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asdf.lisp 103 KiB
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          ((subtypep (type-of o) dep-o)
           (apply #'make-instance dep-o
                  :parent o :original-initargs args args)))))
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(defmethod visit-component ((o operation) (c component) data)
  (unless (component-visited-p o c)
    (push (cons (node-for o c) data)
          (operation-visited-nodes (operation-ancestor o)))))
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(defmethod component-visited-p ((o operation) (c component))
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  (assoc (node-for o c)
         (operation-visited-nodes (operation-ancestor o))
         :test 'equal))
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(defmethod (setf visiting-component) (new-value operation component)
  ;; MCL complains about unused lexical variables
  (declare (ignorable new-value operation component)))
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(defmethod (setf visiting-component) (new-value (o operation) (c component))
  (let ((node (node-for o c))
        (a (operation-ancestor o)))
        (pushnew node (operation-visiting-nodes a) :test 'equal)
        (setf (operation-visiting-nodes a)
              (remove node  (operation-visiting-nodes a) :test 'equal)))))
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(defmethod component-visiting-p ((o operation) (c component))
  (let ((node (node-for o c)))
    (member node (operation-visiting-nodes (operation-ancestor o))
            :test 'equal)))
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(defmethod component-depends-on ((op-spec symbol) (c component))
  (component-depends-on (make-instance op-spec) c))

(defmethod component-depends-on ((o operation) (c component))
  (cdr (assoc (class-name (class-of o))
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(defmethod component-self-dependencies ((o operation) (c component))
  (let ((all-deps (component-depends-on o c)))
    (remove-if-not (lambda (x)
                     (member (component-name c) (cdr x) :test #'string=))

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(defmethod input-files ((operation operation) (c component))
  (let ((parent (component-parent c))
        (self-deps (component-self-dependencies operation c)))
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    (if self-deps
        (mapcan (lambda (dep)
                  (destructuring-bind (op name) dep
                    (output-files (make-instance op)
                                  (find-component parent name))))
        ;; no previous operations needed?  I guess we work with the
        ;; original source file, then
        (list (component-pathname c)))))
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(defmethod input-files ((operation operation) (c module)) nil)
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(defmethod operation-done-p ((o operation) (c component))
           (let ((date (safe-file-write-date file)))
                (warn "~@<Missing FILE-WRITE-DATE for ~S: treating ~
                       operation ~S on component ~S as done.~@:>"
                      file o c)
                (return-from operation-done-p t))))))
    (let ((out-files (output-files o c))
          (in-files (input-files o c)))
      (cond ((and (not in-files) (not out-files))
             ;; arbitrary decision: an operation that uses nothing to
             ;; produce nothing probably isn't doing much
            ((not out-files)
             (let ((op-done
                    (gethash (type-of o)
                             (component-operation-times c))))
               (and op-done
                    (>= op-done
                        (apply #'max
                               (mapcar #'fwd-or-return-t in-files))))))
            ((not in-files) nil)
              (every #'probe-file out-files)
              (> (apply #'min (mapcar #'safe-file-write-date out-files))
                 (apply #'max (mapcar #'fwd-or-return-t in-files)))))))))
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;;; So you look at this code and think "why isn't it a bunch of
;;; methods".  And the answer is, because standard method combination
;;; runs :before methods most->least-specific, which is back to front
;;; for our purposes.
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(defmethod traverse ((operation operation) (c component))
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  (let ((forced nil))
    (labels ((%do-one-dep (required-op required-c required-v)
               (let* ((dep-c (or (find-component
                                  (component-parent c)
                                  ;; XXX tacky.  really we should build the
                                  ;; in-order-to slot with canonicalized
                                  ;; names instead of coercing this late
                                  (coerce-name required-c) required-v)
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                                 (if required-v
                                     (error 'missing-dependency-of-version
                                            :required-by c
                                            :version required-v
                                            :requires required-c)
                                     (error 'missing-dependency
                                            :required-by c
                                            :requires required-c))))
                      (op (make-sub-operation c operation dep-c required-op)))
                 (traverse op dep-c)))
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             (do-one-dep (required-op required-c required-v)
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                      (return (%do-one-dep required-op required-c required-v))
                    (retry ()
                      :report (lambda (s)
                                (format s "~@<Retry loading component ~S.~@:>"
                      (lambda (c)
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                        (print (list :c1 c (typep c 'missing-dependency)))
                        (when (typep c 'missing-dependency)
                          (print (list :c2 (missing-requires c) required-c
                                       (equalp (missing-requires c)
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                        (and (typep c 'missing-dependency)
                             (equalp (missing-requires c)
             (do-dep (op dep)
               (cond ((eq op 'feature)
                      (or (member (car dep) *features*)
                          (error 'missing-dependency
                                 :required-by c
                      (dolist (d dep)
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                        (cond ((consp d)
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                               (cond ((string-equal
                                       (symbol-name (first d))
                                       (do-one-dep op (second d) (third d))))
                                     ((and (string-equal
                                            (symbol-name (first d))
                                           (find (second d) *features*
                                                 :test 'string-equal))
                                       (do-one-dep op (second d) (third d))))
                                      (error "Bad dependency ~a.  Dependencies must be (:version <version>), (:feature <feature>), or a name" d))))
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                               (appendf forced (do-one-dep op d nil)))))))))
      (aif (component-visited-p operation c)
           (return-from traverse
             (if (cdr it) (list (cons 'pruned-op c)) nil)))
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      ;; dependencies
      (if (component-visiting-p operation c)
          (error 'circular-dependency :components (list c)))
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      (setf (visiting-component operation c) t)
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             (loop :for (required-op . deps) :in
               (component-depends-on operation c)
               :do (do-dep required-op deps))
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             ;; constituent bits
             (let ((module-ops
                    (when (typep c 'module)
                      (let ((at-least-one nil)
                            (forced nil)
                            (error nil))
                        (dolist (kid (module-components c))
                              (appendf forced (traverse operation kid))
                            (missing-dependency (condition)
                              (if (eq (module-if-component-dep-fails c)
                                  (error condition))
                              (setf error condition))
                            (:no-error (c)
                              (declare (ignore c))
                              (setf at-least-one t))))
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                        (when (and (eq (module-if-component-dep-fails c)
                                   (not at-least-one))
                          (error error))
               ;; now the thing itself
               (when (or forced module-ops
                         (not (operation-done-p operation c))
                         (let ((f (operation-forced
                                   (operation-ancestor operation))))
                           (and f (or (not (consp f))
                                      (member (component-name
                                               (operation-ancestor operation))
                                              (mapcar #'coerce-name f)
                                              :test #'string=)))))
                 (let ((do-first (cdr (assoc (class-name (class-of operation))
                   (loop :for (required-op . deps) :in do-first
                     :do (do-dep required-op deps)))
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                 (setf forced (append (delete 'pruned-op forced :key #'car)
                                      (delete 'pruned-op module-ops :key #'car)
                                      (list (cons operation c)))))))
        (setf (visiting-component operation c) nil))
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      (visit-component operation c (and forced t))
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(defmethod perform ((operation operation) (c source-file))
   "~@<required method PERFORM not implemented ~
    for operation ~A, component ~A~@:>"
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   (class-of operation) (class-of c)))

(defmethod perform ((operation operation) (c module))

(defmethod explain ((operation operation) (component component))
  (asdf-message "~&;;; ~A on ~A~%" operation component))
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;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; compile-op
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(defclass compile-op (operation)
  ((proclamations :initarg :proclamations :accessor compile-op-proclamations :initform nil)
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   (on-warnings :initarg :on-warnings :accessor operation-on-warnings
                :initform *compile-file-warnings-behaviour*)
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   (on-failure :initarg :on-failure :accessor operation-on-failure
               :initform *compile-file-failure-behaviour*)
   (flags :initarg :system-p :accessor compile-op-flags :initform nil)))

(defmethod perform :before ((operation compile-op) (c source-file))
  (map nil #'ensure-directories-exist (output-files operation c)))
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(defmethod perform :after ((operation operation) (c component))
  (setf (gethash (type-of operation) (component-operation-times c))
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;;; perform is required to check output-files to find out where to put
;;; its answers, in case it has been overridden for site policy
(defmethod perform ((operation compile-op) (c cl-source-file))
  (let ((source-file (component-pathname c))
        (output-file (car (output-files operation c))))
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    (multiple-value-bind (output warnings-p failure-p)
        (apply #'compile-file source-file :output-file output-file
               (compile-op-flags operation))
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      (when warnings-p
        (case (operation-on-warnings operation)
          (:warn (warn
                  "~@<COMPILE-FILE warned while performing ~A on ~A.~@:>"
                  operation c))
          (:error (error 'compile-warned :component c :operation operation))
          (:ignore nil)))
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      (when failure-p
        (case (operation-on-failure operation)
          (:warn (warn
                  "~@<COMPILE-FILE failed while performing ~A on ~A.~@:>"
                  operation c))
          (:error (error 'compile-failed :component c :operation operation))
          (:ignore nil)))
        (error 'compile-error :component c :operation operation)))))
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(defmethod output-files ((operation compile-op) (c cl-source-file))
  #-:broken-fasl-loader (list (compile-file-pathname (component-pathname c)))
  #+:broken-fasl-loader (list (component-pathname c)))
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(defmethod perform ((operation compile-op) (c static-file))

(defmethod output-files ((operation compile-op) (c static-file))

(defmethod input-files ((op compile-op) (c static-file))

;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; load-op
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(defclass basic-load-op (operation) ())

(defclass load-op (basic-load-op) ())
(defmethod perform ((o load-op) (c cl-source-file))
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  (mapcar #'load (input-files o c)))
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(defmethod perform around ((o load-op) (c cl-source-file))
    (loop :until (or (eq state :success)
                     (eq state :failure)) :do
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         (case state
            (setf state :failure)
            (setf state :success))
            (setf state :recompiled)
            (perform (make-instance 'asdf:compile-op) c))
                (try-recompiling "Recompile ~a and try loading it again"
                                  (component-name c))
              (setf state :failed-load)
              (setf state :success)))))))
(defmethod perform around ((o compile-op) (c cl-source-file))
    (loop :until (or (eq state :success)
                     (eq state :failure)) :do
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         (case state
            (setf state :failure)
            (setf state :success))
            (setf state :recompiled)
            (perform (make-instance 'asdf:compile-op) c))
                (try-recompiling "Try recompiling ~a"
                                  (component-name c))
              (setf state :failed-compile)
              (setf state :success)))))))
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(defmethod perform ((operation load-op) (c static-file))
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(defmethod operation-done-p ((operation load-op) (c static-file))
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(defmethod output-files ((o operation) (c component))
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(defmethod component-depends-on ((operation load-op) (c component))
  (cons (list 'compile-op (component-name c))

;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; load-source-op
(defclass load-source-op (basic-load-op) ())

(defmethod perform ((o load-source-op) (c cl-source-file))
  (let ((source (component-pathname c)))
    (setf (component-property c 'last-loaded-as-source)
          (and (load source)

(defmethod perform ((operation load-source-op) (c static-file))

(defmethod output-files ((operation load-source-op) (c component))

;;; FIXME: we simply copy load-op's dependencies.  this is Just Not Right.
(defmethod component-depends-on ((o load-source-op) (c component))
  (let ((what-would-load-op-do (cdr (assoc 'load-op
    (mapcar (lambda (dep)
              (if (eq (car dep) 'load-op)
                  (cons 'load-source-op (cdr dep))

(defmethod operation-done-p ((o load-source-op) (c source-file))
  (if (or (not (component-property c 'last-loaded-as-source))
          (> (safe-file-write-date (component-pathname c))
             (component-property c 'last-loaded-as-source)))

;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; test-op

(defclass test-op (operation) ())

(defmethod perform ((operation test-op) (c component))
(defmethod operation-done-p ((operation test-op) (c system))
  "Testing a system is _never_ done."

(defmethod component-depends-on :around ((o test-op) (c system))
  (cons `(load-op ,(component-name c)) (call-next-method)))

;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Invoking Operations
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(defun operate (operation-class system &rest args &key (verbose t) version force
  (declare (ignore force))
  (let* ((*package* *package*)
         (*readtable* *readtable*)
         (op (apply #'make-instance operation-class
                    :original-initargs args
         (*verbose-out* (if verbose *standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream)))
         (system (if (typep system 'component) system (find-system system))))
    (unless (version-satisfies system version)
      (error 'missing-component-of-version :requires system :version version))
    (let ((steps (traverse op system)))
      (with-compilation-unit ()
        (loop :for (op . component) :in steps :do
                (progn (perform op component)
              (retry ()
                (lambda (s)
                  (format s "~@<Retry performing ~S on ~S.~@:>"
                          op component)))
              (accept ()
                (lambda (s)
                  (format s "~@<Continue, treating ~S on ~S as ~
                                   having been successful.~@:>"
                          op component))
                (setf (gethash (type-of op)
                               (component-operation-times component))
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(defun oos (operation-class system &rest args &key force (verbose t) version
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  (declare (ignore force verbose version))
  (apply #'operate operation-class system args))

(let ((operate-docstring
  "Operate does three things:

1. It creates an instance of `operation-class` using any keyword parameters
as initargs.
2. It finds the  asdf-system specified by `system` (possibly loading
it from disk).
3. It then calls `traverse` with the operation and system as arguments

The traverse operation is wrapped in `with-compilation-unit` and error
handling code. If a `version` argument is supplied, then operate also
ensures that the system found satisfies it using the `version-satisfies`
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Note that dependencies may cause the operation to invoke other
operations on the system or its components: the new operations will be
created with the same initargs as the original one.
  (setf (documentation 'oos 'function)
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        (format nil
                "Short for _operate on system_ and an alias for the [operate][] function. ~&~&~a"
  (setf (documentation 'operate 'function)
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(defun load-system (system &rest args &key force (verbose t) version)
  "Shorthand for `(operate 'asdf:load-op system)`. See [operate][] for details."
  (declare (ignore force verbose version))
  (apply #'operate 'load-op system args))

(defun compile-system (system &rest args &key force (verbose t) version)
  "Shorthand for `(operate 'asdf:compile-op system)`. See [operate][] for details."
  (declare (ignore force verbose version))
  (apply #'operate 'compile-op system args))

(defun test-system (system &rest args &key force (verbose t) version)
  "Shorthand for `(operate 'asdf:test-op system)`. See [operate][] for details."
  (declare (ignore force verbose version))
  (apply #'operate 'test-op system args))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Defsystem

(defun determine-system-pathname (pathname pathname-supplied-p)
  ;; called from the defsystem macro.
  ;; the pathname of a system is either
  ;; 1. the one supplied,
  ;; 2. derived from the *load-truename* (see below), or
  ;; 3. taken from *default-pathname-defaults*
  ;; if using *load-truename*, then we also deal with whether or not
  ;; to resolve symbolic links. If not resolving symlinks, then we use
  ;; *load-pathname* instead of *load-truename* since in some
  ;; implementations, the latter has *already resolved it.
  (or (and pathname-supplied-p pathname)
      (when *load-pathname*
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         (if *resolve-symlinks*
             (resolve-symlinks *load-truename*)
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(defmacro defsystem (name &body options)
  (destructuring-bind (&key (pathname nil pathname-arg-p) (class 'system)
    (let ((component-options (remove-keyword :class options)))
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         ;; system must be registered before we parse the body, otherwise
         ;; we recur when trying to find an existing system of the same name
         ;; to reuse options (e.g. pathname) from
         (let ((s (system-registered-p ',name)))
           (cond ((and s (eq (type-of (cdr s)) ',class))
                  (setf (car s) (get-universal-time)))
                  (change-class (cdr s) ',class))
                  (register-system (quote ,name)
                                   (make-instance ',class :name ',name))))
           (%set-system-source-file *load-truename*
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                                    (cdr (system-registered-p ',name))))
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          nil (apply
               :module (coerce-name ',name)
               ,(determine-system-pathname pathname pathname-arg-p)

(defun class-for-type (parent type)
  (let* ((extra-symbols (list (find-symbol (symbol-name type) *package*)
                              (find-symbol (symbol-name type)
                                            (package-name :asdf)))))
         (class (dolist (symbol (if (keywordp type)
                                    (cons type extra-symbols)))
                  (when (and symbol
                             (find-class symbol nil)
                             (subtypep symbol 'component))
                    (return (find-class symbol))))))
        (and (eq type :file)
             (or (module-default-component-class parent)
                 (find-class 'cl-source-file)))
        (sysdef-error "~@<don't recognize component type ~A~@:>" type))))

(defun maybe-add-tree (tree op1 op2 c)
  "Add the node C at /OP1/OP2 in TREE, unless it's there already.
Returns the new tree (which probably shares structure with the old one)"
  (let ((first-op-tree (assoc op1 tree)))
    (if first-op-tree
          (aif (assoc op2 (cdr first-op-tree))
               (if (find c (cdr it))
                   (setf (cdr it) (cons c (cdr it))))
               (setf (cdr first-op-tree)
                     (acons op2 (list c) (cdr first-op-tree))))
        (acons op1 (list (list op2 c)) tree))))

(defun union-of-dependencies (&rest deps)
  (let ((new-tree nil))
    (dolist (dep deps)
      (dolist (op-tree dep)
        (dolist (op  (cdr op-tree))
          (dolist (c (cdr op))
            (setf new-tree
                  (maybe-add-tree new-tree (car op-tree) (car op) c))))))
(defun sysdef-error-component (msg type name value)
  (sysdef-error (concatenate 'string msg
                             "~&The value specified for ~(~A~) ~A is ~W")
                type name value))

(defun check-component-input (type name weakly-depends-on
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                              depends-on components in-order-to)
  "A partial test of the values of a component."
  (unless (listp depends-on)
    (sysdef-error-component ":depends-on must be a list."
                            type name depends-on))
  (unless (listp weakly-depends-on)
    (sysdef-error-component ":weakly-depends-on must be a list."
                            type name weakly-depends-on))
  (unless (listp components)
    (sysdef-error-component ":components must be NIL or a list of components."
                            type name components))
  (unless (and (listp in-order-to) (listp (car in-order-to)))
    (sysdef-error-component ":in-order-to must be NIL or a list of components."
                            type name in-order-to)))

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(defun %remove-component-inline-methods (component)
  (dolist (name +asdf-methods+)
    (map ()
         ;; this is inefficient as most of the stored
         ;; methods will not be for this particular gf n
         ;; But this is hardly performance-critical
         (lambda (m)
           (remove-method (symbol-function name) m))
         (component-inline-methods component)))
  ;; clear methods, then add the new ones
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  (setf (component-inline-methods component) nil))

(defun %define-component-inline-methods (ret rest)
  (dolist (name +asdf-methods+)
    (let ((keyword (intern (symbol-name name) :keyword)))
      (loop :for data = rest :then (cddr data)
        :for key = (first data)
        :for value = (second data)
        :while data
        :when (eq key keyword) :do
        (destructuring-bind (op qual (o c) &body body) value
           (eval `(defmethod ,name ,qual ((,o ,op) (,c (eql ,ret)))
           (component-inline-methods ret)))))))
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(defun %refresh-component-inline-methods (component rest)
  (%remove-component-inline-methods component)
  (%define-component-inline-methods component rest))
(defun parse-component-form (parent options)
        (type name &rest rest &key
              ;; the following list of keywords is reproduced below in the
              ;; remove-keys form.  important to keep them in sync
              components pathname default-component-class
              perform explain output-files operation-done-p
              depends-on serial in-order-to
              ;; list ends
              &allow-other-keys) options
    (declare (ignorable perform explain output-files operation-done-p))
    (check-component-input type name weakly-depends-on depends-on components in-order-to)
               (find-component parent name)
               ;; ignore the same object when rereading the defsystem
                (typep (find-component parent name)
                       (class-for-type parent type))))
      (error 'duplicate-names :name name))
                        '(components pathname default-component-class
                          perform explain output-files operation-done-p
                          depends-on serial in-order-to)
            (or (find-component parent name)
                (make-instance (class-for-type parent type)))))
      (when weakly-depends-on
        (setf depends-on (append depends-on (remove-if (complement #'find-system) weakly-depends-on))))
      (when (boundp '*serial-depends-on*)
        (setf depends-on
              (concatenate 'list *serial-depends-on* depends-on)))
      (apply #'reinitialize-instance ret
             :name (coerce-name name)
             :pathname pathname
             :parent parent
        (setf (module-default-component-class ret)
              (or default-component-class
                  (and (typep parent 'module)
                       (module-default-component-class parent))))
        (let ((*serial-depends-on* nil))
          (setf (module-components ret)
                (loop :for c-form :in components
                  :for c = (parse-component-form ret c-form)
                  :collect c
                  :if serial
                  :do (push (component-name c) *serial-depends-on*))))

        ;; check for duplicate names
        (let ((name-hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
          (loop :for c in (module-components ret) :do
            (if (gethash (component-name c)
                (error 'duplicate-names
                       :name (component-name c))
                (setf (gethash (component-name c)
             `((compile-op (compile-op ,@depends-on))
               (load-op (load-op ,@depends-on))))
            (component-do-first ret) `((compile-op (load-op ,@depends-on))))
Gary King's avatar
Gary King committed
      (%refresh-component-inline-methods ret rest)
;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; run-shell-command
;;;; run-shell-command functions for other lisp implementations will be
;;;; gratefully accepted, if they do the same thing.
;;;; If the docstring is ambiguous, send a bug report.
;;;; We probably should move this functionality to its own system and deprecate
;;;; use of it from the asdf package. However, this would break unspecified
;;;; existing software, so until a clear alternative exists, we can't deprecate
;;;; it, and even after it's been deprecated, we will support it for a few
;;;; years so everyone has time to migrate away from it. -- fare 2009-12-01
Daniel Barlow's avatar
Daniel Barlow committed
(defun run-shell-command (control-string &rest args)
  "Interpolate `args` into `control-string` as if by `format`, and
synchronously execute the result using a Bourne-compatible shell, with
output to `*verbose-out*`.  Returns the shell's exit code."
Daniel Barlow's avatar
Daniel Barlow committed
  (let ((command (apply #'format nil control-string args)))
    (asdf-message "; $ ~A~%" command)
     (apply #'sb-ext:run-program
Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
Francois-Rene Rideau committed
            #+win32 "sh" #-win32 "/bin/sh"
            (list  "-c" command)
            :input nil :output *verbose-out*
            #+win32 '(:search t) #-win32 nil))
Daniel Barlow's avatar
Daniel Barlow committed
Daniel Barlow's avatar
Daniel Barlow committed
      (list  "-c" command)
    ;; will this fail if command has embedded quotes - it seems to work
    (multiple-value-bind (stdout stderr exit-code)
Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
Francois-Rene Rideau committed
         (format nil "~a -c \"~a\""
                 #+mswindows "sh" #-mswindows "/bin/sh" command)
         :input nil :whole nil
         #+mswindows :show-window #+mswindows :hide)
      (format *verbose-out* "~{~&; ~a~%~}~%" stderr)
      (format *verbose-out* "~{~&; ~a~%~}~%" stdout)

     :shell-type "/bin/sh"

    #+clisp                     ;XXX not exactly *verbose-out*, I know
    (ext:run-shell-command  command :output :terminal :wait t)

                (ccl:run-program "/bin/sh" (list "-c" command)
                                 :input nil :output *verbose-out*
                                 :wait t)))
    #+ecl ;; courtesy of Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
    (si:system command)
    #-(or openmcl clisp lispworks allegro scl cmu sbcl ecl)
    (error "RUN-SHELL-COMMAND not implemented for this Lisp")
;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; system-relative-pathname

(defmethod system-source-file ((system-name t))
  (system-source-file (find-system system-name)))

(defun system-source-directory (system-name)
  (make-pathname :name nil
                 :type nil
                 :defaults (system-source-file system-name)))

(defun relativize-directory (directory)
  (if (eq (car directory) :absolute)
      (cons :relative (cdr directory))

(defun relativize-pathname-directory (pathspec)
  (let ((p (pathname pathspec)))
     :directory (relativize-directory (pathname-directory p))
     :defaults p)))

(defun system-relative-pathname (system pathname &key name type)
  (let ((directory (pathname-directory pathname)))
     (make-pathname :name (or name (pathname-name pathname))
                    :type (or type (pathname-type pathname))
                    :directory (relativize-directory directory))
;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; produce a string to identify current implementation.
;;; Initially stolen from SLIME's SWANK, hacked since.
(defparameter *implementation-features*
  '(:allegro :lispworks :sbcl :clozure :digitool :cmu :clisp
    :corman :cormanlisp :armedbear :gcl :ecl :scl))

(defparameter *os-features*
  '((:windows :mswindows :win32 :mingw32)
    (:solaris :sunos)
    :macosx :darwin :apple
    :freebsd :netbsd :openbsd :bsd
    :linux :unix))

(defparameter *architecture-features*
  '((:x86-64 :amd64 :x86_64 :x8664-target)
    (:x86 :i686 :i586 :pentium3 :i486 :i386 :pc386 :iapx386 :x8632-target :pentium4)
    :hppa64 :hppa :ppc64 (:ppc32 :ppc :powerpc) :sparc64 :sparc))

(defun lisp-version-string ()
  (let ((s (lisp-implementation-version)))
    (declare (ignorable s))
    #+(or scl sbcl ecl armedbear cormanlisp mcl) s
    #+cmu (substitute #\- #\/ s)
    #+clozure (format nil "~d.~d~@[-~d~]"
                      #+ppc64-target 64
                      #-ppc64-target nil)
    #+lispworks (format nil "~A~@[~A~]" s
                        (when (member :lispworks-64bit *features*) "-64bit"))
    #+allegro (format nil
                      ;; ANSI vs MoDeRn - thanks to Robert Goldman and Charley Cox
Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
Francois-Rene Rideau committed
                      (if (eq excl:*current-case-mode*
                              :case-sensitive-lower) "M" "A")
                      ;; Note if not using International ACL
                      ;; see
                      (if (member :64bit *features*) "-64bit" ""))
    #+(or clisp gcl) (subseq s 0 (position #\space s))
    #+digitool (subseq s 8)))

(defun first-feature (features)
      ((fp (thing)
         (etypecase thing
            (let ((feature (find thing *features*)))
              (when feature (return-from fp feature))))
           ;; allows features to be lists of which the first
           ;; member is the "main name", the rest being aliases
            (dolist (subf thing)
              (when (find subf *features*) (return-from fp (first thing))))))
    (loop :for f :in features
      :when (fp f) :return :it)))

(defun implementation-type ()
  (first-feature *implementation-features*))

(defun implementation-identifier ()
      ((maybe-warn (value fstring &rest args)
         (cond (value)
               (t (apply #'warn fstring args)
    (let ((lisp (maybe-warn (implementation-type)
                            "No implementation feature found in ~a."
          (os   (maybe-warn (first-feature *os-features*)
                            "No os feature found in ~a." *os-features*))
          (arch (maybe-warn (first-feature *architecture-features*)
                            "No architecture feature found in ~a."
          (version (maybe-warn (lisp-version-string)
                               "Don't know how to get Lisp ~
                                          implementation version.")))
       #\_ (lambda (x) (find x " /:\\(){}[]$#`'\""))
       (format nil "~(~@{~a~^-~}~)" lisp version os arch)))))

;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Generic support for configuration files
(defun user-configuration-directory ()
  (merge-pathnames #p".config/" (user-homedir-pathname)))
(defun system-configuration-directory ()

(defun configuration-inheritance-directive-p (x)
  (let ((kw '(:inherit-configuration :ignore-inherited-configuration)))
    (or (member x kw)
        (and (length=n-p x 1) (member (car x) kw)))))

(defun validate-configuration-form (form tag directive-validator
                                    &optional (description tag))
  (unless (and (consp form) (eq (car form) tag))
    (error "Error: Form doesn't specify ~A ~S~%" description form))
  (loop :with inherit = 0
    :for directive :in (cdr form) :do
    (if (configuration-inheritance-directive-p directive)
        (incf inherit)
        (funcall directive-validator directive))
    (unless (= inherit 1)
      (error "One and only one of ~S or ~S is required"
             :inherit-configuration :ignore-inherited-configuration)))

(defun validate-configuration-file (file validator description)
  (let ((forms (read-file-forms file)))
    (unless (length=n-p forms 1)
      (error "One and only one form allowed for ~A. Got: ~S~%" description forms))
    (funcall validator (car forms))))

(defun validate-configuration-directory (directory tag validator)
  (let ((files (sort (ignore-errors
                       (directory (merge-pathnames
                                   (make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild)
                                  #+sbcl :resolve-symlinks #+sbcl nil))
                     #'string< :key #'namestring)))
      ,@(loop :for file :in files :append
          (mapcar validator (read-file-forms file)))

;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; asdf-output-translations
;;; this code is heavily inspired from
;;; asdf-binary-translations, common-lisp-controller and cl-launch.
;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

(defvar *output-translations* ()
  "Either NIL (for uninitialized), or a list of one element,
said element itself being a sorted list of mappings.
Each mapping is a pair of a source pathname and destination pathname,
and the order is by decreasing length of namestring of the source pathname.")

(defvar *user-cache* '(:home ".cache" "common-lisp" :implementation))
(defvar *system-cache* '(:root "var" "cache" "common-lisp" :uid :implementation))

(defun output-translations ()
  (car *output-translations*))

(defun (setf output-translations) (x)
  (setf *output-translations*
         (stable-sort (copy-list x) #'>
                      :key (lambda (x) (length (pathname-directory (car x))))))))

(defun output-translations-initialized-p ()
  (and *output-translations* t))

(defun clear-output-translations ()
  "Undoes any initialization of the output translations.
You might want to call that before you dump an image that would be resumed
with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
  (setf *output-translations* '())

(defun resolve-location (x)
  (if (atom x)
      (resolve-absolute-location-component x nil)
      (loop :with path = (resolve-absolute-location-component (car x) t)
        :for (component . morep) :on (cdr x)
        :do (setf path (resolve-relative-location-component path component morep))
        :finally (return path))))

(defun resolve-absolute-location-component (x morep)
  (let* ((r
          (etypecase x
            (pathname x)
            (string (ensure-directory-pathname x))
            ((eql :home) (user-homedir-pathname))
            ((eql :user-cache) (resolve-location *user-cache*))
            ((eql :system-cache) (resolve-location *system-cache*))
            ((eql :current-directory) (truenamize *default-pathname-defaults*))