Section: devel
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Kevin M. Rosenberg <>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>> 4.0.0)
Recommends: common-lisp-controller, sbcl | lisp-compiler
Description: Another System Definition Facility
asdf provides a "make" type functions for Common Lisp packages. It
provides compilation and loading features for complex Lisp systems
with multiple modules and files. It is similar in concept to, but
with features different from, "defsystem" which is included in the
common-lisp-controller package. Unlike defsystem3 in CLC, asdf is
object-oriented and extensible.
Description: Comprehensive Common Lisp Archive Network
cclan is a tool for creating a repository of Common Lisp packages.
cclan utilizes asdf to automatically create installable packages for various
operating systems.