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asdf-pathname-test.script 20.3 KiB
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;;; -*- Lisp -*-
(load "script-support")

;;; test asdf pathname specifications
;;; this is intended to run in a directory like '/test/20100310T000000Z/sbcl', in which it creates a
;;; test transcript. the tests construct a simple system/module/source-file system definition and
;;; verify that component pathname specifications refere to lisp source files in the directories
;;;   '/test/{system1,system2}/'
;;; any failure is recorded as a transcript entry which indicates
;;;   ( ( system-pathname module-pathname file-pathname ) missing-pathnames )
;;; where missing pathnames is a list of the component-pathname values which failed to designate an intended file.
;;; of there, if the pathname is logical, both the logical and physical pathname appears.
;;; where NIL appears, the probe-file succeeded.
;;; the test creates the logical host "ASDFTEST" and the system "test-system".
;;; both are removed at the conclusion.
;;; 20100314:
;;; (:module "a/b/c.d") => (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "a" "b" "c.d"))
;;; (:file "a/b/c.d") => (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "a" "b") :name "c.d" :type "lisp"))
;;; (:static-file "a/b/c.d") => (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "a" "b") :name "c" :type "d"))
;;; (:module "/a/b/c.d") => (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "a" "b" "c.d"))
;;; (:file "/a/b/c.d") => (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "a" "b") :name "c.d" :type "lisp"))
;;; (:static-file "/a/b/c.d") => (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "a" "b") :name "c" :type "d"))
;;; (:file "file2.lisp") means #p"file2.lisp.lisp"
;;; (:static-file "file2.lisp") means #p"file2.lisp"
;;; (:file "module1-1/file3.lisp") means #p"module1-1/file3.lisp.lisp" (assuming /)
;;; (:static-file "module1-1/file3.lisp") means #p"module1-1/file3.lisp"

(defun test-component-pathnames (&key (root (asdf::pathname-directory-pathname *asdf-fasl*))
                                 (delete-host t)
                                 (support-string-pathnames nil))
    (let* ((bin-type (pathname-type (compile-file-pathname "test.lisp")))
           (root-directory-namestring (format nil "~{/~a~}/" (rest (pathname-directory root))))
           (system-count 0)
           (system-failures 0)
           (file-count 0)
           (file-failures 0)
           (directory-count 0)
           (directory-failures 0)
           (*print-pretty* nil)
           (start-time 0))

      (with-open-file (result-stream (asdf::merge-pathnames* "output.txt" root)
                                     :direction :output
                                     :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create)
        (flet ((src-dir (&rest path) (append (pathname-directory root) (cons "asdf-src" path)))
               (bin-dir (&rest path) (append (pathname-directory root) (cons "asdf-bin" path))))
          (setf (logical-pathname-translations "ASDFTEST")
                `((,(format nil "**;*.~a" bin-type)
                   ,(make-pathname :directory (bin-dir :wild-inferiors)
                                   :name :wild :type bin-type :version nil))
                  (,(format nil "**;*.~a.*" bin-type)
                   ,(make-pathname :directory (bin-dir :wild-inferiors)
                                   :name :wild :type bin-type))
                   ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir :wild-inferiors)
                                   :name :wild :type :wild :version nil))
                   ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir :wild-inferiors)
                                   :name :wild :type :wild))))

          (let ((failures nil)
                (systems `(,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system1") :name nil :type nil)
                           ,(make-pathname :host "ASDFTEST" :directory '(:absolute "system1"))
                           ,(parse-namestring "ASDFTEST:system1;")
                           ,@(when support-string-pathnames
                               `(,(format nil "~{/~a~}/asdf-src/system1" (rest (pathname-directory root)))))))

                (modules `(nil
                           ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative) :name nil :type nil)
                           ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "module2") :name nil :type nil)
                           ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "module2" "module3") :name nil :type nil)
                           ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system2" "module4") :name nil :type nil)
                           ,(make-pathname :host "ASDFTEST" :directory '(:absolute "system2" "module4") :name nil :type nil)
                           ,(parse-namestring "ASDFTEST:system2;module4;")
                           ,@(when support-string-pathnames
                                 ,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring "asdf-src/system1/module1")
                                 ,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring "asdf-src/system1/module1/")
                                 ,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring "asdf-src/system1/module2/")
                                 ,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring "asdf-src/system1/module2/module3/")
                                 ,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring "asdf-src/system2/module4/")))))

                (files `(nil
                         ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative) :name "untyped-file" :type nil)
                         ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative) :name "file" :type "lisp")
                         ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "module2") :name  "untyped-file" :type nil)
                         ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "module2") :name  "file" :type "lisp")
                         ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "module2" "module3") :name  "file" :type "lisp")
                         ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system1" "module1") :name "untyped-file" :type nil)
                         ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system1" "module1") :name "file" :type "lisp")
                         ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system1" "module2") :name "untyped-file" :type nil)
                         ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system1" "module2") :name "file" :type "lisp")
                         ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system1" "module2" "module3") :name "file" :type "lisp")
                         ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system2" "module4") :name "file" :type "lisp")
                         ,(make-pathname :host "ASDFTEST" :directory '(:absolute "system2" "module4") :name "file" :type "lisp")
                         ,(parse-namestring "ASDFTEST:system2;module4;file.lisp")
                         ,@(when support-string-pathnames
                             `(,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring "asdf-src/system1/module1/file.lisp")))))
                (test-files (remove-duplicates
                             (sort (loop
                                     ;; enumerate (system x module x file) pathname variations for relative
                                     ;; file component names. no additions for the absolute specifications,
                                     ;; as they should reiterate one of the relative names
                                     for directory in (list (src-dir "system1")
                                                            (src-dir "system1" "module1")
                                                            (src-dir "system1" "module2")
                                                            (src-dir "system1" "module2" "module3")
                                                            (src-dir "system2" "module4"))
                                     ;; :pathname #p"untyped-file"
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "untyped-file" :type nil)
                                     ;; :file "file"
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "file" :type "lisp")     ; for source files
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "file" :type nil)        ; for static files
                                     ;; :file "typed-file.type"
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "typed-file.type" :type "lisp")  ; for source files
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "typed-file" :type "type")       ; for static files for :pathname arg
                                     ;; :static-file "static-file.type"
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "static-file" :type "type")
                                     ;; :file "module2/file"
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "file" :type "lisp")
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "typed-file.type" :type "lisp")          ; for source files
                                     ;;collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "typed-file.type" :type nil)          ; for static files ;; invalid as static file, unlike the below.
                                     ;; :static-file "module2/static-file.type"
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "static-file" :type "type")

                                     ;;; source file pathname variations
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory (append directory '("module2")) :name  "untyped-file" :type nil)
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory (append directory '("module2")) :name  "file" :type "lisp")
                                         collect (make-pathname :directory (append directory '("module2")) :name  "typed-file.type" :type "lisp")
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory (append directory '("module2")) :name  "static-file" :type "type")
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory (append directory '("module2" "module3")) :name  "file" :type "lisp")
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory (append directory '("module2" "module3")) :name  "file" :type "lisp"))
                                   ;; generate an alternative key in case namestring fails on a name w/ a dot
                                   :key #'(lambda (p) (format nil "~{~a~^.~}~@[.~a~]~@[.~a~]" (rest (pathname-directory p)) (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p))))
                             :test #'equalp :from-end t)))

            (dolist (file test-files)
              (ensure-directories-exist file)
              (with-open-file (stream file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) stream))

            (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year) (decode-universal-time (setf start-time (get-universal-time)) 0)
              (let ((header (format nil "~4,'0d~2,'0d~2,'0dT~2,'0d~2,'0d~2,'0dZ : ~a ~a ~a"
                                    year month day hour minute second
                (format result-stream ";;; ~a~%~%" header)
                (format *trace-output* "~%;;; ~a~%~%" header)))
            (sleep 1)

            (dolist (system-pathname systems)
              (dolist (module-pathname modules)
                (dolist (file-pathname files)
                  (let ((configuration (list system-pathname module-pathname file-pathname))
                        (system-definition `(asdf:defsystem :system1 :pathname ,system-pathname
                                             :components ((:module :module1 :pathname ,module-pathname
                                                           :components ((:file "file" :pathname ,file-pathname)
                                                                        (:file "module2/file" :pathname ,file-pathname)
                                                                        ,@(unless (or (typep system-pathname 'logical-pathname)
                                                                                      (typep module-pathname 'logical-pathname))
                                                                            `((:file "typed-file.type" :pathname ,file-pathname)
                                                                              (:static-file "static-file.type" :pathname ,file-pathname)
                                                                              (:file "module2/typed-file.type" :pathname ,file-pathname)
                                                                              (:static-file "module2/static-file.type" :pathname ,file-pathname)
                                                                              (:static-file ,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring
                                                                                            :pathname ,file-pathname)))))))))

                    (block :test-system
                        ((error (lambda (c)
                                  (incf system-failures)
                                  (format *error-output* "~&error! ~a~%sysdef:~% ~W~%" c system-definition)
                                  #+sbcl (sb-debug:backtrace 69)
                                  #+clozure (ccl:print-call-history :count 69 :start-frame-number 1)
                                  #+clisp (system::print-backtrace)
                                  (format result-stream "~&~%***~%error: ~a~%~:w"
                                          c system-definition)
                                  (return-from :test-system))))
                        (unless (and (or (typep system-pathname 'logical-pathname)
                                         (typep module-pathname 'logical-pathname))
                                     (and (stringp file-pathname) (find #\. file-pathname)))
                          (incf system-count)
                          (let* ((system (eval system-definition))
                                 (module (first (asdf:module-components system)))
                                 (file-components (asdf:module-components module)))
                            (incf file-count (length file-components))
                            (incf directory-count 2)
                            (labels ((translate-if-needed (pathname)
                                       (if (typep pathname 'logical-pathname)
                                         (cons (translate-logical-pathname pathname) pathname)
                                     (test-module (module)
                                       (incf directory-count)
                                       (unless #-clisp (probe-file (asdf:component-pathname module))
                                               #+clisp (ext:probe-directory (asdf:component-pathname module))
                                         (incf directory-failures)
                                         (push (list (type-of module) (asdf:component-name module)
                                                     (translate-if-needed (asdf:component-pathname module))
                                                     (list (when (asdf:component-parent module) (asdf:component-pathname  (asdf:component-parent module)))))
                                     (test-file (file)
                                       (incf file-count)
                                       (unless (ignore-errors
                                                (with-open-file (stream (asdf:component-pathname file) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :error)
                                                  (print start-time stream)))
                                         (incf file-failures)
                                         (push (list (type-of file) (asdf:component-name file)
                                                     (translate-if-needed (asdf:component-pathname file))
                                                     (list (asdf:component-pathname  (asdf:component-system file))
                                                           (asdf:component-pathname  (asdf:component-parent file))))
                              (test-module system)
                              (test-module module)
                              (dolist (file file-components) (test-file file)))))))))))

            (format result-stream "~% target files [~s]~:{~% ~s -> ~s~}~%"
                    (length test-files)
                    (mapcar #'(lambda (file)
                                (list file (if (probe-file file)
                                             (if (> (file-write-date file) start-time)

            (format result-stream "~&~%~% translations: ~a: ~:w" "ASDFTEST" (logical-pathname-translations "ASDFTEST"))

            (format result-stream "~&~%~% variations:~% systems: ~:w~% modules: ~:w~% files: ~:w"
                    systems modules files)

            (let ((homogeneous-failures 0) (*print-length* nil))
              (format result-stream "~&~%~% pathname failures [~s]:" (length failures))
              (dolist (failure failures)
                (destructuring-bind (type name intended-pathname configuration parent-pathnames) failure
                  (format result-stream "~&~%~:[ ~;!~]~a~24T~s~%  missing:~24T~s~%  configuration:~24T~s~%  parent pathnames:~24T~s"
                          (flet ((logical-p (p) (typep p 'logical-pathname)))
                            (when (or (every #'logical-p configuration) (notany #'logical-p configuration))
                              (incf homogeneous-failures)))
                          type name intended-pathname configuration parent-pathnames)))
              (terpri result-stream)
              (print (print `(:result :type ,(lisp-implementation-type) :version ,(lisp-implementation-version)
                                      :file ,(pathname result-stream)
                                      :system-failures (,system-failures ,system-count)
                                      :directory-failures (,directory-failures ,directory-count)
                                      :file-failures (,file-failures ,file-count)
                                      :homogeneous ,homogeneous-failures)
              (terpri *trace-output*)
              (force-output *trace-output*)
              (and (zerop system-failures) (zerop directory-failures)
                   (zerop file-failures) (zerop homogeneous-failures)))))))
    (when delete-host
      (setf (logical-pathname-translations "ASDFTEST") nil))
    (remhash "test-system" asdf::*defined-systems*)))

Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
Francois-Rene Rideau committed
 (format t "source registry: ~S~%" (asdf::source-registry))
 (format t "output translations: ~S~%" (asdf::output-translations))

 (or (test-component-pathnames :delete-host t :support-string-pathnames nil)
     (leave-lisp "test failed" 1)))

;;; (load "LIBRARY:de;setf;utility;asdf;cp-test.lisp")
;;; (logical-pathname-translations "ASDFTEST")
;;; (gethash "test-system" asdf::*defined-systems*)