(in-package :asdf-tools)
;;; Getting a list of source files in a system
(defun enough-namestring! (base pathname)
(let ((e (enough-namestring base pathname)))
(assert (relative-pathname-p e))
(defun enough-namestrings (base pathnames)
(loop :with b = (ensure-pathname base :want-absolute t :want-directory t)
:for p :in pathnames
:collect (enough-namestring! p b)))
(defun system-source-files (system &key monolithic)
(let* ((sys (find-system system))
(required-components system
:other-systems monolithic
:goal-operation 'load-op
:keep-operation 'load-op
:keep-component 'file-component))
(dir (ensure-pathname
(system-source-directory sys)
:want-absolute t :want-directory t))
(pathnames (mapcar 'component-pathname components)))
(enough-namestrings dir pathnames)))
;;; Making release tarballs for asdf, asdf/defsystem, uiop.
(defun tarname (name) (strcat name ".tar.gz"))
(defun make-tarball-under-build (name base files)
(check-type name string)
(ensure-pathname base :want-absolute t :want-existing t :want-directory t)
(dolist (f files)
(check-type f string))
(let* ((base
:want-absolute t :want-directory t
:want-existing t :truename t))
:defaults (build-dir)
:want-relative t :ensure-absolute t
:ensure-subpath t :ensure-directory t))
(tarname name)
:defaults (build-dir)
:want-relative t :ensure-absolute t
:ensure-subpath t :want-file t
:ensure-directories-exist t)))
(assert (< 6 (length (pathname-directory destination))))
(when (probe-file* destination)
(error "Destination ~S already exists, not taking chances - you can delete it yourself."
(ensure-directories-exist destination)
(run* `(cp "-pHux" --parents ,@files ,destination) :directory base :show t)
(run* `(tar "zcf" ,tarball "-C" ,(build-dir)
;; TODO: Have better autodetection for which tar is being used,
;; and fall back to no option if not recognized.
;; #+linux (* :owner root :group root) ;; assume GNU tar on Linux.
;; #+darwin (* :uid 0 :gid 0) ;; assume BSD tar on Darwin.
(,name /)) :show t)
(delete-directory-tree destination :validate #'(lambda (x) (equal x destination)))
(defun uiop-files ()
(list* "" "uiop.asd" "asdf-driver.asd" (system-source-files "uiop")))
(defun uiop-name ()
(format nil "uiop-~A" (version-from-file)))
(deftestcmd make-uiop-tarball ()
(make-tarball-under-build (uiop-name) (uiop-dir) (uiop-files)))
(defun asdf-defsystem-files ()
"list files in asdf/defsystem"
(list* "build/asdf.lisp" ;; for bootstrap purposes
"asdf.asd" "version.lisp-expr" "header.lisp"
(system-source-files "asdf/defsystem")))
(defun asdf-defsystem-name ()
(format nil "asdf-defsystem-~A" (version-from-file)))
(deftestcmd make-asdf-defsystem-tarball ()
(make-tarball-under-build (asdf-defsystem-name) (asdf-dir) (asdf-defsystem-files)))
(strcat "asdf-" (version-from-file)))
(defun asdf-all-files ()
(remove-if #'(lambda (x) (string-prefix-p "ext/" x))
(with-asdf-dir () (run/lines '(git ls-files)))))
(deftestcmd make-asdf-all-tarball ()
(make-tarball-under-build (asdf-all-name) (asdf-dir) (asdf-all-files)))
(defun asdf-lisp-name ()
(format nil "asdf-~A.lisp" (version-from-file)))
(deftestcmd make-asdf-lisp ()
(concatenate-files (list (pn "build/asdf.lisp"))
(pn "build/" (asdf-lisp-name))))
(deftestcmd make-archive ()
"build tarballs for release"
;;; Publishing tarballs onto the public repository
(defvar *clnet* "")
(defvar *clnet-asdf-public* "/project/asdf/public_html/")
(defun public-path (x) (strcat *clnet-asdf-public* x))
(deftestcmd publish-archive ()
"publish tarballs to the website"
(let ((tarballs (mapcar 'tarname (list (uiop-name) (asdf-defsystem-name) (asdf-all-name)))))
(run* `(rsync "--times" "--chmod=a+rX,ug+w"
,@tarballs ,(asdf-lisp-name) (,*clnet* ":" ,(public-path "archives/")))
:show t :directory (pn "build/")))
(format t "~&To download the tarballs, point your browser at:~%
(deftestcmd link-archive ()
"symlink new tarballs on the website"
(run* (format nil "ln -sf ~S ~S ; ln -sf ~S ~S ; ln -sf ~S ~S ; ln -sf ~S ~S"
(public-path "archives/uiop.tar.gz")
(tarname (asdf-defsystem-name))
(public-path "archives/asdf-defsystem.tar.gz")
(public-path "archives/asdf.tar.gz")
(public-path "archives/asdf.lisp"))
:show t :host *clnet*))
(deftestcmd make-and-publish-archive ()
"make and publish tarballs"
(defalias archive make-and-publish-archive)
(defalias install make-and-publish-archive)
(defun get-debian-packager-keyid ()
(or (getenv "DEBSIGN_KEYID")
(error "Please export variable DEBSIGN_KEYID to be the 8-hex hash of your GnuPG secret key")))
;;; Making a debian package
(deftestcmd debian-package ((release "release"))
(let* ((debian-version (debian-version-from-file release))
(version (version-from-file release))
(has-ext-p (probe-file* (pn "ext/inferior-shell/inferior-shell.asd")))
(branch (get-git-branch))
(keyid (get-debian-packager-keyid)))
(unless (equal version (parse-debian-version debian-version))
(error "Debian version ~A doesn't match asdf version ~A" debian-version version))
(git '(checkout release))
(format t "building package version ~A~%" (debian-version-from-file))
(run* `(git-buildpackage
;; --git-ignore-new ;; for testing purpose
;; Override of the signing key, don't extract the name from the Changelog:
(--git-builder="debuild -k0x",keyid" -i -I")
(--git-debian-branch= ,release)
;;--git-upstream-tree=tag ;; if the changelog says 3.1.2, looks at that tag
;;(--git-upstream-branch= ,version) ;; if the changelog says 3.1.2, looks at that tag
--git-tag --git-retag
;; --git-no-pristine-tar
:directory (pn) :show t)
(git `(checkout ,branch))
(when has-ext-p (ext-reset))
(defun debian-architecture ()
(run/ss `(dpkg --print-architecture)))
(deftestcmd publish-debian-package (release)
"publish a debian package"
(let ((changes (strcat "cl-asdf_" (debian-version-without-epoch (debian-version-from-file release))
"_" (debian-architecture) ".changes")))
(run* `(dput mentors ,(pn "../" changes)))))
(deftestcmd release (new-version lisps scripts systems)
"all steps to release the code (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)"
(break) ;; for each function, offer to do it or not (?)
(with-asdf-dir ()
(let ((log (newlogfile "release" "all"))
(releasep (= (length (parse-version new-version)) 3)))
(when releasep
(let ((debian-version (debian-version-from-file)))
(unless (equal new-version (parse-debian-version debian-version))
(error "You're trying to release version ~A but the debian/changelog wasn't properly updated"
(when (nth-value 1 (run '(dpkg-parsechangelog) :output nil :error-output :lines))
(error "Malformed debian/changelog entry")))
scripts ;; TODO: needs to be passed as argument!
(test-all-no-stop) ;; TODO: NEED ARGUMENTS!
(test-load-systems lisps systems)
(bump new-version)
(when releasep
;; SUCCESS! now publish more widely
(when releasep
(log! log t "Don't forget to send a debian mentors request!"))
(log! log "Don't forget to send announcement to asdf-announce, asdf-devel, etc.")
(log! log "Don't forget to move all fixed bugs from Fix Committed -> Fix Released on launchpad"))))