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test-run-program.script 7.95 KiB
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(assert-equal '("ok 1") (run-program "echo ok 1" :output :lines))

(unless (os-unix-p)
  (leave-test "The rest of this test is only supposed to work on Unix"))
;;; test asdf run-shell-command function
(setf *verbose-out* nil)
(assert-equal 1 (run-shell-command "false"))
(assert-equal 0 (run-shell-command "true"))
(unless (< 0 (run-shell-command "./bad-shell-command"))
  (error "Failed to capture exit status indicating shell command failure."))
(unless (equal 0 (run-shell-command "./good-shell-command"))
  (error "Failed to capture exit status indicating shell command failure."))
(let ((ok1 (format nil "; $ echo ok 1~%ok 1~%")))
   (with-output-to-string (s)
     (let ((*verbose-out* s))
       (run-shell-command "echo ~A 1" "ok")))
   (with-output-to-string (s)
     (let ((*verbose-out* t)
           (*standard-output* s))
       (run-shell-command "echo ok ~D" 1)))
;; NB1: run-shell-command is deprecated. Use run-program instead.
;; NB2: we do NOT support stderr capture to *verbose-out* anymore in run-shell-command.
;; If you want 2>&1 redirection, you know where to find it.
(assert-equal '("ok 1") (run-program "echo ok  1" :output :lines))
(assert-equal "ok  1" (run-program '("echo" "ok  1") :output :line))
(assert-equal '(:ok 1) (run-program '("echo" ":ok  1") :output :forms))
(assert-equal (format nil "ok  1~%") (run-program '("echo" "ok  1") :output :string))

;;#+allegro (trace excl:run-shell-command sys:reap-os-subprocess)
;;#+lispworks (trace system:run-shell-command system:pid-exit-status)

;; Poor man's test suite, lacking stefil.
(defmacro deftest (name formals &body body)
  `(defun ,name ,formals ,@body))
(defmacro is (x)
     (format! *error-output* "~&Checking whether ~S~%" ',x)
     (assert ,x)))
(defmacro signals (condition sexp)
     (format! *error-output* "~&Checking whether ~S signals ~S~%" ',sexp ',condition)
       (,condition () t)
       (t (c)
         (error "Expression ~S raises signal ~S, not ~S" ',sexp c ',condition))
       (:no-error ()
         (error "Expression ~S fails to raise condition ~S" ',sexp ',condition)))))

Testing run-program

;; We add a newline to the end of a string and return it.
;; We do it in this specific manner so that under unix, windows and macos,
;; format will choose the correct type of newline delimiters
(defun nl (str)
  (format nil "~A~%" str))

;; Convert the input format to a string stream, read it into a string,
;; and see if they match.
(defun slurp-stream-string/check (input-string &key (test #'string=))
  (let ((input-string (format nil input-string)))
    (with-open-stream (s (make-string-input-stream input-string))
      (is (funcall test input-string (slurp-stream-string s))))))

;; Call with a bunch of strings to call the above function upon.
(defun slurp-stream-string/checks (&rest input-string-list)
  (dolist (input-string input-string-list)
    (funcall #'slurp-stream-string/check input-string)))

;; Check to see if the input-string ins converted correctly to the
;; output-form
(defun slurp-stream-lines/check (input-string output-form &key (test #'equal))
  (let ((input-string (format nil input-string)))
    (with-open-stream (s (make-string-input-stream input-string))
      (is (funcall test output-form (slurp-stream-lines s))))))

;; Check to see if the individual input/output lists passed into this
;; function are correct.
(defun slurp-stream-lines/checks (&rest control-forms)
  (dolist (form control-forms)
    (destructuring-bind (input-string output-form) form
      (funcall #'slurp-stream-lines/check input-string output-form))))

(deftest test/slurp-stream-string ()
  ;; Check to make sure the string is exactly what it is when read
  ;; back through a stream. This is a format specifier so we can
  ;; portably test newline processing.
   " "
   "one two three four"
   "one two~%three four")

  ;; Check some boundary cases on the types passed.
  (signals error (slurp-stream-string nil))
  (signals error (slurp-stream-string 42))
  (signals error (slurp-stream-string "not valid"))

(deftest test/slurp-stream-lines ()
   ;; input-string first, then expected output-form after its parsing
   '("" nil)
   '(" " (" "))
   '("~%" (""))
   '("~%~%" ("" ""))
   '("~%~%~%" ("" "" ""))
   '("foo" ("foo"))
   '("~%foo" ("" "foo"))
   '("~%foo~%" ("" "foo")) ; consumes last newline!
   '("one~%two~%~%three" ("one" "two" "" "three"))
   '("one~%two~%~%three~%" ("one" "two" "" "three"))
   '("one two three four" ("one two three four"))
   '("one two~%three four~%" ("one two" "three four")))

  ;; Check some boundary cases on the types passed.
  ;; NOTE: NIL is ok since it means read from stdin!
  (signals error (slurp-stream-lines 42))
  (signals error (slurp-stream-lines "not valid"))

(defun common-test/run-program ()
  ;; Can we echo a simple string?
  (is (equal '("abcde")
             (run-program '("echo" "abcde") :output :lines)))
  (is (equal (nl "fghij")
             (run-program '("echo" "fghij") :output :string)))

  ;; Are spaces handled properly?
  (is (equal '("Hello World")
             (run-program '("echo" "Hello World") :output :lines)))
  (is (equal (nl "Hello World")
             (run-program '("echo" "Hello World") :output :string)))
  (is (equal (nl "Hello World")
             (run-program "echo Hello World" :output :string)))

  ;; Test that run-program fails properly with an
  ;; empty program string
  #+(or clozure (and allegro os-unix) cmu (and lispworks os-unix) sbcl scl)
  (signals error (run-program '("") :output :lines))

  ;; An empty string itself is ok since it is passed to the shell.
  (is (equal "" (run-program "" :output :string)))

  ;; Test that run-program fails properly with a
  ;; nil program list
  #+(or clozure (and allegro os-unix) cmu sbcl scl)
  (signals error (run-program nil :output :lines))

  ;; Test that run-program fails properly when the
  ;; executable doesn't exist.
  (signals error (run-program '("does-not-exist") :output :lines))
  (signals error (run-program "does-not-exist" :output :lines))

  (is (equal 0 (run-program "echo ok" :output nil)))
  (is (equal 0 (run-program '("echo" "ok") :output nil)))

(defun unix-only-test/run-program ()

  (is (equal 0 (run-program "true")))
  (signals subprocess-error (run-program "false"))
  (is (equal 1 (run-program "false" :ignore-error-status t)))

  (let ((tf (native-namestring (test-source "test-file"))))

    ;; a basic smoke test
    (is (equal '("Single")
               (run-program `("grep" "Single" ,tf) :output :lines)))

    ;; Make sure space is handled correctly
    (is (equal '("double entry")
               (run-program `("grep" "double entry" ,tf) :output :lines)))

    ;; Make sure space is handled correctly
    (is (equal '("triple word entry")
               (run-program `("grep" "triple word entry" ,tf) :output :lines)))

    ;; Testing special characters
    (loop :for char :across "+-_.,%@:/\\!&*(){}"
      :for str = (string char) :do
      (is (equal (list (format nil "escape ~A" str))
                  :output :lines))))

    ;; Test that run-program signals an error
    ;; with an executable that doesn't return 0
    (signals subprocess-error (run-program '("false") :output :lines))

    ;; Test that we can suppress the error on run-program
                            :output :lines :ignore-error-status t))))

(defun windows-only-test/run-program ()

  ;; a basic smoke test
  (is (equal (run-program '("cmd" "/c" "echo" "ok") :output :lines)

(deftest test/run-program ()
  #+os-unix (common-test/run-program)
  #+os-unix (unix-only-test/run-program)
  #+os-windows (windows-only-test/run-program)
