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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Feb 04, 2008
  2. Feb 01, 2008
  3. Jan 31, 2008
    • rtoy's avatar
      Correct some comments. · b2a4d85d
      rtoy authored
    • rtoy's avatar
      Revise again. Don't limit the fraction digits. Just print out · 3c160594
      rtoy authored
      whatever dd says.  This allows ~G to match what Fortran does, and also
      defers to ~F to let it decide what to do.
      The following tests now fail:
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,5G" pi) "3.142    "))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~12,,,,'%g" 1.2345678d1) "12.34568 "))
      The former should be
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,5G" pi) "3.1416    "))
      and the latter should be removed or changed to
      (assert (string= (format nil "~12,,,,'%g" 1.2345678d1) "%%%%%%%%%%%%"))
    • rtoy's avatar
      Compile e_rem_pio2.c with -fno-strict-aliasing. · e3796de3
      rtoy authored
  4. Jan 30, 2008
  5. Jan 29, 2008
    • rtoy's avatar
      Minor tweak. dd is always positive in the fixed format case for · 92c0d760
      rtoy authored
    • rtoy's avatar
      o (format nil "~9,3,2,-2,'%@E" 1100.0) was printing %%%%%%. It should · c7a4509f
      rtoy authored
        print "+.001e+06"
      o Major changes for ~g.  See the comments in format-general-aux for
        more details.
        - ~g will choose ~e more often now, especially for large numbers.
        - ~g when using ~F as the output format won't overflow if the number
          has lots of significant digits.
        - Excessive number of digits has been suppressed.
        - The original d value is used for ~g, instead of the computed
      Here is the test suite used.  All tests passed.
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,0,'%G" 0.0314159) "0.314e-01"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,-2,'%@e" 3.14159) "+.003e+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~6,2,1,'*F" 3.14159) " 31.42"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,0,6f" 3.14159) " 3141590."))
      ;; Make sure a significant digit is printed with the bad choice of
      ;; scale factor.  Width is exceeded.
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,4,,-7E" pi) ".00000003d+8"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,4,,-5E" pi) ".000003d+6"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~5,4,,7E" pi) "3141600.d-6"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11,4,,3E" pi) "  314.16d-2"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11,4,,5E" pi) "  31416.d-4"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11,4,,0E" pi) "  0.3142d+1"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,,-1E" pi) ".03142d+2"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~,,,-2E" pi) "0.003141592653589793d+3"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~,,,2E" pi) "31.41592653589793d-1"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~E" pi) "3.141592653589793d+0"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,5,,-1E" pi) ".03142d+2"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11,5,,-1E" pi) " 0.03142d+2"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~G" pi) "3.141592653589793    "))
      ;; This test exceeds the specified width, unnecessarily.
      ;;(assert (string= (format nil "~9,5G" pi) "3.1416    "))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,5G" pi) "3.142    "))
      (assert (string= (format nil "|~13,6,2,7E|" pi) "| 3141593.d-06|"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,0,'%E" pi) "0.314d+01"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,0,6f" pi) " 3141593."))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~6,2,1,'*F" pi) " 31.42"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~6,2,1,'*F" (* 100 pi)) "******"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,-2,'%@E" pi) "+.003d+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~10,3,2,-2,'%@E" pi) "+0.003d+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~15,3,2,-2,'%,'=@E" pi) "=====+0.003d+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,-2,'%E" pi) "0.003d+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~8,3,2,-2,'%@E" pi) "%%%%%%%%"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~g" 1e0) "1.    "))
      ;; This test is one interpration of the spec.  We don't use this.
      ;;(assert (string= (format nil "~g" 1.2d40) "12000000000000000000000000000000000000000.    "))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~g" 1.2d40) "1.2d+40"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~e" 0) "0.0e+0"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~e" 0d0) "0.0d+0"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,4e" 0d0) "0.0d+0000"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~E" 1.234567890123456789d4) "1.2345678901234567d+4"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~20E" (expt 2d0 120)) "1.32922799578492d+36"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~21,8E" (expt 2d0 120)) "       1.32922800d+36"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,,-2E" 1.2345689d3) ".00123d+6"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,,-2E" -1.2345689d3) "-.0012d+6"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,,-2E" 1.2345689d-3) ".00123d+0"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,,-2E" -1.2345689d-3) "-.0012d+0"))
      ;; Trac ticket #12:
      (assert (string= (format nil "~10,1,2,0,'*,,'DE" 1d-6) "   0.1D-05"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11f" 1.23456789123456789d-3) ".0012345679"))
      ;; Don't overflow
      (assert (string= (format nil "~12,,,,'%g" 1.2345678d1) "12.34568    "))
      ;; From CLH 22.3.11
      (defun test-f (x)
         (format nil "~6,2F|~6,2,1,'*F|~6,2,,'?F|~6F|~,2F|~F"
                 x x x x x x))
      (assert (string= (test-f 3.14159) "  3.14| 31.42|  3.14|3.1416|3.14|3.14159"))
      (assert (string= (test-f -3.14159) " -3.14|-31.42| -3.14|-3.142|-3.14|-3.14159" ))
      (assert (string= (test-f 100.0)  "100.00|******|100.00| 100.0|100.00|100.0"))
      (assert (string= (test-f 1234.0) "1234.00|******|??????|1234.0|1234.00|1234.0"))
      (assert (string= (test-f 0.006) "  0.01|  0.06|  0.01| 0.006|0.01|0.006"))
      (defun test-e (x)
          (format nil
                 x x x x))
      (assert (string= (test-e 3.14159)  "  3.14e+0| 31.42$-01|+.003e+03|  3.14e+0"))
      (assert (string= (test-e -3.14159)  " -3.14e+0|-31.42$-01|-.003e+03| -3.14e+0"))
      (assert (string= (test-e 1100.0)  "  1.10e+3| 11.00$+02|+.001e+06|  1.10e+3"))
      (assert (string= (test-e 1100.0d0)  "  1.10d+3| 11.00$+02|+.001d+06|  1.10d+3"))
      (assert (string= (test-e 1.1e13)  "*********| 11.00$+12|+.001e+16| 1.10e+13"))
      (assert (string= (test-e 1.1d120)  "*********|??????????|%%%%%%%%%|1.10d+120"))
      (defun test-g (x)
         (format nil "~9,2,1,,'*G|~9,3,2,3,'?,,'$G|~9,3,2,0,'%G|~9,2G"
      	   x x x x))
      (assert (string= (test-g 0.0314159)  "  3.14e-2|314.2$-04|0.314e-01|  3.14e-2"))
      (assert (string= (test-g 0.314159)  "  0.31   |0.314    |0.314    | 0.31    "))
      (assert (string= (test-g 3.14159)  "   3.1   | 3.14    | 3.14    |  3.1    "))
      (assert (string= (test-g 31.4159)  "   31.   | 31.4    | 31.4    |  31.    "))
      (assert (string= (test-g 314.159)  "  3.14e+2| 314.    | 314.    |  3.14e+2"))
      (assert (string= (test-g 3141.59)  "  3.14e+3|314.2$+01|0.314e+04|  3.14e+3"))
      (assert (string= (test-g 3141.59d0)  "  3.14d+3|314.2$+01|0.314d+04|  3.14d+3"))
      (assert (string= (test-g 3.14e12)  "*********|314.0$+10|0.314e+13| 3.14e+12"))
      (assert (string= (test-g 3.14d120)  "*********|?????????|%%%%%%%%%|3.14d+120"))
      (defun test-scale (k)
        (format nil "~&Scale factor ~2D: |~13,6,2,VE|"
      	  (- k 5) (- k 5) 3.14159))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 0) "Scale factor -5: | 0.000003e+06|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 1) "Scale factor -4: | 0.000031e+05|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 2) "Scale factor -3: | 0.000314e+04|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 3) "Scale factor -2: | 0.003142e+03|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 4) "Scale factor -1: | 0.031416e+02|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 5) "Scale factor  0: | 0.314159e+01|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 6) "Scale factor  1: | 3.141590e+00|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 7) "Scale factor  2: | 31.41590e-01|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 8) "Scale factor  3: | 314.1590e-02|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 9) "Scale factor  4: | 3141.590e-03|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 10) "Scale factor  5: | 31415.90e-04|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 11) "Scale factor  6: | 314159.0e-05|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 12) "Scale factor  7: | 3141590.e-06|"))
  6. Jan 28, 2008
    • rtoy's avatar
      Fix typo in accurate-scale-exponent. Was not handling · 49d46273
      rtoy authored
    • rtoy's avatar
      Fix issue with truncate with a double-double-float divisor. Bug noted · 282219f5
      rtoy authored
      by Lynn Quam on cmucl-imp, 2008-01-28.
    • rtoy's avatar
      Add new interface to ieee754_rem_pio2. No longer need to pass in an · a459a234
      rtoy authored
      array. The new function returns 2 new output values.
      o Rename the original %ieee754-rem-pi/2 to %%ieee754-rem-pi-2.
      o Define the new %ieee754-rem-pi/2 function.  This returns the output
        as two output values instead of an array.
      o Use the new function.  We should have wrapped the original with
        without-gcing, but we don't have to anymore.
      o Implement the new C interface to __ieee754_rem_pio2
      o Use -ffloat-store when compiling e_rem_pio2.c and k_rem_pio2.c, just
        to be sure.
    • rtoy's avatar
      Enable new %single-float/unsigned vop too. · 06ccb8b6
      rtoy authored
      Here is a test for this:
      (defun tst (x)
        (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) x)
      	   (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
        (* 3f0 (coerce x 'single-float)))
      (compile 'tst)
      (tst 33554434)
      The answer used to be 1.00663304e8, but the correct answer is
      1.006633e8, as given on sparc.
  7. Jan 27, 2008
  8. Jan 26, 2008
    • rtoy's avatar
      Was failing to print enough digits for things like (format nil · 75de5422
      rtoy authored
      "~9,,,-2E" 1.2345689d-3).   This change also allows us to get rid of
      one other call to flonum-to-string, so printing should be faster now.
      Some additional tests:
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,,-2E" 1.2345689d3) ".00123d+6"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,,-2E" -1.2345689d3) "-.0012d+6"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,,-2E" 1.2345689d-3) ".00123d+0"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,,-2E" -1.2345689d-3) "-.0012d+0"))
  9. Jan 25, 2008
    • rtoy's avatar
      o Incorrect number of digits were printed for ~wF. · 9e71e519
      rtoy authored
      o If FMIN is given, print out the digits, even if we're out of room.
        (This is so ~E will print at least 1 digit due to a bad choice in
        scale factor.)
      The following tests all pass.
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,0,'%G" 0.0314159) "0.314e-01"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,-2,'%@e" 3.14159) "+.003e+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~6,2,1,'*F" 3.14159) " 31.42"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,0,6f" 3.14159) " 3141590."))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,4,,-7E" pi) ".00000003d+8"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,4,,-5E" pi) ".000003d+6"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~5,4,,7E" pi) "3141600.d-6"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11,4,,3E" pi) "  314.16d-2"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11,4,,5E" pi) "  31416.d-4"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11,4,,0E" pi) "  0.3142d+1"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,,-1E" pi) ".03142d+2"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~,,,-2E" pi) "0.003141592653589793d+3"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~,,,2E" pi) "31.41592653589793d-1"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~E" pi) "3.141592653589793d+0"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,5,,-1E" pi) ".03142d+2"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11,5,,-1E" pi) " 0.03142d+2"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~G" pi) "3.141592653589793    "))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,5G" pi) "3.1416    "))
      (assert (string= (format nil "|~13,6,2,7E|" pi) "| 3141593.d-06|"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,0,'%E" pi) "0.314d+01"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,0,6f" pi) " 3141593."))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~6,2,1,'*F" pi) " 31.42"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~6,2,1,'*F" (* 100 pi)) "******"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,-2,'%@E" pi) "+.003d+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~10,3,2,-2,'%@E" pi) "+0.003d+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~15,3,2,-2,'%,'=@E" pi) "=====+0.003d+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,-2,'%E" pi) "0.003d+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~8,3,2,-2,'%@E" pi) "%%%%%%%%"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~g" 1e0) "1.    "))
      ;(assert (string= (format nil "~g" 1.2d40) "12000000000000000000000000000000000000000.    "))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~e" 0) "0.0e+0"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~e" 0d0) "0.0d+0"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,4e" 0d0) "0.0d+0000"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~E" 1.234567890123456789d4) "1.2345678901234567d+4"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~20E" (expt 2d0 120)) "1.32922799578492d+36"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~21,8E" (expt 2d0 120)) "       1.32922800d+36"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11f" 1.23456789123456789d-3) ".0012345679"))
      ;; From CLH 22.3.11
      (defun test-f (x)
         (format nil "~6,2F|~6,2,1,'*F|~6,2,,'?F|~6F|~,2F|~F"
                 x x x x x x))
      (assert (string= (test-f 3.14159) "  3.14| 31.42|  3.14|3.1416|3.14|3.14159"))
      (assert (string= (test-f -3.14159) " -3.14|-31.42| -3.14|-3.142|-3.14|-3.14159" ))
      (assert (string= (test-f 100.0)  "100.00|******|100.00| 100.0|100.00|100.0"))
      (assert (string= (test-f 1234.0) "1234.00|******|??????|1234.0|1234.00|1234.0"))
      (assert (string= (test-f 0.006) "  0.01|  0.06|  0.01| 0.006|0.01|0.006"))
      (defun test-e (x)
          (format nil
                 x x x x))
      (assert (string= (test-e 3.14159)  "  3.14e+0| 31.42$-01|+.003e+03|  3.14e+0"))
      (assert (string= (test-e -3.14159)  " -3.14e+0|-31.42$-01|-.003e+03| -3.14e+0"))
      (assert (string= (test-e 1100.0)  "  1.10e+3| 11.00$+02|+.001e+06|  1.10e+3"))
      (assert (string= (test-e 1100.0d0)  "  1.10d+3| 11.00$+02|+.001d+06|  1.10d+3"))
      (assert (string= (test-e 1.1e13)  "*********| 11.00$+12|+.001e+16| 1.10e+13"))
      (assert (string= (test-e 1.1d120)  "*********|??????????|%%%%%%%%%|1.10d+120"))
      (defun test-scale (k)
        (format nil "~&Scale factor ~2D: |~13,6,2,VE|"
      	  (- k 5) (- k 5) 3.14159))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 0) "Scale factor -5: | 0.000003e+06|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 1) "Scale factor -4: | 0.000031e+05|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 2) "Scale factor -3: | 0.000314e+04|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 3) "Scale factor -2: | 0.003142e+03|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 4) "Scale factor -1: | 0.031416e+02|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 5) "Scale factor  0: | 0.314159e+01|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 6) "Scale factor  1: | 3.141590e+00|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 7) "Scale factor  2: | 31.41590e-01|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 8) "Scale factor  3: | 314.1590e-02|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 9) "Scale factor  4: | 3141.590e-03|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 10) "Scale factor  5: | 31415.90e-04|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 11) "Scale factor  6: | 314159.0e-05|"))
      (assert (string= (test-scale 12) "Scale factor  7: | 3141590.e-06|"))
  10. Jan 24, 2008
    • rtoy's avatar
      Fix a format regression. (format nil "~21E" (expt 2d0 120)) was · 9877b8f6
      rtoy authored
      printing 1.0d+36.  It should have printed far more digits.
      The previous fixes weren't quite right.  We can't just adjust the
      scale factor with the size of the number.  The wrong number of digits
      gets printed.  So FLONUM-TO-STRING takes an extra parameter to
      indicate the exponent (base 10) of the number.  This is used to
      compensate for the output of FLONUM-TO-DIGITS so that we have the
      right number of digits.  (FLONUM-TO-STRING was assuming
      FLONUM-TO-DIGITS was called with a scaled number, but we weren't.)
      o FLONUM-TO-STRING takes extra parameter for the exponent (base 10) of
        the number---basically what ACCURATE-SCALE-EXPONENT would return.
      o Add FIXUP-FLONUM-TO-DIGITS to compensate the exponent returned by
        FLONUM-TO-DIGITS by the exponent of the number.
      o Some rearrange of the code to get the right number of digits printed
        under this new scheme.
      o Keep the exponent of the number and the scaled exponent separate so
        FLONUM-TO-STRING knows the real exponent.
      With these changes, the following tests all pass:
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,0,'%G" 0.0314159) "0.314e-01"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,-2,'%@e" 3.14159) "+.003e+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~6,2,1,'*F" 3.14159) " 31.42"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,0,6f" 3.14159) " 3141590."))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,4,,-7E" pi) ".00000003d+8"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,4,,-5E" pi) ".000003d+6"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~5,4,,7E" pi) "3141600.d-6"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11,4,,3E" pi) "  314.16d-2"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11,4,,5E" pi) "  31416.d-4"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11,4,,0E" pi) "  0.3142d+1"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,,-1E" pi) ".03142d+2"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~,,,-2E" pi) "0.003141592653589793d+3"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~,,,2E" pi) "31.41592653589793d-1"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~E" pi) "3.141592653589793d+0"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,5,,-1E" pi) ".03142d+2"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~11,5,,-1E" pi) " 0.03142d+2"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~G" pi) "3.141592653589793    "))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,5G" pi) "3.1416    "))
      (assert (string= (format nil "|~13,6,2,7E|" pi) "| 3141593.d-06|"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,0,'%E" pi) "0.314d+01"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,0,6f" pi) " 3141593."))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~6,2,1,'*F" pi) " 31.42"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~6,2,1,'*F" (* 100 pi)) "******"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,-2,'%@E" pi) "+.003d+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~10,3,2,-2,'%@E" pi) "+0.003d+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~15,3,2,-2,'%,'=@E" pi) "=====+0.003d+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,3,2,-2,'%E" pi) "0.003d+03"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~8,3,2,-2,'%@E" pi) "%%%%%%%%"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~g" 1e0) "1.    "))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~g" 1.2d40) "12000000000000000000000000000000000000000.    "))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~e" 0) "0.0e+0"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~e" 0d0) "0.0d+0"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~9,,4e" 0d0) "0.0d+0000"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~E" 1.234567890123456789d4) "1.2345678901234567d+4"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~20E" (expt 2d0 120)) "1.32922799578492d+36"))
      (assert (string= (format nil "~21,8E" (expt 2d0 120)) "       1.32922800d+36"))
      (let (x)
       (dotimes (k 13 x)
        (setq x (cons (format nil "~%Scale factor ~2D: |~13,6,2,VE|"
                (- k 5) (- k 5) 3.14159) x))))
  11. Jan 22, 2008
  12. Jan 18, 2008
    • rtoy's avatar
      o Add a new section for double-double-float numbers. · 2b9b7926
      rtoy authored
      o Remove the part about precision control since this no longer
    • rtoy's avatar
      Update from logs. · fcc43b12
      rtoy authored
    • rtoy's avatar
      code/bit-bash.lisp: · 6fea08db
      rtoy authored
      o Change MAX-BITS to #xffffffff.  This fixes (works around) the issue
        reported by Walter Pelissero, reported on cmucl-help, 2008-01-09.
        We will still have problems for sufficiently long strings.
      o Boot file to use for the above change.
    • rtoy's avatar
      Move the rules for e_rem_pio2.c and k_rem_pio2.c from GNUmakefile to · c7582f44
      rtoy authored
      This only appears to be an issue on Linux.  FreeBSD and Darwin are
      ok.  And it depends on the compiler. gcc 4.2.1 produces bad results,
      but gcc 3.4.6 is ok.  Could be an aliasing issue.  So use -O1
      everywhere.  -ffloat-store doesn't appear to matter so remove that
    • rtoy's avatar
      Compile e_rem_pio2.c and k_rem_pio2.c with -ffloat-store on those · 1880c4a3
      rtoy authored
      platforms that need them.  This is to make sure double-float precision
      is used throughout instead of extended precision, which will cause bad
      Linux also appears to need -O1 instead of -O2, so use -O1 everywhere.
      (Should this be changed?)
  13. Jan 17, 2008
    • rtoy's avatar
      Clear the FPU status word before loading the control word from the · 346910c6
      rtoy authored
      This is a workaround for an issue on x86/darwin where loading of the
      control word enabling the invalid operation exception would cause that
      exception because the status word had that exception.  Not sure why
      this is needed or why the invalid operation exception was set.  It was
      happening in a call run-program while concatenating the files for the
      hemlock library.
  14. Jan 09, 2008
  15. Jan 03, 2008