- Feb 10, 2003
- Feb 08, 2003
- Feb 06, 2003
- Feb 05, 2003
pfdietz authored
- Feb 04, 2003
- Feb 01, 2003
pfdietz authored
Fixed problems in disjoint type list; do not include BIGNUM or EXTENDED-CHAR if they are empty types, since check-disjointness assumes non-emptyness. Added EQL types.
pfdietz authored
Added test that NIL is an acceptable lexical function name. Added tests that all standard generic functions are in the class, and that structure(standard)-object is in structure(standard)-class.
pfdietz authored
Added test that no classes are exported from COMMON-LISP that are not supposed to be types in the standard.
pfdietz authored
Fixed up disjointness tests to confirm that at least one of the types is a built-in-class. Added tests that standard-classes (structure-classes) inherit from standard-object (structure-object).
- Jan 31, 2003
- Jan 30, 2003
pfdietz authored
- Jan 29, 2003
pfdietz authored
Moved some subtypep tests to their own file, and added some (failing in CMUCL) tests for compound CONS type specifiers. Began adding tests for ERROR.
pfdietz authored
Fixed up some error tests, adding tests that hide the error form in a LOCALLY to possibly stimulate CMUCL compiler bugs. Converted some uses of the old catch-type-error into classify-error. Added safety proclamations in place of local safety declarations in eval-ed forms.
pfdietz authored
Added tests for env arguments to typep, subtypep, upgraded-array-element-type, macroexpand, macroexpand-1. Add more arrays to *universe*, in particular #() which showed a bug in some named structure predicates in CMUCL.
- Jan 28, 2003
- Jan 27, 2003
- Jan 26, 2003
pfdietz authored
Tests for bit-vector and simple-bit-vector types, vectorp, bit, and sbit. More vector class-related tests.
pfdietz authored
pfdietz authored
Added more typep ... [simple-]array test conditions. Some are commented out because gcl is failing on them right now (the rank designator bug).
pfdietz authored
Added more tests to those executed with make-array-with-checks. Now do many checks of memebership in various permutations of (array ...) and (simple-array ...) types.
- Jan 25, 2003