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;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of CMU Common Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman or
  "$Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/code/format.lisp,v 1.15 1991/12/01 16:40:10 wlott Exp $")
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;;; **********************************************************************
;;; Functions to implement FORMAT and FORMATTER for CMU Common Lisp.
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;;; Written by William Lott, with lots of stuff stolen from the previous
;;; version by David Adam and later rewritten by Bill Maddox.
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(in-package "FORMAT")
(use-package "EXT")
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(in-package "LISP")
(export '(format formatter))

(in-package "FORMAT")

(deftype boolean ()
  '(member t nil))
(deftype index ()
  '(and unsigned-byte fixnum))

(defstruct (format-directive
	    (:print-function %print-format-directive))
  (string (required-argument) :type simple-string)
  (start (required-argument) :type (and unsigned-byte fixnum))
  (end (required-argument) :type (and unsigned-byte fixnum))
  (character (required-argument) :type base-character)
  (colonp nil :type (member t nil))
  (atsignp nil :type (member t nil))
  (params nil :type list))

(defun %print-format-directive (struct stream depth)
  (declare (ignore depth))
  (format stream "#<~A>"
	  (subseq (format-directive-string struct)
		  (format-directive-start struct)
		  (format-directive-end struct))))

(defvar *format-directive-expanders*
  (make-array char-code-limit :initial-element nil))
(defvar *format-directive-interpreters*
  (make-array char-code-limit :initial-element nil))

(defun %print-format-error (condition stream)
  (format stream
	  "~:[~;Error in format: ~]~
	   ~?~@[~%  ~A~%  ~V@T^~]"
	  (format-error-print-banner condition)
	  (format-error-complaint condition)
	  (format-error-arguments condition)
	  (format-error-control-string condition)
	  (format-error-offset condition)))

(defvar *default-format-error-control-string* nil)
(defvar *default-format-error-offset* nil)

(define-condition format-error (error)
  ((complaint (required-argument))
   (arguments nil)
   (control-string *default-format-error-control-string*)
   (offset *default-format-error-offset*)
   (print-banner t))
  (:report %print-format-error))
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(defun tokenize-control-string (string)
  (declare (simple-string string))
  (let ((index 0)
	(end (length string))
	(result nil))
      (let ((next-directive (or (position #\~ string :start index) end)))
	(when (> next-directive index)
	  (push (subseq string index next-directive) result))
	(when (= next-directive end)
	(let ((directive (parse-directive string next-directive)))
	  (push directive result)
	  (setf index (format-directive-end directive)))))
    (nreverse result)))

(defun parse-directive (string start)
  (let ((posn (1+ start)) (params nil) (colonp nil) (atsignp nil)
	(end (length string)))
    (flet ((get-char ()
	     (if (= posn end)
		 (error 'format-error
			:complaint "String ended before directive was found."
			:control-string string
			:offset start)
		 (schar string posn))))
	(let ((char (get-char)))
	  (cond ((or (char<= #\0 char #\9) (char= char #\+) (char= char #\-))
		     (param new-posn)
		     (parse-integer string :start posn :junk-allowed t)
		   (push (cons posn param) params)
		   (setf posn new-posn)
		   (case (get-char)
		     ((#\: #\@)
		      (decf posn))
		((or (char= char #\v) (char= char #\V))
		 (push (cons posn :arg) params)
		 (incf posn)
		 (case (get-char)
		   ((#\: #\@)
		    (decf posn))
		((char= char #\#)
		 (push (cons posn :remaining) params)
		 (incf posn)
		 (case (get-char)
		   ((#\: #\@)
		    (decf posn))
		((char= char #\')
		 (incf posn)
		 (push (cons posn (get-char)) params))
		 (push (cons (1- posn) nil) params))
		((char= char #\:)
		 (if colonp
		     (error 'format-error
			    :complaint "Too many colons supplied."
			    :control-string string
			    :offset posn)
		     (setf colonp t)))
		((char= char #\@)
		 (if atsignp
		     (error 'format-error
			    :complaint "Too many at-signs supplied."
			    :control-string string
			    :offset posn)
		     (setf atsignp t)))
		 (when (char= (schar string (1- posn)) #\,)
		   (push (cons (1- posn) nil) params))
	(incf posn))
      (let ((char (get-char)))
	(when (char= char #\/)
	  (let ((closing-slash (position #\/ string :start (1+ posn))))
	    (if closing-slash
		(setf posn closing-slash)
		(error 'format-error
		       :complaint "No matching closing slash."
		       :control-string string
		       :offset posn))))
	    :string string :start start :end (1+ posn)
	    :character (char-upcase char)
	    :colonp colonp :atsignp atsignp
	    :params (nreverse params))))))
(defun format (destination control-string &rest format-arguments)
  "Provides various facilities for formatting output.
  CONTROL-STRING contains a string to be output, possibly with embedded
  directives, which are flagged with the escape character \"~\".  Directives
  generally expand into additional text to be output, usually consuming one
  or more of the FORMAT-ARGUMENTS in the process.  A few useful directives
        ~A or ~nA     Prints one argument as if by PRINC
        ~S or ~nS     Prints one argument as if by PRIN1
        ~D or ~nD     Prints one argument as a decimal integer
        ~%            Does a TERPRI
        ~&            Does a FRESH-LINE

         where n is the width of the field in which the object is printed.
  DESTINATION controls where the result will go.  If DESTINATION is T, then
  the output is sent to the standard output stream.  If it is NIL, then the
  output is returned in a string as the value of the call.  Otherwise,
  DESTINATION must be a stream to which the output will be sent.

  Example:   (FORMAT NIL \"The answer is ~D.\" 10) => \"The answer is 10.\"

  FORMAT has many additional capabilities not described here.  Consult the
  manual for details."
  (etypecase destination
     (with-output-to-string (stream)
       (%format stream control-string format-arguments)))
     (with-output-to-string (stream destination)
       (%format stream control-string format-arguments)))
     (%format *standard-output* control-string format-arguments)
     (%format destination control-string format-arguments)

(defun %format (stream string-or-fun orig-args &optional (args orig-args))
  (if (functionp string-or-fun)
      (apply string-or-fun stream args)
      (catch 'up-and-out
	(let* ((string (etypecase string-or-fun
			  (coerce string-or-fun 'simple-string))))
	       (*default-format-error-control-string* string))
	  (interpret-directive-list stream (tokenize-control-string string)
				    orig-args args)))))

(defun interpret-directive-list (stream directives orig-args args)
  (if directives
      (let ((directive (car directives)))
	(etypecase directive
	   (write-string directive stream)
	   (interpret-directive-list stream (cdr directives) orig-args args))
	       (new-directives new-args)
	       (let ((function
		      (svref *format-directive-interpreters*
			     (char-code (format-directive-character
		      (1- (format-directive-end directive))))
		 (unless function
		   (error 'format-error
			  :complaint "Unknown format directive."))
		     (new-directives new-args)
		     (funcall function stream directive
			      (cdr directives) orig-args args)
		   (values new-directives new-args)))
	     (interpret-directive-list stream new-directives
				       orig-args new-args)))))
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(defmacro formatter (control-string)
  `#',(%formatter control-string))
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(defun %formatter (control-string)
  `(lambda (stream &rest orig-args)
     (let ((args orig-args))
       ,(expand-control-string control-string)
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(eval-when (compile load eval)
  (defvar *current-directive-offset* nil))
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(defun expand-control-string (string)
  (let* ((string (etypecase string
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		    (coerce string 'simple-string))))
	 (*default-format-error-control-string* string)
	 (directives (tokenize-control-string string)))
    `(let ((*default-format-error-control-string* ',string))
       (block nil
	 ,@(expand-directive-list directives)))))

(defun expand-directive-list (directives)
  (let ((results nil)
	(remaining-directives directives))
      (unless remaining-directives
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	  (form new-directives)
	  (expand-directive (car remaining-directives)
			    (cdr remaining-directives))
	(push form results)
	(setf remaining-directives new-directives)))
    (reverse results)))

(defun expand-directive (directive more-directives)
  (etypecase directive
     (let ((expander
	    (aref *format-directive-expanders*
		  (char-code (format-directive-character directive)))))
       (if expander
	   (let* ((offset (1- (format-directive-end directive)))
		  (*default-format-error-offset* offset))
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		 (form directives)
		 (funcall expander directive more-directives)
	       (values `(compiler-let
			    ((*current-directive-offset* ',offset))
	   (error 'format-error
		  :complaint "Unknown directive."
		  :control-string (format-directive-string directive)
		  :offset (1- (format-directive-end directive))))))
     (values `(write-string ,directive stream)
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;;;; Format directive definition macros and runtime support.

(eval-when (compile eval)

(defmacro next-arg (&optional offset)
  `(if args
       (pop args)
       (error 'format-error
	      :complaint "No more arguments."
	      ,@(when (or offset *current-directive-offset*)
		  `(:offset ,(or offset *current-directive-offset*))))))

(defmacro def-complex-format-directive (char lambda-list &body body)
  (let ((defun-name (intern (format nil "~:@(~:C~)-FORMAT-DIRECTIVE-EXPANDER"
	(directive (gensym))
	(directives (if lambda-list (car (last lambda-list)) (gensym))))
       (defun ,defun-name (,directive ,directives)
	 ,@(if lambda-list
	       `((let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (var)
				     (,(intern (concatenate
						(symbol-name var))
					       (symbol-package 'foo))
			       (butlast lambda-list))
	       `((declare (ignore ,directive ,directives))
       (%set-format-directive-expander ,char #',defun-name))))

(defmacro def-format-directive (char lambda-list &body body)
  (let ((directives (gensym))
	(declarations nil)
	(body-without-decls body))
      (let ((form (car body-without-decls)))
	(unless (and (consp form) (eq (car form) 'declare))
	(push (pop body-without-decls) declarations)))
    (setf declarations (reverse declarations))
    `(def-complex-format-directive ,char (,@lambda-list ,directives)
       (values (progn ,@body-without-decls)

(defmacro expand-bind-defaults (specs params &body body)
  (once-only ((params params))
    (collect ((expander-bindings) (runtime-bindings))
      (dolist (spec specs)
	(destructuring-bind (var default) spec
	  (let ((symbol (gensym)))
	     `(,var ',symbol))
	     `(list ',symbol
		    (let* ((param-and-offset (pop ,params))
			   (offset (car param-and-offset))
			   (param (cdr param-and-offset)))
			(:arg `(or (next-arg ,offset) ,,default))
			(:remaining '(length args))
			((nil) ,default)
			(t param))))))))
      `(let ,(expander-bindings)
	 `(let ,(list ,@(runtime-bindings))
	    ,@(if ,params
		  (error 'format-error
			 "Too many parameters, expected no more than ~D"
			 :arguments (list ,(length specs))
			 :offset (caar ,params)))

(defmacro def-complex-format-interpreter (char lambda-list &body body)
  (let ((defun-name
	    (intern (format nil "~:@(~:C~)-FORMAT-DIRECTIVE-INTERPRETER"
	(directive (gensym))
	(directives (if lambda-list (car (last lambda-list)) (gensym))))
       (defun ,defun-name (stream ,directive ,directives orig-args args)
	 (declare (ignorable stream orig-args args))
	 ,@(if lambda-list
	       `((let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (var)
				     (,(intern (concatenate
						(symbol-name var))
					       (symbol-package 'foo))
			       (butlast lambda-list))
		   (values (progn ,@body) args)))
	       `((declare (ignore ,directive ,directives))
       (%set-format-directive-interpreter ,char #',defun-name))))

(defmacro def-format-interpreter (char lambda-list &body body)
  (let ((directives (gensym)))
    `(def-complex-format-interpreter ,char (,@lambda-list ,directives)

(defmacro interpret-bind-defaults (specs params &body body)
  (once-only ((params params))
    (collect ((bindings))
      (dolist (spec specs)
	(destructuring-bind (var default) spec
	  (bindings `(,var (let* ((param-and-offset (pop ,params))
				  (offset (car param-and-offset))
				  (param (cdr param-and-offset)))
			     (case param
			       (:arg (next-arg offset))
			       (:remaining (length args))
			       ((nil) ,default)
			       (t param)))))))
      `(let* ,(bindings)
	 (when ,params
	   (error 'format-error
		  "Too many parameters, expected no more than ~D"
		  :arguments (list ,(length specs))
		  :offset (caar ,params)))

); eval-when

(defun %set-format-directive-expander (char fn)
  (setf (aref *format-directive-expanders* (char-code (char-upcase char))) fn)

(defun %set-format-directive-interpreter (char fn)
  (setf (aref *format-directive-interpreters*
	      (char-code (char-upcase char)))

(defun find-directive (directives kind stop-at-semi)
  (if directives
      (let ((next (car directives)))
	(if (format-directive-p next)
	    (let ((char (format-directive-character next)))
	      (if (or (char= kind char)
		      (and stop-at-semi (char= char #\;)))
		  (car directives)
		   (cdr (flet ((after (char)
				 (member (find-directive (cdr directives)
			  (case char
			    (#\( (after #\)))
			    (#\< (after #\>))
			    (#\[ (after #\]))
			    (#\{ (after #\}))
			    (t directives))))
		   kind stop-at-semi)))
	    (find-directive (cdr directives) kind stop-at-semi)))))

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;;;; Simple outputting noise.

(defun format-write-field (stream string mincol colinc minpad padchar padleft)
  (unless padleft
    (write-string string stream))
  (dotimes (i minpad)
    (write-char padchar stream))
  (do ((chars (+ (length string) minpad) (+ chars colinc)))
      ((>= chars mincol))
    (dotimes (i colinc)
      (write-char padchar stream)))
  (when padleft
    (write-string string stream)))
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(defun format-princ (stream arg colonp atsignp mincol colinc minpad padchar)
  (format-write-field stream
		      (if (or arg (not colonp))
			  (princ-to-string arg)
		      mincol colinc minpad padchar atsignp))

(def-format-directive #\A (colonp atsignp params)
  (if params
      (expand-bind-defaults ((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0) (padchar #\space))
	`(format-princ stream (next-arg) ',colonp ',atsignp
		       ,mincol ,colinc ,minpad ,padchar))
      `(princ ,(if colonp '(or (next-arg) "()") '(next-arg)) stream)))

(def-format-interpreter #\A (colonp atsignp params)
  (if params
      (interpret-bind-defaults ((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0) (padchar #\space))
	(format-princ stream (next-arg) colonp atsignp
		      mincol colinc minpad padchar))
      (princ (if colonp (or (next-arg) "()") (next-arg)) stream)))

(defun format-prin1 (stream arg colonp atsignp mincol colinc minpad padchar)
  (format-write-field stream
		      (if (or arg (not colonp))
			  (prin1-to-string arg)
		      mincol colinc minpad padchar atsignp))

(def-format-directive #\S (colonp atsignp params)
  (cond (params
	 (expand-bind-defaults ((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0) (padchar #\space))
	   `(format-prin1 stream (next-arg) ,colonp ,atsignp
			  ,mincol ,colinc ,minpad ,padchar)))
	 `(let ((arg (next-arg)))
	    (if arg
		(prin1 arg stream)
		(princ "()" stream))))
	 '(prin1 (next-arg) stream))))

(def-format-interpreter #\S (colonp atsignp params)
  (cond (params
	 (interpret-bind-defaults ((mincol 0) (colinc 1) (minpad 0) (padchar #\space))
	   (format-prin1 stream (next-arg) colonp atsignp
			 mincol colinc minpad padchar)))
	 (let ((arg (next-arg)))
	   (if arg
	       (prin1 arg stream)
	       (princ "()" stream))))
	 (prin1 (next-arg) stream))))

(def-format-directive #\C (colonp atsignp params)
  (expand-bind-defaults () params
    (if colonp
	'(format-print-named-character (next-arg) stream)
	(if atsignp
	    '(prin1 (next-arg) stream)
	    '(write-char (next-arg) stream)))))

(def-format-interpreter #\C (colonp atsignp params)
  (interpret-bind-defaults () params
    (if colonp
	(format-print-named-character (next-arg) stream)
	(if atsignp
	    (prin1 (next-arg) stream)
	    (write-char (next-arg) stream)))))

(defun format-print-named-character (char stream)
  (let* ((name (char-name char)))
    (cond (name
	   (write-string (string-capitalize name) stream))
	  ((<= 0 (char-code char) 31)
	   ;; Print control characters as "^"<char>
	   (write-char #\^ stream)
	   (write-char (code-char (+ 64 (char-code char))) stream))
	   (write-char char stream)))))

(def-format-directive #\W (colonp atsignp params)
  (expand-bind-defaults () params
    `(write (next-arg) :stream stream
	    ,@(when colonp
		'(:pretty t))
	    ,@(when atsignp
		'(:level nil :length nil)))))

(def-format-interpreter #\W (colonp atsignp params)
  (interpret-bind-defaults () params
    (let ((*print-pretty* (or colonp *print-pretty*))
	  (*print-level* (and atsignp *print-level*))
	  (*print-length* (and atsignp *print-length*)))
      (write (next-arg) :stream stream))))

;;;; Integer outputting.

;;; FORMAT-PRINT-NUMBER does most of the work for the numeric printing
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;;; directives.  The parameters are interpreted as defined for ~D.
(defun format-print-integer (number stream print-commas-p print-sign-p
			     radix mincol padchar commachar commainterval)
  (let ((*print-base* radix)
	(*print-radix* nil))
    (if (integerp number)
	(let* ((text (princ-to-string (abs number)))
	       (commaed (if print-commas-p
			    (format-add-commas text commachar commainterval)
	       (signed (cond ((minusp number)
			      (concatenate 'string "-" commaed))
			      (concatenate 'string "+" commaed))
			     (t commaed))))
	  ;; colinc = 1, minpad = 0, padleft = t
	  (format-write-field stream signed mincol 1 0 padchar t))
	(princ number))))

(defun format-add-commas (string commachar commainterval)
  (let ((length (length string)))
    (multiple-value-bind (commas extra)
			 (truncate (1- length) commainterval)
      (let ((new-string (make-string (+ length commas)))
	    (first-comma (1+ extra)))
	(replace new-string string :end1 first-comma :end2 first-comma)
	(do ((src first-comma (+ src commainterval))
	     (dst first-comma (+ dst commainterval 1)))
	    ((= src length))
	  (setf (schar new-string dst) commachar)
	  (replace new-string string :start1 (1+ dst)
		   :start2 src :end2 (+ src commainterval)))
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(defun expand-format-integer (base colonp atsignp params)
  (if (or colonp atsignp params)
	  ((mincol 0) (padchar #\space) (commachar #\,) (commainterval 3))
	`(format-print-integer stream (next-arg) ,colonp ,atsignp ,base ,mincol
			       ,padchar ,commachar ,commainterval))
      `(write (next-arg) :stream stream :base ,base :radix nil :escape nil)))

(defmacro interpret-format-integer (base)
  `(if (or colonp atsignp params)
	   ((mincol 0) (padchar #\space) (commachar #\,) (commainterval 3))
	 (format-print-integer stream (next-arg) colonp atsignp ,base mincol
			       padchar commachar commainterval))
       (write (next-arg) :stream stream :base ,base :radix nil :escape nil)))
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(def-format-directive #\D (colonp atsignp params)
  (expand-format-integer 10 colonp atsignp params))

(def-format-interpreter #\D (colonp atsignp params)
  (interpret-format-integer 10))

(def-format-directive #\B (colonp atsignp params)
  (expand-format-integer 2 colonp atsignp params))

(def-format-interpreter #\B (colonp atsignp params)
  (interpret-format-integer 2))

(def-format-directive #\O (colonp atsignp params)
  (expand-format-integer 8 colonp atsignp params))

(def-format-interpreter #\O (colonp atsignp params)
  (interpret-format-integer 8))

(def-format-directive #\X (colonp atsignp params)
  (expand-format-integer 16 colonp atsignp params))

(def-format-interpreter #\X (colonp atsignp params)
  (interpret-format-integer 16))

(def-format-directive #\R (colonp atsignp params)
  (if params
	  ((base 10) (mincol 0) (padchar #\space) (commachar #\,)
	   (commainterval 3))
	`(format-print-integer stream (next-arg) ,colonp ,atsignp ,base ,mincol
			       ,padchar ,commachar ,commainterval))
      (if atsignp
	  (if colonp
	      '(format-print-old-roman stream (next-arg))
	      '(format-print-roman stream (next-arg)))
	  (if colonp
	      '(format-print-ordinal stream (next-arg))
	      '(format-print-cardinal stream (next-arg))))))

(def-format-interpreter #\R (colonp atsignp params)
  (if params
	  ((base 10) (mincol 0) (padchar #\space) (commachar #\,)
	   (commainterval 3))
	(format-print-integer stream (next-arg) colonp atsignp base mincol
			      padchar commachar commainterval))
      (if atsignp
	  (if colonp
	      (format-print-old-roman stream (next-arg))
	      (format-print-roman stream (next-arg)))
	  (if colonp
	      (format-print-ordinal stream (next-arg))
	      (format-print-cardinal stream (next-arg))))))

(defconstant cardinal-ones
  #(nil "one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine"))

(defconstant cardinal-tens
  #(nil nil "twenty" "thirty" "forty"
	"fifty" "sixty" "seventy" "eighty" "ninety"))

(defconstant cardinal-teens
  #("ten" "eleven" "twelve" "thirteen" "fourteen"  ;;; RAD
    "fifteen" "sixteen" "seventeen" "eighteen" "nineteen"))

(defconstant cardinal-periods
  #("" " thousand" " million" " billion" " trillion" " quadrillion"
    " quintillion" " sextillion" " septillion" " octillion" " nonillion"
    " decillion"))

(defconstant ordinal-ones
  #(nil "first" "second" "third" "fourth"
	"fifth" "sixth" "seventh" "eighth" "ninth")
  "Table of ordinal ones-place digits in English")

(defconstant ordinal-tens 
  #(nil "tenth" "twentieth" "thirtieth" "fortieth"
	"fiftieth" "sixtieth" "seventieth" "eightieth" "ninetieth")
  "Table of ordinal tens-place digits in English")

(defun format-print-small-cardinal (stream n)
      (hundreds rem) (truncate n 100)
    (when (plusp hundreds)
      (write-string (svref cardinal-ones hundreds) stream)
      (write-string " hundred" stream)
      (when (plusp rem)
	(write-char #\space stream)))
    (when (plusp rem)
      (multiple-value-bind (tens ones)
			   (truncate rem 10)
       (cond ((< 1 tens)
	      (write-string (svref cardinal-tens tens) stream)
	      (when (plusp ones)
		(write-char #\- stream)
		(write-string (svref cardinal-ones ones) stream)))
	     ((= tens 1)
	      (write-string (svref cardinal-teens ones) stream))
	     ((plusp ones)
	      (write-string (svref cardinal-ones ones) stream)))))))

(defun format-print-cardinal (stream n)
  (cond ((minusp n)
	 (write-string "negative " stream)
	 (format-print-cardinal-aux stream (- n) 0 n))
	((zerop n)
	 (write-string "zero" stream))
	 (format-print-cardinal-aux stream n 0 n))))

(defun format-print-cardinal-aux (stream n period err)
  (multiple-value-bind (beyond here) (truncate n 1000)
    (unless (<= period 10)
      (error "Number too large to print in English: ~:D" err))
    (unless (zerop beyond)
      (format-print-cardinal-aux stream beyond (1+ period) err))
    (unless (zerop here)
      (unless (zerop beyond)
	(write-char #\space stream))
      (format-print-small-cardinal stream here)
      (write-string (svref cardinal-periods period) stream))))

(defun format-print-ordinal (stream n)
  (when (minusp n)
    (write-string "negative " stream))
  (let ((number (abs n)))
	(top bot) (truncate number 100)
      (unless (zerop top)
	(format-print-cardinal stream (- number bot)))
      (when (and (plusp top) (plusp bot))
	(write-char #\space stream))
	  (tens ones) (truncate bot 10)
	(cond ((= bot 12) (write-string "twelfth" stream))
	      ((= tens 1)
	       (write-string (svref cardinal-teens ones) stream);;;RAD
	       (write-string "th" stream))
	      ((and (zerop tens) (plusp ones))
	       (write-string (svref ordinal-ones ones) stream))
	      ((and (zerop ones)(plusp tens))
	       (write-string (svref ordinal-tens tens) stream))
	      ((plusp bot)
	       (write-string (svref cardinal-tens tens) stream)
	       (write-char #\- stream)
	       (write-string (svref ordinal-ones ones) stream))
	      ((plusp number)
	       (write-string "th" stream))
	       (write-string "zeroeth" stream)))))))

;;; Print Roman numerals

(defun format-print-old-roman (stream n)
  (unless (< 0 n 5000)
    (error "Number too large to print in old Roman numerals: ~:D" n))
  (do ((char-list '(#\D #\C #\L #\X #\V #\I) (cdr char-list))
       (val-list '(500 100 50 10 5 1) (cdr val-list))
       (cur-char #\M (car char-list))
       (cur-val 1000 (car val-list))
       (start n (do ((i start (progn
				(write-char cur-char stream)
				(- i cur-val))))
		    ((< i cur-val) i))))
      ((zerop start))))

(defun format-print-roman (stream n)
  (unless (< 0 n 4000)
    (error "Number too large to print in Roman numerals: ~:D" n))
  (do ((char-list '(#\D #\C #\L #\X #\V #\I) (cdr char-list))
       (val-list '(500 100 50 10 5 1) (cdr val-list))
       (sub-chars '(#\C #\X #\X #\I #\I) (cdr sub-chars))
       (sub-val '(100 10 10 1 1 0) (cdr sub-val))
       (cur-char #\M (car char-list))
       (cur-val 1000 (car val-list))
       (cur-sub-char #\C (car sub-chars))
       (cur-sub-val 100 (car sub-val))
       (start n (do ((i start (progn
				(write-char cur-char stream)
				(- i cur-val))))
		    ((< i cur-val)
		     (cond ((<= (- cur-val cur-sub-val) i)
			    (write-char cur-sub-char stream)
			    (write-char cur-char stream)
			    (- i (- cur-val cur-sub-val)))
			   (t i))))))
	  ((zerop start))))

;;;; Plural.

(def-format-directive #\P (colonp atsignp params end)
  (expand-bind-defaults () params
			       :complaint "No previous argument."
			       :offset ,(1- end))
			(do ((arg-ptr orig-args (cdr arg-ptr)))
			    ((eq (cdr arg-ptr) args)
			     (car arg-ptr))))
      (if atsignp
	  `(write-string (if (eql ,arg 1) "y" "ies") stream)
	  `(unless (eql ,arg 1) (write-char #\s stream))))))

(def-format-interpreter #\P (colonp atsignp params)
  (interpret-bind-defaults () params
    (let ((arg (if colonp
		   (if (eq orig-args args)
		       (error 'format-error
			      :complaint "No previous argument.")
		       (do ((arg-ptr orig-args (cdr arg-ptr)))
			   ((eq (cdr arg-ptr) args)
			    (car arg-ptr))))
      (if atsignp
	  (write-string (if (eql arg 1) "y" "ies") stream)
	  (unless (eql arg 1) (write-char #\s stream))))))

(def-format-directive #\F (colonp atsignp params)
  (when colonp
    (error 'format-error
	   "Cannot specify the colon modifier with this directive."))
  (expand-bind-defaults ((w nil) (d nil) (k nil) (ovf nil) (pad #\space)) params
    `(format-fixed stream (next-arg) ,w ,d ,k ,ovf ,pad ,atsignp)))

(def-format-interpreter #\F (colonp atsignp params)
  (when colonp
    (error 'format-error
	   "Cannot specify the colon modifier with this directive."))
  (interpret-bind-defaults ((w nil) (d nil) (k nil) (ovf nil) (pad #\space)) params
    (format-fixed stream (next-arg) w d k ovf pad atsignp)))

(defun format-fixed (stream number w d k ovf pad atsign)
  (if (floatp number)
      (format-fixed-aux stream number w d k ovf pad atsign)
      (if (rationalp number)
	  (format-fixed-aux stream
			    (coerce number 'single-float)
			    w d k ovf pad atsign)
	  (let ((*print-base* 10))
	    (format-write-field stream
				(princ-to-string number)
				w 1 0 #\space t)))))
ram's avatar
ram committed

;;; We return true if we overflowed, so that ~G can output the overflow char
;;; instead of spaces.
(defun format-fixed-aux (stream number w d k ovf pad atsign)
   ((not (or w d))
    (let ((spaceleft w))
      (when (and w (or atsign (minusp number))) (decf spaceleft))
	  (str len lpoint tpoint)
	  (lisp::flonum-to-string (abs number) spaceleft d k)
	;;if caller specifically requested no fraction digits, suppress the
	;;optional trailing zero
	(when (and d (zerop d)) (setq tpoint nil))
	(when w 
	  (decf spaceleft len)
	  ;;optional leading zero
	  (when lpoint
	    (if (or (> spaceleft 0) tpoint) ;force at least one digit
		(decf spaceleft)
		(setq lpoint nil)))
ram's avatar
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	  ;;optional trailing zero
	  (when tpoint
	    (if (> spaceleft 0)
		(decf spaceleft)
		(setq tpoint nil))))
	(cond ((and w (< spaceleft 0) ovf)
	       ;;field width overflow
	       (dotimes (i w) (write-char ovf stream))
	       (when w (dotimes (i spaceleft) (write-char pad stream)))
	       (if (minusp number)
		   (write-char #\- stream)
		   (if atsign (write-char #\+ stream)))
	       (when lpoint (write-char #\0 stream))
	       (write-string str stream)
	       (when tpoint (write-char #\0 stream))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(def-format-directive #\E (colonp atsignp params)
  (when colonp
    (error 'format-error
	   "Cannot specify the colon modifier with this directive."))
      ((w nil) (d nil) (e nil) (k 1) (ovf nil) (pad #\space) (mark nil))
    `(format-exponential stream (next-arg) ,w ,d ,e ,k ,ovf ,pad ,mark

(def-format-interpreter #\E (colonp atsignp params)
  (when colonp
    (error 'format-error
	   "Cannot specify the colon modifier with this directive."))
      ((w nil) (d nil) (e nil) (k 1) (ovf nil) (pad #\space) (mark nil))
    (format-exponential stream (next-arg) w d e k ovf pad mark atsignp)))

(defun format-exponential (stream number w d e k ovf pad marker atsign)
  (if (floatp number)
      (format-exp-aux stream number w d e k ovf pad marker atsign)
      (if (rationalp number)
	  (format-exp-aux stream
			  (coerce number 'single-float)
			  w d e k ovf pad marker atsign)
	  (let ((*print-base* 10))
	    (format-write-field stream
				(princ-to-string number)
				w 1 0 #\space t)))))
ram's avatar
ram committed

(defun format-exponent-marker (number)
  (if (typep number *read-default-float-format*)
ram's avatar
ram committed
      (typecase number
	(single-float #\f)
	(double-float #\d)
	(short-float #\s)