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;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
;;;; Created:  Mon Apr  7 07:24:43 2003
;;;; Contains: Auxiliary functions for number tests

(in-package :cl-test)

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
;;; Binary search on reals

(defun float-binary-search (fn lo hi)
  "FN is a function that, if true for X, is true for all Y > X.
   Find the smallest float in [lo,hi] for which the function
   return true."
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  (assert (functionp fn))
  (assert (floatp lo))
  (assert (floatp hi))
  (assert (<= lo hi))
  (assert (funcall fn hi))

  (loop while (<= lo hi)
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        do (let ((mid (/ (+ lo hi) 2)))
             (if (funcall fn mid)
                 (if (= mid hi)
                     (return hi)
                   (setq hi mid))
               (if (= mid lo)
                   (return hi)
                 (setq lo mid))))))
(defun integer-binary-search (fn lo hi)

  "FN is a function that, if true for X, is true for all Y < X.
   Find the largest integer in [lo,hi) for which the function
   return true."
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  (assert (functionp fn))
  (assert (integerp lo))
  (assert (integerp hi))
  (assert (<= lo hi))
  (assert (funcall fn lo))

  (loop while (< lo hi)
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        do (let ((mid (ceiling (+ lo hi) 2)))
             (if (funcall fn mid)
                 (setq lo mid)
               (if (= mid hi)
                   (return lo)
                 (setq hi mid))))
        finally (return lo)))

(defun find-largest-exactly-floatable-integer (upper-bound)
   #'(lambda (i)
       (let* ((f  (float i))
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              (i- (1- i))
              (f- (float i-)))
         (and (= f i) (= f- i-))))
(defun eqlzt (x y)
  "Return T if (eql x y) or if both are zero of the same type."
   ((complexp x)
    (and (complexp y)
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         (eqlzt (realpart x) (realpart y))
         (eqlzt (imagpart x) (imagpart y))))
   ((zerop x)
    (eqlt (abs x) (abs y)))
   (t (eqlt x y))))

(defconstant +rational-most-negative-short-float+
  (rational-safely most-negative-short-float))

(defconstant +rational-most-negative-single-float+
  (rational-safely most-negative-single-float))

(defconstant +rational-most-negative-double-float+
  (rational-safely most-negative-double-float))

(defconstant +rational-most-negative-long-float+
  (rational-safely most-negative-long-float))

(defconstant +rational-most-positive-short-float+
  (rational-safely most-positive-short-float))

(defconstant +rational-most-positive-single-float+
  (rational-safely most-positive-single-float))

(defconstant +rational-most-positive-double-float+
  (rational-safely most-positive-double-float))

(defconstant +rational-most-positive-long-float+
  (rational-safely most-positive-long-float))

(defun float-exponent (x)
  (if (floatp x)
      (nth-value 1 (decode-float x))

(defun numbers-are-compatible (x y)
   ((complexp x)
    (and (numbers-are-compatible (realpart x) y)
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         (numbers-are-compatible (imagpart x) y)))
   ((complexp y)
    (and (numbers-are-compatible x (realpart y))
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         (numbers-are-compatible x (imagpart y))))
    (when (floatp x) (rotatef x y))
    (or (floatp x)
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        (not (floatp y))
        (etypecase y
           (<= +rational-most-negative-short-float+
           (<= +rational-most-negative-single-float+
           (<= +rational-most-negative-double-float+
           (<= +rational-most-negative-long-float+

;;; NOTE!  According to section, when a rational is compared
;;; to a float, the effect is as if the float is convert to a rational
;;; (by RATIONAL), not as if the rational is converted to a float.
;;; This means the calls to numbers-are-compatible are not necessary.
(defun =.4-fn ()
  (loop for x in *numbers*
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        (loop for y in *numbers*
              unless (or ;; (not (numbers-are-compatible x y))
                         (if (= x y) (= y x) (not (= y x))))
              collect (list x y))))
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(defun /=.4-fn ()
  (loop for x in *numbers*
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        (loop for y in *numbers*
              unless (or ;; (not (numbers-are-compatible x y))
                         (if (/= x y) (/= y x) (not (/= y x))))
              collect (list x y))))
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(defun /=.4a-fn ()
  (loop for x in *numbers*
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        (loop for y in *numbers*
              when (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
                        (if (= x y)
                            (/= x y)
                          (not (/= x y))))
              collect (list x y))))
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(defun <.8-fn ()
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        (loop for y in *reals*
               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
                (and (< x y) (> x y)))
               (arithmetic-error () nil))
              collect (list x y))))
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(defun <.9-fn ()
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        (loop for y in *reals*
               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
                (if (< x y) (not (> y x))
                  (> y x)))
               (arithmetic-error () nil))
              collect (list x y))))
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(defun <.10-fn ()
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        (loop for y in *reals*
               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
                (if (< x y) (>= x y)
                  (not (>= x y))))
               (arithmetic-error () nil))
              collect (list x y))))
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(defun <=.8-fn ()
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        (loop for y in *reals*
               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
                (if (<= x y) (not (>= y x))
                  (>= y x)))
               (arithmetic-error () nil))
              collect (list x y))))

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(defun <=.9-fn ()
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        (loop for y in *reals*
               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
                (if (<= x y) (not (or (= x y) (< x y)))
                  (or (= x y) (< x y))))
               (arithmetic-error () nil))
              collect (list x y))))
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(defun >.8-fn ()
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        (loop for y in *reals*
               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
                (if (> x y) (<= x y)
                  (not (<= x y))))
               (arithmetic-error () nil))
              collect (list x y))))
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(defun >=.8-fn ()
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        (loop for y in *reals*
               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
                (if (>= x y) (not (or (= x y) (> x y)))
                  (or (= x y) (> x y))))
               (arithmetic-error () nil))
              collect (list x y))))
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;;; Comparison of rationsls

(defun compare-random-rationals (n m rep)
  (loop for a = (- (random n) m)
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        for b = (- (random n) m)
        for c = (- (random n) m)
        for d = (- (random n) m)
        repeat rep
        (and (/= b 0)
             (/= d 0)
             (let ((q1 (/ a b))
                   (q2 (/ c d))
                   (ad (* a d))
                   (bc (* b c)))
               (when (< (* b d) 0)
                 (setq ad (- ad))
                 (setq bc (- bc)))
               (or (if (< q1 q2) (not (< ad bc)) (< ad bc))
                   (if (<= q1 q2) (not (<= ad bc)) (<= ad bc))
                   (if (> q1 q2) (not (> ad bc)) (> ad bc))
                   (if (>= q1 q2) (not (>= ad bc)) (>= ad bc))
                   (if (= q1 q2) (not (= ad bc)) (= ad bc))
                   (if (/= q1 q2) (not (/= ad bc)) (/= ad bc)))))
        collect (list a b c d)))
(defun max.2-fn ()
  (loop for x in *reals*
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        (loop for y in *reals*
              when (numbers-are-compatible x y)
               (let ((m (max x y)))
                 (and (>= m x) (>= m y)
                      (or (= m x) (= m y))))
               (floating-point-underflow () t)
               (floating-point-overflow () t))
              collect (list x y (max x y)))))
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(defun min.2-fn ()
  (loop for x in *reals*
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        (loop for y in *reals*
              when (numbers-are-compatible x y)
               (let ((m (min x y)))
                 (and (<= m x) (<= m y)
                      (or (= m x) (= m y))))
               (floating-point-underflow () t)
               (floating-point-overflow () t))
              collect (list x y (min x y)))))
;;; Compute the number of digits that can be added to 1.0 in the appropriate
;;; float type, a rational representation of the smallest radix^(-k) s.t.
;;; 1.0 + radix^(-k) /= 1.0, and the float representation of that value.
;;; Note that this will in general be > <float-type>-epsilon.

(defun find-epsilon (x)
  (assert (floatp x))
  (let* ((one (float 1 x))
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         (radix (float-radix one))
         (eps (/ 1 radix)))
     for next-eps = (/ eps radix)
     for i from 1
     until (eql one (+ one next-eps))
     do (setq eps next-eps)
     finally (return (values i eps (float eps one))))))
(defun test-log-op-with-decls (op xlo xhi ylo yhi niters
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                                  (decls '((optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)
                                                     (debug 1)))))
  "Test that a compiled form of the LOG* function OP computes
   the expected result on two random integers drawn from the
   types `(integer ,xlo ,xhi) and `(integer ,ylo ,yhi).  Try
   niters choices.  Return a list of pairs on which the test fails."

  (assert (symbolp op))
  (assert (integerp xlo))
  (assert (integerp xhi))
  (assert (integerp ylo))
  (assert (integerp yhi))
  (assert (integerp niters))
  (assert (<= xlo xhi))
  (assert (<= ylo yhi))

  (let* ((source
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          `(lambda (x y)
             (declare (type (integer ,xlo ,xhi) x)
                      (type (integer ,ylo ,yhi) y)
                      ,@ decls)
             (,op x y)))
         (fn (compile nil source)))
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          for x = (random-from-interval (1+ xhi) xlo)
          for y = (random-from-interval (1+ yhi) ylo)
          unless (eql (funcall (the symbol op) x y)
                      (funcall fn x y))
          collect (list x y))))

(defun test-log-op (op n1 n2)
  (flet ((%r () (let ((r (random 33)))
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                  (- (random (ash 1 (1+ r))) (ash 1 r)))))
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          for x2 = (%r)
          for y1 = (%r)
          for y2 = (%r)
          repeat n1
          (test-log-op-with-decls op
                                  (min x1 x2) (max x1 x2)
                                  (min y1 y2) (max y1 y2)
(defun safe-tan (x &optional (default 0.0))
   (let ((result (multiple-value-list (tan x))))
     (assert (null (cdr result)))
     (car result))
   (arithmetic-error () default)))