- May 16, 2005
- May 15, 2005
- May 14, 2005
- May 09, 2005
- May 08, 2005
- May 07, 2005
- May 06, 2005
- May 05, 2005
- May 04, 2005
pfdietz authored
Add a test for coerce in the case that the element type of the target vector type cannot be determined
- May 03, 2005
pfdietz authored
- May 02, 2005
pfdietz authored
Add check that eval of unbound variable gives an unbound-variable condition with the appropriate name. Also check the condition from MAKUNBOUND
pfdietz authored
pfdietz authored
pfdietz authored
Make the error message when type-error slots don't match more transparent. Add a check for undefined-function cell-error-name
- May 01, 2005