- Aug 31, 2015
Daniel Kochmański authored
Daniel Kochmański <daniel@turtleware.eu>
- Aug 12, 2009
sds authored
- Dec 30, 2005
pfdietz authored
Add tests that arguments to many standardized macros are expandedin the correct environment, if the macro implementation does thatexpansion itself (for example, if CONSTANTP does macro expansion)
- Jan 16, 2004
pfdietz authored
Begin updating error tests to use SIGNALS-ERROR instead of CLASSIFY-ERROR. The latter made unwarranted assumptions about error conditions not being in mutiple standardized condition classes.
- Apr 20, 2003
pfdietz authored
Added tests to confirm that MACRO-FUNCTIONs have the correct error behavior when called with the wrong number of arguments.
- Feb 16, 2003
pfdietz authored
Added tests of check-type. Added more assert tests. Added checks for various functions that the argument is evaluated only once.
- Oct 18, 2002
pfdietz authored