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Commit d1032f69 authored by Raymond Toy's avatar Raymond Toy
Browse files

Update to ASDF 3.1.6.

parent b239ce3f
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;;; -*- mode: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp ; buffer-read-only: t; -*-
;;; This is ASDF 3.1.5: Another System Definition Facility.
;;; This is ASDF 3.1.6: Another System Definition Facility.
;;; Feedback, bug reports, and patches are all welcome:
;;; please mail to <>.
......@@ -3327,15 +3327,19 @@ NILs."
(defun lisp-implementation-directory (&key truename)
"Where are the system files of the current installation of the CL implementation?"
(declare (ignorable truename))
#+(or clasp clozure ecl gcl mkcl sbcl)
(let ((dir
#+clozure #p"ccl:"
#+(or clasp ecl mkcl) #p"SYS:"
#+gcl system::*system-directory*
#+sbcl (if-let (it (find-symbol* :sbcl-homedir-pathname :sb-int nil))
(funcall it)
(getenv-pathname "SBCL_HOME" :ensure-directory t)))))
#+abcl extensions:*lisp-home*
#+(or allegro clasp ecl mkcl) #p"SYS:"
;;#+clisp custom:*lib-directory* ; causes failure in asdf-pathname-test(!)
#+clozure #p"ccl:"
#+cmu (ignore-errors (pathname-parent-directory-pathname (truename #p"modules:")))
#+gcl system::*system-directory*
#+lispworks lispworks:*lispworks-directory*
#+sbcl (if-let (it (find-symbol* :sbcl-homedir-pathname :sb-int nil))
(funcall it)
(getenv-pathname "SBCL_HOME" :ensure-directory t))
#+scl (ignore-errors (pathname-parent-directory-pathname (truename #p"file://modules/")))
#+xcl ext:*xcl-home*))
(if (and dir truename)
(truename* dir)
......@@ -4033,15 +4037,17 @@ Finally, the file will be deleted, unless the KEEP argument when CALL-FUNCTION'e
(check-type direction (member :output :io))
(assert (or want-stream-p want-pathname-p))
:with prefix = (native-namestring
(or prefix "tmp")
(or (ensure-pathname directory :namestring :native :ensure-directory t)
:with results = ()
:with prefix-pn = (ensure-absolute-pathname
(or prefix "tmp")
(or (ensure-pathname directory :namestring :native :ensure-directory t)
:with prefix-nns = (native-namestring prefix-pn)
:with results = (progn (ensure-directories-exist prefix-pn)
:for counter :from (random (expt 36 #-gcl 8 #+gcl 5))
:for pathname = (parse-native-namestring
(format nil "~A~36R~@[~A~]~@[.~A~]" prefix counter suffix type))
(format nil "~A~36R~@[~A~]~@[.~A~]"
prefix-nns counter suffix (unless (eq type :unspecific) type)))
:for okp = nil :do
;; TODO: on Unix, do something about umask
;; TODO: on Unix, audit the code so we make sure it uses O_CREAT|O_EXCL
......@@ -4050,6 +4056,7 @@ Finally, the file will be deleted, unless the KEEP argument when CALL-FUNCTION'e
;; Can we at least design some hook?
(ensure-directories-exist pathname)
(with-open-file (stream pathname
:direction direction
:element-type element-type
......@@ -4129,8 +4136,13 @@ Further KEYS can be passed to MAKE-PATHNAME."
:defaults pathname keys))
(defun tmpize-pathname (x)
"Return a new pathname modified from X by adding a trivial deterministic suffix"
(add-pathname-suffix x "-TMP"))
"Return a new pathname modified from X by adding a trivial random suffix.
A new empty file with said temporary pathname is created, to ensure there is no
clash with any concurrent process attempting the same thing."
(let* ((px (ensure-pathname x))
(prefix (if-let (n (pathname-name px)) (strcat n "-tmp") "tmp"))
(directory (translate-logical-pathname (pathname-directory-pathname px))))
(get-temporary-file :directory directory :prefix prefix :type (pathname-type px))))
(defun call-with-staging-pathname (pathname fun)
"Calls FUN with a staging pathname, and atomically
......@@ -4148,7 +4160,6 @@ For the latter case, we ought pick a random suffix and atomically open it."
(defmacro with-staging-pathname ((pathname-var &optional (pathname-value pathname-var)) &body body)
"Trivial syntax wrapper for CALL-WITH-STAGING-PATHNAME"
`(call-with-staging-pathname ,pathname-value #'(lambda (,pathname-var) ,@body))))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Starting, Stopping, Dumping a Lisp image
......@@ -4293,9 +4304,7 @@ This is designed to abstract away the implementation specific quit forms."
(dbg:*debug-print-length* *print-length*))
(dbg:bug-backtrace nil))
#.(if (find-symbol* "*VERBOSITY*" "SB-DEBUG" nil) :stream '(or count most-positive-fixnum))
(sb-debug:print-backtrace :stream stream :count (or count most-positive-fixnum))
(loop :for i :from 0 :below (or count most-positive-fixnum)
:for frame :in (extensions:backtrace-as-list) :do
......@@ -5048,73 +5057,62 @@ INPUT, OUTPUT and ERROR-OUTPUT specify a portable IO specifer,
to be normalized by %NORMALIZE-IO-SPECIFIER.
It returns a process-info plist with possible keys:
;; NB: these implementations have unix vs windows set at compile-time.
;; NB: these implementations have Unix vs Windows set at compile-time.
(declare (ignorable directory if-input-does-not-exist if-output-exists if-error-output-exists))
(assert (not (and wait (member :stream (list input output error-output)))))
#-(or allegro clisp clozure cmu (and lispworks os-unix) mkcl sbcl scl)
#-(or allegro clasp clisp clozure cmu ecl (and lispworks os-unix) mkcl sbcl scl)
(progn command keys directory
(error "run-program not available"))
#+(or allegro clisp clozure cmu (and lispworks os-unix) mkcl sbcl scl)
#+(or allegro clasp clisp clozure cmu ecl (and lispworks os-unix) mkcl sbcl scl)
(let* ((%command (%normalize-command command))
(%input (%normalize-io-specifier input :input))
(%output (%normalize-io-specifier output :output))
(%error-output (%normalize-io-specifier error-output :error-output))
#+(and allegro os-windows) (interactive (%interactivep input output error-output))
#+(and allegro os-windows)
(interactive (%interactivep input output error-output))
#+clisp (progn
;; clisp cannot redirect stderr, so check we don't.
;; Also, since we now always return a code, we cannot use this code path
;; if any of the input, output or error-output is :stream.
(assert (eq %error-output :terminal)))
#-(or allegro mkcl sbcl) (with-current-directory (directory))
#+(or allegro clasp clisp ecl lispworks mkcl) (multiple-value-list)
#+os-unix (coerce (cons (first %command) %command) 'vector)
#+os-windows %command
:input %input
:output %output
:error-output %error-output
:directory directory :wait wait
#+os-windows :show-window #+os-windows (if interactive nil :hide)
:allow-other-keys t keys))
(with-current-directory (#-(or sbcl mkcl) directory)
#+allegro 'excl:run-shell-command
#+(and allegro os-unix) (coerce (cons (first %command) %command) 'vector)
#+(and allegro os-windows) %command
(flet ((run (f x &rest args)
(apply f x :input %input :output %output
:allow-other-keys t `(,@args ,@keys)))))
(assert (eq %error-output :terminal))
;;; since we now always return a code, we can't use this code path, anyway!
(etypecase %command
#+os-windows (string (run 'ext:run-shell-command %command))
(list (run 'ext:run-program (car %command)
:arguments (cdr %command)))))
#+(or clasp clozure cmu ecl mkcl sbcl scl)
(#-(or clasp ecl mkcl) progn #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) multiple-value-list
'#+(or cmu ecl scl) ext:run-program
#+clozure ccl:run-program #+sbcl sb-ext:run-program #+mkcl mk-ext:run-program
(car %command) (cdr %command)
:input %input
:output %output
:error %error-output
:wait wait
:allow-other-keys t
#+(or clozure cmu mkcl sbcl scl)
`(:if-input-does-not-exist ,if-input-does-not-exist
:if-output-exists ,if-output-exists
:if-error-exists ,if-error-output-exists)
#+sbcl `(:search t
:if-output-does-not-exist :create
:if-error-does-not-exist :create)
#-sbcl keys #+sbcl (if directory keys (remove-plist-key :directory keys)))))
#+(and lispworks os-unix) ;; note: only used on Unix in non-interactive case
(cons "/usr/bin/env" %command) ; lispworks wants a full path.
:input %input :if-input-does-not-exist if-input-does-not-exist
:output %output :if-output-exists if-output-exists
:error-output %error-output :if-error-output-exists if-error-output-exists
:wait wait :save-exit-status t :allow-other-keys t keys))))
(etypecase %command
(string (lambda (&rest keys) (apply 'ext:run-shell-command %command keys)))
(list (lambda (&rest keys)
(apply 'ext:run-program (car %command) :arguments (cdr %command) keys))))
#+clozure 'ccl:run-program
#+(or cmu ecl scl) 'ext:run-program
#+lispworks 'system:run-shell-command
#+lispworks (cons "/usr/bin/env" %command) ; LW wants a full path
#+mkcl 'mk-ext:run-program
#+sbcl 'sb-ext:run-program
#+(or clozure cmu ecl mkcl sbcl scl) `(,(car %command) ,(cdr %command))
`(:input ,%input :output ,%output :wait ,wait :allow-other-keys t)
#-clisp `(#+(or allegro lispworks) :error-output #-(or allegro lispworks) :error
#+(and allegro os-windows) `(:show-window ,(if interactive nil :hide))
#+(or clozure cmu ecl lispworks mkcl sbcl scl)
`(:if-input-does-not-exist ,if-input-does-not-exist
:if-output-exists ,if-output-exists
#-lispworks :if-error-exists #+lispworks :if-error-output-exists
#+lispworks `(:save-exit-status t)
#+sbcl `(:search t
:if-output-does-not-exist :create
:if-error-does-not-exist :create)
#+mkcl `(:directory ,(native-namestring directory))
#-sbcl keys
#+sbcl (if directory keys (remove-plist-key :directory keys))))))
(process-info-r ()))
(flet ((prop (key value) (push key process-info-r) (push value process-info-r)))
......@@ -5145,8 +5143,8 @@ It returns a process-info plist with possible keys:
(1 (prop :input-stream (first process*)))
(2 (prop :output-stream (first process*)))
(3 (prop :bidir-stream (pop process*))
(prop :input-stream (pop process*))
(prop :output-stream (pop process*))))))
(prop :input-stream (pop process*))
(prop :output-stream (pop process*))))))
#+(or clozure cmu sbcl scl)
(prop :process process*)
......@@ -5204,13 +5202,12 @@ It returns a process-info plist with possible keys:
;; 1- wait
#+clozure (ccl::external-process-wait process)
#+(or cmu scl) (ext:process-wait process)
#+(and (or clasp ecl) os-unix) (ext:external-process-wait process)
#+sbcl (sb-ext:process-wait process)
;; 2- extract result
#+allegro (sys:reap-os-subprocess :pid process :wait t)
#+clozure (nth-value 1 (ccl:external-process-status process))
#+(or cmu scl) (ext:process-exit-code process)
#+(or clasp ecl) (nth-value 1 (ext:external-process-status process))
#+(or clasp ecl) (nth-value 1 (ext:external-process-wait process t))
(if-let ((stream (or (getf process-info :input-stream)
(getf process-info :output-stream)
......@@ -5475,7 +5472,9 @@ It returns a process-info plist with possible keys:
"Run program specified by COMMAND,
either a list of strings specifying a program and list of arguments,
or a string specifying a shell command (/bin/sh on Unix, CMD.EXE on Windows).
or a string specifying a shell command (/bin/sh on Unix, CMD.EXE on Windows);
_synchronously_ process its output as specified and return the processing results
when the program and its output processing are complete.
Always call a shell (rather than directly execute the command when possible)
if FORCE-SHELL is specified. Similarly, never call a shell if FORCE-SHELL is
......@@ -5531,11 +5530,15 @@ or an indication of failure via the EXIT-CODE of the process"
;; don't override user's specified preference. [2015/06/29:rpg]
(when (stringp command)
(unless force-shell-suppliedp
#-(and sbcl os-windows) ;; force-shell t isn't working properly on windows as of sbcl 1.2.16
(setf force-shell t)))
(flet ((default (x xp output) (cond (xp x) ((eq output :interactive) :interactive))))
(apply (if (or force-shell
#+(or clasp clisp ecl) (or (not ignore-error-status) t)
#+(or clasp clisp) (or (not ignore-error-status) t)
#+clisp (member error-output '(:interactive :output))
;; A race condition in ECL <= 16.0.0 prevents using ext:run-program
#+ecl #.(if-let (ver (parse-version (lisp-implementation-version)))
(lexicographic<= '< ver '(16 0 1)))
#+(and lispworks os-unix) (%interactivep input output error-output)
#+(or abcl cormanlisp gcl (and lispworks os-windows) mcl xcl) t)
'%use-system '%use-run-program)
......@@ -5546,7 +5549,7 @@ or an indication of failure via the EXIT-CODE of the process"
:if-output-exists if-output-exists
:if-error-output-exists if-error-output-exists
:element-type element-type :external-format external-format
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Support to build (compile and load) Lisp files
......@@ -6221,8 +6224,7 @@ it will filter them appropriately."
(unless (use-ecl-byte-compiler-p)
(or object-file
#+ecl(compile-file-pathname output-file :type :object)
#+clasp (compile-file-pathname output-file :output-type :object)
#+clasp (compile-file-pathname output-file :output-type :object))))
(or object-file
......@@ -6335,7 +6337,7 @@ it will filter them appropriately."
,(loop :for f :in (reverse fasls)
:collect `(,(namestring f) :load-only t))))
(scm:concatenate-system output :fasls-to-concatenate))
(scm:concatenate-system output :fasls-to-concatenate :force t))
(loop :for f :in fasls :do (ignore-errors (delete-file f)))
(ignore-errors (lispworks:delete-system :fasls-to-concatenate))))))
;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -6685,7 +6687,7 @@ also \"Configuration DSL\"\) in the ASDF manual."
`(,(or (getenv-absolute-directory "XDG_CACHE_HOME")
((os-windows-p) (xdg-data-home "cache"))
((os-windows-p) (xdg-data-home "cache/"))
(t (subpathname* (user-homedir-pathname) ".cache/"))))
......@@ -6910,7 +6912,7 @@ previously-loaded version of ASDF."
;; "" would be a development version in the official branch, on top of 3.4.5.
;; "" would be your eighth local modification of official release 3.4.5
;; "" would be your eighth local modification of development version
(asdf-version "3.1.5")
(asdf-version "3.1.6")
(existing-version (asdf-version)))
(setf *asdf-version* asdf-version)
(when (and existing-version (not (equal asdf-version existing-version)))
......@@ -8617,7 +8619,13 @@ in some previous image, or T if it needs to be done.")
#+(or clasp ecl mkcl) object-file
#+clisp lib-file
warnings-file) outputs
warnings-file &rest rest) outputs
;; Allow for extra outputs that are not of type warnings-file
;; The way we do it is kludgy. In ASDF4, output-files shall not be positional.
(declare (ignore rest))
(when warnings-file
(unless (equal (pathname-type warnings-file) (warnings-file-type))
(setf warnings-file nil)))
c #'(lambda (&rest flags)
(apply 'compile-file* input-file
......@@ -8974,7 +8982,7 @@ the action of OPERATION on COMPONENT in the PLAN"))
(latest-in (stamps-latest (cons dep-stamp in-stamps))))
(when (and missing-in (not just-done)) (return (values t nil))))
;; collect timestamps from outputs, and exit early if any is missing
(let* ((out-files (output-files o c))
(let* ((out-files (remove-if 'null (output-files o c)))
(out-stamps (mapcar (if just-done 'register-file-stamp 'get-file-stamp) out-files))
(missing-out (loop :for f :in out-files :for s :in out-stamps :unless s :collect f))
(earliest-out (stamps-earliest out-stamps)))
......@@ -9810,7 +9818,7 @@ effectively disabling the output translation facility."
#:default-user-source-registry #:default-system-source-registry
#:user-source-registry #:system-source-registry
#:user-source-registry-directory #:system-source-registry-directory
#:environment-source-registry #:process-source-registry
#:environment-source-registry #:process-source-registry #:inherit-source-registry
#:compute-source-registry #:flatten-source-registry
(in-package :asdf/source-registry)
......@@ -9833,6 +9841,8 @@ effectively disabling the output translation facility."
"Either NIL (for uninitialized), or an equal hash-table, mapping
system names to pathnames of .asd files")
(defvar *source-registry-parameter* nil)
(defun source-registry-initialized-p ()
(typep *source-registry* 'hash-table))
......@@ -10054,7 +10064,7 @@ after having found a .asd file? True by default.")
(dolist (directive (cdr (validate-source-registry-form form)))
(process-source-registry-directive directive :inherit inherit :register register))))
(defun flatten-source-registry (&optional parameter)
(defun flatten-source-registry (&optional (parameter *source-registry-parameter*))
(while-collecting (collect)
(with-pathname-defaults () ;; be location-independent
......@@ -10067,7 +10077,7 @@ after having found a .asd file? True by default.")
:test 'equal :from-end t))
;; Will read the configuration and initialize all internal variables.
(defun compute-source-registry (&optional parameter (registry *source-registry*))
(defun compute-source-registry (&optional (parameter *source-registry-parameter*) (registry *source-registry*))
(dolist (entry (flatten-source-registry parameter))
(destructuring-bind (directory &key recurse exclude) entry
(let* ((h (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) ; table to detect duplicates
......@@ -10097,8 +10107,6 @@ after having found a .asd file? True by default.")
(defvar *source-registry-parameter* nil)
(defun initialize-source-registry (&optional (parameter *source-registry-parameter*))
;; Record the parameter used to configure the registry
(setf *source-registry-parameter* parameter)
......@@ -10447,7 +10455,7 @@ system names contained using COERCE-NAME. Return the result."
:asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action :asdf/plan :asdf/operate :asdf/defsystem)
#:bundle-op #:bundle-type #:program-system
#:bundle-system #:bundle-pathname-type #:bundlable-file-p #:direct-dependency-files
#:bundle-system #:bundle-pathname-type #:direct-dependency-files
#:monolithic-op #:monolithic-bundle-op #:operation-monolithic-p
#:basic-compile-bundle-op #:prepare-bundle-op
#:compile-bundle-op #:load-bundle-op #:monolithic-compile-bundle-op #:monolithic-load-bundle-op
......@@ -10505,7 +10513,8 @@ itself.")) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
(:documentation "Abstract operation for linking files together"))
(defclass gather-op (bundle-op)
((gather-op :initform nil :allocation :class :reader gather-op))
((gather-op :initform nil :allocation :class :reader gather-op)
(gather-type :initform :no-output-file :allocation :class :reader gather-type))
(:documentation "Abstract operation for gathering many input files from a system"))
(defun operation-monolithic-p (op)
......@@ -10525,7 +10534,9 @@ itself.")) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
;; create a single fasl for the entire library
(defclass basic-compile-bundle-op (bundle-op)
((bundle-type :initform :fasl)))
((gather-type :initform #-(or clasp ecl mkcl) :fasl #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) :object
:allocation :class)
(bundle-type :initform :fasl :allocation :class)))
(defclass prepare-bundle-op (sideway-operation)
......@@ -10533,16 +10544,32 @@ itself.")) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
:allocation :class)))
(defclass lib-op (link-op gather-op non-propagating-operation)
((bundle-type :initform :lib))
(:documentation "compile the system and produce linkable (.a) library for it."))
((gather-type :initform :object :allocation :class)
(bundle-type :initform :lib :allocation :class))
(:documentation "Compile the system and produce a linkable static library (.a/.lib)
for all the linkable object files associated with the system. Compare with DLL-OP.
On most implementations, these object files only include extensions to the runtime
written in C or another language with a compiler producing linkable object files.
On CLASP, ECL, MKCL, these object files also include the contents of Lisp files
themselves. In any case, this operation will produce what you need to further build
a static runtime for your system, or a dynamic library to load in an existing runtime."))
(defclass compile-bundle-op (basic-compile-bundle-op selfward-operation
#+(or clasp ecl mkcl) link-op #-(or clasp ecl) gather-op)
((selfward-operation :initform '(prepare-bundle-op #+(or clasp ecl) lib-op)
:allocation :class)))
:allocation :class))
(:documentation "This operator is an alternative to COMPILE-OP. Build a system
and all of its dependencies, but build only a single (\"monolithic\") FASL, instead
of one per source file, which may be more resource efficient. That monolithic
FASL should be loaded with LOAD-BUNDLE-OP, rather than LOAD-OP."))
(defclass load-bundle-op (basic-load-op selfward-operation)
((selfward-operation :initform '(prepare-bundle-op compile-bundle-op) :allocation :class)))
((selfward-operation :initform '(prepare-bundle-op compile-bundle-op) :allocation :class))
(:documentation "This operator is an alternative to LOAD-OP. Build a system
and all of its dependencies, using COMPILE-BUNDLE-OP. The difference with
respect to LOAD-OP is that it builds only a single FASL, which may be
faster and more resource efficient."))
;; NB: since the monolithic-op's can't be sideway-operation's,
;; if we wanted lib-op, dll-op, deliver-asd-op to be sideway-operation's,
......@@ -10550,39 +10577,55 @@ itself.")) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
;; but instead inherit from a basic-FOO-op as with basic-compile-bundle-op above.
(defclass dll-op (link-op gather-op non-propagating-operation)
((bundle-type :initform :dll))
(:documentation "compile the system and produce dynamic (.so/.dll) library for it."))
((gather-type :initform :object :allocation :class)
(bundle-type :initform :dll :allocation :class))
(:documentation "Compile the system and produce a dynamic loadable library (.so/.dll)
for all the linkable object files associated with the system. Compare with LIB-OP."))
(defclass deliver-asd-op (basic-compile-op selfward-operation)
((selfward-operation :initform '(compile-bundle-op #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) lib-op) :allocation :class))
;; TODO: implement link-op on all implementations, and make that
;; '(compile-bundle-op lib-op #-(or clasp ecl mkcl) dll-op)
:initform '(compile-bundle-op #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) lib-op)
:allocation :class))
(:documentation "produce an asd file for delivering the system as a single fasl"))
(defclass monolithic-deliver-asd-op (monolithic-bundle-op deliver-asd-op)
;; TODO: implement link-op on all implementations, and make that
;; '(monolithic-compile-bundle-op monolithic-lib-op #-(or clasp ecl mkcl) monolithic-dll-op)
:initform '(monolithic-compile-bundle-op #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) monolithic-lib-op)
:allocation :class))
(:documentation "produce fasl and asd files for combined system and dependencies."))
(defclass monolithic-compile-bundle-op (monolithic-bundle-op basic-compile-bundle-op
#+(or clasp ecl mkcl) link-op gather-op non-propagating-operation)
((gather-op :initform #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) 'lib-op #-(or clasp ecl mkcl) 'compile-bundle-op :allocation :class))
(defclass monolithic-compile-bundle-op
(monolithic-bundle-op basic-compile-bundle-op
#+(or clasp ecl mkcl) link-op gather-op non-propagating-operation)
((gather-op :initform #-(or clasp ecl mkcl) 'compile-bundle-op #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) 'lib-op
:allocation :class)
(gather-type :initform #-(or clasp ecl mkcl) :fasl #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) :static-library
:allocation :class))
(:documentation "Create a single fasl for the system and its dependencies."))
(defclass monolithic-load-bundle-op (monolithic-bundle-op load-bundle-op)
((selfward-operation :initform 'monolithic-compile-bundle-op :allocation :class))
(:documentation "Load a single fasl for the system and its dependencies."))
(defclass monolithic-lib-op (monolithic-bundle-op lib-op non-propagating-operation) ()
(:documentation "Create a single linkable library for the system and its dependencies."))
(defclass monolithic-lib-op (monolithic-bundle-op lib-op non-propagating-operation)
((gather-type :initform :static-library :allocation :class))
(:documentation "Compile the system and produce a linkable static library (.a/.lib)
for all the linkable object files associated with the system or its dependencies. See LIB-OP."))
(defclass monolithic-dll-op (monolithic-bundle-op dll-op non-propagating-operation)
((bundle-type :initform :dll))
(:documentation "Create a single dynamic (.so/.dll) library for the system and its dependencies."))
((gather-type :initform :static-library :allocation :class))
(:documentation "Compile the system and produce a dynamic loadable library (.so/.dll)
for all the linkable object files associated with the system or its dependencies. See LIB-OP"))
(defclass image-op (monolithic-bundle-op selfward-operation
#+(or clasp ecl mkcl) link-op #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) gather-op)
((bundle-type :initform :image)
#+(or clasp ecl mkcl) (gather-type :initform :static-library :allocation :class)
(selfward-operation :initform '(#-(or clasp ecl mkcl) load-op) :allocation :class))
(:documentation "create an image file from the system and its dependencies"))
......@@ -10592,17 +10635,29 @@ itself.")) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
(defun bundle-pathname-type (bundle-type)
(etypecase bundle-type
((eql :no-output-file) nil) ;; should we error out instead?
((or null string) bundle-type)
((eql :fasl) #-(or clasp ecl mkcl) (compile-file-type) #+(or clasp ecl mkcl) "fasb")
#+(or clasp ecl)
((member :dll :lib :shared-library :static-library :program :object :program)
(compile-file-type :type bundle-type))
((member :image) #+allegro "dxl" #+(and clisp os-windows) "exe" #-(or allegro (and clisp os-windows)) "image")
((member :dll :shared-library) (os-cond ((os-macosx-p) "dylib") ((os-unix-p) "so") ((os-windows-p) "dll")))
((member :lib :static-library) (os-cond ((os-unix-p) "a")
((os-windows-p) (if (featurep '(:or :mingw32 :mingw64)) "a" "lib"))))
((eql :program) (os-cond ((os-unix-p) nil) ((os-windows-p) "exe")))))
((or null string) ;; pass through nil or string literal
((eql :no-output-file) ;; marker for a bundle-type that has NO output file
(error "No output file, therefore no pathname type"))
((eql :fasl) ;; the type of a fasl
#-(or clasp ecl mkcl) (compile-file-type) ; on image-based platforms, used as input and output
#+(or clasp ecl mkcl) "fasb") ; on C-linking platforms, only used as output for system bundles
((member :image)
#+allegro "dxl"
#+(and clisp os-windows) "exe"
#-(or allegro (and clisp os-windows)) "image")
;; NB: on CLASP and ECL these implementations, we better agree with
;; (compile-file-type :type bundle-type))
((eql :object) ;; the type of a linkable object file
(os-cond ((os-unix-p) "o")
((os-windows-p) (if (featurep '(:or :mingw32 :mingw64)) "o" "obj"))))
((member :lib :static-library) ;; the type of a linkable library
(os-cond ((os-unix-p) "a")
((os-windows-p) (if (featurep '(:or :mingw32 :mingw64)) "a" "lib"))))
((member :dll :shared-library) ;; the type of a shared library
(os-cond ((os-macosx-p) "dylib") ((os-unix-p) "so") ((os-windows-p) "dll")))
((eql :program) ;; the type of an executable program
(os-cond ((os-unix-p) nil) ((os-windows-p) "exe")))))
(defun bundle-output-files (o c)
(let ((bundle-type (bundle-type o)))
......@@ -10612,7 +10667,10 @@ itself.")) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
(format nil "~A~@[~A~]" (component-name c) (slot-value o 'name-suffix))))
(type (bundle-pathname-type bundle-type)))
(values (list (subpathname (component-pathname c) name :type type))
(eq (type-of o) (component-build-operation c)))))))
(eq (type-of o) (coerce-class (component-build-operation c)
:package :asdf/interface
:super 'operation
:error nil)))))))
(defmethod output-files ((o bundle-op) (c system))
(bundle-output-files o c))
......@@ -10667,16 +10725,6 @@ itself.")) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
:force :force-not :plan-class) ;; TODO: refactor so we don't mix plan and operation arguments
(operation-original-initargs instance))))
(defun bundlable-file-p (pathname)
(let ((type (pathname-type pathname)))
(declare (ignorable type))
(or #+(or clasp ecl) (or (equalp type (compile-file-type :type :object))
(equalp type (compile-file-type :type :static-library)))
#+mkcl (or (equalp type (compile-file-type :fasl-p nil))
#+(or unix mingw32 mingw64) (equalp type "a") ;; valid on Unix and MinGW
#+(and windows (not (or mingw32 mingw64))) (equalp type "lib"))
#+(or abcl allegro clisp clozure cmu lispworks sbcl scl xcl) (equalp type (compile-file-type)))))
(defgeneric* (trivial-system-p) (component))
(defun user-system-p (s)
......@@ -10705,9 +10753,14 @@ itself.")) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
(loop :for f :in (funcall key sub-o sub-c)
:when (funcall test f) :do (collect f))))))
(defun pathname-type-equal-function (type)
#'(lambda (p) (equal (pathname-type p) type)))
(defmethod input-files ((o gather-op) (c system))
(unless (eq (bundle-type o) :no-output-file)
(direct-dependency-files o c :test 'bundlable-file-p :key 'output-files)))
o c :key 'output-files
:test (pathname-type-equal-function (bundle-pathname-type (gather-type o))))))
(defun select-bundle-operation (type &optional monolithic)
(ecase type
......@@ -10906,10 +10959,11 @@ itself.")) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
#+(or clasp ecl mkcl)
(with-upgradability ()
;; I think that Juanjo intended for this to be,
;; but beware the weird bug in test-xach-update-bug.script,
;; and also it makes mkcl fail test-logical-pathname.script,
;; and ecl fail test-bundle.script.
;; I think that Juanjo intended for this to be, but it was disabled before 3.1
;; due to implementation bugs in ECL and MKCL that seem to have been fixed since
;; -- see for ECL test-xach-update-bug.script and test-bundle.script,
;; and for MKCL test-logical-pathname.script.
;; We should probably reenable these after consulting with ECL and MKCL maintainers.
;;(unless (or #+(or clasp ecl) (use-ecl-byte-compiler-p))
;; (setf *load-system-operation* 'load-bundle-op))
......@@ -10942,12 +10996,12 @@ itself.")) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
"cmp" (compiler-library-pathname))))
,@(unless (or (no-uiop c) (has-it-p "uiop") (has-it-p "asdf"))
((system-source-directory :uiop) `(,(find-system :uiop)))
((system-source-directory :asdf) `(,(find-system :asdf)))
(t `(,@(if-let (uiop (uiop-library-pathname))
`(,(make-library-system "uiop" uiop)))
,(make-library-system "asdf" (asdf-library-pathname))))))
((system-source-directory :uiop) `(,(find-system :uiop)))
((system-source-directory :asdf) `(,(find-system :asdf)))
(t `(,@(if-let (uiop (uiop-library-pathname))
`(,(make-library-system "uiop" uiop)))
,(make-library-system "asdf" (asdf-library-pathname))))))
(defmethod perform ((o link-op) (c system))
......@@ -10979,21 +11033,6 @@ itself.")) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
"BASIC-COMPILE-BUNDLE-OP operations are not supported on Mac OS X for this lisp.~%~T~
To continue, push :asdf-use-unsafe-mac-bundle-op onto *FEATURES*.~%~T~
Please report to ASDF-DEVEL if this works for you.")))
;;; Backward compatibility with pre-3.1.2 names
;; (defclass fasl-op (selfward-operation)
;; ((selfward-operation :initform 'compile-bundle-op :allocation :class)))
;; (defclass load-fasl-op (selfward-operation)
;; ((selfward-operation :initform 'load-bundle-op :allocation :class)))
;; (defclass binary-op (selfward-operation)
;; ((selfward-operation :initform 'deliver-asd-op :allocation :class)))
;; (defclass monolithic-fasl-op (selfward-operation)
;; ((selfward-operation :initform 'monolithic-compile-bundle-op :allocation :class)))
;; (defclass monolithic-load-fasl-op (selfward-operation)
;; ((selfward-operation :initform 'monolithic-load-bundle-op :allocation :class)))
;; (defclass monolithic-binary-op (selfward-operation)
;; ((selfward-operation :initform 'monolithic-deliver-asd-op :allocation :class)))
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Concatenate-source
......@@ -11198,7 +11237,7 @@ otherwise return a default system name computed from PACKAGE-NAME."
(unless (equal primary system)
(let ((top (find-system primary nil)))
(when (typep top 'package-inferred-system)
(if-let (dir (system-source-directory top))
(if-let (dir (component-pathname top))
(let* ((sub (subseq system (1+ (length primary))))
(f (probe-file* (subpathname dir sub :type "lisp")
:truename *resolve-symlinks*)))
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