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string-aux.lsp 5.92 KiB
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;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
;;;; Created:  Fri Oct  4 06:51:32 2002
;;;; Contains: Auxiliary functions for string testing

(in-package :cl-test)

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (compile-and-load "random-aux.lsp"))
(defun my-string-compare (string1 string2 comparison
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                                  &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2 case
                                  (len1 (progn (assert (stringp string1))
                                               (length string1)))
                                  (len2 (progn (assert (stringp string2))
                                               (length string2)))
                                   (case comparison
                                     (< (if case #'char-lessp #'char<))
                                     (<= (if case #'char-not-greaterp
                                     (= (if case #'char-equal #'char=))
                                     (/= (if case #'char-not-equal #'char/=))
                                     (> (if case #'char-greaterp #'char>))
                                     (>= (if case #'char-not-lessp #'char>=))
                                     (t (error "Bad comparison arg: ~A~%"
                                  (equal-fn (if case #'char-equal #'char=)))

  (assert (integerp start1))
  (assert (integerp start2))
  (unless end1 (setq end1 len1))
  (unless end2 (setq end2 len2))
  (assert (<= 0 start1 end1))
  (assert (<= 0 start2 end2))
   for i1 from start1
   for i2 from start2
    ((= i1 end1)
       ((= i2 end2)
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        ;; Both ended -- equality case
        (if (member comparison '(= <= >=))
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        (if (member comparison '(/= < <=))
    ((= i2 end2)
     ;; string1 still extending
      (if (member comparison '(/= > >=))
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           (c2 (my-aref string2 i2)))
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        ((funcall equal-fn c1 c2))
        (t ;; mismatch found -- what kind?
          (if (funcall compare-fn c1 c2)

(defun make-random-string-compare-test (n)
  (let* ((len (random n))
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         ;; Maximum lengths of the two strings
         (len1 (if (or (coin) (= len 0)) len (+ len (random len))))
         (len2 (if (or (coin) (= len 0)) len (+ len (random len))))
         (s1 (make-random-string len1))
         (s2 (make-random-string len2))
         ;; Actual lengths of the strings
         (len1 (length s1))
         (len2 (length s2))
         ;; Lengths of the parts of the strings to be matched
         (sublen1 (if (or (coin) (= len1 0)) (min len1 len2) (random len1)))
         (sublen2 (if (or (coin) (= len2 0)) (min len2 sublen1) (random len2)))
         ;; Start and end of the substring of the first string
         (start1 (if (coin 3) 0
                   (max 0 (min (1- len1) (random (- len1 sublen1 -1))))))
         (end1 (+ start1 sublen1))
         ;; Start and end of the substring of the second string
         (start2 (if (coin 3) 0
                   (max 0 (min (1- len2) (random (- len2 sublen2 -1))))))
         (end2 (+ start2 sublen2))
    (format t "len = ~A, len1 = ~A, len2 = ~A, sublen1 = ~A, sublen2 = ~A~%"
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            len len1 len2 sublen1 sublen2)
    (format t "start1 = ~A, end1 = ~A, start2 = ~A, end2 = ~A~%"
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            start1 end1 start2 end2)
    (format t "s1 = ~S, s2 = ~S~%" s1 s2)
    ;; Sometimes we want them to have a common prefix
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               (equal (array-element-type s1)
                      (array-element-type s2)))
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          (setf (subseq s2 start2 (+ start2 sublen1))
                (subseq s1 start1 (+ start1 sublen1)))
        (setf (subseq s1 start1 (+ start1 sublen2))
              (subseq s2 start2 (+ start2 sublen2)))))
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               (if (and (= start1 0) (coin))
                 (list :start1 start1))
               (if (and (= end1 len1) (coin))
                 (list :end1 end1))
               (if (and (= start2 0) (coin))
                 (list :start2 start2))
               (if (and (= end2 len2) (coin))
                 (list :end2 end2))))))))

(defun random-string-compare-test (n comparison case &optional (iterations 1))
  (loop for i from 1 to iterations
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        (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2 args)
            (make-random-string-compare-test n)
          ;; (format t "Strings: ~s ~s - Args = ~S~%" s1 s2 args)
          (let ((x (apply (case comparison
                            (< (if case #'string-lessp #'string<))
                            (<= (if case #'string-not-greaterp
                            (= (if case #'string-equal #'string=))
                            (/= (if case #'string-not-equal #'string/=))
                            (> (if case #'string-greaterp #'string>))
                            (>= (if case #'string-not-lessp #'string>=))
                            (t (error "Bad comparison arg: ~A~%" comparison)))
                          s1 s2 args))
                (y (apply #'my-string-compare s1 s2 comparison :case case args)))
             (or (eql x y)
                 (and x y (eqt comparison '=))))))))
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(defun string-all-the-same (s)
  (let ((len (length s)))
    (or (= len 0)
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        (let ((c (my-aref s 0)))
          (loop for i below len
                for d = (my-aref s i)
                always (eql c d))))))