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Commit a381162b authored by Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar Francois-Rene Rideau
Browse files

ASDF 1.628: another pass at fixing COMPONENT-RELATIVE-PATHNAME.

Try to play well with LOGICAL-PATHNAMEs.
Introduce utility MERGE-PATHNAMES* that tries to do the Right Thing(tm).
parent d2460719
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......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
(cl:in-package :cl-user)
(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 2) (safety 2)))
(declaim (optimize (speed 2) (debug 2) (safety 3)))
#+ecl (require 'cmp)
......@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
:nicknames '(#:asdf-extensions)
:use '(#:common-lisp)
:unintern '(#:make-collector)
......@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@
#:pathname-sans-name+type ;; deprecated. Use pathname-directory-pathname
......@@ -132,8 +133,10 @@
:use '(:common-lisp :asdf-utilities)
......@@ -244,7 +247,7 @@
;; This parameter isn't actually user-visible
;; -- please use the exported function ASDF:ASDF-VERSION below.
;; the 1+ hair is to ensure that we don't do an inadvertent find and replace
(subseq "VERSION:1.627" (1+ (length "VERSION"))))
(subseq "VERSION:1.628" (1+ (length "VERSION"))))
(defun asdf-version ()
"Exported interface to the version of ASDF currently installed. A string.
......@@ -462,6 +465,14 @@ structure will mirror that of the source."))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; General Purpose Utilities
(defmacro while-collecting ((&rest collectors) &body body)
(let ((vars (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (gensym (symbol-name x))) collectors))
(initial-values (mapcar (constantly nil) collectors)))
`(let ,(mapcar #'list vars initial-values)
(flet ,(mapcar #'(lambda (c v) `(,c (x) (push x ,v))) collectors vars)
(values ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (v) `(nreverse ,v)) vars))))))
(defmacro aif (test then &optional else)
`(let ((it ,test)) (if it ,then ,else)))
......@@ -478,6 +489,33 @@ Deprecated. Use PATHNAME-DIRECTORY-PATHNAME instead."
and NIL NAME, TYPE and VERSION components"
(make-pathname :name nil :type nil :version nil :defaults pathname))
(defun merge-pathnames* (specified &optional (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
"MERGE-PATHNAMES* is like MERGE-PATHNAMES except that if the SPECIFIED pathname
does not have an absolute directory, then the HOST and DEVICE come from the DEFAULTS."
(let* ((specified (pathname specified))
(defaults (pathname defaults))
(directory (pathname-directory specified))
(directory (if (stringp directory) `(:absolute ,directory) directory))
(name (or (pathname-name specified) (pathname-name defaults)))
(type (or (pathname-type specified) (pathname-type defaults)))
(version (or (pathname-version specified) (pathname-version defaults))))
(multiple-value-bind (host device directory)
(ecase (first directory)
(values (pathname-host defaults)
(pathname-device defaults)
(pathname-directory defaults)))
(values (pathname-host specified)
(pathname-device specified)
(values (pathname-host defaults)
(pathname-device defaults)
(append (pathname-directory defaults) (cdr directory)))))
(make-pathname :host host :device device :directory directory
:name name :type type :version version))))
(define-modify-macro appendf (&rest args)
append "Append onto list")
......@@ -485,19 +523,33 @@ and NIL NAME, TYPE and VERSION components"
(declare (dynamic-extent format-args))
(apply #'format *verbose-out* format-string format-args))
;;; with apologies to Christophe Rhodes ...
(defun split (string &optional max (ws '(#\Space #\Tab)))
(flet ((is-ws (char) (find char ws)))
(let ((list nil) (start 0) (words 0) end)
(when (and max (>= words (1- max)))
(return (cons (subseq string start) list)))
(setf end (position-if #'is-ws string :start start))
(push (subseq string start end) list)
(incf words)
(unless end (return list))
(setf start (1+ end)))))))
(defun split (string &key max (separator '(#\Space #\Tab)))
;; Beware: this API function has changed in ASDF 1.628!
;; optional arguments became keyword arguments, and max now works from the end.
"Split STRING in components separater by any of the characters in the sequence SEPARATOR,
return a list.
If MAX is specified, then no more than max(1,MAX) components will be returned,
starting the separation from the end, e.g. when called with arguments
\"a.b.c.d.e\" :max 3 :separator \".\" it will return (\"a.b.c\" \"d\" \"e\")."
(let ((list nil) (words 0) (end (length string)))
(flet ((separatorp (char) (find char separator))
(done () (return-from split (cons (subseq string 0 end) list))))
:for start = (if (and max (>= words (1- max)))
(position-if #'separatorp string :end end :from-end t)) :do
(when (null start)
(push (subseq string (1+ start) end) list)
(incf words)
(setf end start)))))
(defun split-name-type (filename)
(destructuring-bind (name &optional type)
(split filename :max 2 :separator ".")
(if (equal name "")
(values filename nil)
(values name type))))
(defun component-name-to-pathname-components (s &optional force-directory)
"Splits the path string S, returning three values:
......@@ -516,7 +568,7 @@ The intention of this function is to support structured component names,
e.g., \(:file \"foo/bar\"\), which will be unpacked to relative
(check-type s string)
(let* ((components (split s nil "/"))
(let* ((components (split s :separator "/"))
(last-comp (car (last components))))
(multiple-value-bind (relative components)
(if (equal (first components) "")
......@@ -625,11 +677,6 @@ actually-existing directory."
(and (<= 0 start)
(string-equal s suffix :start1 start))))
(defun make-collector ()
(let ((acc ()))
(values (lambda (x) (push x acc))
(lambda () (reverse acc)))))
(defun read-file-forms (file)
(with-open-file (in file)
(loop :with eof = (list nil)
......@@ -656,36 +703,36 @@ actually-existing directory."
(defun truenamize (p)
"Resolve as much of a pathname as possible"
(block :t
(setf p (translate-logical-pathname (merge-pathnames p)))
(ignore-errors (return-from :t (truename p)))
(block nil
(when (typep p 'logical-pathname) (return p))
(ignore-errors (return (truename p)))
(let ((host (pathname-host p))
(device (pathname-device p))
(directory (pathname-directory p)))
(when (or (atom directory) (not (eq :absolute (car directory))))
(return-from :t p))
(return p))
(let ((sofar (ignore-errors
(truename (make-pathname :host host :device device
:directory '(:absolute))))))
(unless sofar (return-from :t p))
(unless sofar (return p))
(loop :for component :in (cdr directory)
:for rest :on (cdr directory)
:for more = (ignore-errors
(make-pathname :directory `(:relative ,component))
sofar))) :do
(if more
(setf sofar more)
(return-from :t
(make-pathname :host nil :device nil
:directory `(:relative ,@rest)
:defaults p)
(return-from :t
(make-pathname :host nil :device nil
:directory nil
:defaults p)
......@@ -823,20 +870,9 @@ actually-existing directory."
(component-pathname it)
(truename *default-pathname-defaults*)))
(defmethod component-relative-pathname ((component module))
(let ((specified-pathname (or (slot-value component 'relative-pathname)
(component-name component))))
(if (pathnamep specified-pathname)
(multiple-value-bind (relative path)
(component-name-to-pathname-components specified-pathname t)
:directory `(,relative ,@path)
:host (pathname-host (component-parent-pathname component)))))))
(defmethod component-pathname ((component component))
(merge-pathnames (component-relative-pathname component)
(component-parent-pathname component)))
(merge-pathnames* (component-relative-pathname component)
(component-parent-pathname component)))
(defmethod component-property ((c component) property)
(cdr (assoc property (slot-value c 'properties) :test #'equal)))
......@@ -869,9 +905,9 @@ actually-existing directory."
(defmethod version-satisfies ((cver string) version)
(let ((x (mapcar #'parse-integer
(split cver nil '(#\.))))
(split cver :separator ".")))
(y (mapcar #'parse-integer
(split version nil '(#\.)))))
(split version :separator "."))))
(labels ((bigger (x y)
(cond ((not y) t)
((not x) nil)
......@@ -920,7 +956,7 @@ called with an object of type asdf:system."
;;; convention that functions in this list are prefixed SYSDEF-
(defparameter *system-definition-search-functions*
'(sysdef-central-registry-search sysdef-source-registry-search))
(defun system-definition-pathname (system)
(let ((system-name (coerce-name system)))
......@@ -1082,31 +1118,47 @@ to `~a` which is not a directory.~@:>"
(defclass doc-file (static-file) ())
(defclass html-file (doc-file) ())
(defmethod source-file-type ((component module) (s module)) :directory)
(defmethod source-file-type ((c cl-source-file) (s module)) "lisp")
(defmethod source-file-type ((c c-source-file) (s module)) "c")
(defmethod source-file-type ((c java-source-file) (s module)) "java")
(defmethod source-file-type ((c html-file) (s module)) "html")
(defmethod source-file-type ((c static-file) (s module)) nil)
(defun merge-component-relative-pathname (pathname name type)
(multiple-value-bind (relative path filename)
(component-name-to-pathname-components name)
(or pathname (make-pathname :directory `(,relative ,@path)))
(if type
(make-pathname :name filename :type type)
(defmethod component-relative-pathname ((component source-file))
;; This binding of *default-pathname-defaults* is required notably because
;; it will provide the default host to the above make-pathname, which may
;; crucially matter to e.g. people somehow using logical-pathnames.
(let ((*default-pathname-defaults*
(component-pathname (component-parent component))))
(slot-value component 'relative-pathname)
(component-name component)
(source-file-type component (component-system component)))))
(defun merge-component-relative-pathname (name &key type defaults)
;; The defaults are required notably because they provide the default host
;; to the below make-pathname, which may crucially matter to
;; e.g. people somehow using logical-pathnames.
(etypecase name
(merge-component-relative-pathname (string-downcase name) :type type :defaults defaults))
(multiple-value-bind (relative path filename)
(component-name-to-pathname-components name (eq type :directory))
(multiple-value-bind (name type)
((or (eq type :directory) (null filename))
(values nil nil))
(values filename type))
(split-name-type filename)))
(let* ((defaults (pathname (or defaults *default-pathname-defaults*)))
(host (pathname-host defaults))
(device (pathname-device defaults)))
(make-pathname :directory `(,relative ,@path)
:name name :type type
:host host :device device)))))))
(defmethod component-relative-pathname ((component component))
(or (slot-value component 'relative-pathname)
(component-name component))
:type (source-file-type component (component-system component))
:defaults (let ((parent (component-parent component)))
(and parent (component-pathname parent)))))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Operations
......@@ -2048,7 +2100,7 @@ output to `*verbose-out*`. Returns the shell's exit code."
(defun system-relative-pathname (system pathname &key name type)
(let ((directory (pathname-directory pathname)))
(make-pathname :name (or name (pathname-name pathname))
:type (or type (pathname-type pathname))
:directory (relativize-directory directory))
......@@ -2181,9 +2233,7 @@ output to `*verbose-out*`. Returns the shell's exit code."
(defun validate-configuration-directory (directory tag validator)
(let ((files (sort (ignore-errors
(directory (merge-pathnames
(make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild)
(directory (make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild :defaults directory)
#+sbcl :resolve-symlinks #+sbcl nil))
#'string< :key #'namestring)))
......@@ -2231,8 +2281,12 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
(make-pathname :directory '(:relative :wild-inferiors)
:name :wild :type :wild :version nil))
(defparameter *wild-asd*
(make-pathname :directory '(:relative :wild-inferiors)
:name :wild :type "asd" :version nil))
(defun wilden (path)
(merge-pathnames *wild-path* path))
(merge-pathnames* *wild-path* path))
(defun resolve-absolute-location-component (x wildenp)
(let* ((r
......@@ -2267,7 +2321,7 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
(when (and (absolute-pathname-p s) (not (pathname-match-p s (wilden super))))
(error "pathname ~S is not relative to ~S" s super))
(merge-pathnames s super)))
(merge-pathnames* s super)))
(defun resolve-location (x &optional wildenp)
(if (atom x)
......@@ -2376,13 +2430,13 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
(defparameter *output-translations-directory* #p"common-lisp/asdf-output-translations.conf.d/")
(defun user-output-translations-pathname ()
(merge-pathnames *output-translations-file* (user-configuration-directory)))
(merge-pathnames* *output-translations-file* (user-configuration-directory)))
(defun system-output-translations-pathname ()
(merge-pathnames *output-translations-file* (system-configuration-directory)))
(merge-pathnames* *output-translations-file* (system-configuration-directory)))
(defun user-output-translations-directory-pathname ()
(merge-pathnames *output-translations-directory* (user-configuration-directory)))
(merge-pathnames* *output-translations-directory* (user-configuration-directory)))
(defun system-output-translations-directory-pathname ()
(merge-pathnames *output-translations-directory* (system-configuration-directory)))
(merge-pathnames* *output-translations-directory* (system-configuration-directory)))
(defun environment-output-translations ()
......@@ -2416,13 +2470,8 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
(defmethod process-output-translations ((form cons) &key
(inherit *default-output-translations*)
(multiple-value-bind (collect result)
(if collect
(values collect (constantly nil))
(dolist (directive (cdr (validate-output-translations-form form)))
(process-output-translations-directive directive :inherit inherit :collect collect))
(funcall result)))
(dolist (directive (cdr (validate-output-translations-form form)))
(process-output-translations-directive directive :inherit inherit :collect collect)))
(defun inherit-output-translations (inherit &key collect)
(when inherit
......@@ -2447,12 +2496,17 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
(trudst (if dst (resolve-location dst t) trusrc)))
(funcall collect (list trusrc trudst)))))))
;; Will read the configuration and initialize all internal variables,
;; and return the new configuration.
(defun compute-output-translations
(&optional (translations *default-output-translations*))
"read the configuration, return it"
(while-collecting (c)
(inherit-output-translations translations :collect #'c)))
(defun initialize-output-translations
(&optional (translations *default-output-translations*))
(setf (output-translations)
(inherit-output-translations translations)))
"read the configuration, initialize the internal configuration variable,
return the configuration"
(setf (output-translations) (compute-output-translations translations)))
;; checks an initial variable to see whether the state is initialized
;; or cleared. In the former case, return current configuration; in
......@@ -2464,12 +2518,16 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
(defun apply-output-translations (path)
(setf path (truenamize path))
(loop :for (source destination) :in (car *output-translations*)
:when (pathname-match-p path source)
:return (translate-pathname path source destination)
:finally (return path)))
(etypecase path
((or pathname string)
(setf path (truenamize path))
(loop :for (source destination) :in (car *output-translations*)
:when (pathname-match-p path source)
:return (translate-pathname path source destination)
:finally (return path)))))
(defmethod output-files :around ((op operation) (c component))
"Method to rewrite output files to fasl-root"
......@@ -2478,7 +2536,7 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
(defun compile-file-pathname* (input-file &rest keys)
(apply #'compile-file-pathname
(truenamize (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type "lisp") input-file))
(truenamize (make-pathname :type "lisp" :defaults input-file))
;;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -2559,8 +2617,6 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
;;;; Source Registry Configuration, by Francois-Rene Rideau
;;;; See README.source-registry and
(pushnew 'sysdef-source-registry-search *system-definition-search-functions*)
;; Using ack 1.2 exclusions
(defvar *default-exclusions*
'(".bzr" ".cdv" "~.dep" "" "~.nib" "~.plst"
......@@ -2673,7 +2729,7 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
(if (not recurse)
(funcall collect (ensure-directory-pathname directory))
(let* ((files (ignore-errors
(directory (merge-pathnames #P"**/*.asd" directory)
(directory (merge-pathnames* *wild-asd* directory)
#+sbcl #+sbcl :resolve-symlinks nil
#+clisp #+clisp :circle t)))
(dirs (remove-duplicates (mapcar #'pathname-directory-pathname files)
......@@ -2774,7 +2830,7 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
;; Will read the configuration and initialize all internal variables,
;; and return the new configuration.
(defun compute-source-registry (&optional parameter)
(multiple-value-bind (collect result) (make-collector)
(while-collecting (collect)
......@@ -2784,8 +2840,7 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
(lambda (directory &key recurse exclude)
:recurse recurse :exclude exclude :collect collect)))
(funcall result)))
:recurse recurse :exclude exclude :collect #'collect)))))
(defun initialize-source-registry (&optional parameter)
(setf (source-registry) (compute-source-registry parameter)))
......@@ -41,8 +41,12 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error. If
((error (lambda (c)
(format *error-output* "~a" c)
(if (ignore-errors (funcall (find-symbol "GETENV" :asdf) "DEBUG_ASDF_TEST"))
(leave-lisp "~&Script failed~%" 1)))))
((ignore-errors (funcall (find-symbol "GETENV" :asdf) "DEBUG_ASDF_TEST"))
#+sbcl (sb-debug:backtrace 69)
#+clozure (ccl:print-call-history :count 69 :start-frame-number 1)
(leave-lisp "~&Script failed~%" 1))))))
(funcall thunk)
(leave-lisp "~&Script succeeded~%" 0)))
;;; -*- Lisp -*-
(asdf:defsystem test1
:components ((:file "file2" :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "file1"))))
(:file "file1")))
:components ((:file "file2" :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "file1"))))
(:file "file1")))
1) from clean, check that all fasl files build and that some function
......@@ -4,8 +4,12 @@
(setf asdf:*central-registry* '(*default-pathname-defaults*))
(format t "blah ~S~%" asdf:*central-registry*)
(describe (asdf:find-system 'test1))
(trace asdf:operate asdf:perform asdf::merge-component-relative-pathname
asdf:component-name asdf:component-pathname)
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test1)
(format t "blah~%")
;; test that it compiled
(let* ((file1 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file1"))
(file2 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file2"))
......@@ -4,5 +4,3 @@
:components ((:file "file2" :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "file1"))))
(:file "file1"))
:depends-on (version 'test2a "1.1"))
......@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
(asdf:defsystem :wild-module
:version "0.0"
:components ((:wild-module "systems" :pathname "*.asd")))
:components ((:wild-module "systems" :pathname #p"*.asd")))
......@@ -4,7 +4,5 @@
(load "../wild-modules")
(setf asdf:*central-registry* '(*default-pathname-defaults*))
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'wild-module)
\ No newline at end of file
(asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'wild-module))
0% Loading or .
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