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eval.lisp 18.03 KiB
;;; -*- Log: code.log; Package: Lisp -*-
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
"$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/eval.lisp,v 1.46 2010/03/12 11:00:33 rtoy Exp $")
;;; **********************************************************************
(in-package "LISP")
(export '(eval constantp quote proclaim
eval-when progn prog1 prog2 let let*
do do* dotimes dolist progv and or cond if the
macro-function special-operator-p *macroexpand-hook*
macroexpand-1 macroexpand block return-from
return function setq psetq apply funcall
progv flet labels macrolet
mapcar maplist mapc mapl mapcan mapcon
tagbody prog prog* go
values multiple-values-limit
values-list multiple-value-list multiple-value-call
multiple-value-prog1 multiple-value-bind multiple-value-setq
catch unwind-protect throw defun
lambda-list-keywords call-arguments-limit lambda-parameters-limit
;; Declaration symbols referenced in the cold load.
declare special
;; Magical markers...
lambda &optional &rest &key &aux &body &whole
&allow-other-keys &environment))
#| Not implemented:
*evalhook* *applyhook* evalhook applyhook
(export '(eval::interpreted-function-p
(import '(eval::*eval-stack-top*))
(in-package "SYSTEM")
(export '(parse-body find-if-in-closure))
(in-package "EXTENSIONS")
(export '(*top-level-auto-declare*
compiler-macroexpand-1 compiler-macroexpand))
(in-package "KERNEL")
(export '(invoke-macroexpand-hook))
(in-package "LISP")
(defconstant lambda-list-keywords
'(&optional &rest &key &aux &body &whole &allow-other-keys &environment
&parse-body c:&more)
"Keywords that you can put in a lambda-list, supposing you should want
to do such a thing.")
(defconstant call-arguments-limit most-positive-fixnum
"The exclusive upper bound on the number of arguments which may be passed
to a function, including rest args.")
(defconstant lambda-parameters-limit most-positive-fixnum
"The exclusive upper bound on the number of parameters which may be specifed
in a given lambda list. This is actually the limit on required and optional
parameters. With &key and &aux you can get more.")
(defconstant multiple-values-limit most-positive-fixnum
"The exclusive upper bound on the number of multiple-values that you can
(in-package "EVAL")
;;; This is defined here so that the printer &c can call
;;; interpreted-function-p before the full interpreter is loaded.
;;; Interpreted function.
(defstruct (interpreted-function
(:alternate-metaclass kernel:funcallable-instance
(:type kernel:funcallable-structure)
(:constructor %make-interpreted-function)
(lambda (s stream d)
(declare (ignore d))
(print-unreadable-object (s stream :identity t)
(lisp::output-interpreted-function s stream)))))
;; The name of this interpreted function, or NIL if none specified.
(%name nil)
;; This function's debug arglist.
(arglist nil)
;; A lambda that can be converted to get the definition.
(lambda nil)
;; If this function has been converted, then this is the XEP. If this is
;; false, then the function is not in the cache (or is in the process of
;; being removed.)
(definition nil :type (or c::clambda null))
;; The number of consecutive GCs that this function has been unused. This is
;; used to control cache replacement.
(gcs 0 :type c::index)
;; True if Lambda has been converted at least once, and thus warnings should
;; be suppressed on additional conversions.
(converted-once nil)
;; For a closure, the closure date vector.
(closure nil :type (or null simple-vector)))
;;;; EVAL and friends.
(in-package "LISP")
;;; This needs to be initialized in the cold load, since the top-level catcher
;;; will always restore the initial value.
(defvar *eval-stack-top* 0)
(declaim (type (member :warn t nil) *top-level-auto-declare*))
(defvar *top-level-auto-declare* :warn
"This variable controls whether assignments to unknown variables at top-level
(or in any other call to EVAL of SETQ) will implicitly declare the variable
SPECIAL. These values are meaningful:
:WARN -- Print a warning, but declare the variable special (the default.)
T -- Quietly declare the variable special.
NIL -- Never declare the variable, giving warnings on each use.")
;;; EVAL -- Public
;;; Pick off a few easy cases, and call INTERNAL-EVAL for the rest.
(defun eval (original-exp)
"Evaluates its single arg in a null lexical environment, returns the
result or results."
(declare (optimize (safety 1)))
(let ((exp (macroexpand original-exp)))
(typecase exp
(ecase (info variable kind exp)
(values (info variable constant-value exp)))
((:special :global)
(symbol-value exp))
((:alien :macro)
(eval:internal-eval original-exp))))
(let ((name (first exp))
(args (1- (length exp))))
(case name
(unless (= args 1)
(error 'simple-program-error
:format-control "Wrong number of args to FUNCTION:~% ~S."
:format-arguments (list exp)))
(let ((name (second exp)))
(cond ((consp name)
(if (valid-function-name-p name)
(fdefinition name)
(eval:make-interpreted-function name)))
((macro-function name)
(error 'simple-type-error
:datum name
:expected-type '(not (satisfies macro-function))
:format-control "~S is a macro."
:format-arguments (list name)))
((special-operator-p name)
(error 'simple-type-error
:datum name
:expected-type '(not
(satisfies special-operator-p))
:format-control "~S is a special operator."
:format-arguments (list name)))
(fdefinition name)))))
(unless (= args 1)
(error 'simple-program-error
:format-control "Wrong number of args to QUOTE:~% ~S."
:format-arguments (list exp)))
(second exp))
(unless (evenp args)
(error 'simple-program-error
:format-control "Odd number of args to SETQ:~% ~S."
:format-arguments (list exp)))
(unless (zerop args)
(do ((name (cdr exp) (cddr name)))
((null name)
(do ((args (cdr exp) (cddr args)))
((null (cddr args))
;; We duplicate the call to SET so that the correct
;; value gets returned.
(set (first args) (eval (second args))))
(set (first args) (eval (second args)))))
(let ((symbol (first name)))
(case (info variable kind symbol)
(case *top-level-auto-declare*
(warn "Declaring ~S special." symbol))
(return (eval:internal-eval original-exp))))
(proclaim `(special ,symbol)))
(return (eval:internal-eval original-exp))))))))
(when (> args 0)
(dolist (x (butlast (rest exp)) (eval (car (last exp))))
(eval x))))
(when (plusp args)
(let* ((situations (second exp))
(if (listp situations)
(set-difference situations
'(compile load eval
:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute))
(when (or (not (listp situations))
(warn "Bad Eval-When situation list: ~S." bad-situations))))
(if (and (> args 0)
(or (member 'eval (second exp))
(member :execute (second exp))))
(when (> args 1)
(dolist (x (butlast (cddr exp)) (eval (car (last exp))))
(eval x)))
(eval:internal-eval original-exp)))
(if (and (symbolp name)
(eq (info function kind name) :function))
(collect ((args))
(dolist (arg (rest exp))
(args (eval arg)))
(apply (symbol-function name) (args)))
(eval:internal-eval original-exp))))))
;;; case the compiler isn't loaded yet.
(declaim (notinline eval:internal-eval))
(defun eval:internal-eval (form &optional quietly env)
(declare (ignore quietly env))
(error "Attempt to evaluation a complex expression:~% ~S~@
This expression must be compiled, but the compiler is not loaded."
(declaim (notinline eval:make-interpreted-function))
(defun eval:make-interpreted-function (x)
(error "EVAL called on #'(lambda (x) ...) when the compiler isn't loaded:~
~% ~S~%"
;;; If interpreted, use the interpreter interface. Otherwise, see if it was
;;; compiled with COMPILE. If that fails, check for an inline expansion.
(defun function-lambda-expression (fun)
"Given a function, return three values:
1] A lambda expression that could be used to define the function, or NIL if
the definition isn't available.
2] NIL if the function was definitely defined in a null lexical environment,
and T otherwise.
3] Some object that \"names\" the function. Although this is allowed to be
any object, CMU CL always returns a valid function name or a string."
(declare (type function fun))
(if (eval:interpreted-function-p fun)
(eval:interpreted-function-lambda-expression fun)
(let* ((fun (%function-self fun))
(name (%function-name fun))
(code (di::function-code-header fun))
(info (kernel:%code-debug-info code)))
(if info
(let ((source (first (c::compiled-debug-info-source info))))
(cond ((and source
(eq (c::debug-source-from source) :lisp)
(eq (c::debug-source-info source) fun))
(values (second (svref (c::debug-source-name source) 0))
nil name))
((stringp name)
(values nil t name))
(let ((exp (info function inline-expansion name)))
(if exp
(values exp nil name)
(values nil t name))))))
(values nil t name)))))
;;; FIND-IF-IN-CLOSURE -- Interface
;;; Like FIND-IF, only we do it on a compiled closure's environment.
(defun find-if-in-closure (test fun)
(dotimes (index (1- (get-closure-length fun)))
(let ((elt (%closure-index-ref fun index)))
(when (funcall test elt)
(return elt)))))
;;;; Syntactic environment access:
(defun special-operator-p (symbol)
"If the symbol globally names a special form, returns T, otherwise NIL."
(declare (symbol symbol))
(eq (info function kind symbol) :special-form))
(defvar *macroexpand-hook* 'funcall
"The value of this variable must be a function that can take three
arguments, a macro expander function, the macro form to be expanded,
and the lexical environment to expand in. The function should
return the expanded form. This function is called by MACROEXPAND-1
whenever a runtime expansion is needed. Initially this is set to
;;; The X3J13 cleanup FUNCTION-TYPE:X3J13-MARCH-88 specifies that:
;;; "7. Clarify that the value of *MACROEXPAND-HOOK* is first coerced to a
;;; function before being called as the expansion interface hook by
;;; This is a handy utility function that does just such a coercion. It also
;;; stores the result back in *macroexpand-hook* so we don't have to coerce
;;; it again.
(defun invoke-macroexpand-hook (fun form env)
"Invoke *MACROEXPAND-HOOK* on FUN, FORM, and ENV after coercing it to
a function."
(unless (functionp *macroexpand-hook*)
(setf *macroexpand-hook*
(coerce *macroexpand-hook* 'function)))
(funcall *macroexpand-hook* fun form env))
(defun macro-function (symbol &optional env)
"If SYMBOL names a macro in ENV, returns the expansion function,
else returns NIL. If ENV is unspecified or NIL, use the global
environment only."
(declare (symbol symbol))
(let* ((fenv (when env (c::lexenv-functions env)))
(cdr (assoc symbol fenv
:key #'(lambda (e)
(nth-value 1 (valid-function-name-p e)))))))
(cond (local-def
(if (and (consp local-def) (eq (car local-def) 'MACRO))
(cdr local-def)
((eq (info function kind symbol) :macro)
(values (info function macro-function symbol)))
;; This is supposed to take an optional env arg. But what should we
;; do with that? I (rtoy) don't know, so we do nothing right now.
(defun (setf macro-function) (function symbol &optional env)
(declare (symbol symbol) (type function function))
(when (eq (info function kind symbol) :special-form)
(error "~S names a special form." symbol))
(setf (info function kind symbol) :macro)
(setf (info function macro-function symbol) function)
(setf (symbol-function symbol)
#'(lambda (&rest args) (declare (ignore args))
(error 'simple-undefined-function
:name symbol
:format-control "Cannot funcall macro functions.")))
;;; Macroexpand-1 -- Public
;;; The Env is a LEXENV or NIL (the null environment.)
(defun macroexpand-1 (form &optional env)
"If form is a macro (or symbol macro), expands it once. Returns two values,
the expanded form and a T-or-NIL flag indicating whether the form was, in
fact, a macro. Env is the lexical environment to expand in, which defaults
to the null environment."
(cond ((and (consp form) (symbolp (car form)))
(let ((def (macro-function (car form) env)))
(if def
(values (invoke-macroexpand-hook def form env) t)
(values form nil))))
((symbolp form)
(let* ((venv (when env (c::lexenv-variables env)))
(local-def (cdr (assoc form venv))))
(cond (local-def
(if (and (consp local-def) (eq (car local-def) 'macro))
(values (cdr local-def) t)
(values form nil)))
((eq (info variable kind form) :macro)
(values (info variable macro-expansion form) t))
(values form nil)))))
(values form nil))))
(defun macroexpand (form &optional env)
"Repetitively call MACROEXPAND-1 until the form can no longer be expanded.
Returns the final resultant form, and T if it was expanded. ENV is the
lexical environment to expand in, or NIL (the default) for the null
(labels ((frob (form expanded)
(new-form newly-expanded)
(macroexpand-1 form env)
(if newly-expanded
(frob new-form t)
(values new-form expanded)))))
(frob form nil)))
(defun compiler-macro-function (name &optional env)
"If NAME names a compiler-macro, returns the expansion function,
else returns NIL. Note: if the name is shadowed in ENV by a local
definition, or declared NOTINLINE, NIL is returned. Can be
set with SETF."
(let ((found (and env
(cdr (assoc name (c::lexenv-functions env)
:test #'equal)))))
(unless (eq (cond ((c::defined-function-p found)
(c::defined-function-inlinep found))
(found :notinline)
(info function inlinep name)))
(values (info function compiler-macro-function name)))))
(defun (setf compiler-macro-function) (function name &optional env)
(declare (type (or symbol list) name)
(type (or function null) function))
(when (eq (info function kind name) :special-form)
(error "~S names a special form." name))
(setf (info function compiler-macro-function name) function)
;;; While these have been dropped from the spec, and we don't use them
;;; internally, we implement them anyway, for the benefit of a user
;;; trying to debug his compiler macros.
(defun compiler-macroexpand-1 (form &optional env)
"If FORM is a function call for which a compiler-macro has been defined,
invoke the expander function using *macroexpand-hook* and return the
results and T. Otherwise, return the original form and NIL."
(let ((fun (and (consp form) (compiler-macro-function (car form) env))))
(if fun
(let ((result (invoke-macroexpand-hook fun form env)))
(values result (not (eq result form))))
(values form nil))))
(defun compiler-macroexpand (form &optional env)
"Repetitively call COMPILER-MACROEXPAND-1 until the form can no longer be
expanded. ENV is the lexical environment to expand in, or NIL (the
default) for the null environment."
(labels ((frob (form expanded)
(new-form newly-expanded)
(compiler-macroexpand-1 form env)
(if newly-expanded
(frob new-form t)
(values new-form expanded)))))
(frob form env)))
(defun constantp (object &optional environment)
"True of any Lisp object that has a constant value: types that eval to
themselves, keywords, constants, and list whose car is QUOTE."
(declare (ignore environment))
(typecase object
(number t)
(character t)
(array t)
(eq (info variable kind object) :constant))
(list (eq (car object) 'quote))
(function t)
(instance t)))
;;; Function invocation:
(defun apply (function arg &rest args)
"Applies FUNCTION to a list of arguments produced by evaluating ARGS in
the manner of LIST*. That is, a list is made of the values of all but the
last argument, appended to the value of the last argument, which must be a
(cond ((atom args)
(apply function arg))
((atom (cdr args))
(apply function (cons arg (car args))))
(t (do* ((a1 args a2)
(a2 (cdr args) (cdr a2)))
((atom (cdr a2))
(rplacd a1 (car a2))
(apply function (cons arg args)))))))
(defun funcall (function &rest arguments)
"Calls Function with the given Arguments."
(apply function arguments))
;;; Multiple-Value forms:
(defun values (&rest values)
"Returns all of its arguments, in order, as values."
(values-list values))
(defun values-list (list)
"Returns all of the elements of List, in order, as values."
(values-list list))