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run-program.lisp 19.6 KiB
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;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; run-program initially from xcvb-driver.
(uiop/package:define-package :uiop/run-program
  (:nicknames :asdf/run-program)
  (:recycle :uiop/run-program :asdf/run-program :xcvb-driver)
  (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop/utility :uiop/pathname :uiop/os :uiop/filesystem :uiop/stream)
   ;;; Escaping the command invocation madness
   #:easy-sh-character-p #:escape-sh-token #:escape-sh-command
   #:escape-windows-token #:escape-windows-command
   #:escape-token #:escape-command

   #:subprocess-error-code #:subprocess-error-command #:subprocess-error-process

;;;; ----- Escaping strings for the shell -----

(with-upgradability ()
  (defun requires-escaping-p (token &key good-chars bad-chars)
    "Does this token require escaping, given the specification of
either good chars that don't need escaping or bad chars that do need escaping,
as either a recognizing function or a sequence of characters."
       ((and good-chars bad-chars)
        (error "only one of good-chars and bad-chars can be provided"))
       ((functionp good-chars)
        (complement good-chars))
       ((functionp bad-chars)
       ((and good-chars (typep good-chars 'sequence))
        #'(lambda (c) (not (find c good-chars))))
       ((and bad-chars (typep bad-chars 'sequence))
        #'(lambda (c) (find c bad-chars)))
       (t (error "requires-escaping-p: no good-char criterion")))

  (defun escape-token (token &key stream quote good-chars bad-chars escaper)
    "Call the ESCAPER function on TOKEN string if it needs escaping as per
using STREAM as output (or returning result as a string if NIL)"
    (if (requires-escaping-p token :good-chars good-chars :bad-chars bad-chars)
        (with-output (stream)
          (apply escaper token stream (when quote `(:quote ,quote))))
        (output-string token stream)))
  (defun escape-windows-token-within-double-quotes (x &optional s)
    "Escape a string token X within double-quotes
for use within a MS Windows command-line, outputing to S."
    (labels ((issue (c) (princ c s))
             (issue-backslash (n) (loop :repeat n :do (issue #\\))))
        :initially (issue #\") :finally (issue #\")
        :with l = (length x) :with i = 0
        :for i+1 = (1+ i) :while (< i l) :do
          (case (char x i)
            ((#\") (issue-backslash 1) (issue #\") (setf i i+1))
             (let* ((j (and (< i+1 l) (position-if-not
                                       #'(lambda (c) (eql c #\\)) x :start i+1)))
                    (n (- (or j l) i)))
                 ((null j)
                  (issue-backslash (* 2 n)) (setf i l))
                 ((and (< j l) (eql (char x j) #\"))
                  (issue-backslash (1+ (* 2 n))) (issue #\") (setf i (1+ j)))
                  (issue-backslash n) (setf i j)))))
             (issue (char x i)) (setf i i+1))))))

  (defun escape-windows-token (token &optional s)
    "Escape a string TOKEN within double-quotes if needed
for use within a MS Windows command-line, outputing to S."
    (escape-token token :stream s :bad-chars #(#\space #\tab #\") :quote nil
                        :escaper 'escape-windows-token-within-double-quotes))
  (defun escape-sh-token-within-double-quotes (x s &key (quote t))
    "Escape a string TOKEN within double-quotes
for use within a POSIX Bourne shell, outputing to S;
omit the outer double-quotes if key argument :QUOTE is NIL"
    (when quote (princ #\" s))
    (loop :for c :across x :do
      (when (find c "$`\\\"") (princ #\\ s))
      (princ c s))
    (when quote (princ #\" s)))
  (defun easy-sh-character-p (x)
    (or (alphanumericp x) (find x "+-_.,%@:/")))
  (defun escape-sh-token (token &optional s)
    "Escape a string TOKEN within double-quotes if needed
for use within a POSIX Bourne shell, outputing to S."
    (escape-token token :stream s :quote #\" :good-chars
                        :escaper 'escape-sh-token-within-double-quotes))

  (defun escape-shell-token (token &optional s)
      ((os-unix-p) (escape-sh-token token s))
      ((os-windows-p) (escape-windows-token token s))))

  (defun escape-command (command &optional s
                                  (escaper 'escape-shell-token))
    "Given a COMMAND as a list of tokens, return a string of the
spaced, escaped tokens, using ESCAPER to escape."
    (etypecase command
      (string (output-string command s))
      (list (with-output (s)
              (loop :for first = t :then nil :for token :in command :do
                (unless first (princ #\space s))
                (funcall escaper token s))))))

  (defun escape-windows-command (command &optional s)
    "Escape a list of command-line arguments into a string suitable for parsing
by CommandLineToArgv in MS Windows"
    (escape-command command s 'escape-windows-token))
  (defun escape-sh-command (command &optional s)
    "Escape a list of command-line arguments into a string suitable for parsing
    (escape-command command s 'escape-sh-token))
  (defun escape-shell-command (command &optional stream)
    "Escape a command for the current operating system's shell"
    (escape-command command stream 'escape-shell-token)))
;;;; Slurping a stream, typically the output of another program
(with-upgradability ()
  (defgeneric slurp-input-stream (processor input-stream &key &allow-other-keys))
  #-(or gcl2.6 genera)
  (defmethod slurp-input-stream ((function function) input-stream &key &allow-other-keys)
    (funcall function input-stream))

  (defmethod slurp-input-stream ((list cons) input-stream &key &allow-other-keys)
    (apply (first list) (cons input-stream (rest list))))

  #-(or gcl2.6 genera)
  (defmethod slurp-input-stream ((output-stream stream) input-stream
                                 &key linewise prefix (element-type 'character) buffer-size &allow-other-keys)
     input-stream output-stream
     :linewise linewise :prefix prefix :element-type element-type :buffer-size buffer-size))

  (defmethod slurp-input-stream ((x (eql 'string)) stream &key &allow-other-keys)
    (declare (ignorable x))
    (slurp-stream-string stream))

  (defmethod slurp-input-stream ((x (eql :string)) stream &key &allow-other-keys)
    (declare (ignorable x))
    (slurp-stream-string stream))

  (defmethod slurp-input-stream ((x (eql :lines)) stream &key count &allow-other-keys)
    (declare (ignorable x))
    (slurp-stream-lines stream :count count))

  (defmethod slurp-input-stream ((x (eql :line)) stream &key (at 0) &allow-other-keys)
    (declare (ignorable x))
    (slurp-stream-line stream :at at))

  (defmethod slurp-input-stream ((x (eql :forms)) stream &key count &allow-other-keys)
    (declare (ignorable x))
    (slurp-stream-forms stream :count count))

  (defmethod slurp-input-stream ((x (eql :form)) stream &key (at 0) &allow-other-keys)
    (declare (ignorable x))
    (slurp-stream-form stream :at at))

  (defmethod slurp-input-stream (x stream
                                 &key linewise prefix (element-type 'character) buffer-size
    (declare (ignorable stream linewise prefix element-type buffer-size))
      #+(or gcl2.6 genera)
      ((functionp x) (funcall x stream))
      #+(or gcl2.6 genera)
      ((output-stream-p x)
        input-stream output-stream
        :linewise linewise :prefix prefix :element-type element-type :buffer-size buffer-size))
       (error "Invalid ~S destination ~S" 'slurp-input-stream x)))))

;;;; ----- Running an external program -----
;;; Simple variant of run-program with no input, and capturing output
;;; On some implementations, may output to a temporary file...
(with-upgradability ()
  (define-condition subprocess-error (error)
    ((code :initform nil :initarg :code :reader subprocess-error-code)
     (command :initform nil :initarg :command :reader subprocess-error-command)
     (process :initform nil :initarg :process :reader subprocess-error-process))
    (:report (lambda (condition stream)
               (format stream "Subprocess~@[ ~S~]~@[ run with command ~S~] exited with error~@[ code ~D~]"
                       (subprocess-error-process condition)
                       (subprocess-error-command condition)
                       (subprocess-error-code condition)))))

  (defun run-program (command
                       &key output ignore-error-status force-shell
                       (element-type *default-stream-element-type*)
                       (external-format :default)
    "Run program specified by COMMAND,
either a list of strings specifying a program and list of arguments,
or a string specifying a shell command (/bin/sh on Unix, CMD.EXE on Windows);
have its output processed by the OUTPUT processor function
or merely output to the inherited standard output if it's NIL.
Always call a shell (rather than directly execute the command)
if FORCE-SHELL is specified.
Issue an error if the process wasn't successful unless IGNORE-ERROR-STATUS
is specified.
Return the exit status code of the process that was called.
Use ELEMENT-TYPE and EXTERNAL-FORMAT for the stream passed to the OUTPUT processor."
    (declare (ignorable ignore-error-status element-type external-format))
    #-(or abcl allegro clisp clozure cmu cormanlisp ecl gcl lispworks mcl sbcl scl xcl)
    (error "RUN-PROGRAM not implemented for this Lisp")
    (labels (#+(or allegro clisp clozure cmu ecl (and lispworks os-unix) sbcl scl)
             (run-program (command &key pipe interactive)
               "runs the specified command (a list of program and arguments).
              If using a pipe, returns two values: process and stream
              If not using a pipe, returns one values: the process result;
              also, inherits the output stream."
               ;; NB: these implementations have unix vs windows set at compile-time.
               (assert (not (and pipe interactive)))
               (let* ((wait (not pipe))
                      #-(and clisp os-windows)
                          #+os-unix (string `("/bin/sh" "-c" ,command))
                          #+os-unix (list command)
                           ;; NB: We do NOT add cmd /c here. You might want to.
                           #+allegro command
                           ;; On ClozureCL for Windows, we assume you are using
                           ;; r15398 or later in 1.9 or later,
                           ;; so that bug 858 is fixed
                           #+clozure (cons "cmd" (strcat "/c " command))
                           ;; NB: On other Windows implementations, this is utterly bogus
                           ;; except in the most trivial cases where no quoting is needed.
                           ;; Use at your own risk.
                           #-(or allegro clozure) (list "cmd" "/c" command))
                           #+(or allegro clozure) (escape-windows-command command)
                           #-(or allegro clozure) command)))
                      #+(and clozure os-windows) (command (list command))
                          #+os-unix (coerce (cons (first command) command) 'vector)
                          #+os-windows command
                          :input interactive :output (or (and pipe :stream) interactive) :wait wait
                          #+os-windows :show-window #+os-windows (and (or (null output) pipe) :hide))
                         (flet ((run (f &rest args)
                                  (apply f `(,@args :input ,(when interactive :terminal) :wait ,wait :output
                                                    ,(if pipe :stream :terminal)))))
                           (etypecase command
                             #+os-windows (run 'ext:run-shell-command command)
                             (list (run 'ext:run-program (car command)
                                        :arguments (cdr command)))))
                          (cons "/usr/bin/env" command) ; lispworks wants a full path.
                          :input interactive :output (or (and pipe :stream) interactive)
                          :wait wait :save-exit-status (and pipe t))
                         #+(or clozure cmu ecl sbcl scl)
                         (#+(or cmu ecl scl) ext:run-program
                            #+clozure ccl:run-program
                            #+sbcl sb-ext:run-program
                            (car command) (cdr command)
                            :input interactive :wait wait
                            :output (if pipe :stream t)
                            . #.(append
                                 #+(or clozure cmu ecl sbcl scl) '(:error t)
                                 ;; note: :external-format requires a recent SBCL
                                 #+sbcl '(:search t :external-format external-format)))))
                        #+allegro (if pipe (third process*) (first process*))
                        #+ecl (third process*)
                        #-(or allegro ecl) (first process*))
                        (when pipe
                          #+(or allegro lispworks ecl) (first process*)
                          #+clisp (first process*)
                          #+clozure (ccl::external-process-output process)
                          #+(or cmu scl) (ext:process-output process)
                          #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-output process))))
                 (values process stream)))
             #+(or allegro clisp clozure cmu ecl (and lispworks os-unix) sbcl scl)
             (process-result (process pipe)
               (declare (ignorable pipe))
               ;; 1- wait
               #+(and clozure os-unix) (ccl::external-process-wait process)
               #+(or cmu scl) (ext:process-wait process)
               #+(and ecl os-unix) (ext:external-process-wait process)
               #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-wait process)
               ;; 2- extract result
               #+allegro (if pipe (sys:reap-os-subprocess :pid process :wait t) process)
               #+clisp process
               #+clozure (nth-value 1 (ccl:external-process-status process))
               #+(or cmu scl) (ext:process-exit-code process)
               #+ecl (nth-value 1 (ext:external-process-status process))
               #+lispworks (if pipe (system:pipe-exit-status process :wait t) process)
               #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-exit-code process))
             (check-result (exit-code process)
               (setf exit-code
                     (typecase exit-code (integer exit-code) (null 0) (t -1)))
               (unless (or ignore-error-status
                           (equal exit-code 0))
                 (error 'subprocess-error :command command :code exit-code :process process))
             (use-run-program ()
               #-(or abcl cormanlisp gcl (and lispworks os-windows) mcl mkcl xcl)
               (let* ((interactive (eq output :interactive))
                      (pipe (and output (not interactive))))
                 (multiple-value-bind (process stream)
                     (run-program command :pipe pipe :interactive interactive)
                   (if (and output (not interactive))
                            (slurp-input-stream output stream)
                         (when stream (close stream))
                         (check-result (process-result process pipe) process))
                             #+(or allegro lispworks) ; when not capturing, returns the exit code!
                             #-(or allegro lispworks) (process-result process pipe)
             (system-command (command)
               (etypecase command
                 (string (if (os-windows-p) (format nil "cmd /c ~A" command) command))
                 (list (escape-shell-command
                        (if (os-unix-p) (cons "exec" command) command)))))
             (redirected-system-command (command out)
               (format nil (if (os-unix-p) "exec > ~*~A ; ~2:*~A" "~A > ~A")
                       (system-command command) (native-namestring out)))
             (system (command &key interactive)
               (declare (ignorable interactive))
               #+(or abcl xcl) (ext:run-shell-command command)
                command :input interactive :output interactive :wait t
                        #+os-windows :show-window #+os-windows (unless (or interactive (eq output t)) :hide))
               #+(or clisp clozure cmu (and lispworks os-unix) sbcl scl)
               (process-result (run-program command :pipe nil :interactive interactive) nil)
               #+ecl (ext:system command)
               #+cormanlisp (win32:system command)
               #+gcl (lisp:system command)
               #+(and lispworks os-windows)
                command :show-cmd (or interactive (eq output t)) :prefix "" :output-stream nil)
               #+mcl (ccl::with-cstrs ((%command command)) (_system %command))
               #+mkcl (nth-value 2
                                 (mkcl:run-program #+windows command #+windows ()
                                                   #-windows "/bin/sh" (list "-c" command)
                                                   :input nil :output nil)))
             (call-system (command-string &key interactive)
               (check-result (system command-string :interactive interactive) nil))
             (use-system ()
               (let ((interactive (eq output :interactive)))
                 (if (and output (not interactive))
                     (with-temporary-file (:pathname tmp :direction :output)
                       (call-system (redirected-system-command command tmp))
                       (with-open-file (stream tmp
                                               :direction :input
                                               :if-does-not-exist :error
                                               :element-type element-type
                                               #-gcl2.6 :external-format #-gcl2.6 external-format)
                         (slurp-input-stream output stream)))
                     (call-system (system-command command) :interactive interactive)))))
      (if (and (not force-shell)
               #+(or clisp ecl) ignore-error-status
               #+(or abcl cormanlisp gcl (and lispworks os-windows) mcl mkcl xcl) nil)