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;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-UTILS; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
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;; $fiHeader: lisp-utilities.lisp,v 1.29 93/03/19 09:47:22 cer Exp $
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(in-package :clim-utils)

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"Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 Symbolics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
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 Portions copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990 International Lisp Associates."

;;; Define useful tools that don't exist in vanilla CL.

(defvar *keyword-package* (find-package :keyword))

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;;; FUNCTIONP doesn't do what we want and there isn't any other CL function
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;;; that does. 
(defun funcallable-p (thing)
  (etypecase thing
    (symbol (fboundp thing))
    (function t)))

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;;; ONCE-ONLY does the same thing as it does in zetalisp.  I should have just
;;; lifted it from there but I am honest.  Not only that but this one is
;;; written in Common Lisp.  I feel a lot like bootstrapping, or maybe more
;;; like rebuilding Rome.
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;; Variables can have &ENVIRONMENT ENV in it
(defmacro once-only (variables &body body)
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  (let ((gensym-var (gensym))
        (run-time-vars (gensym))
        (run-time-vals (gensym))
        (expand-time-val-forms ()))
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    (multiple-value-bind (variables #+(or Genera Minima) environment-var)
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	(decode-once-only-arguments variables)
      (dolist (var variables)
	(push `(if (or (constantp ,var #+(or Genera Minima) ,environment-var)
		       (symbolp ,var))
		   (let ((,gensym-var (gensym)))
		     (push ,gensym-var ,run-time-vars)
		     (push ,var ,run-time-vals)
      `(let* (,run-time-vars
		(let ,(mapcar #'list variables (reverse expand-time-val-forms))
	 `(let ,(mapcar #'list (reverse ,run-time-vars)
			       (reverse ,run-time-vals))

(eval-when (compile load eval)
(defun decode-once-only-arguments (variables)
  (let ((vars nil)
	(env nil)
	(vl variables))
      (when (null vl) 
	(return-from decode-once-only-arguments
	  (values (nreverse vars) env)))
      (let ((var (pop vl)))
	(if (eq var '&environment)
	    (setq env (pop vl))
	    (push var vars))))))
)	;eval-when

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(defmacro dorest ((var list &optional (by 'cdr)) &body body)
  `(do ((,var ,list (,by ,var)))
       ((null ,var) nil)

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;; Why is there DOLIST in CL but no DOVECTOR or DOSEQ{uence}
(defmacro dovector ((var vector &key (start 0) end from-end simple-p) &body body)
  (unless (constantp simple-p)
    (setq simple-p nil)
    (warn "SIMPLE-P should be a constant, ignoring it"))
  (when (and simple-p (null end))
    (warn "When SIMPLE-P is T, you must supply :END"))
  (let ((fvector '#:vector)
	(startd  '#:start)
	(endd    '#:end)
	(limit   '#:limit)
	(variable (if (atom var) var (first var)))
	(index    (if (atom var) '#:index (second var)))
	(aref (if simple-p 'svref 'aref)))
    `(block nil
       (let* ((,fvector ,vector)
	      (,startd ,start)
	      (,endd ,(if simple-p `,end `(or ,end (length ,fvector))))
	      (,index (if ,from-end (1- ,endd) ,startd))
	      (,limit (if ,from-end (1- ,startd) ,endd)))
	 (declare (type fixnum ,endd ,index ,limit)
		  ;; Turn on the afterburners...
		  (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))
		  ,(if simple-p
		       `(type simple-vector ,fvector)
		       `(type vector ,fvector)))
	   (when (= ,index ,limit) (return))
	   (let ((,variable (,aref ,fvector ,index)))
	   (,(if from-end 'decf 'incf) ,index))))))

(defmacro doseq ((var sequence) &body body)
  (let ((fcn (gensymbol 'doseq)))
    `(flet ((,fcn (,var) ,@body))
       (etypecase ,sequence
	 (list (dolist (thing ,sequence) (,fcn thing)))
	 (vector (dovector (thing ,sequence) (,fcn thing)))))))

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;;; Stuff for dealing with CLIM coordinates
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(deftype coordinate () 
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  #+use-float-coordinates  'single-float
  #+use-fixnum-coordinates 'fixnum
  #-(or use-float-coordinates use-fixnum-coordinates) 't)
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;; Convert a number of arbitrary type into a COORDINATE
(defmacro coordinate (x &optional (round-direction 'round))
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  #-use-fixnum-coordinates (declare (ignore round-direction))
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  #+use-float-coordinates `(the coordinate (float ,x 0f0))
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  #+use-fixnum-coordinates (ecase round-direction
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			       #+(or Allegro Lucid) `(the fixnum (round ,x))
			       #-(or Allegro Lucid) `(the fixnum (values (floor (+ ,x .5f0)))))
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			       `(the fixnum (values (floor ,x))))
			       `(the fixnum (values (ceiling ,x)))))
  #-(or use-float-coordinates use-fixnum-coordinates) `,x)
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(defconstant +largest-coordinate+
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	     #+use-float-coordinates (float (expt 10 (floor (log most-positive-fixnum 10))) 0f0)
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	     #+use-fixnum-coordinates most-positive-fixnum
	     #-(or use-float-coordinates use-fixnum-coordinates) most-positive-fixnum)
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(defmacro integerize-single-float-coordinate (coord)
  `(the fixnum (values (floor (+ (the single-float ,coord) .5f0)))))

(defmacro integerize-double-float-coordinate (coord)
  `(the fixnum (values (floor (+ (the double-float ,coord) .5d0)))))

(defmacro integerize-float-coordinate (coord)
  `(the fixnum (values (floor (+ (the float ,coord) .5)))))

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#+(or Genera Minima)
(defun-inline fix-coordinate (coord)
  (if (typep coord 'fixnum)
      (the fixnum (values (floor (+ coord .5f0))))))

(defmacro fix-coordinate (coord)
  ;; ROUND is good enough in Allegro for 90% of the speed, and it's less filling.
  `(the fixnum (round ,coord)))

#-(or Genera Minima Allegro)
(defun fix-coordinate (coord)
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  (etypecase coord
    (fixnum coord)
      (integerize-single-float-coordinate coord))
      (integerize-double-float-coordinate coord))
      (integerize-float-coordinate coord))
      (values (floor (+ coord 1/2))))
    ;; disallow bignums and other types of numbers

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(defmacro fix-coordinates (&body coords)
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     ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(setq ,x (fix-coordinate ,x)))
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;; Assume that the value is a fixnum and that the result is a fixnum.
(defmacro fast-abs (int)
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  (let ((value '#:value))
    `(let ((,value ,int))
       (declare (fixnum ,value))
       (the fixnum (if (< ,value 0) (the fixnum (- 0 ,value)) ,value)))))

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;; COORDINATE-PAIRS is a list of pairs of coordinates.
;; The coordinates must be of type COORDINATE
(defmacro translate-coordinates (x-delta y-delta &body coordinate-pairs)
  (once-only (x-delta y-delta)
       ,@(let ((forms nil))
	   (dorest (pts coordinate-pairs cddr)
	     (push `(setf ,(first pts)  
			  (the coordinate (+ ,(first pts)  ,x-delta))) forms)
	     (push `(setf ,(second pts)
			  (the coordinate (+ ,(second pts) ,y-delta))) forms))
	   (nreverse forms)))))

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;; Warning: this macro evaluates its position arguments multiple times
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(defmacro convert-to-device-coordinates (transform &body positions)
  (assert (evenp (length positions)) (positions)
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	  "There must be an even number of elements in ~S" positions)
  (assert (every #'symbolp positions) (positions)
	  "Each of the positions must be a variable in ~S" positions)
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  (let ((forms nil))
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      (when (null positions)
	(return `(progn ,@(nreverse forms))))
      (let* ((x (pop positions))
	     (y (pop positions)))
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	(push `(progn
		 (multiple-value-setq (,x ,y) 
		   (transform-position ,transform ,x ,y))
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		 (fix-coordinates ,x ,y))
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;; Warning: this macro evaluates its position arguments multiple times
(defmacro convert-to-device-distances (transform &body distances)
  (assert (evenp (length distances)) (distances)
	  "There must be an even number of elements in ~S" distances)
  (assert (every #'symbolp distances) (distances)
	  "Each of the distances must be a variable in ~S" distances)
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  (let ((forms nil))
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      (when (null distances)
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	(return `(progn ,@(nreverse forms))))
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      (let* ((x (pop distances))
	     (y (pop distances)))
	(push `(progn
		 (multiple-value-setq (,x ,y) 
		   (transform-distance ,transform ,x ,y))
		 (fix-coordinates ,x ,y))
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;;; Characters that are ordinary text rather than potential input editor commands.
;;; Note that GRAPHIC-CHAR-P is true of #\Space
(defun ordinary-char-p (char)
  (and #+Allegro (zerop (char-bits char))
       (or (graphic-char-p char)
	   ;; For characters, CHAR= and EQL are the same.  Not true of EQ!
	   (eql char #\Newline)
	   (eql char #\Return)
	   (eql char #\Tab))))

(defun whitespace-char-p (char)
  (and (characterp char)
       (or (char-equal char #\Space)
	   (eql char #\Tab))))

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;;; Make sure we don't get screwed by environments like Coral's that
;;; have *print-case* set to :downcase by default.
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(defvar *standard-io-environment-val-cache* nil)

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(defun standard-io-environment-vars-and-vals ()
  (unless *standard-io-environment-val-cache*
    (setq *standard-io-environment-val-cache*
	  (list 10				;*read-base*
		(copy-readtable nil)		;*readtable*
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		(find-package :user)		;*package*
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		t				;*print-escape*
		nil				;*print-pretty*
		nil				;*print-radix*
		10				;*print-base*
		nil				;*print-circle*
		nil				;*print-level*
		nil				;*print-length*
		:upcase				;*print-case*
		t				;*print-gensym*
		t				;*print-array*
		nil)))				;*read-suppress*
    '(*read-base* *readtable* *package* *print-escape* *print-pretty*
      *print-radix* *print-base* *print-circle* *print-level* *print-length*
      *print-case* *print-gensym* *print-array* *read-suppress*)

(defmacro with-standard-io-environment (&body body)
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  `(multiple-value-bind (vars vals)
     (progv vars vals
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  `(with-standard-io-syntax ,@body))

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#-(or ANSI-90 Genera)
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(defmacro with-standard-io-syntax (&body body)
  `(with-standard-io-environment ,@body))

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;; Define this so we don't have to deal with stupid warnings about
;; the iteration variable being used, or not used, or what not
(defmacro repeat (n &body body)
  (let ((i '#:i))
    `(dotimes (,i ,n)
       #-(or Minima Genera Allegro) (declare (ignore i))

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;;; Have to provide CLIM-LISP:WITH-OPEN-STREAM, because it needs to use a different
;;; version of CLOSE.  We need this for printer streams, at least.

;;; This is a little more complicated than it absolutely needs to be.  The idea is
;;; that there should be as short a timing window during which the stream to be closed
;;; is open but we don't have our hands on it to pass to CLOSE.  We therefore don't
;;; want to bind the user's variable to the stream outside of the unwind-protect, but
;;; rather want to bind it inside.  The reason we need the temporary variable is
;;; because the user might declare the stream variable to be of type STREAM, which
;;; would not be true during the brief interval after the binding and before the
;;; setting of that variable.  I believe this implementation of WITH-OPEN-STREAM to
;;; have as small a timing window, and to be as semantically correct as possible. 

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#+(or (not CLIM-uses-Lisp-stream-functions)	;Do this if we provide CLOSE function
      Genera					; Sigh.  CLOSE also shadowed for Genera.
      CCL-2)					; Sigh.  CLOSE also shadowed for CCL-2.
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(defmacro with-open-stream ((stream-variable construction-form) &body body &environment env)
  (let ((aborted-variable (gensymbol 'aborted-p))
	(temporary-stream-variable (gensymbol 'stream)))
    (multiple-value-bind (documentation declarations actual-body)
	(extract-declarations body env)
      (declare (ignore documentation))
      `(let (,temporary-stream-variable
	     (,aborted-variable t))
	     (progn (setq ,temporary-stream-variable ,construction-form)
		    (let ((,stream-variable ,temporary-stream-variable))
	     (setf ,aborted-variable nil))
	 (when ,temporary-stream-variable
	   (close ,temporary-stream-variable :abort ,aborted-variable)))))))

(defun follow-synonym-stream (stream)
  #+Genera (si:follow-syn-stream stream)
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  #+(and ANSI-90 (not Genera)) (typecase stream
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				   (symbol-value (synonym-stream-symbol stream)))
				 (t stream))
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  #-(or Genera ANSI-90) stream)
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#-(or Genera ANSI-90) 
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(eval-when (compile)
  (warn "You haven't defined ~S for this implementation.  A stub has been provided."

(defun fintern (format-string &rest format-args)
  (declare (dynamic-extent format-args))
  (intern (let ((package *package*))
	      (let ((*package* package))
		(apply #'lisp:format () format-string format-args))))))

(defvar *gensymbol* 0)
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(eval-when (compile load eval)
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(defun gensymbol (&rest parts)
  (declare (dynamic-extent parts))
  (when (null parts) (setf parts '(gensymbol)))
  (make-symbol (lisp:format nil "~{~A-~}~D" parts (incf *gensymbol*))))
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)	;eval-when
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;;; For macro writers; you can have your GENSYMBOLs start at 1.  Use
;;; this in the macro, not in its expansion...
(defmacro with-related-gensymbols (&body body)
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  `(let ((*gensymbol* 0))
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;; Used in generating internal function and method names.
;; (remove-word-from-string "com-" 'com-show-file) => "SHOW-FILE"
;; Always returns a new string that can be bashed to your heart's content
(defun remove-word-from-string (word string-or-symbol &optional only-from-beginning-p)
  (let ((string (etypecase string-or-symbol
		  (string string-or-symbol)
		  (symbol (string string-or-symbol)))))
    (let ((word-position (search word string :test #'char-equal)))
      (cond ((null word-position)
	     (concatenate 'string string))
	    ((zerop word-position)
	     (subseq string (length word)))
	     (concatenate 'string string))
	     (concatenate 'string
			  (subseq string 0 word-position)
			  (subseq string (+ word-position (length word)))))))))

;;; Why PUSHNEW doesn't do this is beyond me.
(defmacro push-unique (item reference &rest args &key test test-not key)
  (declare (ignore test test-not))
  `(let* ((evaled-item ,item)
	  (evaled-reference ,reference)
	  (element (find ,(if key `(funcall ,key evaled-item) 'evaled-item)
			 evaled-reference ,@args)))
     (setf ,reference
	   (if element
	       (substitute evaled-item element evaled-reference)
	       (cons evaled-item evaled-reference)))))

(defmacro catch-if (condition tag &body body)
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  `(catch (if ,condition ,tag '#:tag-for-catch-if)
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;(defmacro letf-globally (places-and-vals &body body)
;  `(sys:letf* ,places-and-vals ,@body))
(defmacro letf-globally (places-and-vals &body body)
  ;; I don't want to use LETF-globally, mind you, but I can't easily implement
  ;; LETF{-not-globally} without something like sys:%bind-location.
  ;; Of course, this one is really LETF*-GLOBALLY, but don't tell anyone.
  ;; A minor optimization: when you bind something to itself or don't
  ;;  say what to bind it to, it doesn't get SETF'd, since it isn't
  ;;  being changed.
  (when (null places-and-vals)
    (return-from letf-globally `(progn ,@body)))
  (let ((let-forms nil)
	(set-forms nil)
	(unwind-forms nil))
    ;; remember that we can't use SCL:LOOP
    (map nil #'(lambda (place-and-val)
		 (let* ((place (pop place-and-val))
			(val-p (not (null place-and-val)))
			(val (and val-p (pop place-and-val)))
			(temp-var (gensymbol 'letf-globally-temp)))
		   (when (and val-p (equal place val)) (setf val-p nil))   ;bind to itself?
		   (push `(,temp-var ,place) let-forms)
		   (when val-p (push place set-forms) (push val set-forms))
		   (push temp-var unwind-forms) (push place unwind-forms)))
    `(let ,(nreverse let-forms)
	   (progn (setf ,@(nreverse set-forms)) ,@body)
	 (setf ,@unwind-forms)))))		;Undo backwards.

(defmacro letf-globally-if (condition places-and-vals &body body)
  #+Genera (declare (zwei:indentation 1 4 2 1))
  (when (null places-and-vals)
    (return-from letf-globally-if `(progn ,@body)))
  (let ((let-forms nil)
	(set-forms nil)
	(unwind-forms nil)
	(condition-value (gensymbol 'condition)))
    (map nil #'(lambda (place-and-val)
		 (let* ((place (pop place-and-val))
			(val-p (not (null place-and-val)))
			(val (and val-p (pop place-and-val)))
			(temp-var (gensymbol 'letf-globally-temp)))
		   (when (and val-p (equal place val)) (setf val-p nil))
		   (push `(,temp-var (and ,condition-value ,place)) let-forms)
		   (when val-p (push place set-forms) (push val set-forms))
		   (push temp-var unwind-forms) (push place unwind-forms)))
    `(let ((,condition-value ,condition))
       (let ,(nreverse let-forms)
	     (progn (when ,condition-value (setf ,@(nreverse set-forms)))
	   (when ,condition-value (setf ,@unwind-forms)))))))

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#-(and ANSI-90 (not Allegro) (not Symbolics))
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(eval-when (compile load eval)
  (proclaim '(declaration non-dynamic-extent)))

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#+(and ANSI-90 (not Allegro) (not Symbolics))
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(define-declaration non-dynamic-extent (spec env)
  (let ((vars (rest spec))
        (result nil))
    (dolist (v vars)
      (block process-var
        (multiple-value-bind (type local info)
                             (variable-information v env)
          (declare (ignore local))
          (case type
             (when (cdr (assoc 'dynamic-extent info))
               (warn "The variable ~S has been declared ~S,~%it cannot be now declared ~S"
                     v 'dynamic-extent 'non-dynamic-extent)
               (return-from process-var))
             (when (cdr (assoc 'ignore info))
               (warn "The variable ~S has been declared ~S,~%it cannot be now declared ~S"
                     v 'ignore 'non-dynamic-extent)
               (return-from process-var))
             (push `(,v dynamic-extent nil) result))
             (warn "~S is not a lexical variable, it cannot be declared ~S."
                   v 'non-dynamic-extent))))))
    (values :variable (nreverse result))))

(defun time-elapsed-p (delta-seconds start-time)
  (let ((internal-units (* delta-seconds internal-time-units-per-second))
	(internal-time (get-internal-real-time)))
    ;; don't worry about the clock wrapping around
    (> (- internal-time start-time) internal-units)))

(defmacro with-timeout-predicate (((predicate-fun old-predicate)
                                   (timeout-var timeout-val)) &body body)
  (let ((start-time (gensymbol "START-TIME"))
        (delta-time (gensymbol "DELTA-TIME")))
    `(let* ((,delta-time ,timeout-val) ;; Eval it only once...
            (,start-time (when  ,delta-time
            (,timeout-var nil))
       (flet ((,predicate-fun ()
                 (cond ((,old-predicate)
                       ((and ,delta-time
                             (time-elapsed-p ,delta-time ,start-time))
                        (setq ,timeout-var t)
                       (t nil))))

;;; Bindings on the stack.  A work in progress.
;;; Which Lisps support this?

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;; I suppose this could be done with IMPORT
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(defmacro with-stack-list ((var &rest elements) &body body)
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  `(scl:with-stack-list (,var ,@elements) ,@body))
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(defmacro with-stack-list* ((var &rest elements) &body body)
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  `(scl:with-stack-list* (,var ,@elements) ,@body))
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(defun-inline evacuate-list (list)
  (if (and (sys:%pointerp list)
	   (not (or (sys:%pointer-lessp list sys:%control-stack-low)
		    (sys:%pointer-lessp (progn #+3600  sys:%control-stack-limit
					       #+imach (sys:%read-internal-register
      (copy-list list)
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)	;#+Genera

(defmacro with-stack-list ((var &rest elements) &body body)
  `(sys::with-stack-list (,var ,@elements) ,@body))

(defmacro with-stack-list* ((var &rest elements) &body body)
  `(sys::with-stack-list* (,var ,@elements) ,@body))
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(defun-inline evacuate-list (list)
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  (if (logtest (the fixnum (sys::gcltype list)) sys::lo$k-_astack)
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      (copy-list list)
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)	;#+Cloe-Runtime
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(defmacro with-stack-list ((var &rest elements) &body body)
  `(let ((,var (list ,@elements)))
     (declare (dynamic-extent ,var))

(defmacro with-stack-list* ((var &rest elements) &body body)
  `(let ((,var (list* ,@elements)))
     (declare (dynamic-extent ,var))

#-(version>= 4 2 7)
  #+(and (target-class h r t) (version>= 4 1))
  ;; Hack to allow compiling CLIM without a dcl.
  (eval-when (eval compile)
    comp::(def-qc-ll-fcn qc-ll_<u :<u
		(qc-boolean-compare :ltu u target cc))))

  #+(and (target-class h) (version>= 4 1))
  (defun-inline evacuate-list (list)
    ;; the HP's stack grows toward higher memory
    (if (comp::ll :<u (comp::ll :glob-c-value 'sys::c_stackmax) list)
	(copy-list list)
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  #+(and (target-class r t) (version>= 4 1))
  (defun-inline evacuate-list (list)
    (if (comp::ll :<u (comp::ll :register :stack-pointer) list)
	(copy-list list)
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  #-(and (target-class h r t) (version>= 4 1))
  (defmacro evacuate-list (list) `,list)
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#+(version>= 4 2 7)
(defun-inline evacuate-list (list)
    ;; the HP's stack grows toward higher memory
    (if (excl::stack-allocated-p list)
	(copy-list list)
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)	;#+Allegro
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(defmacro with-stack-list ((var &rest elements) &body body)
  `(let ((,var (list ,@elements)))
     (declare (dynamic-extent ,var))

(defmacro with-stack-list* ((var &rest elements) &body body)
  `(let ((,var (list* ,@elements)))
     (declare (dynamic-extent ,var))

(defun evacuate-list (list)
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  ;;--- Dunno if this is the right function to be calling
  ;;--- but it seems to give the right answers.
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  (cond ((and (ccl::stack-area-endptr list)
              (listp list))
         (copy-list list))
        (t list)))
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)	;#+CCL-2
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#-(or Genera Cloe-Runtime Allegro CCL-2)
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(defmacro with-stack-list ((var &rest elements) &body body)
  `(let ((,var (list ,@elements)))

(defmacro with-stack-list* ((var &rest elements) &body body)
  `(let ((,var (list* ,@elements)))

;; Since with-stack-list does nothing, this doesn't either.
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;; When stack-consing works for non-Genera/Cloe, make this do something.
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(defmacro evacuate-list (list)
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)	;#-(or Genera Cloe-Runtime Allegro)
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(defmacro with-stack-array ((name size &rest options) &body body)
  `(sys:with-stack-array (,name ,size ,@options) ,@body))

(defmacro with-stack-array ((name size &rest options) &body body)
  `(let ((,name (make-stack-array ,size ,@options)))

#-Genera	;in case anybody wants to implement this...
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(defun-inline make-stack-array (size &rest options)
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  (declare (dynamic-extent options))
  (apply #'make-array size options))

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#+(or Genera Cloe-Runtime)
(defmacro with-keywords-removed ((new-list list keywords-to-remove) &body body)
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  (declare (zwei:indentation 0 3 1 1))
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  `(si::with-rem-keywords (,new-list ,list ,keywords-to-remove)

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#+(or Genera Cloe-Runtime)
(defun remove-keywords (list keywords-to-remove)
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  (si::rem-keywords list keywords-to-remove))

#-(or Genera Cloe-Runtime)
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(defmacro with-keywords-removed ((new-list list keywords-to-remove) &body body)
  `(let ((,new-list (remove-keywords ,list ,keywords-to-remove)))
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(defun remove-keywords (list keywords)
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  (macrolet ((remove-keywords-1 (name-var predicate-form)
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	       `(let ((head nil)
		      (tail nil))
		  (do ()
		      ((null list))
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		    (let ((,name-var (pop list))
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			  (value (pop list)))
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		      (unless ,predicate-form
			(setq tail (setq head (list ,name-var value)))
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		  (do ()
		      ((null list) head)
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		    (let ((,name-var (pop list))
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			  (value (pop list)))
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		      (unless ,predicate-form
			(setq tail (setf (cddr tail) (list ,name-var value)))))))))
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    (cond ((null list) nil)
	  ((null keywords) list)
	  ;; Special case: use EQ instead of MEMBER when only one keyword is supplied.
	  ((null (cdr keywords))
	   (let ((keyword (car keywords)))
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	     (remove-keywords-1 name (eq name keyword))))
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	   (remove-keywords-1 name (member name keywords))))))
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)	;#-(or Genera Cloe-Runtime)

;;; Generate a list of keyword information for a given type of keyword.
;;; This is a list of lists of the form:
;;;      (name init-value keyword supplied-p-var &optional accessor-name)
;;; We also put values for the TYPE property of the keywords according
;;; to the incrementor so we can detect these keywords quickly at
;;; runtime.  The value on the property is either some fixed value, an
;;; integer which increments once per keyword, or a member of a set.  We
;;; currently use this facility for defining drawing-state keywords and
;;; transform keywords.  See the files GRAPHICS-TRANSFORM-MIXIN and
;;; DRAWING-STATE-MIXIN for how it's used.

(defmacro define-keywords (name type (incrementor start) accessor-prefix
			   &body names-and-values &aux (offset 0))
  (flet ((counter-incrementor () (incf offset))
	 (member-incrementor () (pop start))
	 (value-incrementor  () start))
    (let ((keyword-stuff (mapcar #'(lambda (n&v)
				     `(,(first n&v) ,(second n&v)
				       ,(intern (string (first n&v)) *keyword-package*)
				       ,(gensymbol (first n&v) 'p)
				       ,@(when accessor-prefix
					   `(,(fintern "~A-~A" accessor-prefix (first n&v))))))
	  (incrementor (ecase incrementor
			 (counter #'counter-incrementor)
			 (member #'member-incrementor)
			 (value #'value-incrementor))))
      `(progn (defparameter ,name ',keyword-stuff)
	      ,@(when type
		  (mapcar #'(lambda (k)
			      `(setf (get ',(third k) ',type) ,(funcall incrementor)))

(defmacro writing-clauses (&body body)
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  (let ((clauses-var (gensymbol 'clauses)))
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    `(let ((,clauses-var nil))
       (macrolet ((clause (clause)
		    `(push ,clause ,',clauses-var)))
       (nreverse ,clauses-var))))

;;; Arglist tools

;; (flatten-arglist '(foo bar &optional baz (quux)
;; 		          &rest mumble
;; 		          &key frotz (trouble) ((:izzy the-cat))))
;; make-pass-on-arglist is the only caller
(defun flatten-arglist (arglist)
  (let ((new-arglist nil)
	(mode :positional))
    (dolist (arg-spec arglist)
      (cond ((listp arg-spec)
	     (case mode
		 (push (first arg-spec) new-arglist))
		 ;; deal with "(... &key ((:keyword var) default))" syntax
		 (let ((thing (first arg-spec)))
		   (push (if (listp thing)
			     (let ((name (first thing)))
			       (if (eq (symbol-package name) *keyword-package*)
				   (intern (symbol-name name))
	    ((member arg-spec '(&key &rest &optional))
	     (setq mode arg-spec)
	     (push arg-spec new-arglist))
	    (t (push arg-spec new-arglist))))
    (nreverse new-arglist)))

;; (make-pass-on-arglist '(foo bar &optional baz (quux)
;; 		          &rest mumble
;; 		          &key frotz (trouble) ((:izzy the-cat))))
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;; --- It looks like &REST and &KEY don't get along well here.  A big
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;; question in such a circumstane is who should be doing the defaulting?  
;; I.e., should this do the defaulting, by making the above arglist be
;; for apply, or should it let the eventual caller do the defaulting by
;; punting the defaulting here and just doing
;; for apply?  There are also interactions with &allow-other-keys that
;; aren't done here.  If this is for pass-on, then &allow-other-keys
;; implies an &rest beforehand, otherwise it is impossible to get all
;; the keys that are being passed on.  There's also the question of
;; whether &allow-other-keys here should put :allow-other-keys in the
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;; passed on call list.
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(defun make-pass-on-arglist (arglist)
  (let ((new-arglist nil)
	(fa (flatten-arglist arglist))
	(mode :positional)
	(apply-p nil))
    (do ((args fa (cdr args))
	 (original-args arglist (cdr original-args)))
	((null args) nil)
      (let ((arg (first args))
	    (arg-spec (first original-args)))
	(cond ((member arg '(&key &optional &rest))
	       (setq mode arg))
	      ((eq arg '&allow-other-keys)
	       (unless (eq mode '&key)
		 (error "~&&ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS must follow &KEY")))
	      (t (case mode
		     (let ((arg-name arg) (arg-var arg))
		       (cond ((and (listp arg-spec)
				   (listp (first arg-spec)))
			      (setq arg-name `',(first (first arg-spec)))
			      (setq arg-var (second (first arg-spec))))
			     (t (setq arg-name (intern (symbol-name arg) *keyword-package*))))
		       (push arg-name new-arglist)
		       (push arg-var new-arglist)))
		   (&rest (setq apply-p t)
			  (push arg new-arglist))
		   (t (push arg new-arglist)))))))
      (nreverse new-arglist)

(defun ignore-arglist (arglist)
  (flet ((lambda-list-element-compare (element and-option)
	   (and (atom element)
		(string= element and-option))))
    `(progn ,@(let ((args nil))
		(dolist (arg arglist)
		  ;; These various &keys may be in some other package.
		  (cond ((member arg '(&rest &downward-rest &key &allow-other-keys &optional)
				 :test #'lambda-list-element-compare)
			(t (push (cond ((atom arg) arg)
				       ((atom (car arg)) (car arg))
				       (t (cadar arg)))
			   (when (and (consp arg) (consp (cdr arg)) (consp (cddr arg)))
			     (push (third arg) args)))))
		(nreverse args))

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(defun canonicalize-and-match-lambda-lists (canonical-order user-specified 
					    &optional allow-user-keys)
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  (declare (values lambda-list ignores))
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  (check-type canonical-order list)
  (check-type user-specified list)
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  (let* ((new-lambda-list nil)
	 (ignores nil)
	 (rest-pos (or (position '&rest user-specified) (length user-specified)))
	 (key-pos (or (position '&key user-specified) rest-pos))
	 (rest-and-key (nthcdr (min rest-pos key-pos) user-specified)))
    (when allow-user-keys
      (setq user-specified (subseq user-specified 0 (min rest-pos key-pos))))
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    (flet ((user-var-symbol (entry)
	     ;; FOO | (FOO NIL) | ((:FOO BAR) NIL) | (FOO NIL FOO-P) | ((:FOO BAR) FOO-P) 
	     ;;--- We don't support the FOO-P syntax yet.
	     (cond ((atom entry)
		   ((atom (setq entry (first entry)))
		   (t (second entry))))
	   (user-var-name (entry)
	     ;; FOO | (FOO NIL) | ((:FOO BAR) NIL) | (FOO NIL FOO-P) | ((:FOO BAR) FOO-P) 
	     ;;--- We don't support the FOO-P syntax yet.
	     (cond ((atom entry)
		   ((atom (setq entry (first entry)))
		   (t (first entry)))))
      (declare (dynamic-extent #'user-var-symbol #'user-var-name))
      (dolist (canonical-var canonical-order)
	(let ((user-entry (first (member canonical-var user-specified
					 :test #'string-equal
					 :key #'user-var-name))))
	(cond (user-entry
	       (push (user-var-symbol user-entry) new-lambda-list)
	       (setq user-specified (remove user-entry user-specified)))
	      (t (let ((canonical-gensym (get canonical-var 'canonical-gensym)))
		   (unless canonical-gensym
		     (setq canonical-gensym (make-symbol (symbol-name canonical-var)))
		     (setf (get canonical-var 'canonical-gensym) canonical-gensym))
		   (push canonical-gensym new-lambda-list)
		   (push canonical-gensym ignores))))))
      (when (set-difference user-specified '(&key &allow-other-keys))
	(error "The arguments ~S aren't valid for this lambda list."
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      (values (if allow-user-keys 
		  (append (nreverse new-lambda-list) rest-and-key)
		  (nreverse new-lambda-list))
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	      (nreverse ignores)))))

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(defmacro defun-property ((symbol indicator) lambda-list &body body)
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  `(zl:::scl:defun (:property ,symbol ,indicator) ,lambda-list ,@body))
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(defmacro defun-property ((symbol indicator) lambda-list &body body)
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  (let ((function-name 
	  (make-symbol (lisp:format nil "~A-~A-~A" symbol indicator 'property))))
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    `(progn (defun ,function-name ,lambda-list ,@body)
	    (eval-when (load eval) (setf (get ',symbol ',indicator) #',function-name)))))

(defmacro do-delimited-substrings (((string &key (start 0) end)
				    (start-index-var end-index-var &optional char-var))
				   &body char-clauses)
  (let ((special-characters ())
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	(next-var (gensymbol 'next))
	(string-var (if (symbolp string) string (gensymbol 'string)))
	(end-var (gensymbol 'end))
	(char-var (or char-var (gensymbol 'the-char))))
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    (dolist (char-clause char-clauses)
      (let ((chars (first char-clause)))
	(if (atom chars)
	    (push chars special-characters)
	    (setf special-characters (nconc special-characters chars)))))
    `(,(if (eq string string-var) 'let 'let*)
	   ((,start-index-var ,start)
	   ,@(unless (eq string string-var)
	       `((,string-var ,string)))
	   (,end-var (or ,end (length ,string-var)))
	   (,end-index-var 0)
	   (,next-var nil)
	   ,@(when (cdr special-characters)
	       `((,char-var ,(car special-characters)))))
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       (declare (type fixnum ,start-index-var ,end-var ,end-index-var)
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		(type (or fixnum null) ,next-var)
		(character ,char-var))
	 (setf ,next-var ,(if (null (cdr special-characters))
			      `(position ,(first special-characters) ,string-var
					 :start ,start-index-var :end ,end-var)
			      `(flet ((char-in-set-p (set char) (find char set)))
				 (declare (dynamic-extent #'char-in-set-p))
				 (position ,(coerce special-characters 'string) ,string-var
					   :start ,start-index-var :end ,end-var
					   :test #'char-in-set-p))))
	 (setf ,end-index-var (or ,next-var ,end-var))
	 (when (null ,next-var) (return (values)))
	 ,@(when (cdr special-characters)
	     `((setf ,char-var (aref ,string-var ,next-var))))	;NOT svref
	 ,@(if (null (cdr char-clauses))
	       (cdr (first char-clauses))
	       `((case ,char-var
	 (setf ,start-index-var (1+ ,end-index-var))))))

;;; COMPILER-LET replacement from Dave Moon.

;;; Put a compile-time property into the lexical environment
;;; This macro is to be invoked in macro expansions
(defmacro with-compile-time-local-property (&environment env (indicator value) &body body)
  (let ((database (compile-time-local-property-database env)))
    (cond ((eq (getf database indicator body) body)
	   (setf database (list* indicator value database)))
	   (setf database (copy-list database))
	   (setf (getf database indicator) value)))
    ;; "Loosemore's Device"
    `(macrolet ((get-compile-time-local-property-1 () ',database))

;;; Retrieve a compile time property from the lexical environment
;;; This function is to be called from macro expanders
(defun get-compile-time-local-property (indicator env &optional default)
  (getf (compile-time-local-property-database env) indicator default))

(defun compile-time-local-property-database (env)
  (macroexpand-1 `(get-compile-time-local-property-1) env))

;;; This macro gets shadowed by MACROLET.  Its expansion is the database.
(defmacro get-compile-time-local-property-1 ()

#-(or Genera Cloe-Runtime)
(defvar *compile-time-property-table* (make-hash-table))

;;; Retrieve information from a database that only lasts through COMPILE-FILE
;;; Symbol doesn't have to be a symbol, it can be a class object
(defun compile-time-property (symbol indicator &optional default)
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  (multiple-value-bind (value flag)
      (compiler:file-declaration symbol indicator)
    (if flag value default))
  (when system::*file-declaration-environment*
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    (multiple-value-bind (value flag)
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	(clos-internals::file-declaration symbol indicator)
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      (if flag value default)))
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  (multiple-value-bind (value flag)
      (zl:::compiler:file-declaration symbol indicator)
    (if flag value default))
  #-(or Genera Cloe-Runtime Minima-Developer)
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  ;; For anything else, do it the dumb way that doesn't reset after compilation
  (let ((table (gethash indicator *compile-time-property-table*)))