)
((format-control :accessor control-error-format-control)
(format-arguments :init-form '()
:accessor control-error-format-arguments))
(:report print-control-error))
(define-condition stream-error (error) (stream))
(define-condition control-error (simple-error) ())
(define-condition stream-error (error)
((stream :reader stream-error-stream :initarg :stream)))
(define-condition end-of-file (stream-error) ()
......@@ -683,18 +869,21 @@
(format stream "End-of-File on ~S"
(stream-error-stream condition)))))
(define-condition file-error (error) (pathname))
(define-condition file-error (error)
((pathname :reader file-error-pathname :initarg :pathname)))
(define-condition package-error (error) (package))
(define-condition package-error (error)
((package :reader package-error-package :initarg :package)))
(define-condition cell-error (error) (name))
(define-condition cell-error (error)
((name :reader cell-error-name :initarg :name)))
(define-condition unbound-variable (cell-error) ()
(lambda (condition stream)
(format stream
"Error in ~S: the variable ~S is unbound."
(serious-condition-function-name condition)
(condition-function-name condition)
(cell-error-name condition)))))
(define-condition undefined-function (cell-error) ()
......@@ -702,10 +891,12 @@
(lambda (condition stream)
(format stream
"Error in ~S: the function ~S is undefined."
(serious-condition-function-name condition)
(condition-function-name condition)
(cell-error-name condition)))))
(define-condition arithmetic-error (error) (operation operands)
(define-condition arithmetic-error (error)
((operation :reader arithmetic-error-operation :initarg :operation)
(operands :reader arithmetic-error-operands :initarg :operands))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "Arithmetic error ~S signalled."
(type-of condition))
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