- Oct 15, 1990
ram authored
incompatibly redefined, signalling a correctable error. If proceeded, we FMAKUNBOUND the old accessors. Also, %DEFSTRUCT is now responsible for updating the INCLUDED-BY slot for the DEFINED-STRUCTURE-INFO, since the compiler's STRUCTURE-INFO may not be EQ. I also moved %DEFSTRUCT to be beginning of the DEFMACRO expansion. It was previously at the end, which caused %%COMPILER-DEFSTRUCT to create FUNCTION KIND and WHERE-FROM entries for the slot accessors. If they are defined as functions in the global environment, then it just lets the default expression for these info types realize that they are functions. With any luck, this won't cause any horrible bootstrapping problems.
- Oct 14, 1990
wlott authored
ram authored
which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches.
ram authored
TYPE-ERROR so that we don't redefine it, blowing away all the subtypes of the legitimate definition.
ram authored
aren't a lowtag check.
ram authored
BLOCK-TEST-MODIFIED if appropriate.
ram authored
continuation goes to an IF.
ram authored
test for :NOTINLINE when deciding whether to enter in *FREE-FUNCTIONS*.
ram authored
which conditions to signal.
ram authored
fixed a one-off error in deciding whether we underflowed in SCALE-FLOAT-MAYBE-UNDERFLOW.
ram authored
ram authored
from there.
- Oct 13, 1990
wlott authored
wlott authored
instead of a lui/ori/jr sequence.
wlott authored
wlott authored
The new fixup with kind stuff is under new fops so the old fasls can still be loaded.
wlott authored
wlott authored
wlott authored
we can use jump-absolute.
wlott authored
segment so we can use jump-absolute.
wlott authored
wlott authored
wlott authored
wlott authored
in the primitive-object defstruct.
wlott authored
wlott authored
code that was commented out.
wlott authored
wlott authored
to the sigtrap handler so that lisp can still get at the other fpe's. Added all the necessary magic to get auto-gcing to work.
- Oct 12, 1990
wlott authored
and character to keep the deftype from complaining. #-new-compiler'ed the deftype of string-char.
wlott authored
wlott authored
package, 'cause it is no longer needed.
wlott authored
ram authored
ram authored
which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches.
ram authored
misspelling in error message.
ram authored
which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches.
ram authored
now-broken declarations; a top-level lambda may not be a CLAMBDA, it may be a :TOP-LEVEL-XEP functional.
ram authored
ram authored
We give a note if we see a function related thing for a SETF name that has a SETF macro as well. This NOTE-IF-SETF-FUNCTION-AND-MACRO also is used in ir1tran. Changed DEFINE-FUNCTION-NAME to call the above, and also to check for redefining a slot accessor or alien operator. Added UNDEFINE-FUNCTION-NAME. Added UNDEFINE-STRUCTURE, which uses the previous. Structures are undefined whenever we change a structure or its supertypes, or whenever we redefine an accessor as some other kind of function. This causes a warning. Changed DEFSTRUCT to make the accessors WHERE-FROM :DECLARED rather than :DEFINED, since the stronger claim seems reasonable. Made %%COMPILER-DEFSTRUCT flame if we try to define a primitive type and warn if we redefine a DEFTYPE.
ram authored
for THE.