- Feb 22, 1990
ram authored
ram authored
ram authored
ram authored
ram authored
Fixed '(:constructor) bug that failed to create a default constructor. /usr/lisp/code/defstruct.lisp, 26-Jul-89 19:10:17, Edit by Mbb. Structures that include another structure now inherit it's print-function if they do not have their own. This inheritance may be suppressed by supplying :print-function without a name. This is a cleanup. /usr/lisp/code/defstruct.lisp, 26-Jul-89 16:23:50, Edit by Mbb. Made BOA-constuctors only half that... They now allow &key args. Also made DEFSTRUCT warn when you try to use a keyword as a slot name. This catches users who accidentally do (defstruct foo (:constructor ...) <slots>) instead of (defstruct (foo (:constructor ...)) <slots>).
ram authored
Fixed bug introduced by ...array.lisp, 02-Jan-90 11:32:12, Edit by Chiles. Cleaned up some code around zapping array elements. /usr1/lisp/ncode/array.lisp, 02-Jan-90 11:32:12, Edit by Chiles. Fixed a bug in ADJUST-ARRAY added when we updated it to adhere to the new standard with respect to the :fill-pointer argument. /usr1/lisp/ncode/array.lisp, 04-Dec-89 17:30:21, Edit by Chiles. Fixed BIT-ARRAY-SAME-DIMENSIONS-P to correctly loop over the dimension slots of the array header.
ram authored
WITH-OUTPUT-TO-STRING-APPEND-STYLE: Changed the doc-string to exploit the new standard that was already there. WITH-OPEN-FILE-DOES-NOT-EXIST: Modified WITH-OPEN-FILE to not execute the body when OPEN fails. This is the new standard.
ram authored
Made GET-MACRO-CHARACTER and GET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER use the default readtable when nil is supplied for the readtable argument. This is a cleanup.
ram authored
ram authored
the working code version as of this date.
ram authored
ram authored
ram authored
ram authored
they were done in the bootstrap environment (so that new macros take effect in the compilation.)
ram authored
ram authored
- Feb 21, 1990
ch authored
ch authored
ram authored
ram authored
the structure before initializing the slots.
ram authored
these are always standard for now, they are now always required.
wlott authored
ram authored
SAVE-LISP init function.
ram authored
must be at the end of worldload.
ram authored
DEBUG-FUNCTION-START-PC until we actually compute this correctly.
ram authored
ch authored
- Feb 20, 1990
ch authored
wlott authored
wlott authored
Fixed reference to value-cell-type to be value-cell-header-type.
wlott authored
wlott authored
wlott authored
Added automatic generation of slot-ref and slot-set for :rest t slots.
wlott authored
Added closure-function-header and value-cell-header.
wlott authored
wlott authored
wlott authored
Changed call to load-foreign to emit load-foreign instruction. (oops)
wlott authored
Added header word stuff.
wlott authored
ram authored
initially making it.)