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1909 commits behind the upstream repository.
Robert P. Goldman authoredRobert P. Goldman authored
bundle.lisp 23.99 KiB
;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; ASDF-Bundle
(uiop/package:define-package :asdf/bundle
(:recycle :asdf/bundle :asdf)
(:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop :asdf/upgrade
:asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component :asdf/operation
:asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action :asdf/plan :asdf/operate)
#:bundle-op #:bundle-op-build-args #:bundle-type
#:bundle-system #:bundle-pathname-type #:bundlable-file-p #:direct-dependency-files
#:monolithic-op #:monolithic-bundle-op #:operation-monolithic-p
#:basic-fasl-op #:prepare-fasl-op #:fasl-op #:load-fasl-op #:monolithic-fasl-op
#:lib-op #:monolithic-lib-op
#:dll-op #:monolithic-dll-op
#:deliver-asd-op #:monolithic-deliver-asd-op
#:program-op #:image-op #:compiled-file #:precompiled-system #:prebuilt-system
#:user-system-p #:user-system #:trivial-system-p
#+ecl #:make-build
#:build-args #:name-suffix #:prologue-code #:epilogue-code #:static-library))
(in-package :asdf/bundle)
(with-upgradability ()
(defclass bundle-op (basic-compile-op)
((build-args :initarg :args :initform nil :accessor bundle-op-build-args)
(name-suffix :initarg :name-suffix :initform nil)
(bundle-type :initform :no-output-file :reader bundle-type)
#+ecl (lisp-files :initform nil :accessor bundle-op-lisp-files)))
(defclass monolithic-op (operation) ()
(:documentation "A MONOLITHIC operation operates on a system *and all of its
dependencies*. So, for example, a monolithic concatenate operation will
concatenate together a system's components and all of its dependencies, but a
simple concatenate operation will concatenate only the components of the system
itself.")) ;; operation on a system and its dependencies
(defclass monolithic-bundle-op (monolithic-op bundle-op)
;; Old style way of specifying prologue and epilogue on ECL: in the monolithic operation
((prologue-code :accessor prologue-code)
(epilogue-code :accessor epilogue-code)))
(defclass bundle-system (system)
;; New style (ASDF3.1) way of specifying prologue and epilogue on ECL: in the system
((prologue-code :accessor prologue-code)
(epilogue-code :accessor epilogue-code)))
(defclass program (bundle-system)
(prologue-code :initarg :prologue-code :initform nil :accessor prologue-code)
(epilogue-code :initarg :epilogue-code :initform nil :accessor epilogue-code)
(prefix-lisp-object-files :initarg :prefix-lisp-object-files
:initform nil :accessor program-prefix-lisp-object-files)
(postfix-lisp-object-files :initarg :postfix-lisp-object-files
:initform nil :accessor program-postfix-lisp-object-files)
(object-files :initarg :object-files
:initform nil :accessor program-object-files)
(extra-build-args :initarg :extra-build-args
:initform nil :accessor program-extra-build-args)))
(defmethod prologue-code ((x t)) nil)
(defmethod epilogue-code ((x t)) nil)
(defclass link-op (bundle-op) ()
(:documentation "Abstract operation for linking files together"))
(defclass gather-op (bundle-op)
((gather-op :initform nil :allocation :class :reader gather-op))
(:documentation "Abstract operation for gathering many input files from a system"))
(defun operation-monolithic-p (op)
(typep op 'monolithic-op))
(defmethod component-depends-on ((o gather-op) (s system))
(let* ((mono (operation-monolithic-p o))
s :other-systems mono :component-type (if mono 'system '(not system))
:goal-operation (find-operation o 'load-op)
:keep-operation 'compile-op)))
;; NB: the explicit make-operation on ECL and MKCL
;; ensures that we drop the original-initargs and its magic flags when recursing.
`((,(make-operation (or (gather-op o) (if mono 'lib-op 'compile-op))) ,@deps)
;; create a single fasl for the entire library
(defclass basic-fasl-op (bundle-op)
((bundle-type :initform :fasl)))
(defclass prepare-fasl-op (sideway-operation)
((sideway-operation :initform #+(or ecl mkcl) 'load-fasl-op #-(or ecl mkcl) 'load-op :allocation :class)))
(defclass lib-op (link-op gather-op non-propagating-operation)
((bundle-type :initform :lib))
(:documentation "compile the system and produce linkable (.a) library for it."))
(defclass fasl-op (basic-fasl-op selfward-operation #+ecl link-op #-ecl gather-op)
((selfward-operation :initform '(prepare-fasl-op #+ecl lib-op) :allocation :class)))
(defclass load-fasl-op (basic-load-op selfward-operation)
((selfward-operation :initform '(prepare-fasl-op fasl-op) :allocation :class)))
;; NB: since the monolithic-op's can't be sideway-operation's,
;; if we wanted lib-op, dll-op, deliver-asd-op to be sideway-operation's,
;; we'd have to have the monolithic-op not inherit from the main op,
;; but instead inherit from a basic-FOO-op as with basic-fasl-op above.
(defclass dll-op (link-op gather-op non-propagating-operation)
((bundle-type :initform :dll))
(:documentation "compile the system and produce dynamic (.so/.dll) library for it."))
(defclass deliver-asd-op (basic-compile-op selfward-operation)
((selfward-operation :initform '(fasl-op #+(or ecl mkcl) lib-op) :allocation :class))
(:documentation "produce an asd file for delivering the system as a single fasl"))
(defclass monolithic-deliver-asd-op (monolithic-bundle-op deliver-asd-op)
((selfward-operation :initform '(monolithic-fasl-op #+(or ecl mkcl) monolithic-lib-op)
:allocation :class))
(:documentation "produce fasl and asd files for combined system and dependencies."))
(defclass monolithic-fasl-op (monolithic-bundle-op basic-fasl-op
#+ecl link-op gather-op non-propagating-operation)
((gather-op :initform #+(or ecl mkcl) 'lib-op #-(or ecl mkcl) 'fasl-op :allocation :class))
(:documentation "Create a single fasl for the system and its dependencies."))
(defclass monolithic-lib-op (monolithic-bundle-op lib-op non-propagating-operation) ()
(:documentation "Create a single linkable library for the system and its dependencies."))
(defclass monolithic-dll-op (monolithic-bundle-op dll-op non-propagating-operation)
((bundle-type :initform :dll))
(:documentation "Create a single dynamic (.so/.dll) library for the system and its dependencies."))
(defclass image-op (monolithic-bundle-op selfward-operation
#+ecl link-op #+(or ecl mkcl) gather-op)
((bundle-type :initform :image)
(selfward-operation :initform '(#-(or ecl mkcl) load-op) :allocation :class))
(:documentation "create an image file from the system and its dependencies"))
(defclass program-op (image-op)
((bundle-type :initform :program))
(:documentation "create an executable file from the system and its dependencies"))
(defun bundle-pathname-type (bundle-type)
(etypecase bundle-type
((eql :no-output-file) nil) ;; should we error out instead?
((or null string) bundle-type)
((eql :fasl) #-(or ecl mkcl) (compile-file-type) #+(or ecl mkcl) "fasb")
((member :dll :lib :shared-library :static-library :program :object :program)
(compile-file-type :type bundle-type))
((member :image) "image")
((member :dll :shared-library) (cond ((os-macosx-p) "dylib") ((os-unix-p) "so") ((os-windows-p) "dll")))
((member :lib :static-library) (cond ((os-unix-p) "a")
((os-windows-p) (if (featurep '(:or :mingw32 :mingw64)) "a" "lib"))))
((eql :program) (cond ((os-unix-p) nil) ((os-windows-p) "exe")))))
(defun bundle-output-files (o c)
(let ((bundle-type (bundle-type o)))
(unless (or (eq bundle-type :no-output-file) ;; NIL already means something regarding type.
(and (null (input-files o c)) (not (member bundle-type '(:image :program)))))
(let ((name (or (component-build-pathname c)
(format nil "~A~@[~A~]" (component-name c) (slot-value o 'name-suffix))))
(type (bundle-pathname-type bundle-type)))
(values (list (subpathname (component-pathname c) name :type type))
(eq (type-of o) (component-build-operation c)))))))
(defmethod output-files ((o bundle-op) (c system))
(bundle-output-files o c))
#-(or ecl mkcl)
(defmethod perform ((o program-op) (c system))
(let ((output-file (output-file o c)))
(setf *image-entry-point* (ensure-function (component-entry-point c)))
(dump-image output-file :executable t)))
(defclass compiled-file (file-component)
((type :initform #-(or ecl mkcl) (compile-file-type) #+(or ecl mkcl) "fasb")))
(defclass precompiled-system (system)
((build-pathname :initarg :fasl)))
(defclass prebuilt-system (system)
((build-pathname :initarg :static-library :initarg :lib
:accessor prebuilt-system-static-library))))
;;; This operation takes all components from one or more systems and
;;; creates a single output file, which may be
;;; a FASL, a statically linked library, a shared library, etc.
;;; The different targets are defined by specialization.
(with-upgradability ()
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance bundle-op) &rest initargs
&key (name-suffix nil name-suffix-p)
(declare (ignore initargs name-suffix))
(unless name-suffix-p
(setf (slot-value instance 'name-suffix)
(unless (typep instance 'program-op)
(if (operation-monolithic-p instance) "--all-systems" #-(or ecl mkcl) "--system")))) ; . no good for Logical Pathnames
(when (typep instance 'monolithic-bundle-op)
(destructuring-bind (&key #-mkcl lisp-files prologue-code epilogue-code
(operation-original-initargs instance)
(setf (prologue-code instance) prologue-code
(epilogue-code instance) epilogue-code)
#-(or ecl mkcl) (assert (null (or lisp-files epilogue-code prologue-code)))
#+ecl (setf (bundle-op-lisp-files instance) lisp-files)))
(setf (bundle-op-build-args instance)
'(:type :monolithic :name-suffix :epilogue-code :prologue-code :lisp-files)
(operation-original-initargs instance))))
(defun bundlable-file-p (pathname)
(let ((type (pathname-type pathname)))
(declare (ignorable type))
(or #+ecl (or (equalp type (compile-file-type :type :object))
(equalp type (compile-file-type :type :static-library)))
#+mkcl (or (equalp type (compile-file-type :fasl-p nil))
#+(or unix mingw32 mingw64) (equalp type "a") ;; valid on Unix and MinGW
#+(and windows (not (or mingw32 mingw64))) (equalp type "lib"))
#+(or abcl allegro clisp clozure cmu lispworks sbcl scl xcl) (equalp type (compile-file-type)))))
(defgeneric* (trivial-system-p) (component))
(defun user-system-p (s)
(and (typep s 'system)
(not (builtin-system-p s))
(not (trivial-system-p s)))))
(eval-when (#-lispworks :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(deftype user-system () '(and system (satisfies user-system-p))))
;;; First we handle monolithic bundles.
;;; These are standalone systems which contain everything,
;;; including other ASDF systems required by the current one.
;;; A PROGRAM is always monolithic.
(with-upgradability ()
(defmethod component-depends-on :around ((o bundle-op) (c component))
(if-let (op (and (eq (type-of o) 'bundle-op) (component-build-operation c)))
`((,op ,c))
(defun direct-dependency-files (o c &key (test 'identity) (key 'output-files) &allow-other-keys)
;; This file selects output files from direct dependencies;
;; your component-depends-on method better gathered the correct dependencies in the correct order.
(while-collecting (collect)
t o c #'(lambda (sub-o sub-c)
(loop :for f :in (funcall key sub-o sub-c)
:when (funcall test f) :do (collect f))))))
(defmethod input-files ((o gather-op) (c system))
(unless (eq (bundle-type o) :no-output-file)
(direct-dependency-files o c :test 'bundlable-file-p :key 'output-files)))
(defun select-bundle-operation (type &optional monolithic)
(ecase type
((:dll :shared-library)
(if monolithic 'monolithic-dll-op 'dll-op))
((:lib :static-library)
(if monolithic 'monolithic-lib-op 'lib-op))
(if monolithic 'monolithic-fasl-op 'fasl-op))
;; This is originally from asdf-ecl.lisp. Does anyone use it?
(defun make-build (system &rest args &key (monolithic nil) (type :fasl)
(move-here nil move-here-p)
(let* ((operation-name (select-bundle-operation type monolithic))
(move-here-path (if (and move-here
(typep move-here '(or pathname string)))
(ensure-pathname move-here :namestring :lisp :ensure-directory t)
(system-relative-pathname system "asdf-output/")))
(operation (apply #'operate operation-name
(remove-plist-keys '(:monolithic :type :move-here) args)))
(system (find-system system))
(files (and system (output-files operation system))))
(if (or move-here (and (null move-here-p)
(member operation-name '(:program :image))))
(loop :with dest-path = (resolve-symlinks* (ensure-directories-exist move-here-path))
:for f :in files
:for new-f = (make-pathname :name (pathname-name f)
:type (pathname-type f)
:defaults dest-path)
:do (rename-file-overwriting-target f new-f)
:collect new-f)
;;; This is like ASDF's LOAD-OP, but using monolithic fasl files.
(with-upgradability ()
(defmethod component-depends-on ((o load-fasl-op) (c system))
`((,o ,@(loop :for dep :in (component-sideway-dependencies c)
:collect (resolve-dependency-spec c dep)))
(,(if (user-system-p c) 'fasl-op 'load-op) ,c)
(defmethod input-files ((o load-fasl-op) (c system))
(when (user-system-p c)
(output-files (find-operation o 'fasl-op) c)))
(defmethod perform ((o load-fasl-op) (c system))
(when (input-files o c)
(perform-lisp-load-fasl o c)))
(defmethod mark-operation-done :after ((o load-fasl-op) (c system))
(mark-operation-done (find-operation o 'load-op) c)))
;;; This component can be used to distribute ASDF systems in precompiled form.
;;; Only useful when the dependencies have also been precompiled.
(with-upgradability ()
(defmethod trivial-system-p ((s system))
(every #'(lambda (c) (typep c 'compiled-file)) (component-children s)))
(defmethod input-files ((o operation) (c compiled-file))
(list (component-pathname c)))
(defmethod perform ((o load-op) (c compiled-file))
(perform-lisp-load-fasl o c))
(defmethod perform ((o load-source-op) (c compiled-file))
(perform (find-operation o 'load-op) c))
(defmethod perform ((o load-fasl-op) (c compiled-file))
(perform (find-operation o 'load-op) c))
(defmethod perform ((o operation) (c compiled-file))
;;; Pre-built systems
(with-upgradability ()
(defmethod trivial-system-p ((s prebuilt-system))
(defmethod perform ((o lib-op) (c prebuilt-system))
(defmethod component-depends-on ((o lib-op) (c prebuilt-system))
(defmethod component-depends-on ((o monolithic-lib-op) (c prebuilt-system))
(defmethod perform ((o fasl-op) (c prebuilt-system))
(defmethod output-files ((o lib-op) (c prebuilt-system))
(list (prebuilt-system-static-library c))))
(with-upgradability ()
(defmethod output-files ((o deliver-asd-op) (s system))
(list (make-pathname :name (component-name s) :type "asd"
:defaults (component-pathname s))))
(defmethod perform ((o deliver-asd-op) (s system))
(let* ((inputs (input-files o s))
(fasl (first inputs))
(library (second inputs))
(asd (first (output-files o s)))
(name (if (and fasl asd) (pathname-name asd) (return-from perform)))
(version (component-version s))
(if (operation-monolithic-p o)
(remove-if-not 'builtin-system-p
(required-components s :component-type 'system
:keep-operation 'load-op))
(while-collecting (x) ;; resolve the sideway-dependencies of s
t 'load-op s
#'(lambda (o c)
(when (and (typep o 'load-op) (typep c 'system))
(x c)))))))
(depends-on (mapcar 'coerce-name dependencies)))
(when (pathname-equal asd (system-source-file s))
(cerror "overwrite the asd file"
"~/asdf-action:format-action/ is going to overwrite the system definition file ~S which is probably not what you want; you probably need to tweak your output translations."
(cons o s) asd))
(with-open-file (s asd :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(format s ";;; Prebuilt~:[~; monolithic~] ASDF definition for system ~A~%"
(operation-monolithic-p o) name)
(format s ";;; Built for ~A ~A on a ~A/~A ~A~%"
(let ((*package* (find-package :asdf-user)))
(pprint `(asdf/defsystem:defsystem ,name
:class prebuilt-system
:version ,version
:depends-on ,depends-on
:components ((:compiled-file ,(pathname-name fasl)))
,@(when library `(:lib ,(file-namestring library))))
(terpri s)))))
#-(or ecl mkcl)
(defmethod perform ((o basic-fasl-op) (c system))
(let* ((input-files (input-files o c))
(fasl-files (remove (compile-file-type) input-files :key #'pathname-type :test-not #'equalp))
(non-fasl-files (remove (compile-file-type) input-files :key #'pathname-type :test #'equalp))
(output-files (output-files o c))
(output-file (first output-files)))
(assert (eq (not input-files) (not output-files)))
(when input-files
(when non-fasl-files
(error "On ~A, asdf/bundle can only bundle FASL files, but these were also produced: ~S"
(implementation-type) non-fasl-files))
(when (or (prologue-code o) (epilogue-code o)
(prologue-code c) (epilogue-code c))
(error "prologue-code and epilogue-code are not supported on ~A"
(with-staging-pathname (output-file)
(combine-fasls fasl-files output-file)))))
(defmethod input-files ((o load-op) (s precompiled-system))
(bundle-output-files (find-operation o 'fasl-op) s))
(defmethod perform ((o load-op) (s precompiled-system))
(perform-lisp-load-fasl o s))
(defmethod component-depends-on ((o load-fasl-op) (s precompiled-system))
#+xcl (declare (ignorable o))
`((load-op ,s) ,@(call-next-method))))
#| ;; Example use:
(asdf:defsystem :precompiled-asdf-utils :class asdf::precompiled-system :fasl (asdf:apply-output-translations (asdf:system-relative-pathname :asdf-utils "asdf-utils.system.fasl")))
(asdf:load-system :precompiled-asdf-utils)
(with-upgradability ()
(defun uiop-library-file ()
(or (and (find-system :uiop nil)
(system-source-directory :uiop)
(operate 'lib-op :uiop)
(output-file 'lib-op :uiop)))
(resolve-symlinks* (c::compile-file-pathname "sys:asdf" :type :lib))))
(defmethod input-files :around ((o program-op) (c system))
(let ((files (call-next-method))
(plan (traverse-sub-actions o c :plan-class 'sequential-plan)))
(unless (or (and (system-source-directory :uiop)
(plan-operates-on-p plan '("uiop")))
(and (system-source-directory :asdf)
(plan-operates-on-p plan '("asdf"))))
(pushnew (uiop-library-file) files :test 'pathname-equal))
#+(or ecl mkcl)
(with-upgradability ()
(defun register-pre-built-system (name)
(register-system (make-instance 'system :name (coerce-name name) :source-file nil))))
(with-upgradability ()
;; I think that Juanjo intended for this to be.
;; But it might break systems with missing dependencies,
;; and there is a weird bug in test-xach-update-bug.script
;;(unless (use-ecl-byte-compiler-p)
;; (setf *load-system-operation* 'load-fasl-op))
(defmethod perform ((o link-op) (c system))
(let* ((object-files (input-files o c))
(output (output-files o c))
(bundle (first output))
(targetp (eq (type-of o) (component-build-operation c)))
(kind (bundle-type o)))
(when output
(apply 'create-image
bundle (append object-files (bundle-op-lisp-files o))
:kind kind
:prologue-code (or (prologue-code o) (when targetp (prologue-code c)))
:epilogue-code (or (epilogue-code o) (when targetp (epilogue-code c)))
:build-args (bundle-op-build-args o)
(when targetp `(:entry-point ,(component-entry-point c))))))))
(with-upgradability ()
(defmethod perform ((o dll-op) (s system))
(apply #'compiler::build-shared-library (output-file o s)
:lisp-object-files (input-files o s) (bundle-op-build-args o)))
(defmethod perform ((o lib-op) (s system))
(apply #'compiler::build-static-library (output-file o s)
:lisp-object-files (input-files o s) (bundle-op-build-args o)))
(defmethod perform ((o basic-fasl-op) (s system))
(apply #'compiler::build-bundle (output-file o s)
:lisp-object-files (input-files o s) (bundle-op-build-args o)))
(defmethod perform ((o program-op) (s system))
(apply #'compiler::build-program (output-file o s)
:lisp-object-files (append (program-prefix-lisp-object-files s)
(input-files o s)
(program-postfix-lisp-object-files s))
:object-files (program-object-files s)
:prologue-code (prologue-code s)
:epilogue-code (epilogue-code s)
(program-extra-build-args s)))
(defun bundle-system (system &rest args &key force (verbose t) version &allow-other-keys)
(declare (ignore force verbose version))
(apply #'operate 'deliver-asd-op system args)))
#+(and (not asdf-use-unsafe-mac-bundle-op)
(or (and ecl darwin)
(and abcl darwin (not abcl-bundle-op-supported))))
(defmethod perform :before ((o basic-fasl-op) (c component))
(unless (featurep :asdf-use-unsafe-mac-bundle-op)
(cerror "Continue after modifying *FEATURES*."
"BASIC-FASL-OP bundle operations are not supported on Mac OS X for this lisp.~%~T~
To continue, push :asdf-use-unsafe-mac-bundle-op onto *FEATURES*.~%~T~
Please report to ASDF-DEVEL if this works for you.")))