- Apr 09, 2004
emarsden authored
Fix stupid mistake in the broadcast-stream ANSI-compliance changes.
- Apr 08, 2004
rtoy authored
source-location. This bug triggered by (compile nil (lambda () (defclass foo () ()))) (Bug and fix from Eric Marsden.)
emarsden authored
Revert to old behaviour for SERVE-EVENT and reentry of handler functions. Don't mask out file descriptors whose handlers are active from the set of descriptors that we check for activity. The possibility for reentry of handler functions is required by Hemlock's slave lisp mechansism, which uses SERVE-EVENT via the WIRE facility.
- Apr 07, 2004
emarsden authored
- (read-char-no-hang (make-concatenated-stream) nil :eof) returns :eof instead of nil Another bug brought to you by pfdietz.
rtoy authored
because when width is 0, (unsigned-byte 0) is invalid and we really wanted (integer 0 0) anyway. Happens when deriving the type of (logand x 0).
emarsden authored
More ANSI-compliance BROADCAST-STREAM fixes: - FILE-LENGTH and FILE-POSITION return the value from the last component stream, or 0 if there are no component streams. Will require a similar change for FILE-STRING-LENGTH (and addition of a :file-string-length misc-op).
rtoy authored
rtoy authored
A simple cross-compile is needed.
- Apr 06, 2004
rtoy authored
o Source location recording o Sparc port only supports Ultrasparc (Sparc V9) class machines.
rtoy authored
cmucl-imp: The patch below adds a somewhat general mechanism to the get the "current location". So every macro that wants to record the source location, can insert a call to SOURCE-LOCATION in the generated code and safe the result in a appropriate place. SOURCE-LOCATION is a compiler-macro and returns a quoted struct with the source info. The patch adds the definition for SOURCE-LOCATION some modifications for the defclass, defgeneric and defmethod macros. Classes, generic functions and methods have already a "source" slot and the result of SOURCE-LOCATION is just stored into that slot. (The source slot contains currently only the *loadpath*, which is is not very useful, if the fasl file is in a different directory than the source file.)
rtoy authored
during interval arithmetic and returns a doubly unbounded INTERVAL. Use this in the INTERVAL-* routines. This is intended to fix the ansi-test failure misc.89. The approach is rather heavy-handed, and a better solution is desirable.
rtoy authored
revision date: 90/04/13 12:11:22; author: ram; state: Exp; lines added/del: 8/3 Changed block dumping to notice when the successor is in a different environment (due to a TR call). ---------------------------- revision date: 90/04/08 17:54:38; author: ram; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/2 old-cont => old-fp ---------------------------- revision date: 90/03/27 12:12:06; author: ram; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/0 Added support for file comments.
emarsden authored
- (fresh-line (make-broadcast-stream)) returns nil instead of t - STREAM-ELEMENT-TYPE on broadcast-streams should return element-type of the last component stream (see CLtS "System Class BROADCAST-STREAM"). Fix from SBCL. - WRITE-SEQUENCE handles bit-vectors
emarsden authored
Two unrelated fixes to ADJUST-ARRAY: - (adjust-array (make-array nil :initial-element 'zob) nil) was losing the :initial-element information - ADJUST-ARRAY was sometimes returning the same array despite ADJUSTABLE-ARRAY-P returning nil for that array (fix from SBCL) Fixes a number of AJUST-ARRAY.* tests in Paul Dietz's ANSI compliance suite.
emarsden authored
- fix WRITE-SEQUENCE for vectors (detected by pfdietz' ANSI compliance test suite) (write-sequence (vector #\a) (make-string-output-stream)) used to fail with "Type-error in lisp::write-vector-out: #\a is not of type base-char" because the WRITE-SEQUENCE code is erroneously assuming that all vectors of characters are of type string. There are probably more errors of this nature! - fix STREAM-ELEMENT-TYPE for broadcast streams: CLtS specifies that t should be returned if there are no component streams, but we used to return nil.
emarsden authored
- fix defaulting behaviour of :if-not-exist in OPEN when used with :direction :io. Corrects a number of the OPEN.IO.* ANSI compliance tests.
- Apr 05, 2004
rtoy authored
(see <http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html>) This produces significantly better hashes than the old algorithm and results in only 2 collisions when hashing all of the symbols in CMUCL. A simple cross-compile is needed. Use the boot23-sxhash file as the cross-compile script.
rtoy authored
- Apr 02, 2004
- Apr 01, 2004
rtoy authored
(defun foo (f d) (declare (type (simple-array single-float (*)) f) (type (simple-array double-float (*)) d)) (setf (aref f 0) (aref d 0))) doesn't produce any warnings and generates completely bogus code. Don't know what the real answer solution is, but turning off the assert-continuation-type for a single-use continuation fixes this, which is what 18a used to do. There are probably other bugs that this hides.
rtoy authored
(delete-file (open "/tmp/tmp-file" :direction :output :if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :supersede)) signals an error because delete-file is unlinking the file twice, because CLOSE is called with the option :ABORT T. Don't do that, so that any reversion of the file isn't done, and we file is deleted.
rtoy authored
parse-compiled-debug-function-lambda-list fails for (di::debug-function-lambda-list (di::function-debug-function #'pcl::fix-early-generic-functions)) because it tries to nconc the supplied-p var to a deleted keyword arg.
rtoy authored
it's a search-list, because it can't be, obviously.
- Mar 31, 2004
emarsden authored
- restarts when a package lock is triggered by DEFSTRUCT redefinition: disable the package-definition-lock instead of the package-lock (from Helmut Eller)
- Mar 29, 2004
rtoy authored
Patch from Ole, very slightly modified.
rtoy authored
consistent in which argument is selected. Previously, they were inconsistent which causes problems when the argument types are equal, but of different types. (Based on a patch Alexey Dejneka did for SBCL for the same issue.)
rtoy authored
defined. Define it.
rtoy authored
doesn't return any values, but instance-set is supposed to. This shows up in some PCL code that expects the instance-set to do the correct thing, but the VOP returns NIL.
- Mar 28, 2004
emarsden authored
compiler's format-string checking!)
- Mar 26, 2004
emarsden authored
- add a SIMPLE-STREAM-ERROR class, and use it when signaling errors from fd-streams DO-OUTPUT (noted by Matthew Danish) - fix bug in fd-stream error handling (patch from Ole Rohne)
- Mar 24, 2004
emarsden authored
Improved error-checking for CLX's (setf gcontext-dashes). When the argument is a number it must be strictly positive; check this in the client before sending to server. See the XSetDashes(3x) manual page.
emarsden authored
- component names may be non-pretty-printable
emarsden authored
- add ignore declaration - fix endpwent alien routine for Solaris
- Mar 23, 2004
emarsden authored
- various package-related cleanups. PROFILE and CLX packages use COMMON-LISP instead of LISP.
- Jan 20, 2004
toy authored
toy authored
o PEEK-CHAR wasn't signaling end-of-file when recursive-p was true. o GENERALIZED-PEEKING-MECHANISM needs to handle EOF-DETECTED-FORM when the peek-type is NIL. o Make PEEK-CHAR with peek-type NIL handle RECURSIVE-P. o WRITE-LINE didn't like an explicit :END NIL. o READ-SEQUENCE didn't like reading things into a bit-vector from a "good" stream element type. If the sequence is a bit-vector, use the general read-into-vector to read the data. o READ-SEQUENCE wasn't returning the right value when reading into simple-strings with a non-zero :START value.
- Jan 19, 2004
toy authored
(that we backed out) so (abs (the (double-float 0d0) x)) produces the correct result. o Add a kludge to INTERVAL-RANGE-INFO to handle the case of an interval -0.0 to 0.0 specially. INTERVAL-RANGE-INFO should return NIL instead of '- for this. o The fixes to INTERVAL-RANGE-INFO tickle a bug in INTERVAL-SPLIT where we weren't correctly splitting the the interval [-0.0, 0d0] into 2 intervals correctly. This was causing the compiler to loop forever deriving things. This is all a bit kludgy. Dealing with signed-zeroes is a pain.
toy authored
current readtable. Use that instead of whitespace-char-p. (Noted from Paul Dietz's ANSI tests.)
- Jan 18, 2004
toy authored