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  • Liam Healy's avatar
    Use CL RNG object, and not the foreign pointer in simulated annealing · 49cb0c32
    Liam Healy authored
    Jame Wright pointed out that the function trivial-example-step tried
    to apply the function #'sample to what turns out to be a foreign
    pointer, but it should take a CL object.  This is because we are
    making a random number generator, passing the foreign pointer to GSL,
    and then it is passing that pointer back to our routines so that we
    can use it in the step function.  This has been changed so that there
    is a special variable cl-generator which is bound to the CL object in
    #'simulated-annealing, and then used in the step function, while the
    foreign pointer being returned to us is ignored.