- Sep 27, 2001
pw authored
- Sep 21, 2001
pw authored
problems are fixed now. This revision fixes an omission from a previous rev that added support for :print-object and :print-function defstruct options. The default method created was calling DEFAULT-STRUCTURE-PRINT with only two arguments. It seems to work correctly now.
- Sep 20, 2001
pw authored
From cmucl-imp before server went down. Forgot submitters name, sorry! Fix fill-pointer-ouch to work on adjustable arrays of zero length.
- Jul 16, 2001
pmai authored
According to the standard, COPY-READTABLE should copy the setting of READTABLE-CASE but the current version of CMUCL does not.
- Jul 12, 2001
pw authored
- Jul 08, 2001
pw authored
This patch makes QUIT call a list of functions at exit, so that the Motif interface can clean up without having to redefine it.
pw authored
Implements READ- and WRITE-SEQUENCE on Gray streams, via STREAM-READ-SEQUENCE and STREAM-WRITE-SEQUENCE, and provides a :class keyword to OPEN which lets it return Gray streams classes wrapped around lisp-streams. Load exports.lisp before compiling with this set of changes.
pw authored
Initialize the modules: namestring so that things like (require :clx-library) work (assuming the filesystem layout present in the release tarballs).
pw authored
Remove the *features* :cltl2, :draft-ansi-cl and :x3j13 to be ANSI compliant. I guess this might break some old code, but ANSI explicitly prohibits cohabitation of these with :ansi-cl.
- Jun 18, 2001
pw authored
- Jun 17, 2001
pw authored
Fix some error types to be ANSI compliant.
pw authored
Problem: (format t "~f" "foo") => Error "Argument y is not a real: nil". CLHS says "If arg is a complex number or some non-numeric object, then it is printed using the format directive ~wD, thereby printing it in decimal radix and a minimum field width of w".
pw authored
FLOAT-RADIX should signal an error if arg is not a FLOAT.
pw authored
FILE-LENGTH should signal a type-error if arg is not associated with a file.
- Jun 13, 2001
pw authored
Allow only one doc-string in system:parse-body.
- Jun 11, 2001
pmai authored
*print-length* would cause the ellipsis to be printed directly adjacent to the previous item, rather than separated via a space, which could cause the reader not to detect the abbreviation.
pmai authored
bit-vectors breaks, because of the printer respecting printer control variables like radix and base, where they shouldn't be, especially since the corresponding reader doesn't expect this.
- Jun 03, 2001
pw authored
Arrange for ANSI behaviour regarding DEFMACRO processing. It has compile-time effect only at top level now.
- Jun 01, 2001
toy authored
- May 31, 2001
- May 30, 2001
pw authored
of NIL so as to not gratuitously tack on a :newest version attribute. This lets eg (load "HOST:FILE.LISP") work when no explicit version translation is supplied. So far, this seems like the "Right Thing To Do" and seems compatible with other implementations.
- May 27, 2001
pw authored
This can be improved on still.
- May 18, 2001
pw authored
- May 14, 2001
- May 02, 2001
toy authored
pathname types for object files. o Modified load to search for possible fasl file types for logical pathnames just as it does for physical pathnames. (But source files are still only searched using LISP type.)
- Apr 19, 2001
toy authored
- Apr 16, 2001
toy authored
o Remove the old special function routines o Add logb-finite to help optimize the use of logb o Remove some unneeded declarations since the compiler is smarter now than when this was originally written. o Add inhibit-warnings to coerce-to-complex-type since their unavoidable. o The cores of some routines are compiled with speed 3 and space 0 to get some maybe-inline routines inlined.
toy authored
- Apr 12, 2001
pw authored
Make orig-modes a gensym in with-float-traps-masked.
- Apr 11, 2001
pw authored
- Apr 10, 2001
pw authored
src/numbers.lisp: Handle comparisons with floating infinities correctly.
pw authored
ANSI CL says LOAD takes an :external-format keyword to specify the format of the file or stream being loaded. CMUCL already had the :contents keyword that does this, but its default was nil instead of :default. The appended patch replaces :contents with :external-format. This will break any code that uses :contents. Ray Changelog: code/load.lisp, compiler/fndb.lisp Replace :contents option to LOAD with :external-format, for ANSI CL conformance.
pw authored
pw authored
pw authored
when a bad argument is passed.
pw authored
- Apr 07, 2001
pw authored
Allow duplicate keyword arguments in macro calls and destructuring-bind to be ANSI compliant. Offending clause in VALIDATE-KEYWORD is commented out in case anyone needs to revive the old behaviour.
pw authored
Implement n-bin method for concatenated-stream. This fixes read-sequence for byte-vectors and strings for concatenated-streams.