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  1. Sep 19, 2002
  2. Sep 17, 2002
    • pmai's avatar
      The recent changes which made system:without-hemlock a simple progn if · 0becdc66
      pmai authored
      Hemlock wasn't present, caused the compiler to tail-call eliminate the
      function call in signal handlers defined via define-signal-handler.
      Besides causing problems for the debugger, which now sees a foreign
      function call land frame as the top of stack, this is also confusing
      to the end user, hence we turn up the debug optimization quality to
      prevent tail-call-elimination here.
  3. Sep 05, 2002
  4. Aug 28, 2002
    • pmai's avatar
      A number of smallish changes to the new linkage-table code: · cf055d22
      pmai authored
      o Conditionalized some code that is only used in linkage-table builds
        on :linkage-table and LINKAGE_TABLE respectively.
      o Modernized undefined_ff_tramp based on recent changes, and renamed
        it to undefined_foreign_symbol_trap, because it really isn't a
      o Conditionalized a stray puts(...,dlerror()) in Linux-os.c on DEBUG
      o Installed an error reporter for UNDEFINED_FOREIGN_SYMBOL_ERROR,
        which for now signals a simple-program-error.  We might want to
        introduced a new condition UNDEFINED-FOREIGN-SYMBOL or something,
        which could also be used by the old foreign linkage code.
    • moore's avatar
      · d31f5d1a
      moore authored
      Fix foregin object braindamage noted by Pierre Mai.
  5. Aug 27, 2002
    • moore's avatar
      · bf84be07
      moore authored
      On x86 FreeBSD and Linux, change the way foreign symbol addresses are resolved.
      They now go through a table -- effectively a new space in the core file.
      Function references are resolved lazily, data references are resolved on startup
      and when a .so is loaded.  The end result is that cores can be dumped that
      contain references to symbols in shared libraries.  Also, the dependence of the core on addresses in the Lisp runtime is broken.
      The linkage table feature is controlled by :linkage-table and LINKAGE_TABLE in C
      runtime.  Several foreign symbols are now Lisp static symbols, so a cross
      compile is required whether or not the new stuff is used.  I've checked in
      boot4-cross-foreign-linkage.lisp that builds the compiler for linkage table; do whatever you usually do for the non-linkage table case:)  Seriously, lets start
      a discussion on standardizing "cross compilation," not to mention the general
      build procedure.
  6. Aug 26, 2002
    • toy's avatar
      From Eric Marsden: · eef3a4b4
      toy authored
        * distributed binaries should no longer have OLD-xx package
          nicknames (for the VM and the compiler packages). These nicknames
          are set up by the build and cross-compile scripts, as needed.
  7. Aug 24, 2002
  8. Aug 23, 2002
  9. Aug 22, 2002
    • pmai's avatar
      Removed outdated warnings about :writer/:accessor possibly not being · 0c623206
      pmai authored
      ANSI CL.  Also removed several other warnings which were mostly bogus
      with the existance of writers (the "no :initarg/:initform" warning).
      And finally also removed the "no :reader" warning, since it is really
      the perogative of the user to do what he wants, and issuing full
      warnings is non-conforming to boot.
  10. Aug 20, 2002
  11. Aug 12, 2002
  12. Aug 08, 2002
  13. Aug 07, 2002
  14. Aug 06, 2002
  15. Aug 02, 2002
  16. Jul 31, 2002
  17. Jul 30, 2002
  18. Jul 29, 2002
  19. Jul 25, 2002
  20. Jul 22, 2002
  21. Jul 10, 2002
    • toy's avatar
      Patch from Martin Cracauer. · 7cb5b8bb
      toy authored
      The search-list "modules:" is set to track the search-list "library:"
      instead of being set whatever path "library:subsystems/" is set to at
      start up.
    • toy's avatar
      From Eric Marsden: · 6e9a215f
      toy authored
       * (pcl:class-precedence-list (find-class 'null)) should have symbol
         occurring before list, as per CLHS.
       * minor changes to certain error conditions: eg trying to set
         DEFAULT-DIRECTORY to a non-existent directory should raise a
         condition of type FILE-ERROR. (Some of these changes are from
         Alexey Dejneka, via SBCL).
       * cleanup of some Hemlock-related symbols that shouldn't be exported
         when :no-hemlock is defined.
  22. Jul 06, 2002
  23. Jun 26, 2002
    • pmai's avatar
      Corrected a small byte-ordering issue in the new definition of · e4f46e65
      pmai authored
      connect-to-inet-socket.  Since CL byte operations are defined
      to work on numbers in host order, which might or might not be the
      same as network order, working portably on network ordered numbers
      requires conditionalization based on the backend byte-order.  Hence
      it is almost always better to work on host ordered numbers directly.
  24. Jun 19, 2002
  25. Jun 10, 2002
    • toy's avatar
      Rudi Schlatte noted that · f303e1ec
      toy authored
          The Hyperspec says that the default for end is nil, but:
          * (write-string "bla" *standard-output* :start 0 :end nil)
             NIL is not of type FIXNUM
      Fix this and make the default for :END be NIL.  (Hmm, I suppose we
      don't really have to default to NIL since NIL means the end of the
      string anyway, but we should at least accept NIL as a valid :END
      value.  I didn't do that.)
  26. May 08, 2002
  27. May 06, 2002
    • pmai's avatar
      Changed the OpenBSD port to use dlopen+ld for FFI linkage, like · 956ce339
      pmai authored
      current Linux and FreeBSD/ELF do, although OpenBSD is still non-ELF.
      Also changed the handling of leading underscores in alien names, by
      moving the underscore addition to extern-alien-name, where it belongs,
      and not foreign-symbol-address-aux.  This brings the x86 port in line
      with the other ports, modulo the PVE_stub_ magic.  The changes
      necessitate some bootstrapping code for BSD non-ELF platforms.