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test-module-pathnames.script 2.17 KiB
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;;; -*- Lisp -*-
(load "script-support")
(load "../asdf")

 (setf asdf:*central-registry* '(*default-pathname-defaults*))
 (asdf:load-system 'test-module-pathnames)
 (flet ((submodule (module name)
          (find name (asdf:module-components module)
                :key #'asdf:component-name :test #'equal))
        (pathname-foo (x)
          (list (pathname-directory x) (pathname-name x) (pathname-type x))))
   (let* ((system (asdf:find-system "test-module-pathnames"))
          (level1 (submodule system "sources/level1"))
          (static (submodule level1 "level2/static.file"))
          (test-tmp (submodule level1 "")))
     (assert (member (pathname-foo (asdf:component-relative-pathname test-tmp))
                     '(((:relative) "test-tmp" "cl")
                       (nil "test-tmp" "cl")) :test 'equal)
             "Didn't get the name of right")
     (assert (equal
              (pathname-foo (asdf:component-relative-pathname static))
              '((:relative "level2") "static" "file"))
             "Didn't get the name of static.file right"))) 
 (assert (find-package :test-package) nil
	 "package test-package not found")
 (assert (find-symbol (symbol-name '*file-tmp*) :test-package) nil
	 "symbol `*file-tmp*` not found")
 (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name '*file-tmp*) :test-package))
	 nil "symbol `*file-tmp*` has wrong value")

#| ; must be adapted to ABL
 (assert (probe-file (merge-pathnames 
		       :name "file1"
		       :type (pathname-type (compile-file-pathname "x"))
		       :directory '(:relative "sources" "level1"))))
	 nil "compiled file not found")

 (assert (find-symbol (symbol-name '*file-tmp2*) :test-package) nil
	 "symbol `*file-tmp2*` not found")
 (assert (symbol-value (find-symbol (symbol-name '*file-tmp2*) :test-package))
	 nil "symbol `*file-tmp2*` has wrong value")
 (assert (probe-file (merge-pathnames 
		       :name "file2"
		       :type (pathname-type (compile-file-pathname "x"))
		       :directory '(:relative "sources" "level1" "level2"))))
	 nil "compiled file not found")
